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Originally published on February 14, 2004 on Classic BC
Bobby, an older man somewhat wounded by life, meets up with three amazing women on the way to Vegas. He learns about playing poker with strangers.
Variations On A
Busted Flush In Spades
By Tyrone Slothrop
Bobby Billings found himself in the usual airport mode. Killing time waiting for word on the next flight out. The snow was not coming down only because it was traveling sideways. Love the Midwest in winter. He was at least comfortable in the rented conference room in the airline club. He had a stocked bar, plenty of ice and at least four hours to kill. He had just closed the 'Toughest Frigging Account' in the central sales region and he wanted to celebrate. He just did not plan on doing it here. Alone. He looked at the boarding pass for the first class seat to Vegas and could feel it vanishing before his eyes. He knew the airlines had gone to electronic tickets primarily to convince people that their promise to fly on time to your planned destination was only virtual, a mere will o' the wisp. You could not even say it was not worth the paper it was printed on. Not even that, any more.
Bobby had the blinds open so the main club area was visible but he had not been paying attention. He heard a tapping on the window and looked up.
There was what Bobby called 'a really fine looking woman' tapping on the glass trying to get his attention. Her smiled radiated warmth and friendliness. She was with two other women and they were all well dressed and around forty. A blonde, a brunette and a redhead. Looking past them, Bobby found that the club was bulging with people, obviously all victims of flight delay. He got up and opened the door.
"What can I do for you, Miss?" Bobby said, his Sales Charm coming on automatically. He figured that any woman who objected being called 'Miss' in a situation like this was not worth talking to for at least a few years. Bobby liked women. He had a wonderful marriage for sixteen years, one with mutual fidelity and a really deep love, with two kids and a dog. Sixteen years of shared experiences with June. She had died a lingering death over three months. That was six years ago. The kids were on their own and the dog was with June now.
"Excuse me. We were looking for a place to sit and it's a madhouse out here. We saw you here all alone and figured your meeting must be over, so we were wondering if we could please borrow some chairs? If it isn't too much trouble?" The woman said. Bobby found her voice pleasant and her request quite reasonable.
"I'm sorry, I've been daydreaming. I hadn't noticed what was going on. Please, come in, be my guest. I have plenty of room here." Bobby said. He always came across as sincere, which was very effective in a sales position. His management asked him how he did it and he always said he came across sincere because he was sincere. They did not get it and always laughed, like people do when confronted with an anomaly they wish would just go away. His sincerity must have convinced the three women, because after the usual 'No, we didn't mean to intrude, No we don't want to disturb you, You probably don't want us bothering you' protestations, Bobby was insistent and they came in. There were four chairs around the circular table and Bobby insisted on taking coats and seating each woman. While the getting settled chatter and purse fumbling was underway, Bobby took a five second look at his fellow strandees.
They were comfortable with being fortyish and that comfort translated into a sophisticated and feminine look Bobby saw them and he would have said they looked healthy and full of life. In younger or more sophisticated circles, they would have been considered fat or that deadly word 'mature'. The artists Rubens or the more current Vargas would have loved them. Thirty years ago, they could have been almost centerfolds, all pleasing and full curves. They had come to terms with their wrinkles, deciding that what reasonable makeup would cover was within the allowable rules, but life was too short to worry about anything else, If it showed, it showed. They were dressed in expensive suits which emphasized all of their strong points without being trashy. Bobby liked them based on information to date. Some people just make you smile.
Bobby was on the thick side himself, not bad looking and he still had his full head of black hair. No six pack abs and not worried, at least not much of a gut. When it got bigger than he wanted, he got rid of it. Simple. At forty two he had some mileage on him. No bad looking and comfortable in his skin, all six feet of it.
"Hello Ladies and welcome to our refuge. Before we get started may I offer anyone a drink? Then we can do proper introductions."
They all drank scotch and were impressed when Booby poured the Glenlivet. They weren't stuffy about it as they took it over ice. Bobby's preferred beverage. He felt it was better to drink one or two really fine drinks sparingly than sloshing it down for effect. It was the difference between enjoying a fine smoky taste versus medicating yourself.
They were April, May and Julie and were on the same plane as he was. Three babes on the way to Vegas for a week of fun. Being the same approximate age makes it easier to find mutual points of conversation when you are strangers.
They also sipped their scotch. Same approach to life.
They talked about flying, airports and Vegas. Various travel horror stories.
Then the group got down to who they were. Life stories.
Bobby learned that they had all found each other at various resorts. All were divorced and were capable businesswomen, building their marriage settlements into thriving enterprises. All had been dumped 'for skinny children' as they said. Bobby assumed their husbands must have been idiots. The kind who drank to get drunk. No capacity for enjoying the quality of another person, just wanting a hot chick. Bobby knew thousands of them. The best thing was they were not bitter, at least not any more. Getting on and enjoying life. Plus, they had each other and seemed to really have a good time together.
"Bobby, do you miss her? Your wife?" Julie asked, looking at him with a concerned look. Bobby knew it was his turn to tell his tale.
He held up a finger to indicate a pause, got up and refreshed the Glenlivet.
"My wife died six years ago. I assumed you guessed that." He said.
"You refer to her in the past tense. But you do it lovingly. It's pretty obvious." Julie said. April and May nodded.
"Okay. Yes I miss her. We had sixteen really close years. Towards the end she told me I had two years to mourn her and then if I didn't remarry or shack up with someone, she would never forgive me. After her, dating or just for sex stuff seemed pretty thin. I needed a real person. She had pretty much ruined me for one night stands. Last year I thought I had someone, but wasn't sure. I was right not to be sure. She was screwing around with my boss. She thought it was weird I cared about that. She told me we were a couple, and he was just some career plan. I told her to get more focused on her career. So now I'm off to Vegas for a week, a town where you can really comfortably be alone. The kids are great but they're all over the country. " He hadn't told this story to anybody, not like this. But these four people had a lot of life behind them and they all knew in their guts what this stuff meant. Plus, sometimes it is easier to talk to strangers.
The ice had been broken and they were getting comfortable. The girls took their heels off, Bobby loosened his tie. Someone looked out at the flight status screen. Three hours at least.
April took out a deck of cards and dealt out seven card stud. May took a box of push pins and declared various values by color. They played the first half hour to feel out styles of play. They had no tells that Bobby could spot. They were good, but this was a friendly game and they kept it that way. He took a break and went to the men's room for about ten minutes. It was crowded and guys hate lines in public restrooms. But he waited. No choice.
When Bobby returned, the blinds were closed. Julie handed him a scotch. He tried to decline, but Julie said to please indulge her, plus he might need it. Bobby sat down with the single malt in his hand.
May began "Bobby, we really like you and we would like to spend some time in Vegas together." She held up her hand to keep him from breaking in. " But first let me talk. We party really well in that town, but the crowd we mix with is strictly women. We have had as much luck with men as you have had with women since June. So we have a proposition for you. If you could appear more like us, we would show you a really good time and we think offer good companionship. Follow me?"
Bobby was smiling. This was truly a new experience. Invited to an all girl Vegas party with three great gals. "I've never gone for drag, but I appreciate the invitation. I really like you girls. I haven't had conversations like this for a while." He widened his smile and added "Plus I would look terrible in your outfits."
"I understand. We know this isn"t natural for you but we are not talking about just throwing a dress on you. We have some powers and are willing to make you fit right in. No one would know but us. You have fun for a week and go back to your life." April was animated, Bobby was now really intrigued. Powers?
"So what exactly are you proposing? You have some kind of supernatural thing going on? Come on, sell me. " Bobby said. He was totally convinced they were just setting up a game, some playing around.
"Remember, Bobby, 'Witch' is only one letter removed from 'Bitch'. Rather than try to get you to believe us, lets play some more poker. Here's the deal- we play for clothing, head to head. Two hands dealt. Each time we win a pot, you offer an item of clothing to our side. When you win a pot, one of us offers up an item to you. We play until you are convinced we can bring you with us to Vegas. You can stop at any time and call the whole thing off. Worst case we have some laughs while we wait for the plane." Julie pitched and she was good. Eye contact. Bobby felt he could get lost in her eyes. He didn't know why but nodded agreement. Life had been boring and a game of strip poker could be fun. They seemed non threatening enough. What the hell.
May was the first to play. Five card draw. Bobby lost his shirt in the opening hand. The girls won the next four hands, leaving Bobby playing in his undershirt, briefs and socks.
"You are looking fine, Bobby." Julie grinned.
Bobby was a good player and he had an even temper. Losing was part of life at times. "Just wait, Julie, the cards can turn. I know you will be looking fine real soon."
Bobby picked the next hand with three of a kind over two pair. Julie giggled and stood up. "I've been waiting for this. I hoped you'd win soon so I could get this off." She stepped out of a high waisted girdle after disconnecting her stockings from the garters and made the first deposit to Bobby's winnings pile.
"That feels good." Julie sighed, Bobby noticed she had spread out just a bit in the rear but still looked great. He was amazed at how unselfconscious these women were with him. As Julie was about to set the girdle down on the table, he was thinking about how his belly needed trimming again, about an inch or two. Just as the garment hit the table he felt a little twinge and then continued his thought. Good thing my belly is fine, but my hips and butt need to lose an inch or two. He settled into his seat, glad he was wearing one of his looser girdles.
Bobby lost his undershirt to May. And won April's camisole. As Bobby was about to deal to Julie he had to adjust his thin shoulder strap that had moved out of position. Julie gave up her stockings.
Bobby was feeling very comfortable with these three. The conversation was light and friendly, and he had not had this much fun in a long time. April peeked through the blinds and announced they had another three hours. Bobby called a break while he fixed his garter, one of his stockings had somehow come loose. Damn, my legs aren't bad for someone as old as I am he thought.
He was on a streak. May lost her dress, a silk high neck with long sleeves and a really tight skirt. April lost her heels, some elegant three inch stilettos. Julie's half slip was next.
"You're not going to make that straight, May baby." Bobby grinned as he dealt the last down card in seven card stud.
"You're wrong, Bobby. I bet your are nice to me with this one." May countered with a little laugh.
No straight. May smiles and reaches up to take out an ornate emerald clip which was holding up her long red hair. It cascaded past her shoulders. She looked really good with it down. The clip went into Bobby's pile.
Bobby accumulated a necklace and a pair of earrings in his winning mound. "Wow, these are real winnings."
" I'm sure you be generous and share them, Bobby, I'm real fond of those earrings." April giggled. On the next hand, Bobby loses. He followed May's idea and removes his own hair clip. His black hair falls down the back of his high neck dress.
April loses her black gloves next. Sitting across from Julie, Bobby is trying to read her. Her eyes are amazing. He looks at his two down cards, spades. He has two showing in the seven card game, with six cards out. Julie is about to deal the last card. She puts down the deck and smiles at Bobby.
Bobby is focused on Julie's eyes. She reaches over touches his nose with an extended finger, gently.
"Ok Bobby. Come back to us. I want you aware for this last hand." Julie says.
Bobby blinks. He looks around and then realizes while the girls are in various states of undress, he is decked out in a dress, stocking and heels. He feels the girdle and the slip and the camisole. He also feels his men's briefs and realizes he is still male, there at least.. But his figure is fairly feminine, He takes off his glove and his nails are polished, his hand and fingers more narrow. His hair is long and also obviously the result of a lot of attention either with blow dryers or rollers. He knew enough about that. June had had beautiful hair and kept it that way. His waist is thick, but less thick than it was and slimmer than his butt and hips which seemed to spread way beyond his recollection. The only things which make him look out of place are his face and chest. And damn, he had great legs, especially for a tall broad.
Bobby stands up and looks at his reflection in the window glass. He does not panic. He realizes that Julie, April and May had just delivered on their deal. He still liked them. A lot. So Bobby sat down.
"Deal the card, Julie."
Bobby got his flush. The queen of spades was the last card dealt. Julie grinned and proceeded to remove her long line brassiere. She tossed it to the table in front of Bobby, her big and soft breasts moving gently with the throwing motion. They were still really nice, minimal sag and smooth all over. Bobby looked down and his vision was obstructed by his bustline. His dress emphasized his breasts, which were larger than Julie's to maintain the proportionality between their frame sizes.
"Bobby, we have been talking. If we play this out, you win May's panties next, and you can figure out what that means. That was the original plan. We have an option for you. Stop now. Come with us as you are. It's been a while since any of us have had a man worth having. And we've decided you are the best and most decent guy we've run across. So please come, either way." April said a wistful look on her face.
"Do I get to change back, either way?" Bobby asked.
"Yes, whenever you want."
"I guess I can hide my face. " Bobby said.
Julie walked up to Bobby, held his face in her hands and kissed him. Then April. Then May. When he came up for a breath he saw his reflection. He was still Bobby, but the harder features were gone, the beard was gone. His eyebrows were shaped, his Adam's apple gone. His neck seemed a little thinner. He wasn't beautiful, but pleasant looking.
"Let's stop here. I'm cashing out of the game." Bobby said.
Julie, April and May were grinning. May handed him her panties, which had a ruffled bottom. "Now you can have these. They are just clothes and they will fit you. I wouldn't want to change you there, you will be just fine." May slowly licked her lips.
Julie called out "The flights on in a half hour! Get ready! We've got to board soon."
The group got into a frenzy. April helped Bobby with some light makeup, May handed him his old briefcase, now a purse.
"What about my luggage? My stuff's not going to fit me and the bags are checked." Bobby said.
"Taken care of Bobby dear. Your five bags will arrive with you in Las Vegas." Julie said soothingly, touching Bobby's arm.
"Five bags? I only checked one!"
"Darling, a girl cannot travel without a proper wardrobe. Five large cases was barely enough!" Julie laughed.
After the week was over, Bobby had agreed to meet the girls in two months, this time in Hawaii. He was drained and in a great mood. After he watched their flight leave he looked down and could see his wing tip shoes. No hooters to block his vision. He spoke out loud, but quietly, drowned out by the slot machines.
'Usually you lose when you get a Busted Flush.'
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Cute and clever and distracting too.
I enjoyed this as much as the first time
It's so wonderful
to once again, read the words of a true author and friend. I miss talking with Ty and I hope he's doing well.
Thanks to Sephrena, you all are geting to read the works of Tyrone Slothrop. Ty was part of a group who tgathered at Crystal's Storysite for years. He always kept us entertained with his ready wit and his respect for those of us who chose to walk the "path less travelled."
Wherever you are now, Ty. Thank you for all the fun we had in those chats and thank you for your great stories.
P.S. Ty. I've been waiting for you so long, the Maxwell is running low on fuel. Rochester is taking it to the service station for re-fueling so I'll wait in the drawing room for you.
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.