The Voyage of the Visund -8-

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The travelers have been ensnared in Horvik's mansion and they must find a way to leave without further bloodshed. Eventually a method is found and the voyage resumes. The weather favors them and they just make the city of Joth as the sun sets.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

8 - Tactical Withdrawal

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2018 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

When Eriana awoke it was to see the ornately plastered ceiling above her in the early morning light. This brought her back immediately to where she was and what had happened the previous evening.

Turning to her left, she found Ursula still sleeping peacefully. The bedroom seemed undisturbed and she wondered if anything at all had happened after she had gone to sleep. This thought lasted right until Semma came through the door from their sitting room, still in her nightgown but with counter-dagger in hand.

"Highness," she said softly, "you are awake."

Eriana quirked a smile. "So I see. Why are you carrying that? Did something happen?"

"Aye, Highness, Lars and Bennet repulsed an attempt to enter the suite last night. They are both asleep now, considering the immediate danger to have passed."

This statement brought Eriana fully awake and onto her elbows. "Do you know what happened? The whole story, I mean?"

Semma shook her head. "I do not, Highness. It happened in the other bedroom and I heard nothing, though there was sufficient that whatever it was roused Bennet, who went to help."

Eriana nodded. "Good." She trusted Lars' judgement. "Now we must consider what could happen next. They may intend to keep us here by force, to let us go or maybe even to ransom us. Think you they would pretend that nothing happened?"

The younger guardswoman answered with a shrug. "I could not say, Highness. The ways of the nobility are mysterious to me, and the nobles of Virgulend even more so. What should we do now? Should we bathe, as if it were a normal day?"

The talk had woken Ursula, who rolled on her back and looked at the other two. "Did something happen last night?"

Eriana nodded. "Aye, but it seems that Lars dealt with it, with Bennet's assistance. We are deciding what we may do this morning." To Semma she said, "I think that we may make ourselves more vulnerable by bathing in this place, do you not agree? I would prefer to dress, pack and depart immediately, if we are permitted so. Let us at least use the toilet and refresh our faces, then we must needs have a council of war with Lars and Bennet."

"Agreed, Highness."

Lars had been sleeping on the settee which covered the sitting room hatch, but had roused when he had heard Eriana talking. He was still yawning when she, Semma and Ursula joined him.


«Lars. You had some action, then?»

«We did, Highness. They tried all three hatches and then, after a while, the doors. They pushed open the other bedroom door and tried to move the bed from in front of it.» He grinned. «I let out a little blood and they went away.»


«She was awake when I came to check the hatch in your dressing room, Highness. After the door attempt I watched this door and she the one in the thralls' room - I ask your pardon, I mean the maids' room - but all has been quiet since.»

«Good. We must decide what to do next. Do you think we'll have to fight our way out?»

Lars grinned again. «I have spilt their blood, Highness. I do not think they will ignore such an insult. Still, the odds must only be, what, twenty to one? I think we can manage.»

Eriana giggled. "Lars! Be serious for a moment. We have to live with these people, unpleasant though that thought might be, so I do not want to have any more blood spilled unless there is no other way. This is not as Einnland, we are in someone else's country and under the same roof as the brother of the ruler of that country."

He grunted. "I fix brother. No more problems for anyone then."

"As you say, but we cannot do that, not yet. Have you heard from any of the men yet?"

"Nothing at all, Highness."

Eriana scowled, thinking hard, before coming to some decisions. "I do not think I care to eat another meal under the roof of people who behave like this. We can break our fast at the hostel where the men are staying."

"Agreed. If hostel not affected by what happen here."

"How could they know? They probably don't know yet, I deem, but they may find out later, putting the crew at risk." She nodded. "That decides it. We dress as for battle and leave as soon as we may."

"Only one sword, Highness. Mine."

"We'll manage. Kalmenar may have brought his, I know that Hambran and Maralin both have theirs. I didn't see the Duke bring one, but he might have decided that doing so would seem... unfriendly to his host."

Lars snorted. "Unfriendly, yes. Dress for battle?"

"Colors, Lars. I think we all have Palarand colors in our gear, have we not? That should give them pause, when they see us. They will not want to interfere with anyone in uniform, especially that of Palarand."

By this time they had been joined by Bennet, who was rubbing her eyes.

"Highness, good morning. I overheard. Aye, we have colors if not swords."

"Then let us get ready to leave."

Once they had quickly dressed and packed, the next task was to join forces with Kalmenar, if that were possible. Having put the furniture back where it had originally been, Bennet eased open the door to the maids' bedroom and looked out in both directions. There were two men at the window end of the corridor, approximately where Lars' bedroom was, and another two at the lobby. None appeared to be armed. Before anyone could move, she had slipped across the corridor and knocked on Kalmenar's door.

It opened almost immediately. "Why, it is Bennet! I was expecting a call to breakfast." He took in her appearance. "Why are you dressed like that? Has there been trouble?"

"Aye, My Lord, and Her Highness desires your appearance immediately, before a meeting is prevented."

His eyes widened at the implications. "As you wish."

"If you would bring your sword, My Lord."

Kalmenar grabbed his sword and followed Bennet across the corridor to Eriana's suite. They were just in time to shut the door in the faces of the four men.

The diplomats face was grim as he asked Eriana, "Good morning, Your Highness. What happened?"

She gestured to Lars but answered herself. "There are hatches in the floor, Kalmenar. Lars discovered them and blocked them off but they attempted the doors. Lars pricked one and they retreated. I do not know what time this happened as I slept through the whole attack. "

Bennet said, "A half after the third bell, Highness. Lars began checking the hatches and the sound woke me. I heard the clock as I rose."

"So late? We would all have been deeply asleep, I deem, if Lars had not warned us. Kalmenar, that is our problem. I have decided that I do not care to eat food again under this roof, would you agree?"

"Hatches? If you would show me, Highness."

The hatch in the sitting room was easy to find and demonstrate.

Kalmenar shook his head. "I noticed the loose floorboards in my own chamber but thought nothing of it, Highness. Now it is shown to me it is obvious. I agree, Highness, I would spend no further time under this roof than I possibly must, I deem. But how are we to leave? They must be many more than we are."

"Remember, we are an embassy returning Duke Wallesan to his domain. We are also the injured party in this matter. We are all wearing our colors to show our official ties to Palarand. They should not deny our request to leave."

Kalmenar paled. "Highness, this is not the way I would approach such a problem, but I fear that our hosts do not play by the customary rules of diplomacy. How may I serve?"

Eriana shrugged. "We will try to avoid spilling more blood but that may be unavoidable. We must needs join forces with the other party before we can leave. While we are split, we are open to being used as hostages against each other."

He nodded. "I can see that. Maker! These people are devious, separating us this way."

"Aye, My Lord. How good are you with that sword?"

Kalmenar gave a faint smile. "Not good enough, Highness. I have had the benefit of palace tuition but I am sadly out of practice, preferring words to deeds. Where is your own sword? On the ship, I deem. Will you take mine?"

Eriana returned the weak smile. "I doubt I could swing my broadsword in these corridors, My Lord. To use yours, I would need time to find the balance, as Haflin has taught me. But this is no place for experiments."

"Agreed." Kalmenar thought. "If we are to retreat from this place, there is our baggage to be considered."

"Aye! I had forgotten that. We have four chests -"

"Five, including mine. I will leave mine if I must, but -"

"Five, then, and Lars' duffel. Doubtless there are as many over the other side." She grimaced. "We must induce them to let us go peaceably, I deem, we cannot fight our way out. If so we can command that they provide a wagon for our chests, as they did last night." A scowl. "I can deal with Horvik, he is no problem, but how may I handle Jarwin?"

Kalmenar grinned. "You are a Princess, Highness. Act like one. I saw you briefly when you first arrived at the palace, all those months ago."

"I am no longer that person, Kalmenar, as you are probably aware. Your words are wise, though. There are few who would refuse the demands of a Princess of the realm." She showed her teeth. "I will carefully not mention which realm, but our colors will be plain enough. Girls? Are we ready? Then let us go."

She went to the door then turned. "Oh, and Kalmenar? An Einnlander does not use the word retreat. This will be a tactical withdrawal."

Kalmenar grinned. "As you say, Highness."

At the window end of the corridor now stood a small group of women servants, uncertain what to do but apparently unwilling to come any closer. In the other direction, a group of men were waiting in the entrance lobby a few strides away. The travelers came out, swords and counter-daggers ready but held point down. Eriana led the way to the group of men, striding purposefully.

"Is this the welcome a Princess can expect in this miserable country? Can a maiden and her attendants not even enjoy a peaceful night of sleep? Horvik, explain yourself."

"Your Highness," the man said, wringing his hands, "I do not know what you are talking -"

Eriana leaned into his face and snarled, "Do not toy with me, My Lord! Someone attempted to enter my suite last night, his blood is still on the tip of Lars' sword."

Lars waved his sword menacingly, the stain still evident against the metal.

Horvik waved his hands. "Your Highness, there must be some mistake! Mayhap someone came during the night, to make certain all the doors were secure."

She started to get into her stride. "At the third bell of night and a half? What kind of place is this, where you must needs try all the doors in the middle of the night? Do you not have a strong palisade to keep thieves out? No, My Lord, this was no watchman checking doors in the night. Your man opened the door because he could not enter our rooms through the several hatches in the flooring. Explain yourself!"

Horvik turned pale. "Your Highness," he stammered, "I do not know what you are talking about. I know of no hatches in the floors of any chamber."

Eriana got very still and quiet then, but she still radiated fury. "My Lord, you name me a liar. I will meet you in a bell in the ring of honor, your choice of weapons."

Horvik stared at Eriana. He had expected some kind of courtly diplomatic dance with words, which would smooth over the incident, but here his distinguished guest had instead behaved very aggressively, even challenging him to a duel! Whatever his other distinguished guest had planned, things had gone seriously wrong and he had little choice but to back down.

"Your Highness, I crave your pardon." Horvik made a low bow. "It is true that some of the repairs to the chamber floors have given the appearance of hatches, there is really no cause for concern. I will ask for guildsmen to come and make sure -"

Lars thrust his way forward. "You give me axe, I show you hatches in floor. Do you not understand? Honor of women threatened in night."

Eriana added with a sniff, "I do not care to remain under this roof any longer. We will go and meet His Grace, the Duke of Joth, and then return to our ship. We are an official embassy and I regret that I have brought him to a place where the owner cannot be trusted."

Horvik could do nothing but bow. "As you command, Your Highness."

"We will require a wagon and dranakh to carry our chests and bags back to the ship. See to it."

"A dranakh, Your Highness? Last night, your wagon required only a frayen."

Eriana stared at him. "I can trust a dranakh. It is not so with men, I find. Now, let us pass."

Horvik and his servants scattered to the sides, but Lars gestured and they all moved over to the side away from the front door. Keeping their weapons ready but down, the travelers passed by and gained the other corridor. Lars waited at the side and took up the rearguard position. They walked down to the door which he indicated.

"That one, Highness."

She tapped, but it was a short while before the door was opened. Hambran was there and he took in the situation at a glance.

"Maker! He tried it, then."

"Someone did, Captain, in dead of night. If we may enter? I would suggest leaving the door open, and to keep a watch on the corridor."

Hambran gave a silent whistle. "As you command, Highness. If you would enter, the others are already dressed."

Wallesan came forward as they spilled into his sitting room. "What happened?"

"Lars." Eriana gestured. "Show him, it will be easiest. Hambran, Maralin, have you brought your swords with you?"

As Lars took the Duke to find any hatches in his suite Hambran called from the door.

"I have mine, Highness, but it is packed in my chest. I did not think we would need them for a night with a local noble."

"It is not the noble, I deem, but his other guest, the one who preys on women. However, Horvik has abetted his liege by making ways for him to gain access to the quarters of any woman who stays at this place. Lars found the hatches last night and he blocked them off. We pushed beds against the doors but still someone attempted to force their way in." A sniff. "I thought the Great Valley was a civilized place, it seems I was wrong."

Maralin came out of the servants' bedroom to join them, sword in hand. "Good morning, Your Highness. I think that what you describe is a vice of civilization, if I may say so. Only in a fancy mansion like this could there be such hatches."

"Good morning to you, Maralin. Aye, you are probably right. In Einnland such a visitor would probably chop his way through the walls with an axe." A brief smile. "I exaggerate, you understand, but not by very much. Are you all packed?"

"Highness, mostly we are, but of course we thought to leave the final sealing until after breakfast." He looked at Eriana. "Oh. I'd guess that after this, we won't be eating here this morning?"

"As you say. We shall join the men at the hostel - provided the news of this circumstance does not reach the kitchen staff first."

"Agreed. That could get ugly. I'll keep watch at the door while Captain Hambran gets his sword and seals our chests."

Wallesan returned, his expression set. "A trap, and we walked right into it. I must apologize, Eriana. If I had known who awaited us, I would never have left the ship."

"How could you know, Wallesan? An exhausted and battered crew, an invitation from a local noble in a land thought to be friendly? We did not know who else resided here. This is not your fault, I deem. But now we must walk out of this trap, as you name it, without drawing any more blood. Jarwin is too highly placed for there to be any further incident."

The Duke's smile was hard. "Which has always been the problem, Eriana, and why he has been able to get away with it for so long. However, whatever rank he may have, let us not forget that mine is higher. True, we are both accounted Dukes, but I am the ruler of a country and he is not. You are right, though, it would not serve us to cause any more trouble than we must as we depart. We must use strong words only, unless we are forcibly prevented from leaving."

"Agreed. Lars, did you hear?"

"Yah, Highness. But I should threaten?"

"Threaten as much as you need to, Lars! We will each do what we have to."

Wallesan said, "What about our baggage? If necessary I can abandon mine, but I would prefer to take it all with me if I can. I know we will soon be back in Joth but I did not bring so much traveling attire." He was pensive. "Since our discussions at the palace and Dekarran, I am also carrying many documents of a delicate nature, although some of those remain on the ship."

"I am in like case, Wallesan. I have commanded a wagon to take our baggage back to the hostel. We will discover if they should see fit to provide one."

Maralin suggested, "If one of us can get back to the hostel, Highness, he can bring reinforcements."

"As you say." But from her expression Eriana did not seem to think that was a good idea.

"Maralin," Wallesan said, "if that proves necessary then that is what we must needs do. Either you or Hambran should try to force your way out, to bring back some of Eriana's men. Do not forget that the Visund may also be vulnerable, so some of her crew should be sent there as well."

"As you command, Your Grace."

"But, first, we will see if we cannot make our way out with no more than angry words exchanged."

"Agreed, Your Grace."

"Then let me go and make my chests ready. If you would assist?"

"Surely, Your Grace."

As Wallesan and Maralin headed for the Duke's bedroom door, Eriana turned to Bennet.

"If you would watch the door. We do not want to be surprised here."

Semma asked, "What about the hatches in these rooms, Highness? Might they seek to enter that way?"

"A good point. Lars, what think you?"

«Excuse, Highness, I find it easier to explain this way. The Duke and Maralin are in his bedroom, Hambran is in the other. They will tell us if those hatches are tried. I am here if the one in this room is attempted.»

Eriana nodded. "Very well. Now we wait until everybody is ready to leave."

Ursula looked troubled. "Highness, what is happening? I do not like this."

Eriana tried to give her a reassuring smile. "We have joined forces with the men and they are making their baggage ready that we may depart this place. Once they are done we will make our way out in a single group. You are the most vulnerable here, having no training in arms, and so your protection is our first priority. I would ask you to stay in the center of our party as we leave."

"I - I'll do that, Highness."

Bennet turned from her position in the entrance doorway. "They come, Highness. None appear armed."

"Come inside and close the door. They will have to wait until we are ready."

Wallesan and Maralin came out of the Duke's bedroom carrying a chest, then went back to fetch the second one. Kalmenar saw them and went to help Hambran bring out the officers' chests, stacking them all in the sitting room and not by chance right over the hatch. Once everyone was ready Wallesan strode over to the entrance door.

"If you would permit me to handle this, Eriana. I do not doubt your resolve but I fear your possible choice of words."

Eriana grinned. "You know me so well, Wallesan!" She turned. "Lars, when the door opens, show yourself behind the Duke. Remind these people who we are."

Wallesan opened the door and those outside scattered back away from it.

"The honor of the Princess has been sullied," he stated. "We are leaving now. Let no man hinder our departure."

Horvik repeated his earlier response. "Your Grace, I do not know what -"

Wallesan overrode him. "Horvik, you insult me by suggesting that you are ignorant of the construction of your own mansion. Her Highness has told me of the hatches in her suite and I have been shown similar hatches in my own chambers. The blood on Lars's sword is from a servant who attempted to enter her quarters at half past the third hour of night, no doubt to prepare the way for his master - or yours. I do not care to remain under the roof of a man who treats his guests so."

"Your Grace, despite what you may think I cannot confirm nor deny matters I know nothing about. However, as a host it would be wrong of me to deny you the right to depart."

"Then I would ask you to return with your men to the lobby, My Lord. I do not want those behind me who I cannot trust, and by your own words you certainly qualify."

Horvik looked angry but he did not want to prolong the exchange. A gesture sent the men with him back to the lobby and he followed them slowly, looking behind every so often.

"Lars and Kalmenar, at the front, if you would," Wallesan ordered. "I'll be right behind with Eriana. Ladies, if you would follow the Princess. Hambran, Maralin, you are rearguard today."

The travelers walked slowly along to the lobby, where they were met by a much larger arc of servants in two liveries, some of whom were armed. This time, Jarwin was with them and he limped forward.

"Wallesan, this is an outrage!"

"Your Grace," the Duke of Joth replied evenly, deliberately using his title rather than his name, "I agree. What was planned for the ladies in my party is indeed an outrage. It was only by the foresight of Lars that the plot was discovered and that your man escaped with but a wound to the wrist. We knew of your reputation but by chance our women did not. We will not make that mistake again. When I get back to Joth I will make a detailed report of this episode to the Federation Council."

"The Federation Council? What is that?"

"It is a council of all the rulers in the Great Valley who have joined the Sirrel Federation, Your Grace. We spoke briefly of this yesterday evening, but doubtless your thoughts lay elsewhere then. I regret that your brother has not yet joined our council, but I will make certain that he receives a copy of my letter."

Jarwin sneered. "My brother does not believe any of the reports he has heard! He thinks the Valley peopled by jealous nobles driven to petty tales by their own inadequacies."

Wallesan took a step forward, incensed. "I warn you, Your Grace, another word like that and it will be me that you face in the ring of honor! If I should do so, I will not treat you so lightly as Princess Garia did."

He gestured at Jarwin's leg and the Duke stepped back, his face filled with fear mixed with rage.

"I did not mean to imply that you were jealous, Your Grace, I spoke of lesser nobles."

"But it was not the chambers of a lesser noble you attempted last night, was it, Your Grace? It was the chambers of a Princess of Palarand. Mayhap you did not seek Her Highness herself, but you must surely know that by aiming at her companions you sullied her honor as well. You should think yourself lucky that you did not succeed, for she comes from a wild people and her crew would have leveled this place and butchered everyone found within it. Now, I have had enough of this. We have a ship to make ready."

Wallesan turned to address Horvik. "My Lord, I trust you have made ready the wagon that Her Highness requested for her baggage?"

Horvik was sullen. "Your Grace, the wagon is ready and at the front door."

"Then, by your leave, I suggest that you use some of the many servants who I see standing here to have our chests loaded while we wait. We will walk beside the wagon as we did when we arrived."

Horvik ground his teeth but there was little he could do. He gestured irritably at his men and they went along both corridors to fetch the chests. The party was left standing in one corner of the lobby looking at Jarwin and his men, who occupied the opposite corner. It took two trips along both corridors to fetch everything, with all of the travelers checking that nothing had been left behind. The men returned and joined their master.

"Now, My Lord." Wallesan pointed at Horvik. "I must ask you to join me for a short walk this morning. Normally I would be content that you should bid your guests farewell from your front door, but these are not normal times, are they? I will give you my oath that no harm will come to you, so long as we are permitted to leave your lands unhindered and to sail away, and that no-one shall raise the town or any of the people of this land against us."

Kalmenar promptly said, in a loud voice, "Heard and witnessed!"

This declaration shocked those opposite and for a moment there was a dead silence. Horvik turned to Jarwin.

"Your Grace?"

Jarwin nodded reluctantly. "Go with the Duke. He is an honorable man."

Eriana snorted with contempt but remembered not to say anything. Instead, she gestured to the front door and the party began making their way outside and down the steps. Wallesan, Eriana and Lars remained until the others had grouped around the wagon and Hambran had reported that all was as expected.

"My Lord, if you would join us."

Horvik stepped forward with a single backward glance at Jarwin. He walked past the three and out the door.

Wallesan said, "Oh, one final thing, Your Grace. You had better start fitting out that barge you mentioned last night. From today you will not be permitted to land anywhere on Joth, even if it is merely to travel from one ferry to the other along the trade road. As Robanar has denied you Palarand, so I deny you Joth. To pass Joth, therefore, you must needs use the river, which is denied to no-one, not even those of Yod. Eriana, the air in here has become bad. Let us get outside."

"Aye. Lars? Let's go."

There was a driver on the wagon, but he was apparently one of Horvik's older servants so was considered harmless. The travelers proceeded to the gate, which was opened at a gesture from Horvik.

One of his armsmen called from the gateway. "My Lord! You are unattended!"

"Silvik, I am going down to the ferry with these people. This is the Duke of Joth, he has given an oath guaranteeing my safety. Remain you all within the walls until I return."

"But... You will have to walk back on your own! What about the townspeople?"

There was a silence from Horvik. Wallesan wondered if that meant that the townspeople did not like him.

"You! Silvik, is that your name? I am the Duke of Joth."

"Uh, Your Grace! Aye, I am Silvik. What is happening?"

"My man, there has been... a disagreement, perhaps... between Her Highness Princess Eriana of Palarand and His Grace Duke Jarwin. We no longer desire to be in the company of such people. We depart, therefore, and Horvik accompanies us as surety. You may accompany your liege to ensure his safe return and to witness our conduct towards him."

Silvik looked shocked. Although he must have known what Jarwin was like, he had not been told about the status of his master's overnight visitors.

"My Lord?"

There was a certain relief in Horvik's response. "If His Grace has requested, then you may certainly accompany me."

The little procession trundled through the center of the town, which was just beginning to come alive for the activities of the day. They continued towards the hostel, where there was an unexpected reception. The crew, seeing Eriana, Lars, Bennet and Semma in their uniforms, immediately stood up from the breakfast tables and grabbed their weapons, advancing to meet them. She held up a hand.

«Easy, men! Everything is in order for now. Tor, report.»

«A quiet night, Captain. We slept well, the mattresses were of good quality for a place this small. There are six with weapons down at the Visund. What has happened? I take it we are leaving right away?»

«We have not yet broken our fast, Tor.» The ship's mate looked shocked. «We will eat here and that will give you time to organize our departure properly. Send some more down to the ship to ensure there are no disturbances but leave enough here to provide us an escort as we leave.» She added, «The story will be told but only when we are on the Sirrel again. There is danger here.»

«Understood, Captain. Who are those two?»

«The local lord and his escort to make sure that nobody interferes with our departure.»

Tor grinned. «A hostage, you mean?»

«Yes, but our Duke has given an oath that he will not be harmed, so long as we are left alone. I am not sure that the townspeople like him very much so he has an armsman to escort him back to his mansion.»

«You're getting soft, Highness,» he said. Some of the men laughed.

Tor turned and shouted out commands. There was the usual apparent confusion which resulted in six men going down to the slipway, four pushing two carts with the two who could not walk aboard. The others packed up their belongings and then formed a perimeter around the hostel, much to the consternation of the kitchen staff. Eriana walked over to the kitchen counter.

"What is happening? Why is Lord Horvik with you?"

"There has been a small problem at his mansion and Horvik seeks to ensure our safe departure. Do not concern yourselves, you are in no danger here among my men, who are all sworn to me. I am the owner and captain of our ship. Have you had any trouble so far?"

"Captain, your men have made no trouble at all. They have eaten tidily and slept quietly. What is it we may do for you?"

"Those of us who stayed at Horvik's mansion have not yet eaten. Shall you provide us breakfast?"

"Captain, you are travelers, we are obliged to provide you with food should you require it. How many of you are there? We have already fed your crew, as you have seen, and were about to clean up."

"We are but nine... one moment. My Lord?"

Horvik turned from where he stood with Wallesan. "Your Highness?"

"Have you yet broken your fast? I would not ask you and your man to go hungry." She smiled at him. "Should you be concerned, I have enough coin to pay for the meals of you and your man."

Horvik nodded glumly and Eriana turned back to the cook. "That will be eleven, then. Make them good meals, we have a long way to go today."

"As you command, Captain. Uh, I heard you were heading to Joth? That is what your men said."

"Aye, that is so. We return His Grace to his lands after a long visit to Palarand."

"Palarand! I thought I recognized your colors. A rare sight so far from the trade road."

"Just so. Now, is there pel available? Gods, my throat is dry."

Those dining were still eating when Prell was permitted back through the perimeter. He came directly to Eriana's table.

"Captain! Good morning. I was at the Warden's office. I saw your men come down, and they had a strange tale to tell."

"The tale is strange, pilot, but it shall not be told here. Have you heard of Duke Jarwin, brother of Mariswin who rules this land?"

"Aye, of course, but..?" His eyes widened. "Do you tell me that he is nearby?"

"Aye. He was already staying at the mansion we were invited to yesterday. No doubt the invitation to us was at his behest. Let us just say that, while the evening was tolerable, the night was not. We departed as soon as we could, which is why we are breaking our fast now. What of the Sirrel?"

"No problems, Captain. The wind is in our favor today."

"That is good, since I desire to get us to Joth today. Can it be done?"

"I... believe so, Captain, though I hesitate to guarantee such a suggestion."

Eriana chuckled. "After wrestling a gogon and finding a castaway on an island, I do not blame you! This is not the smoothest voyage I have ever sailed."

Prell smiled back. "No, indeed, Captain. Well, whenever you and your men are ready. Is there time for me to take more pel?"

"Aye, of course! I have yet to settle the bill, in any case."

Across the table, Wallesan muttered, "You realize that it is I who will be doing the settling, Eriana? Virgulend Pikans, you remember."

She waved a hand. "What are a few coins between friends?"

* * *

Once everyone had finished, the bill settled, and the hostel cleared of everything and everyone associated with the Visund, the enlarged traveling group formed up and set out for the ferry slipway. Many of the carts used to bring them away the previous evening were re-used, but some who had been carried then preferred to limp back, arguing that the exercise would help their injuries recover.

By unspoken agreement, Horvik and Silvik walked beside Wallesan and Eriana, who in turn resumed walking beside the wagon with their chests on it. Few words were spoken but it seemed that Horvik was impressed both by the size and hairiness of Eriana's crew and also their discipline. He made little conversation but everyone's attitude to him and his armsmen was politeness itself.

Soon the huts on stilts appeared and were passed, the Visund lying just beyond. Those who had already arrived greeted their friends warmly, even though some had only come less than a bell previously. The mooring ropes were recovered and the men pushed the ship back down the bank until most of it was in the water. The injured were helped to climb in and then the business of handing up the chests, duffels and other baggage commenced. Once everything was aboard, Wallesan turned to Horvik.

"It is time we departed these lands, My Lord. I doubt that you will ever see any of us again."

Horvik went down on one knee. "Your Grace, I admit my part in what happened last night and for dissembling I must apologize. Sometimes it is very hard for a vassal to deny his liege, when what his liege requires may be distasteful."

"Rise, Horvik." When the Count had regained his feet Wallesan added, "I can offer you no remedy, My Lord, I have no power in these lands. I can understand why you would find it difficult to petition Mariswin, with his brother standing next to him. Perhaps, when next the Sirrel rises and you repair your mansion, you should consider making some more permanent changes to it."

Horvik bowed. "Your Grace, I will consider your words carefully. I know that you gave your oath, but I will tell my liege that I have been well-treated, and it will be true."

Wallesan gave a brief nod and then turned away, to be helped on board. Eriana followed him, and most of the crew then moved to the stern to allow the bow to lift and the ship to float free. As it did so, the last few of the crew, who had waited on the bank in case assistance was required, were hauled on board.

Eriana breathed a sigh of relief. "That's over at last!" She switched tongues. «Haul up the sail! Get those oars out!»

The Visund set sail on a cool spring morning with a freshening breeze. This morning, there was a high haze which kept the early morning sun partly at bay, while still permitting enough light to make the further bank plainly visible. Once they had backed out away from the shallows, the sail was enough to send them along at an encouraging pace.

"Pilot, if I may look at your charts for the remaining part of our route."

"Surely, Captain."

Prell found and spread out two charts on the edge of the stern decking, as they stood inside the main hull. The up-swept tail sheltered the documents from the following wind.

"Let me see if I may read this, then... we are here, is that so?"

"Aye, Captain."

"Then, the river sweeps left to cross the valley once more. Is that Treen? Is there any reason why we must needs stop there?"

"Aye, it is Treen, but there is no official reason why we must needs stop, Captain. Ah, given your recent adventure, perhaps it would be a good idea to avoid Virgulend for now."

"As you say, and that will save us... what, two bells, at the very least. But look here, the river then bends yet again. Can our sails transport us beyond there?"

"It is possible, Captain, but I would point out that your ship will need to switch sides again on that stretch. By the time you have rowed across you will be around the next bend and there should be no further problems before you reach Joth."

"Ah, I understand. Then, we sail the... South Smordan Reach, is that what that says?"

"Aye, Captain, and good sailing all the way. Fortunately Joth is only a little further. As the days are growing longer, as summer advances, it ought to be possible to reach there before dark."

"Very well. Give me options in case we cannot get there, then, for some reason. I do not care to risk my ship in the dark on a river I do not know. And what of the lunch stop, where we must needs nap again."

"Here, Captain," Prell tapped a spot on his chart. The two bent over the drawings, intent on their discussion.

In the middle of the ship, Wallesan, Kalmenar, Maralin and the other Jothans sat in a group.

"Your Grace, does that sort of thing happen very often?"

"What, Maralin?"

"Horvik. I mean, it was his home but it looks like Jarwin made him fit those hatches. I'm thinking about a noble's responsibility to his liege, and how that might conflict with custom and law and, well, doing the right thing."

Wallesan nodded. "I cannot imagine most lieges forcing their vassals to do anything unpleasant like that, Maralin, but then I don't know most of them, I can only speak for Joth and my own experience. I would have strong words with any of my vassals who made their own vassals - or anybody, really, vassal or not - do something that was either illegal or unpleasant. It is one of the surest ways of setting your people against you. They have a very good idea of what is right and what is not." He looked at Maralin. "But does the same not happen on Earth?"

"We have no nobles, Your Grace, as you know, but there are always people in power who would take advantage of those below them. Sometimes they can find ways of blowing the whistle -"

This phrase provoked an intense discussion about games, umpires and referees.

Wallesan brought the discussion back on course. "So you are telling me that people like Jarwin exist on Earth, then. He is not simply a product of Alaesia."

"Oh, no, Your Grace! Regrettably not. I guess people are much the same everywhere, whatever system they live under."

At the front, in their accustomed places, sat Bennet, Semma and Ursula.

"You are wearing uniforms," Ursula observed. "I know you told me before that you were some kind of soldier but I wasn't sure since you wore the same sort of clothes as everybody else."

"Soldier?" Bennet responded. "We carry weapons, aye, and we both know how to use them, but I would not name us soldiers. We are guardswomen of the King. If we had worn our uniforms before, it would have drawn attention to ourselves and those on the Visund. Today it was necessary to wear them to make sure that Lord Horvik did not delay our departure by some means."

"I understand why you wore them today," Ursula said. "I am trying to understand what you are doing on the ship at all, I suppose."

"It is a kind of tradition now, I think," Bennet mused. "You heard Her Highness speak of the attack on Boldan's Rock? Aye? Well, she had two of His Majesty's guardswomen beside her for that adventure. One of those women is now with child, so we were selected to accompany her this time."

Ursula's brow was furrowed so Semma explained, "Most of those you see here on the ship went with Her Highness on that adventure, Ursula. As you can see, they are all men and it would have been unseemly for a single woman to go with such a large group of men, even though she was their leader. Thus, she must needs have women companions."

Ursula's mouth was an 'O' of understanding.

Bennet added, "Her men are all sworn personally to her, so I doubt she would have any trouble with them, she knows them all well. But there would be trouble from others, who saw her with such a party, particularly in view of her rank. In addition, as you have found, though a woman might manage on her own, the business of undressing and dressing, and of bathing, is much eased if there are two or more women together."

Ursula nodded. "Thank you, I understand now. But presumably I will not stay on this ship once we reach Joth, so what happens to me? I would be a lone woman then."

"I doubt it," Bennet replied. "Whether you remain at Joth or choose to go to one of the other countries, or even if you travel so far as Palarand, you will most likely be assigned a maid, who will be your constant companion in bed chamber or bathroom." The guardswoman smiled. "Do not worry, Ursula. I have no doubt that you will be well looked after, whatever your fate may be."

Ursula was silent for a while then, but thought of another question. "Your sashes. I did not notice before, but the colors seem important, don't they? I notice that yours are a single blue but Her Highness wears a striped combination."

"Well, blue is the color used by the Palace Guard, Ursula," Bennet explained. "Since almost everybody who resides in the palace, who is not a noble or a visitor, wears the same colors, we use sashes to identify what we are. Her Highness wears a purple and dark green sash because the King granted her the use, as she is officially a Princess of Palarand now. The purple and the green are separated by what they call a 'difference' color, which shows her relationship to the royal family. Her difference is white, while that of Prince Keren and Princess Garia is light blue."

"Actually," Semma said, "the sashes worn by Princess Garia can get a little complicated, since she was adopted by the King and Queen when she first arrived. She was awarded the royal colors, but hers were differenced by a pink band. Then the King made her Baroness Blackstone and her sashes became dark green over light green." She pulled a face. "The study of colors, sashes and devices is long and complicated, Ursula, so most people only learn what they need to."

"Oh. I'm relieved to hear that," Ursula said. "I notice that His Grace wears a blue and white sash and his men do too, even though they are not in uniform. Do they all wear uniform?"

"That's right, Ursula," Bennet confirmed. "The colors of the Duke of Joth are blue and white quartered, so his men wear his colors that others may know who they are sworn to. They are not wearing uniforms for the same reason we didn't before today. This morning, Captain Hambran and Tenant Maralin might have changed had they all known what was going on along the corridor."

Ursula frowned. "This place is complicated. I wonder if I already know all this, and it will come back to me when my memory returns?"

Bennet shrugged. "Who can tell? If Tenant Maralin is right, that should happen within the next day or two."

Ursula mused, "I wonder who I am. Nobody seems willing to tell me very much. Do you think they are hiding something?"

"I could not say, Ursula. I think the reason they do not tell you any more than they have is because they do not know. I deem you are as much a mystery to them as you are to us."

"You're probably right."

* * *

The day had been sufficiently cloudy that their lunch stop had been for just that, lunch. Since both Wallesan and Eriana wanted to get to Joth as soon as they could, the Visund had set off again from the small bankside village as soon as their mid-day meal had been prepared and eaten. The wind had been fair, driving both clouds and ship briskly in the proper direction. Those who had been disturbed by the previous night's activities dozed on bench, against the inside of the hull between the benches, or draped over the sheeted baggage stored along the middle of the ship.

Finally the end of the South Smordan Reach appeared and Prell indicated that they should take a right turn to head toward the city of Joth. Eriana looked with interest as the waters merged from two different directions.

"Joth is an island, you said, but it seems very large to me. How large?"

"Captain, you had best direct your question to he who rules Joth. Let me just say that the country presently runs from one side of the Great Valley to the other, so it must be fifty marks or so wide."


"Aye, Captain. Although Joth has been an island for more than a century, the Sirrel, as you have seen, continually eats away at portions of the land and deposits at others. So, while Joth has indeed been an island for that long, its shape, like that of the other countries, is continually changing."

"This is novel to me, who is used to a coastline - or mayhap a river bank - remaining exactly where the Gods placed it. Does the river move so much, then?"

Prell shrugged. "It varies, Captain. Mostly it is a little nibble each year, here and there, but occasionally the consequences can be great. In Palarand, for example, the snaking of the river cut through the land completely during a big storm and turned the part where the city is, which is now named Central Palarand, into an island for some years. That eventually turned Palarand from a country on the north side to one on the south, and alliances were made with Brikant and Kendeven, since their lands would soon be permanently joined."

She nodded. "Aye. This was been explained to me at the palace, but it did not mean so much to me then. Thank you, pilot."

"You are an experienced sailor of ships, Captain. I am honored to help you learn the ways of our great river."

Eriana peered forward. "How far, now, is Joth? Shall we see it soon?"

"It is about twenty marks ahead, Captain, but there are three small bends to be negotiated first. If you would hug the right bank for the while, I will find you the best place to cross, and you may use your sail for the rest."

The river was crossed, but the sun had begun to sink behind the north wall of the Valley before Joth came into view. Wallesan, Hambran and Maralin joined Eriana at the stern.

"Yonder lies Joth," the Duke said, pointing.

Eriana shaded her eyes against the setting sun. "Gods! Are those the walls?"

"Aye, and still they did not prevent those of Yod from getting in," he responded dryly. "The city is well protected against the land, as you can see, but the invaders came by boat."

"Did you not realize? Is there no wall against the river?"

"The river defenses were there but not good enough. Nobody was expecting such an attack and the gates were wide open. It would have been impossible to close them anyway since the hinges were rusted and the wood rotten. They had stood wide for at least forty years."

"And now?"

"New gates have been commissioned and the walls against the port are being raised to match the rest. However, since the river moves, we are no longer exactly on the river but set back a short way from it, in a little cove, perhaps. My Questors tell me that eventually our port will silt up and Joth will be surrounded by land, as it once was centuries ago."

"Mayhap our new federation will make the need for high walls a thing of the past, Wallesan."

"Mayhap indeed, but I gave the orders to raise the walls and repair the gates before you ever arrived at my lands, Eriana. Only time will tell if we made the right decision at Dekarran."

"I am forced to agree. A thought occurs to me. Do they know you are coming?"

"I do not think so. If we had stopped at Treen, as we originally planned, I would have had a message sent, which would mean that they would be ready for us." The Duke shrugged. "For now, we must rely on their vigilance. A ship so unusual as this one will surely be remarked on."

Eriana had a sly smile. "Do you desire my men to test your defenses, Wallesan? We never came to the city before, we went through Thorn, so few here should remember what us Einnlanders look like."

Wallesan was shocked. "Maker, no! After the last invasion, I doubt not they will be very twitchy on the walls. I do not desire to see the blood of your men spilled. Oh, and remember, Joth now has the use of guns. No, Eriana, this time I think it would be unwise."

They had been noticed, and the fact that Hambran, Maralin and the other Jothans had changed into their uniforms at the lunch stop made them instantly visible to those on the wharves. A welcoming party was waiting as they threw lines to the dock workers.

"Ah! They have guessed who is aboard, I deem."

"Your colors flying at the mast head no doubt helped."

"No doubt. What must you do before we may disembark?"

"Hmm. It is getting dark, although the wharves and jetties are well-lit, I see. Since we intend to remain here some days, I would say that much may be left until tomorrow to be decided. May we rely on your men to guard the Visund?"

"Surely! The Port Watch will be very nervous, not desiring a repeat of what went before."

"Very well." Eriana turned and shouted orders to the crew, who sent up a great roar that astonished the welcoming party just arriving above them. She added, "We must unload our baggage, that is all, and I have suggested that, since we will not be sailing tomorrow, the men may indulge in a little more ale than usual."

Wallesan grinned. "I'll alert the City Watch to treat them gently! Now, if you would join me, we will greet my wife, whom I have not seen these several months."

On the quayside Duke and Duchess embraced warmly before he directed her attention to Eriana. "My dear, Eriana has brought us safely home to Joth. Now I have returned, I intend to remain with my wife and family and discover what has been happening while I was away."

Fanis tutted. "Your Highness, welcome back to Joth. My, what a strange ship you have! And I see you have brought all those big, hairy men of yours."

"Name me Eriana, please, Fanis. I would consider us friends. Aye, I needed some muscle to pull the many oars of the Visund. My crew shall have a few days to relax and enjoy themselves now, before we continue our voyage. If I may present Lord Kalmenar, a man knowledgeable in the arcane arts of diplomacy, so it is said. Kalmenar, this is Her Grace Duchess Fanis, wife of His Grace."

Kalmenar bowed over Fanis's hand and kissed it, much to her amusement.

"Be welcome in Joth, My Lord. Have you been here before?"

"I have passed through using the trade road only, Your Grace. I have not visited the city before. I see that you have repaired whatever damage the Yodans have done."

Her face darkened. "Mostly, My Lord, but I would not speak of those dark days tonight. If you would all follow me, our mansion is not too far to walk. A meal of celebration is in order, I deem. Husband, you never said you would arrive tonight! I expected you tomorrow or the next day."

"Ah, well, we had a slight difficulty with an overnight stay, my dear. Jarwin was in residence. We were forced to make a hasty departure."

Fanis turned to her husband, alarm on her face. "Jarwin! Tell me that there was no trouble."

"Regrettably there was a minor incident, aye, but we managed to get ourselves out of it by using some angry words."

"Oh, my! Well, that is a tale for another day, I deem. I do not wish to hear that tonight either, by your leave."

"Neither do I, my dear. Oh, I am forgetting my manners. Eriana has two new companions with her for this expedition. They are Semma, here, and Bennet."

The two curtseyed.

"Be welcome, ladies. I'm sure that you will enjoy your stay in Joth."

Bennet replied, "Thank you, Your Grace."

Eriana said, "Wallesan, we have forgotten the last member of our party. Ursula, come forward. If I may present Fanis, the wife of Duke Wallesan. Fanis, this is Ursula, a castaway whom we found on an island in the Sirrel a few days ago."

"Found on an island?"

Wallesan said, "Aye, my dear, in the same manner as Maralin was found."

"Maralin! Is he here as well? Oh, of course, there he is." Fanis turned her attention back to Ursula. "Be welcome in Joth, Ursula. What an interesting name!"

Eriana explained, "In truth, it was Maralin who named her, as she does not yet remember her own name. Both Maralin and Wallesan believe that she has come from the mother world, Earth, as Maralin did."

Ursula looked surprised. "Earth? This is not Earth? But then... Oh..."

Her eyes screwed up with pain and she raised her hands to support her head. In moments her knees buckled and she sank insensible to the stones of the wharf.

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