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Hours later with Tommy by her side, Angela followed her parents, Tommy’s mother and his uncle into the visitor’s housing Mrs. Carson had set up for the two families to use while they were here for the ceremony.
Once inside Tommy quickly pulled Angela to the couch in the living room area, “Can I see it now? Please can I see it?”
Knowing what her best friend was asking about, Angela opened the small purse she had been carrying and pulled out a white plastic card with a powder blue border that Tommy quickly snatched out of her hand.
“Way Cool!” The boy’s excitement showing in the wide smile as he read the card, “Oh my god it’s a military mutant card!”
“A military ID?” Harry looked over at Angela’s parents questionably, “I didn’t know either of you were military?”
“We’re not,” Angela’s mother explained, “although we have a lot of contracts with the Naval Research Laboratory and the Department of Defense. So I spoke with some of our contacts and they agreed that it would be best that Angela was issued a military mutant ID.”
“That’s cool.” Tommy’s smile suddenly disappeared, “Oh shit!”
“Tommy, language!” his mother quickly scolded.
“Um sorry mom,” Tommy turned the card so everyone could see it, “but they have Devisor listed on Angie’s card!”
Tommy’s mother stepped over to where the teens sat and took the card from her son. Reading it aloud to the group, “Code name, ACME, Abilities, Exemplar, classified, Devisor, classified, Gadgeteer, classified. Affiliations, Naval Research Laboratory, Army Research Laboratory and Department of Defense.” Looking over the top of the card at Angela, “What’s an ACME?”
Both teens began giggling as Angela’s father chuckled while Angela’s mother gave the young girl a motherly glare. “It’s where Wile E. Coyote gets all his stuff,” Angela almost whispered.
“What was that?” Tommy’s mother asked.
“It’s where Wile E. Coyote gets all the cool stuff he uses to try to catch the Road Runner,” Tommy volunteered. “But that’s not the problem, “Tommy continued, “having her rated as a Devisor means everything she builds has to go though some kind of testing now to see if it’s a devise or a gadget.”
“How’s that a problem?” Tommy’s mother questioned the teens.
Angela’s mother interrupted with the answer, “Devises cannot be patented. So anything Angela invents from here on will have to be tested before a patent can be filed.”
“And if it turns out to be a devise,” Tommy concluded, “No patent!”
Grabbing her purse Angela began rifling through it, “I almost forgot about these.” Angela pulled what looked like two teabags from her purse that she held out for her mother, “I made something during my tests that I thought were pretty handy so I improved the design and made these.”
Taking the teabags from her daughter, Angela’s mother began inspecting them closely. While they were about the size of a regular tea bag, the bag wasn’t made out of the porous paper that normally held the tea leaves, instead this looked to be made out of a fine metal mesh. Two small white wires coming out of the top of the teabag ended with what first appeared to be the common tag found on many mass produced tea bags, although the tag appeared to be made out of some hard nonmetallic material painted white to look like the tag on a normal tea bag. One of the tags had a thin blue stripe diagonally across both sides while the other has the same stripe but in red.
“What are these?” Angela’s mother questioned.
“They keep drinks hot or cold,” Angela beamed. “Depending on which one you use.”
Holding up one of the counterfeit teabags by the tag, “Blue for cold, red for hot?” Angela’s mother probed.
Angela nodded, “The tag is a heat exchanger, absorbing heat from the atmosphere for the hot one and releasing heat to the atmosphere for the cold one. The ones I made during the test didn’t have the external heat exchangers and quit working after a while. They’re powered by the thermal variance between the internal and external heat exchangers too, so no batteries.”
“Let me have a look at the one that keeps drinks cold,” Angela’s father held his hand out to his wife. Once she had handed over the one with the blue stripe he walked off into the kitchen area, returning a few minutes later with the mock teabag submerged in an amber liquid inside a whiskey tumbler. “I can already feel the glass cooling down,” Angela’s father grinned, swirling the amber liquid around inside the glass before holding it under his nose.
Talking a sip of the now chilled liquid, “Mmmm, the good stuff.”
Angela’s mother looked annoyingly at her husband, “There are times you can be worse than your daughter. That has not been through any product testing, as far as we know it could have any number of reactions with your whiskey. Furthermore I can’t believe you brought whiskey with us on the trip!”
Ignoring the looks his wife was giving him Angela’s father took another sip of the whiskey, “What? You can’t buy Templeton Rye this far away from Iowa!” Looking over where Angela sat, “Honey this thing has whiskey stones beat hands down, they’ll sell like hotcakes!”
“After they have been properly tested!” Angela’s mother grabbed the teabag by the heatsink/tag removing it from her husband’s glass.
“What do you mean the boy has disappeared, he has to be somewhere?” the portly silver haired man shot up to his feet sending the leather executive chair crashing into the shelves behind his desk.
“Yes sir, I know that,” The man standing in front of the desk agreed. “We’re pretty sure that his parents have enrolled him into a boarding school in New Hampshire under an alias. One of the cops tied to the botched job took an extended vacation. He showed up a few weeks later apparently visiting an old army buddy that works at the school. We believe the cop was the one that transported the boy there. The boy’s parents have made two trips on their company’s jet to Boston since. While we’re not sure about the first trip, their plane never landed in Boston on the second trip and their company credit card was used to purchase jet fuel at the airport in Berlin New Hampshire.”
“And this concerns me how?” The older man shouted, “Get a team together, go up to that damn school and grab the kid!”
“We’ve already positioned a team in the vicinity but there’s a problem,” the man took a small step backwards. “The school, It’s Whateley boss.”
“Fucking hell!” The silver haired man’s grew wide, “Your guys are smart enough not to step foot on school grounds?” Seeing the other man’s nod the older man continued, “If they catch the boy off school property, snatch him, but otherwise do nothing.”
“Sure thing boss,” the man turned to leave the office as his boss sat back down.
“Wait!” the underling heard his boss bellow as he reached for the door knob. Turning around to face his boss again, “Yeah boss?”
“Pull your team back, tell them to go home for now.”
“You sure boss?”
“Yeah, I got an idea,” The silver haired man grinned. “Hey also on your way out, tell Vince and Tony to go find that useless son of mine and bring him here.” Almost as an afterthought he stated, “Tell Vince and Tony to let my boy know I want to talk to him about this school he wants to go to.”
“I’ll let them know,” nodding as he opened the door and left.
Opening one of the drawers in his desk the older man pulled out a stack of papers, in bold letters at the top of the first page it read, ‘Whateley Academy Enrollment Application.‘
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Damn just starting to get good. No mention about who the guy in the Sears tower is or what he wants with Angela. I hope there will be more at a later time so we can find out what is going on. Good story and I liked the part about ACME being the codename.
Don'y you just...
...hate it when the villain shows up and doesn't introduce himself!
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
... you sure you're not Ian Fleming?
Don't blame me, it was my cat!
Love the codename
Best one yet. Great story, characters, and great finish with a set up for future stories.
While Coyote would have been the obvious name to use on her MMID, ACME is quite fitting :)
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
If we are fortunate enough to
If we are fortunate enough to receive a following story about this silver hair man and his son, I have a feeling it will be really good and Angela will be on guard.
Dog gone it...
That yassin sassin snazzum frazzum muse of mine done gone and made up a new character without tellin me what his mutant powers are!
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Which one
Which character did that come from Yosemite Sam or Taz? Son, I say son, ya goin about it all wrong; ya gotta get hold of that muse and not let her run wild.
I guess I should have titled it "Dagnabbit!" as that would have been closer to how Yosemite Sam would have begun :)
Ahh Foghorn Leghorn what a character! Now if Angela built a robot of him
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Love the story
I hope their is more, eventually
Look up ahead.....the dreaded
Look up ahead.....the dreaded.............ever present.....................never wanted.....................vile......................most hated
Cliffhanger!!! dunn dun duuuuuuuuuuuuu!
Do you have a road runner that needs offing... a hunter that bothers you? or that dreaded guard dog beating you up each and every day until you clock out?
Call Acme! We can provide you with the new age weapons that will take that sucker out...nukes, PPC's or even lazer beams mounted on our new landsharks!
or we can send out our two most experienced Drow assassins....they never miss!
what will happen next time when the writer of Coyote and the twin crazed drows chat about what to do next?
Proud member of the Whateley Academy Drow clan/collective
Yes, eventually
I do have plans but nothing set in stone yet. As I stated when I first began posting this one, it was one I had written several years ago and somehow lost tract of it.
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
"I want to talk to him about this school he wants to go to.”
oh boy ... and I love the code name!
Now we jsut have to see
What kind of items ACME creates for her coyote :)
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
"go find that useless son of mine"
Oh yeah, that's going to be interesting. Who wants to lay a bet on whether the 'useless son' is loyal to his father, or whether he decides that he likes ACME?
My first thought was, "Nooooo! Nooooooo!!!!!" Then the story ended in this phrase, which strongly implies a sequel is planned. Yayyy!!!!!! I like this story.
‘Whateley Academy Enrollment Application.‘
I just re-read this story for a second time, along with some other of Nuuan's stories. I'm still hoping for that sequel.
Thank you Nuuan.
There is a sequel in my mind
Finding the time to write it is another story :(
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Third or fourth time, I think.
I really do re-read this story a lot.
And now to go re-read Kelly's Story.
And I've re-read it again.
It's, like, I think this is an awesome story that is fun to re-read over and over and over.
Bunch of Loonie Tunes
Boy? What boy are they going to find? Good thing the boy no longer exists or that they know he changed.
But who might shoot off their excited mouth when talk with others gets around to what the mech did? Tommy should never have been told who Angela used to be, as he isn't mature to be trusted not to shoot off his mouth to defend Angela.
So the way this story ended left no doubt there will be a sequel? If no good son can pass inspection by Mrs. Carson, if she doesn't already know about his father, might no good son finally have a chance to stick it to daddy dear for all the abuse he received?
Hopefully the PC police haven't got their hands on many of the Coyote and Roadrunner cartoons. They got their hands on Bugs Bunny landing up in Spain and having to fight the bull.
Others have feelings too.
no good son
Mrs. Carson isn't going to reject a student based on who his father is. Nor will it matter if he is 'no good.'
The school has many known criminal children. I don't know if the Bad Seeds is an official club, but it is definitely well known. The fact is that a lot of the student dynamic comes from wannabee capes feeling like they should smite the supervillains -- whether or not they have actually done anything. Some Bad Seeds, as a matter of fact, don't plan on going into 'the business.' Still, they are pre judged by the would-be heroes or just self-righteous 'good guys' that don't actually plan on doing any heroing.
The only thing that will keep the 'no good son' from being admitted is if he is not a mutant. And getting kicked out is also difficult -- else the ultraviolents like Bloodwolf would be gone.
Whateley is neutral territory.
-- anyhow...
I didn't know that the PC police had gone after specific Bugs Bunny cartoons. But I can see them not liking the whole bull fighting shtick. It's not a sport that I would ever support, but I'm not going to complain about cartoons that use it.
There are some older Bugs Bunny cartoons that would never ever make it today. There is one where Bugs does his normal tormenting of someone who wants to turn him into dinner. The trouble is that the antagonist is a real caricature. Think about blackface and double it.
Of course, the whole 'wabbit season, duck season' thing wouldn't make it nowadays because Elmer Fudd uses a projectile weapon. Think of it. All of the modern cartoons use swords or destructo-ray-beams or whatever. At least, the kids' cartoons do. Roger Rabbit's buddy had a cartoon gun with cartoon bullets.
I wonder what the PC police would think of cross dresser bugs.
They would probably have no problem with it because Bugs doesn't lampoon lgbt people. What surprises me is that the moral guardians of the time didn't complain. But maybe even they have more sense than the PC police.
hope you can continue
Hope you can continue this series or sequel