Mum's Encouragement Chapter 25 - 30

Mum's Encouragement Chapter 25

I made my way down the stairs to find Julia making herself comfy on the sofa

"Feel better love?" she asked whilst looking me up and down

I couldn't look at her in the face as I replied "Much better thanks. Sorry for making such a scene Aunt Julia. I feel so silly"

"Oh don't worry hon. It's good to have a good cry at times. Your Uncle David is always driving me to tears" She told me whilst giving me one of biggest smiles "My hormones are all over the place"

Her smile made me smile. I tucked my toweling dressing gown under me as I sat opposite her in the armchair

" You know you have such a lovely smile Joe. You should smile more often as it really becomes you love," Julia told me as she passed me a hot chocolate

"Thanks Aunt Julia. You don't have to stay you know. I am fine now and Uncle David is probably wondering where you are," I told her hoping that she would leave me alone

"Oh don't worry about him. He probably hasn't even noticed I have gone. He was stuffing his face in front of the television watching a boring gangster film. No doubt Martin has joined him. I don't get those films sweetie. I bet there not your kind of thing either Joe, are they?" She asked

"There ok I guess" I shyly responded thinking to myself that they weren't really my kind of thing

"Come over here love. Let me give you a cuddle" she said whilst holding out her arms gesturing for me to join her on the sofa

I didn't protest and got up and sat next to her on the sofa curling my legs under me

Julia pulled me into her as I sat beside her and squeezed me affectionately around my waist before starting to play with my hair

I loved my hair being tickled and relaxed into her more with my head finally resting on her bosom

"You are still so young baby. You have your whole life in front of you. I really envy you hon" she sighed whilst wrapping my curls around her fingers

I really enjoyed her fingers playing with my hair and before I knew it I had drifted of to sleep

I awoke with a start when I heard the front door close

"Err what's happening?" I asked in a daze trying to wake up

Mum came into the living room and smiled broadly at Julia and I curled up on the sofa

'Oh crikey we must have dozed off" Julia responded whilst stiffeling a yawn

This made me yawn also "What's the time" I asked still half asleep

Mum looked at the clock above the fireplace and then said "Time you should be in bed young urn. It's nearly midnight"

She came over and gently kissed my forehead and teased, " You looked so cute the pair of you sleeping away there. I didn't want to wake you"

Julia gently pushed me away as she stood up " I better get home. You never know David might be missing me," Julia laughed whilst stretching her arms in the air

" Yes and you little one had better get of to bed if you are going to get any sleep" Mum motioned to me to get up " Before you go to bed though we had better roll your hair otherwise it will look a right mess in the morning"

I groaned at being called little one and protested, " Mum do we have to do my hair. I'm tired and want to go to bed"

Mum ignored my plea as she plonked her bag on the table and took off her coat

I didn't have the energy and therefore just walked over to Aunt Julia and gave her a peck on the cheek "Thanks Auntie for giving up your evening for me" I said as she gave me a tight squeeze

"Oh don't be silly. I am just glad you are now ok honey" she smiled "Get yourself off to bed babe if you have any chance of keeping your guests in check tomorrow Joe"

Mum interrupted "Today you mean Julia" Looking at the clock that had just hit midnight "She is going to look a right mess if she doesn't get her beauty sleep"

Oh thanks mum I thought. I'm a mess now am I?

I kissed mum goodnight and made my way up the stairs whilst waving goodnight to Julia

"Sweet dreams JoJo" Julia lovingly said as she made her way to the front door

Once upstairs I brushed my teeth in the bathroom and sat down on the toilet for a wee. On exiting the bathroom I heard Mum and Julia still talking in a whisper at the front door

I couldn't hear everything they were saying however heard my mine and Martin's name mentioned and the words shame and cute.

I crept closer to the edge of the stair banisters so I could eavesdrop better

"Claire, Jo was in such a state when I came around earlier. She was really frightened by Martin's stupid actions. Why are guys such berks at times" Julia questioned

" All that testosterone I guess Jules. Makes them act like apes" Mum laughed" Jo will be ok in the morning once she has managed to get some sleep. I might call her manager in the morning and say she's not feeling well. I think she is shattered seeing her Nan in that hospital bed and anyway I could do with her help with a few chores around the house

"Good idea Claire. It wouldn't hurt for Jo to miss work for one day"

After a few more words they bid each other good night and as mum closed her door I tried to creep along the landing to my room only for the floorboards to creak under me

"Have you had a good listen Jo?" Mum shouted up the stairs " Seeing as you are still awake, I will be up shortly to roll your hair"

" Mum I wasn't listening and I don't want my hair played about with. Anyway this isn't any point if I am not going to work tomorrow" I protested sulkingly

" So much for not listening you little moo," Mum giggled as she came up the stairs

I felt myself go red, as Mum knew all along that I had been listening into hers and Julia's conversation

" I am off to bed mum" I turned to walk away

" Oh no you don't Jo" mum commanded, "I am going to do your hair but before doing so you need to remove the rest of your make up. Otherwise you will get ugly spots," Mum commanded

"But Mum I have cleaned my face" I sulked as mum took my hand and guided me into the bathroom

"No buts, sit on the toilet seat" she told me as she lowered the seat down " Let's clean your pores. If you don't clean your make up off properly of your face you will regret it in later life honey. Believe me"

Mum spent a good five minutes using make up remover lotion and cotton pads cleaning my skin, eyelids and lashes. I was amazed at the additional dirt that she managed to remove from my face

" See what I mean Joanne" she lectured whilst showing me the dirt deposits on the cotton pads " If you don't clean your face properly of make up you will get blackheads and no one will fancy you when you have spots dear"

I grimaced at her mini lecture and her addressing me as Joanne. I didn't want anyone fancying me and anyway I wouldn't be wearing make up anymore I thought to myself

"Now wash your face with warm water and then pat your face dry. Then apply this cream to your cheeks, neck and forehead," she told me whilst handing me a bottle of Nivea cream

After doing as I was told she told me to join her in her bedroom

" Before we start on your hair let's get you in to your nightwear Joe. It's getting late" she instructed pulling out something from her wardrobe

"I am ready for bed mum. This will do," I protested motioning to the terry dressing gown I wore

" That old thing? Take it off and put this on" she instructed me as she passed me a silky garment "This will feel much better to sleep in"

I reluctantly grabbed the silky material from her and saw that it was a pale rose coloured nightdress. I held the little nightdress out at arms length as if it was contaminated

"Oh don't be silly. It won't bite you. Get that dressing gown off" Mum commanded as she started pulling the dressing gown from my shoulders and took the nightdress from my hand

As my dressing gown dropped to the floor she saw I was wearing underpants "What are you wearing those horrid things for? Take them off and I will get you some proper knickers to wear"

I blushed as she turned away from me and pulled some knickers from her bedside cabinet drawer. They looked like they were the same colour as the nightdress and I soon found out that they were.

I turned my back on Mum and embarrassingly pulled my underpants off and taking the knickers from her quickly stepped into the little silky garment and pulled them up to my waist. I then noticed that the knickers were actually a g-string. I found that they were edged in black lace at the waistband and leg openings

" That's so much better Joanne" Mum smiled as I felt the g-string go into the crevice of my bum. I wriggled to get comfortable whilst pulling the string away from my bum

"Oh stop fidgeting and put your nighty on" mum instructed me whilst slapping my hand away from my posterior and handing me the nightdress.

I took the intricate nightdress from her and was figuring out how it went on when mum hurried me along "Come on you are acting like an infant. It's really late and we still need to roller your hair. It goes on this way"

Mum motioned for me to sit on the edge of her bed as she lowered the nightdress over my head. As I stood up the nightdress settled about my body and I felt the thin straps of the nightdress settle on my shoulders and against my bare upper back

"Oh it looks lovely on you honey" mum gushed as she played with the lacy hem of the overly feminine nightdress "you look so cute and virginal honey. Well apart from that horrible love bite on your neck" She stated

I had forgotten about the love bite until mum had brought it up as I thought it had faded enough

Mum must have read my mind "Yes your Nan and Aunt Heather both noticed the bite on your neck" Mum teased " Nan reckons you are too young to be hanging out with older guys like Martin and I have to agree with her, although Heather reminded me that I was just like you when I was your age, flirty and chasing the fellas and always receiving love bites" mum reminisced as I groaned embarrassed

"Have a look in the mirror and tell me that you don't look better in the nighty than that awful dressing gown" she challenged

I looked in her long mirror and saw my reflection. The nightdress was very silky and a feminine pretty pink colour. It had thin single spaghetti shoulder straps and on glancing over my shoulder I found that four further spaghetti straps adorned my bare back from the nape of my neck to the small of my back. The bodice was covered in fine intricate black lace.

The hem of the nighty was also covered in black lace approximately three inches wide. The hem only reached mid thigh on me which showed of my silky hairless legs

The garment felt really soft and luxurious and although I would never tell Mum, it did look really sexy on me as it exposed my bare shoulders and arms. I did however feel very vulnerable and naked

"I guess its ok," I said even though I secretly loved it. It was similar to a slip and made me feel awfully feminine as the silk contoured my body

"Its ok? Nonsense, It looks wonderful on you princess" mum gushed whilst straightening out the spaghetti straps that adorned my upper body "You look so cute. I don't think you appreciate just how beautiful you are. Must be my genes "Mum laughed

" Anyway stop admiring yourself in the mirror you vain little thing" Mum laughed "Come and sit at the vanity whilst I curl your hair"

'Mum can't we do it in the morning. I am so tired I..." before I could continue my protest mum cut me off

"Joanne do as you are told and stop arguing. You can be a right little cow at times. I won't tolerate it" Mum admonished me "Stop being selfish. If you hadn't noticed, I am also tired what with being at the hospital all day and yet I am still willing to do your hair before we go to bed"

Losing the will to argue I sat on the stool at mum's vanity in silence as the lacy hem of my nightdress rode up to my upper thighs. I tried to pull the flimsy hem down as far as I could to protect my modesty without any success

Mum slapped my hands away "Stop being a prude Jo. It's only us girls. Be proud of your lovely legs. I wish I still had legs like you. You just wait until your older and you have cellulite. Then you will wish you could turn back the clock and show of those shapely pins of yours"

"Sorry mum" I said too tired to argue as she started covering and pinning my hair in small purple hair curlers. In doing so tugged my head this way and that way

After a while I cheekily stated," I don't think I will be getting cellulite when I am older Mother"

" Oh is that so. What makes you so special Joanne? All women get cellulite as they age. What makes you think you are any different missy?

I sat there staring at my glossy thighs, knees and ankles taking in my varnished toenails and thought "what makes me any different? Are you for real mum? As she continued to torture my hair

Mum's Encouragement Chapter 26

I woke with a start as mum was gently shaking my arm " Joe you ok? You are having a nightmare sweetheart"

I pulled myself up from the bed and leant on my elbows looking around my bedroom that was now lit by my little bedside lamp. I squinted at my clock to see it was 3.24am

"Erm what's happening mum?" I asked confused and upset as a tears rolled down my cheeks

"There, there. You were having a nightmare sweetheart. Everything is going to be alright. You were screaming out and woke me" mum told me as she wrapped her arms around me, hugged me and then started gently rubbing my back in circular motions comforting me as I felt her soft hands through the flimsy nightgown I wore.

" What was I shouting?" I croaked my mouth dry

"I am not sure love. I couldn't make out more than the odd word"

" What words mum" I asked looking into her concerned face

"Erm, oh I don't know. A few words I think I picked out were Martin, Sunday and something about a wedding. You planning to get married honey without telling your old mum" she teased me as she gently ticked me in the ribs

"Oh don't mum. I'm tired," I grumbled pulling away from her whilst yawning

" Your tired? Mum chuckled " Your the one that woke me up you cheeky little moo"

Mum gently embraced my cheeks with her hands and then gave me a little kiss on my forehead. "Do you want a drink baby before you go back to sleep?"

I shook my head as I laid back down in my bed as mum pulled my duvet up over me, just leaving my spaghetti strapped shoulders exposed. I felt the dig of a hairpin in my head, which mad me scream out "Ouch. That bloody hurt"

"Jo less of the bad language" she reprimanded me "It's not nice to swear. Do you want your light off dear?"

" Mum, erm Mum...." I hesitated

" What is it Jo?" Mum asked concerned

" Mum will you sleep in the bed with me?" I asked, "I am worried I will have another nightmare"

"Aww my sweet baby. Do you know you haven't asked me that since you were about seven honey? Theirs me thinking that you are growing up so quickly and you just made me realise that you are still my cute innocent JoJo. Why don't we go get in my bed. Its bigger"

Without having to be asked twice I spun my legs out of the bed and followed mum to her bedroom as the hem of my nightdress swayed about my smooth legs as I walked

Mum took of her dressing gown and hung it over her dresser chair and got in one side of the bed as I got in the other

"Want a cuddle honey?" mum offered, as we got comfortable under the sheets

Eh yes ok mum" I nodded still a little shaken by my nightmare

"Turn over then" she told me as she turned out her bedside lamp. I turned my back to her and she cuddled into me, our silky nightdresses touching each other. It was all very innocent and at that point in time, I felt very young, protected and loved

We lay there for a few minutes not speaking, when mum asked

"What you thinking love?"

"Err I don't know mum. I was just thinking about the last few days and what it means. I am a little scared"

"Scared. Scared of what? You have your whole life in front of you baby. I wish I was your age with everything that you have to look forward too" mum squeezed me tight

"You have so much growing up to do JoJo. Before you know it you will be seriously courting, getting married and bringing up a family of your own. I often dream about your wedding day and how you will look on your special day"

I wondered what mum meant by that. Did she mean how I would look in a tuxedo or in a wedding dress? I wasn't sure and didn't want to ask

" I remember my wedding day so vividly honey" Mum reminisced wistfully "Your dad looked so handsome in his suit and I felt like a princess. Nanny and Granddad brought my wedding dress and I felt so pretty and special that day. I still have the dress in the attic. I will have to show you it honey. It's so romantic"

She paused before saying "You will experience your own special day, one day soon honey"

"Not anytime soon mum" I responded which resulted in mum giving me a little squeeze

" You never can tell sweetie. Things can happen so fast when it comes to love. You can't control it. Before you know it you will be planning your wedding day and not long after that, god willing you will be making me a grandma" Mum giggled to herself obviously happy with the thought " You will make such a wonderful parent. Auntie Julia told me that you were so good with little Emily"

"Maybe Mum," I said whilst smiling to myself at the thought of cheeky Emily

"Have you ever thought about having kids Joe" mum asked

I didn't respond as mum continued asking questions "I would have liked more babies if it had worked out with me and your dad. I would have loved a boy as well as a girl. I was in labor with you for 18 hours and when you eventually popped out you were the most precious little thing. All the nurses said so"

"I wouldn't want you in labor anywhere near that long honey" mum sighed " I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy. It was so painful. If I was going though child birth now, I would ask for all the drugs I could get sweetie" mum giggled

Mum continued to talk about maternal matters such as breast feeding. Thankfully I eventually managed to block her out as I drifted off to sleep

Mum's Encouragement Chapter 27

I woke to find mum wasn't in the bed. As I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, I remembered some of the dream that had followed my nightmare. It was quite clear and a little worrying.

In my dream it was my own wedding day. Mum, Auntie Heather and I were in a hotel room somewhere. They were both helping me into a white silk wedding dress embroidered with lots of intricate lace. My female body was encased in a tight white basque that enhanced my boobs and pulled in my waist. The suspenders of the basque held up white stockings that were slid into really high white silk heels.

Heather was doing up the small pearl buttons on my dress that started at the top of my bum and continued to the nape of my neck whilst asking how I felt. I remember telling her that I was really nervous and felt light headed. She responded by telling me that was probably my morning sickness taking effect

I tried to remember what happened after that however couldn't recall anything which really frustrated me. Who was I marrying and how could I be pregnant? I really need to see someone I thought to myself

I was lost in my thoughts as mum startled me when she entered the bedroom with a mug of tea and some toast " Here you are baby. I thought I would treat you to breakfast in bed" she smiled

"Err thanks mum," I said as I sat up in bed " I could do with a cup of tea"

Mum went to get her own tea as I continued to analyze what my dreams meant. I took a sip of my tea as mum came back into the bedroom and nearly spat the liquid out " Ugh this is horrible Mother" I exclaimed with disgust

Mum laughed as she got into bed beside me

"It tastes horrible. You forgot to put sugar in Mum"

"No I didn't" she replied "I think you and I need to go on a bit of a diet and we can start by cutting out sugar. You have too much baby fat hon.

"What? No I haven't," I protested

Mum cut me off "Just drink it and stop whining Joe" Mum changed the subject "Seeing as I am letting you get out of work today, are you going to help me with some Christmas shopping"

"Erm. Do I have to" I said as I touched my head covered in tight curlers " Can I get these out of my hair and just have a lazy day Mum?"

"No I have lots to get and you will be another pair of hands. You can give me some ideas on what I can get family and friends. I could do with getting some shopping as well"

As mum rattled on I looked at my nails that held my tea and saw perfectly manicured and painted talons.

Mum smiled "They look lovely don't they honey? You have such pretty hands"

I put my tea on the bedside cabinet and dropped my hands into my lap whilst grimacing at mum's remarks

"I think we should go to that large shopping centre in Essex. I don't want anyone from your work bumping into us you seeing as you are supposed to be off sick" mum contemplated the day ahead

"Whilst you were asleep I phoned Mrs Benson and told her that you had a tummy ache and you wouldn't be in today.

" What did she say Mum. Was she angry" I asked

" No she was fine. She sends her love and wishes you better soon. She says she wants you back as soon as possible as you are one of her best workers. I do hate telling Lies Jo" mum said whilst sipping her tea

Mum grimaced as she drank the tea from her mug

"I told you it tastes horrible mum," I laughed

Mum smiled "It will be worth it when we can both fit properly into our clothes honey. I noticed at the hospital that the skirt you were wearing showed a little too much tummy. Auntie Heather said that you looked a bit bloated at the waist. It won't hurt you and me to go down a size. We can support each other honey"

I grimaced and turned red at Mum's remarks. I didn't response as she wasn't to be questioned when she was in this type of mood

"I tell you what we will do" Mum excitedly announced, " When we are out later, I will buy us both something that is a size to small. It can be our little target to get into our purchases. Perhaps when we reach our target weights we can have a special evening out together at the theatre or a nice meal somewhere posh. How's that sound Jo?"

"What are you thinking of buying me Mum" I nervously asked

Err I don't know. Let's have a lovely day out shopping. Just you and me. The other day I saw something in Debenhams and thought it would look really lovely on you. Maybe you can wear it on Christmas day if we can really stick to our diet" mum smiled to herself without letting me know what she was thinking of buying me

I wondered what my wonderful mother was plotting now?

Mum's Encouragement Chapter 28

After a few more minutes talking about the day ahead, mum announced that she was going to have a shower and that when she was finished I should have one to.

Mum planned our day ahead" If we aim to leave at say 10am we can miss the rush hour traffic. You can drive if you like honey."

I thought that was a great idea and thought better of the day ahead

"Anyway you have a little bit more of a lie in whilst I have my shower Joe" mum told me as she went into her en-suite bathroom

I didn't need telling twice and actually fell asleep whilst mum was in the shower. I woke when she shouted that I should get a move on

"Make sure you put the shower cap on over your hair Joe. I haven't got time to mess about with your hair this morning" she instructed me " Also shave any hairs you may have on your legs'

" Why Mum? I am not wearing a skirt today" I protested

" I wish you would stop arguing with me and do as I say Joe" Mum said somewhat annoyed "I will find you something nice to wear for our little outing. You just get in that shower"

I couldn't be bothered to argue and did as I was told. The hot water really felt good against my smooth skin. I could only find a couple of fine hairs on my legs, which I shaved off.

After about 15 minutes mum knocked on the bathroom door " Come on you. You will get all pruney. Get a move on"

I got out of the shower and wrapped my towel around me as mum had previously shown me and then walked into my bedroom where I found what mum intended me to wear today

I protested straight away " Mum can't I wear boys clothes today?" I asked as I looked at the lingerie on my bed

"Joe I think you will struggle to pass as a boy at the moment with your hair looking as it is" Mum dismissed me

"Well you are going to take my hair out of the curlers aren't you mum" I reasoned

"Of course I am Jo. I am not having you going out in curlers like a common washer woman" Mum laughed out loud " What sort of Mum would I be if I let my child do that"

The doorbell rang as we continued to discuss whether I was going to wear the underwear.

"Whose can that be this early in the morning?" mum queried as she looked out of the bedroom window to our pathway below "oh its Auntie Julia"

Mum ran down the stairs dressed in her dressing gown as I slumped on the end of my bed looking at the white bra, matching knickers and white half slip. I also noticed a pair of opaque black tights still in an unopened packet.

Was she serious about me wearing all of this? I guessed from the slip lying on my bed, that Mum was intending for me to wear a skirt again. I was thinking how I could tackle the issue with Mum when I heard her close the front door. Mum came running up the stairs

"That was your Auntie Julia" Mum told me what I already knew. What is it with adults stating the bloody obvious I thought?

"Why aren't you in your undies darling" she asked

Before I could answer she waved some clothes in front of me and announced, " Look what Julia has brought around for you"

I continued to sit on the edge of my bed wrapped in my towel as mum placed all the clothes on the bed behind me and started routing through Julia's donations

"Look Jo, she brought around the uniform you will need to wear when you help her on Sunday. Isn't it lovely honey?" she gushed as she held in front of me a clothes hanger with a pillar box red coloured skirt suit draped from it

"Oh I guess this is the blouse that goes with it," she said whilst also holding up a white long sleeved blouse that had little red diamond patterns on it

"Isn't it pretty? You will look so smart wearing this" she gushed whilst admiring the suit and blouse together

"You haven't got time to try it on now," Mum told me disappointed

Thank god for small mercies I thought to myself as Mum continued looking through the clothes

"You will have to try it on later to see if it fits honey" she continued rambling as she picked up a pair of red heels

"Oh look at these Joe. Aren't they so lovely" she bent down and waved the red heels in front of my bare feet

" We have time to see how these fit honey. Here give me your foot," she said whilst grabbing my left ankle and starting to place my foot in one of the shoes

Within a few minutes I was wearing the red shoes, which had heels about 3 inches high. They were made of soft red leather and the heels themselves were really thin. The shoes had thin straps, which were adorned with single big red ornamental buttons that fastened around my ankles

"Try walking in them Joanne to see how they feel" she told me whilst pulling me to my feet as I held my towel around me and grimaced at being called Joanne

When I managed to find my balance Mum told me to walk up and down to see how the shoes felt on

"They are a little tight Mum. The straps are digging into my ankles," I moaned

Mum kneeled down and squeezed her finger between the heel of my foot and the inner lining of the shoe

"They will be fine dear once you are wearing tights with them. I have seen Julia in her uniform plenty of times and I think she always wears black tights. I guess that's the regulation uniform Jo. We will have to ask her so you don't stand out for the wrong reason" Mum reasoned whilst I questioned her sanity.

I couldn't be bothered to argue and dejectedly sat down on the edge of my bed and un-strapped the dainty shoes whilst carefully holding my towel around me.

Mum continued looking through Julia's hoard of clothing as I tried to protect my modesty.

As I struggled to undo the little straps, Mum excitedly held up two garments and announced "These will be great for you to wear to the shops today"

I looked up at the clothes she was holding up against her as she looked in the mirror and saw that she was holding a black and white check skirt that didn't even reach her knees. Above the skirt she held a black chiffon blouse to her bust

"Oh Jo isn't this sweet. I do hope it fits you. Put your undies on so we can see how the blouse and skirt look on you baby. Get a move on. I will go and put some washing on whilst you get dressed honey" She instructed me as she thrust the skirt and blouse in my lap

As she left the bedroom, her words still ringing in my ears, I examined the pretty blouse. It was sleeveless and made of black chiffon. The ten or so little buttons up the front of the blouse were black pearl and it looked like the buttons went right up to the collarless neckline. The blouse had ruffles either side of the buttons and ruffles finished off the collar and sleeveless arms

I looked at the skirt. It looked really small. I thought it would be tight on whoever wore it. It wasn't lined and there wasn't anything about it apart from the black and white check pattern that covered it from the waist to the hem

I can't wear this I thought to myself. It's too short. Too short? What am I thinking? The reason I shouldn't be wearing it is because I am a boy and not my mother's clotheshorse. I wasn't going to wear it. I had to grow some balls and stand up for myself.

I played with one of my earrings as I looked at the clothes and to my dismay thought that the blouse and skirt would probably look cute on me.

Mum's Encouragement Chapter 29

I had thankfully finished dressing as mum came back into my bedroom without knocking

"How are you getting on love?" Mum asked, as she looked me up and down

"Oh my god. Bless you" she sighed, "You can't go out dressed like that"

"WHAT? You told me to wear these Mother," I argued gesturing to the blouse and skirt I now wore "

Mum laughed, " You are so sweet and innocent. You really have a lot to learn honey. You can't go out wearing a white bra with a black blouse Joanne. Everyone will be able to clearly see your bra darling"

"For gods sake, make your mind up will you. You told me to wear the underwear," I shouted back at mum whilst stomping my foot hard on the floor

" Don't you dare speak to me like that. Less of your hissy fit my girl" Mum shot back at me really annoyed at my outburst " You're not to old that I can't take you over my knee Joanne Moore"

I couldn't believe how I was being spoken to by my mother and started to stride from the room when Mum grabbed my arm and spun me around almost knocking me to the floor

Where do you think you are going you spoilt little girl? You really need to grow up," she screamed at me as she stood in front of me blocking my way from leaving the room " I told you to wear the white underwear before we decided you should wear the black blouse"

She grabbed my arm and pulled me to her bedroom and positioned me in front of her full length mirror " Do you really want to go out looking like that" she asked annoyed

I looked in the mirror and saw what mum was on about. The white straps and cups of my bra were clearly visible through the chiffon blouse. I looked a bit of a tart especially with the shortish skirt that only fell to mid thigh on me

"Do you think that's a classy look for a teenage girl?" Mum asked obviously demanding a response from me "You are not leaving my house looking like that"

"But you tol.." I started to protest getting choked up as I failed to get all of my words out. I felt a tear run down my cheek

"I despair. Stop blubbering. Your not eight my girl. Look at your slip. It looks silly. Can't you see it's much longer than the skirt?" she pointed at the white slip that was a good two inches longer than the hem of my skirt

"Stop being ditzy Joanne" Her hands grabbed my shoulders and then she started unbuttoning the tiny buttons of my blouse. She unceremoniously slipped the blouse of my shoulders and turned me around and unclipped the hooks of my white bra

I covered my bare top half with my arms and stood there watching as she went to her bedside drawer. After a few seconds of routing around in the drawer she dangled a black bra in front of my face and then slid it up my arms and over my shoulders and fastened it in the back.

The satin and lace bra was back all over apart from a little pink rose decoration that nestled between the two cups. I felt the underwired bra tighten around me as mum adjusted the straps.

"You will need to wear a camisole as well. The blouse is a little too transparent for my liking," she told me now in a much quieter and calmer tone

I thought "Well why are you having me wear it then if its see-through?" I didn't understand her logic

Mum went to another drawer to find a camisole

"Oh this will do so much better" she exclaimed whilst holding up a black satin garment

As it dangled in her fingers I saw that it was a really pretty piece of underwear, which I guessed was a camisole

Mum went behind me and unbuttoned my skirt and pulled down the little zip "Pull your skirt and slip down Jo" she told me

I didn't argue and pulled the skirt and slip down letting them fall to the floor

As I stepped out of the skirt and slip, I thought for a moment that she was going to allow me to wear a pair of trousers. My hopes were dashed very quickly when she told me to step into the satin garment that she held at my feet

"Lets see how this chemise looks on you honey" she said as she pulled the satin thing up over my hips and chest before working the tiny spaghetti straps onto my shoulders

She fussed with the straps and bodice of the chemise, which now pretty much covered the black lacy bra.

"That's better. The hem looks about the right length for your little skirt to cover it ok" she spoke to herself as she played with the lacy hem of the chemise

Mum helped me pull the tight skirt on again and after fussing to make sure the hem of the chemise didn't show beneath the skirt sung " oh that is so much better honey"

Her hands reached up under my skirt and pulled down the tails of the blouse. She then turned me to the mirror telling me that I now looked really cute.

Mum disappeared off again as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I did look good I thought. The blouse was still see-through however my underwear wasn't now showing as much as before. You could still see the muted outline of the bra and chemise straps through the blouse, however they weren't as obvious as the white bra. You could clearly see the lacy bodice of the chemise however it seemed to look ok under the blouse

I thought my legs looked really good in the tight skirt and shiny black opaque tights I wore. Pity I wasn't admiring my girlfriend I mused lost in another world as mum again started fussing with me

In no time she had secured a wide purple belt around my waist and had me step into matching purple court shoes that had a heel of about two inches high

Mum fussed with the ruffles of the blouse around my neck and around my armholes before telling me that we were missing something

"Missing what?" I asked almost to frightened to find out

"Your boobs honey. You look too flat chested"

I groaned. I looked flat chested for a good reason I thought to myself as mum found the water filled balloons. After unbuttoning the top few buttons of my blouse, she tucked and positioned the cold balloons in my bra cups before again doing up my blouse to the neck

Mum gave me a big hug and looked me up and down

"You look really trendy Jo. Let's get you hair and make up sorted then we can hit the shops for some retail therapy.

Mum's Encouragement Chapter 30

For the next 15 minutes or so Mum unclipped and removed the curlers from my hair and styled it so it curled under at the nape of my neck. She created a lot of body as she put it, with a curling tong and hairspray. When I looked in the mirror, I again saw a mass of girly curls, which shouldn't belong to a boy

Mum then did my make up. As she applied it she step by step showed me what she was doing. I sat in wonder at her dressing table watching her in the mirror as she applied concealer, foundation, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, blusher and finally lipgloss to my face.

I was astounded at how easy my face could be transformed from a very plain boy to a very pretty girl. Even if I say so myself

"You really suit make up honey" Mum gushed, "Your eyes just cry out for shadow and mascara"

I didn't have the words to respond and sat there staring at my reflection

Mum finished fussing with me after she had sprayed some perfume on me

"We are running late Jo. Whilst I get myself ready will you do me a favour and clean up the breakfast things and get the washing out of the machine and hang it on the airer"

I nodded without speaking and went downstairs to the kitchen. My heels clicked on the tiled kitchen floor as I carried out the tasks mum asked of me. As I hung the few clothes across the airer in the utility room I nearly jumped ten feet in the air when I heard the doorbell ring.

I had no intention of answering it and hid in the kitchen hoping whoever it was would go away. After they again rang the bell, Mum shouted down the stairs "Jo get the door will you. I am expecting a parcel and that probably the postman"

I heaved a big sigh and walked across the hallway and opened the door and gingerly peeked out

I was startled to see Auntie Heather standing on the doorstep

"Oh you are in then. I thought I missed yo... " Heather started saying as she made her way into the hall. She then realised that I and not Mum had answered the door " Jo I wasn't expecting you to be at home. I thought you had work today"

"I should be at work Auntie. Mum said I could have the day off if I helped her with the shopping" I blushed as Heather took in my appearance

"Looks like you are going shopping as Joanne then" Auntie Heather stated as she put her arm around my waist and guided me into the living room "You look smashing Jo. So grown up"

I didn't know what to say and to enable me to escape I asked Heather whether she wanted a tea or coffee

"Oh that would be lovely hon" she beamed at me "Got any biscuits to go with it"

Auntie Heather loved her biscuits. Considering how slim she was they didn't appear to affect her weight

" I think we have some chocolate biscuits," I told her as I left the room to escape her eyes gaze"

I didn't escape from her for long as I had only just finished putting the kettle on when she appeared in the kitchen "I love how you have done your hair Jo. It looks really nice. It suits you"

"Ehh thanks Auntie" was all I replied

"I take it you are going shopping dressed liked this" She gestured to my clothes
"Seeing as you have gone to such effort with your make up, hair and clothes. Your blouse and little skirt look lovely on you Hon. Did you choose them?"

"Mum chose it all Auntie. I had nothing to do with it" I meekly replied as I waited for the kettle to boil, as I balanced on my heels, crossing one foot over the other

I didn't know what to do with my hands and clasped them in front of me feeling very shy as Heather continued her praise of my appearance

"You really do have great legs Joanne. It's such a shame that you cover them with trousers so much? She smiled

The kettle started boiling which enabled me to look away from her as she continued chatting. I was thankful that she had changed the subject from me to Nan. As we were talking Mum walked into the kitchen

"Hi Sis. I wasn't expecting you" Mum smiled whilst giving Heather a hug

"I thought I would pop in and see what you were up to today. I need to get out. I keep thinking of Mum if I have too much time on my hands. Jo tells me you are going shopping. Mind if I tag along?" Heather asked

"Of course you can. You finish your tea whilst Joanne and me finish getting ready" Mum said as I passed the mug of tea to Heather

"Make yourself at home Hettie (Mum's per name for her sister). We wont be long Sis," Mum said as she took my hand in hers and guided me up the stairs behind her

When we again in her bedroom she asked me "You haven't got a problem with your Auntie joining us have you honey?

"Err no why should I? Why don't you both go and have a sister's day out. I don't mind staying at home," I suggested hopefully

"What and deprive Heather a day out shopping with her favourite niece" she teased

" She hasn't got any other nieces" I started to argue before realising what I had said

End of Chapter 30

Sorry for the delay in posting these latest chapters. Life has been very busy of late, but really good. I hope you enjoy. Please leave your comments.

I hope you all have a lovely joyous Christmas and a happy and very healthy 2018

Lucy x

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