Shadowsblade: School year 2...Resistance or Ro has a long mustache!

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade

Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and without.

This is the story of a man who finds a magic box, one that changes him into a Teenage Drow girl (a dark elf) and he has to deal with the very sudden change. Then handle all the memories of a Drow that was 'made' for a long lost war. This new part of him, has 40,000 years of memories of fighting that war. She has to deal with all that pent up PTSD, her enemy is here, but she loves her. Her old Queen is here and she wants to kill, that Queen ohh so bad!

So far in the story, Rohanna is being sent to a high school for mutants. While in school, she has to learn to keep that temper in check and her vast skills at killing others! She has been attacked in Boston while shopping, by her new lover by accident of fate and by an assassin that nearly kills her.

The last major hurdle in her short new life, is that a science project gone mad! Has made an exact clone of her and linked it mentally to her every thought, it reacts like an extension of her body now.

In this chapter

The struggle is real and the twin are in the middle of it!




Thursday, September 6, 2007 6:10PM
ARC, Ellena Blackwood's office

Jack was trapped just like the Drow in the prison cell or dungeon with him, but he did have one large advantage over that sad Drow trapped inside the cell with him. He was not engrained over the millennia with all the compulsions she had gained over an extremely long lifetime of servitude or slavery, he still could see several things with a clarity that she had ceased even seeing long ago or had passed by as dead ends to escape her binds and finally be free!

"Rohanna...Shadowsblade, I will break us free of us both of that damn book...that I promise!" Jack said pounding on the bars once more and trying to shake the whole door free from its hinges...but it did not even rattle!

"I made that very same promise to myself and others when I was a child....and here I still am." the sad shadow of the warrior groveled from the room's far dark corner, "It might take a week, a month, a whole year or a thousand of them. But sooner or will break you, this place will break you just like it did me." she sobbed on like a broken child.

Jack rested his head against the bars of the ancient cell, trapped deep within his own dark thoughts, 'She might be right...but I have to keep going, fighting all of this...we will out live this bitch for sure one way or another and we will be free then!"


Outside the mental dungeon of the Drow's mind, out in Ellena's office

The black haired woman paced around her small office laughing, "GOD I was so F-ing scared this plan, that command would not work! I knew going in that this was some kind of temporary or field level command phrase...but the darn thing actually worked for me a human and not a Sidhe?"

Ellena sat back down at her small desk and waved a hand in front of each Drow's face, "Not even a reaction, they are both waiting for me to order them about like robots! GOD I am going to love this, my own two little terminators and I own them. I am so going to love it when I send them after my boss and with his mysterious death, I get a promotion!"

Both pixies hovered about in the room silently, unseen until they knew that the fun was over for sure and landed perching on top of one of Ellena's many book filled shelves. Both stayed utterly quiet, bound by the very same Geas that the Drow twins were doomed to obey without a thought...when they all joined in the Grove to become family...that binding had trapped them in its all encompassing evil too!


Back in the Drow's shared mind...or now a prison cell!

Jack had slid down the wall next to the broken Drow and had tried to give her a reassuring hug. But Shadowsblade recoiled at his even getting close to her and leapt away to the far wall across the cell, then curled up in the relative safety that the new dark corner offered her tortured mind and body.

Jacks head lowered in shame at what he had just done, "Sorry Shadow, what was I even thinking? I am very sure that you are so messed up, that you even talking to me is a God send or in this case Gaea send?" he tried in vain to chuckle at his own jest and failed miserably.

When Jack stared right through the bars of his new cage like they did not exist in some strange way, it was very much like watching a movie at a drive-in! Ellena was pacing her small office babbling on about what she wanted to do with both Drow, but strangely gave no real orders and that seemed to 'grind' on Jack right now..."Just get on with it and order us about you bitch! Go have us kill off all... everything we have loved, liked or call family?" Jack cried out and the sound of his protests echoed off the walls unanswered.

Jack's eyes slide back and forth as he watched via the Rohanna twin, Ellena pace the short few step across her office again and that is when he spotted it! Something was hovering 'just' past the bars, a very ghostly something, a black something and something he barely noticed...but noticed it he did!

It was a representation of time to the Drow, an ancient water clock dripped off the seconds and only seemed to have about a five or so minute timer? Inside this mental prison even FIVE minutes seemed like forever and those drips seemed to take forever, each one drop slowly forming then falling at a slow fall rate to make a large plop into the counter weighted container that represented five minutes or so to a Drow and translated about the same to the human Jack.

"Shadow!" Jack shouted out jumping to the bars and reaching out towards the clock as if he could affect its incredibly slow counting down of the remaining seconds, "Do you see that GIRL! She has a timer, Ellena has a damn timer, her fucking orders have a time limit and IF she says nothing, orders us nothing...we are free till she says the WHOLE command over again!"

The broken Drow glanced up from her corner, "What are you babbling about HUMAN...there has never been a clock on me...on us Drow. Orders are timeless, they last forever and they are FOREVER!"

Jack started laughing and was laughing very hard, "You silly Drow...the order is there in our shared bindings, you just forgot it and lost all hope on getting free. So you forgot all the little 'gray' areas in amongst your bindings, your Geas and all the spells the Sidhe made into you, ones that a human like me can see in 'layers' and this human is going to get us free because I can see between those layers!"

"What?" the thin broken child Drow questioned and did not even understanding what Jack was saying...the binding was all, the Geas was all and that was it! Simple black or white or life or grays?

"It's there, just believe me and when this bitch slips...she is dead...very DEAD!" Jack growled as he counted down the seconds with each drip, "Keep monologing like a fucking Bond villain you silly bitch and I will snuff out your life like a candle caught in a hurricane!"

Ellena paced back and forth while listing off all the ARC leadership she wanted to kill off first, then started adding all the little things she might want the Drows to steal for her or all the places they could 'port' her for a fun night out on the town!

Across from her, one of the Drows stone like faces cracked with a growing smile as the seconds passed by and behind those blank white eyes...Jack was listing off each and everyway he could think of to kill Ellena! How many days he could take making her scream in or howl in pain! "Keep on going you witch, go on...say 'No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!'..." Jack thought on.

That last needed drop fell into its golden cup and the wheel of the water clock rotated to a new place with the newly added weight and that place now indicated that both Drow were free to act...but only the human minded part knew that or even saw it! The Rohanna or Jack part of the set of twins leapt across the room and wrapped both of her steely hands around Ellena's elegant neck...and started to SQUEEZE the life from her!

"You stupid bitch, you took too long!" Rohanna howled into Ellena's face as the woman gasped for breath that would never come. Her head was being bashed into the desk top over and over, then add, the Drow was holding down her whole body across the desk top with her's!

Ellena flailed her arms all about hitting the crazed Drow for all she was worth, but those blows were far less than what she would need to break free...Ellena needed a TRUCK to break that grip on her neck, not the soft girl fists or blows that she had!

"You should have just given us an order and be done with it WOMAN! But NOOOOO you had to blab on and on like a moron and that gave us time to get free!" Rohanna sassed to the dying human in her grip, "I am going to squeeze the life from you, then get you resurrected somehow and start the pain all over again and again!" Rohanna yelled only an inch from Ellena's face.

Rehanna took several important seconds to see that her mind was free and now stood there next to the desk very confused by it all, " did this happen?" Rehanna questioned her sister.

Ellena thrashed about grabbing the only weapon on the desktop that was available to her hands, as notes scattered across the office and the floor of the small office. She grabbed at a souvenir letter opener with her hand, then finally got it and stabbed at the Drow's chest...all the sharp point could hit...was bony armored plates that covered the Drow's chest...Drow were designed for such things...the perfect Sidhe killing machines! 'The best magic could make over a millennia of experimenting!'

"Not going to work little girl!" Rohanna laughed out as Ellena stabbed the Drow's hard chest over and over in vain.

Ellena gave up on the small ineffective blade as her vision darkened and started to tunnel inwards. Her thoughts were growing fuzzy, slowing down as her brain starved for oxygen. Her hands searched out looking for anything to make the Drow stop, one arm beat on the hard Sidhe magic altered body, but each blow was nothing and did not stop or even slow Rohanna down at all.

Then Ellena found her voice recorder with her free hand and for some reason hit the 'play' button trying anything, just anything to live!

The small device crackled to life and its recorded words stopped the crazed Drow in her tracks, "Ah'hri ya ph'nglui nilgh'ri hnahh llll fahf ep task Iiahe ymg' mgepah mgepah'ehye nng!" the small device crackled out.

Rohanna's face went stone like instantly and she stood straight up letting go of Ellena's neck. Across the room a fresh tear rolled down Rehanna's cheek, as she did the exact same thing and they both waited.

Jack found himself in the cage once more and this time he was crying, howling like an animal, "Gaea you bitch...I should have killed her! Why...why...WHY did I not snap that fucking twig neck of her's and be done with it?" he berated himself at actions or inactions that might have doomed both of them to the life of a slave.

"I told you...Drow are never free." he heard that same cry come once more from the broken Drow across the dark room.

"YESSSSS, but damn it! This time you are part human, part ME 'damn it' and I will find us both a way out, one you can't see right now and one I can? Then I will kill Ellena on the spot and see about getting her soul back into my hands later!" Jack hissed out a quick promise to the Drow and himself.

Ellena gasped out as she stood up and had to move around the still form of the Drow that almost killed her! "Well that tells me I have to pay attention to detail, there must be a time limit and I have to give them an order or they are free from my will?" she pondered on.

Jack yells at the strange movie playing out before him, "Keep talking...keeeeeep talking and this time you die!"

Ellena thinks quickly at the sight of all the blood covering the closest Drow's shirt and puts a finger to her chest, "You go now, go home do not get caught by anyone and return with a matching shirt to cover up this mess!"

Rohanna started walking towards the office door and Ellena stopped her with an order or was it a question, "Teleport home!"

"Can't..." was all Rohanna said back while standing still.

"Shit!...the darn wards here at ARC are stopping her...Ahhh clean up that shirt as best you can and cover up that mess with her jacket!" she pointed to Rehanna, "AND you stay still, do nothing for now..." when both were done changing clothes, Ellena repeated the command line again to be sure. "Ah'hri ya ph'nglui nilgh'ri hnahh llll fahf ep task Iiahe ymg' mgepah mgepah'ehye nng!"

Both Drow did exactly as she ordered and when they both stopped with their shared task. Ellena gave the command line once more to keep control over them, "Rohanna is there a time limit on your command? there a time limit on this command I am using?" she corrected herself remembering that the book and the note had mentioned many levels of 'commands' or initiation types.

"Yes...mistress," that is all she said.

"Well tell me how long...I command you to tell me." she ordered and got nothing back for the stone faced Drow twins, "So it either has a time limit you can't compare to what humans use or you are still resisting me...somehow?"

Jack stood in the cell leaning against the bars smiling evilly, "Not one inch Bitch...not one inch I don't HAVE to give ya!" he hissed out through clinched teeth.

"Humm...Ellena ponders, then orders the pair once more, "Translate this book for me." and she hands the nearest Drow a book that she had gained the most from, as this book contained the notes or 'commands' and that little gem was left concealed under the 'books' cover, that was the start to her plans...that one note and what it said about the Drow/slaves!

Rohanna opens the book, reads it over quickly because it had several authors and looks up to Ellena, "No...I can not is not allowed."

"Tell my why?" she asked , then added the command phase to be sure of the results!

The Drow said nothing, but inside that trapped part of their mind Jack was laughing, "Not on inch bitch, that book has other commands phases in it and since that is considered SECRET info...I don't have to translate it for you YET...not on inch I don't HAVE to give bitch!"

Ellena scowled at the Drow's silence then came to a conclusion, " can't, can you. Other orders from the past prevent you from handing me your own or any other Drow's very keys!"

A long sigh came from Ellena as she once again wracked her brain on what to do next and she came to the only conclusion she could...wait till she has more information or translates this book fully and one more that she found on a very new list from that GOO kid down at Whateley and that tome WILL have what information she needs in it...full instructions on the Drow...that she was nearly sure of!

"Well let's do this for now...Ah'hri ya ph'nglui nilgh'ri hnahh llll fahf ep task Iiahe ymg' mgepah mgepah'ehye nng!...Your new order is to forget all of this happened, keep that messed up shirt of yours hidden, go on with your day as if all we did was talk about Drow or Sidhe history and await my next call...Then come to me as best or fast as you are able without drawing attention to your visit."

Inside the shared cell, most of Jack and Shadow was ripped from the cell. then both parts of 'Shadowsblade', the human and the Drow 'forgot' what Ellena had done or said...except the last order she just left behind. Now both of them faded into being 'normal' once again.

But one small part of both was still trapped in that dark cell and surely that part would grow with each new order till all of them was trapped inside that small ancient cell!

Both Drow echoed out in tandem, "Yes Mistress we obey as the Geas binds us." then the blank stare they both shared slowly faded away and Rohanna finally smiled to Ellena just as the teen normally would on any normal day, "Well if we are all done, can we go Mistress?" the teen asked and was busy making sure her shirt did not show all the holes or the blood stains covering it.

Rehanna even helped out her twin with a small spell that clean off most of the blood with a wave of her glowing hand, "There that looks better now!" she smiled while busy with helping Rohanna zip the jacket back up and hide the mess the shirt still was.

"May we go now Mistress, it was a nice chat we all had." Rohanna asked and Rehanna nodded in agreement, even Ellena found it strange how both slid into character like nothing had ever happened?

Rohanna opened the office door at Ellena's short nod and Farwell, "Cya soon...both of you." Ellena smiled evilly as Otto came down the hallway to greet both of the teens once again.

"Well how did it go?" Otto instantly asked as he recalled the elevator to go back up to the surface of the ARC complex.

"We had a great meeting with Ellena and will meet up with later," Rehanna said as the car finally came.

"Bye Mistress," Rohanna waved back to Ellena still standing in her office doorway as the elevator car's door slid closed.


Friday, September 28 3:20PM
Whateley Academy access road

Kevin was trudging along the access road that ran a full ring around the campus, he had chose to take the long path to his next class in Kirby Hall and this one was one of the few classes he enjoyed. It was his magic class, he was good at the craft it seemed and he was grasping the subject very well just like his sister, plus better than the Drow twins at times.. Heck even the extra time that the twins or Fey taught an all Sidhe class in his new race's style of magic he was doing very well in that too!

But over the last week, his time at Whateley had turned into a 'grind' and with last night he had snapped at Rohanna personally as they trained at night out in the Grove. That Drow was driving on Kevin to learn how to fight and fight well. She or 'them' dragged him out of bed or his room out there to learn nearly every night so far, to hone his skills at fighting.

But last night was a little different, instead of only him and the twins or maybe his sister joining in the session. They had most of the other Sidhe out there having a team training session. All of the Sidhe had only had a few of these nights so far this term and last night was the only the third time he had training with them all.

The other Sidhe had a regular training team, but till the first month school was really over...he and his sister Tonya were left off the groups training roster as a unwritten school tradition of so kind? He did not understand it, but it was there nonetheless.

Kevin was angry last night for some reason, he was fed up with several of his classes and add to that mess! It seemed that he did not have a power of an element like all the other Sidhe had, his sister had fire, Zephyr had the winds, Thorn was gifted with a plant based skill and so on for examples he far he had nothing to show as a gift from Gaea?

What had started last nights shouting match between the Drow was Rehanna just tossing Kevin about like a rag doll or so he thought and he lost his temper on the spot!

"Why am I even doing this crap Rehanna, each night you beat on me like a drum and I get nowhere!" he remembered shouting at her.

"You are learning and learning takes time until you personally see a change. You might not notice that you're getting better Kevin...but practically each night I have to adjust to your growing skills. Now lets get back to work and practice your blocking or parry some more?" she said to him and tossed a quick fist his way...he remembered blocking it. But her 'just' starting back up with training like nothing was even said by him GRATED on his mind...and he snapped.

"Fuck this shit...I am not doing it anymore and by the way fuck you!" he remembered barking at her.

Rehanna just stood there and glared at Kevin, her eyes glowed red and he personally knew that at the same time his glowed too! "Well KEVIN, I am Jabbress here and you need to learn this, it will save your life someday!" she shouted back.

"I am done!" Kevin said slowly and started walking out of the large clearing the Grove had set up for the Sidhe to use.

Rohanna ported right in front of him and tossed the teen back into the clearing's center with enough force that Kevin ended up on his ass, "You are not going anywhere just yet...If you want to have to go through..." Rohanna stopped shouting, then grabbed Rascal's armored top and dragged him into the center towards Kevin.

"I am not fighting to leave, I leave when I want too!" Kevin barked back.

"Ahh nope, it's either you beat Rascal or ME!" Rohanna shouted and everyone knew she meant it!

"Fine I will let Rascal beat me up and then I can go...go and get a life outside of this fighting or training to kill crap that you live by!" he warned.

Kevin huffed out while waiting for Racal, who had walked back towards Rohanna, "I don't want to do this Ro?" Rascal whispered to his girl.

"You get in there and kick his ass...or we don't go out and I mean both of us twins...I mean it!" the Drow whispered back, but seemed to be growing impatient with the whole matter for some reason.

"I don't want this to come between us?" Rascal asked his love again.

"Please get in there and do as I asked...I am the teacher here." she said.

"Fine!" he shouted and walked to face Kevin, "I am not going to enjoy this Kev, but I am not going to hold back...I personally think Ro knows what she is doing and we all have to carefully listen to clearly hear the message at times?" the older teen Sidhe reasoned the mad Drow boy.

"Well fuck it, come on!" Kevin shouted in the night air of the Grove.

With that yell, Rascal leapt at him and the fight was on! But as the battle rolled on, Kevin noticed something strange, no matter how fast or how hard Rascal tried to strike a blow...none of them landed? Not a one got through Kevin's defensive moves, he blocked or evaded everything tossed at him with both his hands or feet.

Kevin was busy blocking punch after punch or kick after kick when he shouted to the fellow elf, "Come on Rascal you are holding back!"

"No I am not!" he huffed out stressed that his blows were not hitting any mark that he aimed at! "I am giving you all I got right now."

Rascal finally landed a hard blow just as he huffed out that last line, the hit was hard but not very solid and it tossed Kevin back a few feet, but he rolled back with it instantly up to his feet, then quickly blocked all of Rascal's follow-up shots!

Rohanna yelled out, "STOP!...Since I was wrong it seems you can go Kevin, I seem to have wasted your time and mine teaching you for the last three weeks or so, on how to block, avoid or recover from an attackers blows?" she sassed.

Kevin stood there surprised at what he had just done, all of this near nightly practice had meant something and he was worried that the twins were not showing him how to hit a person? When all this time they were showing him how to survive until you had that opening to get in a good blow in on your opponent!

"But we practiced night after night, day after day and I am starting to get sick of it all!" he barked back, fed up with the whole idea of it.

Nikki had seen this before and for some reason only known to the Drow twins. They were back at practicing their fighting skills all day and night and this time they were dragging poor Kevin along.

"Ro maybe Kevin is right, you are pushing again? We talked about this last year, last term and even my dad questioned you to find a better balance in life." Nikki suggested as best she could knowing that she was walking on glass right now and thin glass at the best!

Rehanna was the first of the twin Drow to react, "I am just here to help all of you be able to fight off what happened to both of us, what trapped us, is trapping us!" she nearly cried.

"She is right, Rehanna maybe me or part of me? But she represents the ancient ways and us Drow are always sought out to be fighters for someone...the Sidhe queens did at first now I see humans looking to us for our skills via ARC, the US government and whoever else wants to use and abuse us both. We just don't, or will not let that happen to you Kev and learning how to fight, how to defend yourself is a way to stay our minds!"

"But you are only teaching me one thing, and the rest of the group is learning how to punch, kick and other combat skills!" Kevin reasoned back why he was mad with both Drow right now.

"But look at what you just did, Rascal could not lay a hand on you and only one attack out of nearly a hundred even landed on its intended mark. See what you have learned and learning a defense first is how I learned and that is how you MUST learn too...We don't know any other method to train Sidhe," Rohanna offered a short explanation of sorts.

"I want to learn more...and learn it right now!" he demanded frustrated at being held back in his opinion.

"Kev, I only learned how to teach one way and this is the way. The others around us here are not Drow like us three and I have to teach them differently, as they are regular Sidhe and have skills that they already know. Some are human based skills or traits that I might correct and some are what I have taught them. But in time you will see what I am doing...just takes time, it all just takes time." Rohanna tried to explain to him that night.

"I just want more." he said.

"If you are trying to impress me, you already have and I just want you safe from what trapped us," Rehanna strangely repeated that same plea again and that was what Kevin was just now finding strange as he replayed last night happenings around in his mind once again.

"Let's just call it a night guys?" Nikki suggested and saw several quick nods back in agreement, "It has been a long first month, some of us are very new at being Sidhe and still coping with what happened to our lives, what changed in our lives...or changed in us. So lets just rest for at least tonight and start over later in the week?"

"Fine Nikki," Rehanna agreed and that struck Nikki as strange. That twin was the more driven one to train all the time of the two! "Let's do what you say and take Monday off too, no practice this weekend or till Tuesday night?"

That's how the night of practice and training ended. All the Sidhe broke up into small groups, then walked out of the Grove in separate ways back to their dorms and Kevin walked away with Tonya talking about why he was so upset at it all. But he stayed silent to her many questions, while he festered internally on why he was so mad at the twins or though he was mad or upset at them?

Here it was days later and he was trudging along completely sealed off to the world deep inside his own thoughts, when a large boy jumped from the shadows at him yelling, "Well what do we have here, one of the fairies all alone and RIPE for a beating!"

The boys shout startled Kevin so badly he swung out on reaction instantly, hitting the large teen solidly right in the huge boy's massive chest and Kevin yelped in pain a little when he found the teen was very solidly built or he was a TK that could cover themselves in a mental armor of a sort.

Rehanna had warned him and his sister both about TK's during training, that they were very hard to fight and for the most part only had vulnerabilities around joints or making them loose concentration and lastly affect them with dust or a gas through their shields...even a TK has to breath!

With his attack blunted away to nothing, Kevin was viciously back handed by the boy and that savage blow sent him flying several yards. But Kevin rolled with the blow and back up to his feet ready for anything, "What in the hell do you want, I don't even know any of you!" Kevin barked at the three boys and one girl.

"Gordon, he is still standing? I thought you would hurt him for me..." the blond girl asked her stud boyfriend and seemed to have the boy wrapped around her little finger!

Kevin stood there ready for anything and at the same time he realized that the twins were right. Unless you can block a blow or recover from one very quickly? What good does it do knowing how to hit or strike a blow, when the next one that lands on you...takes you completely out and you are now very dead!

A tall skinny kid stepped up and shouted to the girl with pride, "I got him Brandy!" and he tossed a wave of energy at Kevin. But was so far off with his aim, it missed by a yard at least and only covered Kevin in a layer of fresh dust as it hit the ground nearby!

One of the last two boys stepped up and this teen seemed to know how to fight by his stance, that Kevin read quickly. Kevin could tell the kid would go for a flying kick of some sort by what Rohanna had shown him about a persons 'stance' before they moved. Humans had to make their bodies ready for a blow and that telegraphed a coming move that a trained Drow could read like a book!

The girl 'Brandy' smiled to her new champion, "Go on Dobbs, get him and kick his gay fairy ass for me!"

Dobbs nodded and off he flew at Kevin, but each and every blow he sent the Drow's way was met or rebuked instantly by Kevin's training! Dobbs fell back when Kevin snuck in a few harsh blows that almost cracked ribs and one actually drew blood from a busted lip.

The teen fell back and readied yet another string of attacks and seemed to be pre-planning all of them inside his mind!

But before the well muscled teen with skills could act, a lightning bolt struck the ground between Kevin and him. The blast waves off of it sent the attacker falling back a few steps, but strangely it did not even mess up Kevin's hair?

Kevin took the time feel out with his growing senses and he felt the world around him say one word...Gaea...and he knew it was her acting on his part or defense instantly. "Ahh guys, I would call that a warning from the gods and just leave...they or she does not like you all right now?" he warned the four students.

The blaster powered teen reacted with a shout, "Bullshit!" and tossed a huge wave of blue glowing energy Kevin's way.

Kev dug in his feet to the coming blast, easily ready for it before it even came close and asked the very ground via his connection with the five elements to hold him still and it did as he asked! "What's next...." he asked with a smile still standing as the dust settled down.

The last boy reacted this time and started running at Kevin, but never made it! A bolt of lightning stuck the ground between them and tossed the teen backwards to his friends feet where he twitched on the ground for several seconds from the electrical force coursing throughout his body.

"See I told ya...just go before somebody gets fried and fried dead?" Kevin suggested.

"Ya, well here comes your beating!" the biggest teen shouted and strode towards Kevin till a fresh bolt hit the ground at his feet!

"Or maybe not!" Kevin laughed at the now perplexed boy, who took one more step and thunder sounded off high above them, with a flash of renewed lightning blasting over from one low hanging cloud to another, "I wouldn't...that god or goddess is not playing!"

"He must be using magic!" the big leader shouted to his girl, who shook her head instantly to the question, "He is not honey, or I would feel it!"

"Yep, I am still learning the basics, but when I have some of my lessons down...we can do a rematch and then I can really put a hurt on all of you!" Kevin smiled and showed his trademark Drow fangs!

One more large flash of lightning and HUGE crash of thunder sent the rest of the kids packing! Plus the large security team just now showing up on the path riding one of their large service carts.

"Shit,,, no more lightning and them too!" one boy pointed out behind Kevin before he ran away.

Kevin whispered to the wind around him, "Gaea was that you?"

A bird sang out from a bush nearby him.

"Just checking and thanks!" he smiled.


Friday, September 28 6:20PM
Whateley Academy, Beck Library

Ellena had spent several tense minutes searching the vast library searching for this new student GOO, only to be told by the building's Librarian dressed like she was from another century at best where she was. But the older lady told Ellena that she, this Kyley was most likely working down in the secure black section of the library and might be in the sections that Ellena was not allowed into even with her clearance for safety's sake!

A short ride down in the elevator, well down into the earth under the huge library as far as Ellena's clearance allowed, she found the GOO student sitting at a table examining a stack of tomes while making notes on each one as she read.

"Kyley,?" Ellena questioned the blonde girl.

"Yes, and what can I do for you?" she questioned the new woman with a short glance back to her still in the room's doorway.

"I am Ellena Blackwood from ARC, I was told you might have some books ready for me?" she smiled.

"Humm," Kyley questioned feeling the emotions flowing around her, ones that told Kyley the woman was indeed hiding something and something evil at best! "I have one book for you on Sidhe history and the others you requested off the many lists I turned into ARC are down in the Medawihla tribal vault for now."

"I sent you a request for at least six very specific tomes, so I have to wait till you go get them or can I personally get them from the tribe?" Ellena asked hoping that she could get all of this done today and have the Drow twins under her thumb in a few more weeks or less!

"I have decided by the selections you personally choose to deny your requests beyond that one history book I already told you about." Kyley told the woman, as she pointed out the one book already laying on the table top near the doorway and went back to her work on making notes...very much like Ellena was dismissed.

"You can't do that, I need those books to complete my job, my work for ARC!" Ellena barked at the teen GOO.

"Well I see that you already are, seem to be or finally will be researching something you should not be involved in by the choices of what tomes you require from me and I am not allowing those books to be transferred into your least for not right now. Maybe in a decade or two, but certainly not right now."

"But you have to!"

"Ahhh no I don't, the DPA, DARPA and Homestake, then add your bosses up at ARC said or gave me full control over what I release or don't release because they trust me. So if you want those books, you will have to go WAY over my head and you might not still get them at all....Because they are locked in a room that you can't enter and only I have been able to do so without the last hundred years or so?" Kyley reasoned back and gave Ellena her final verdict!

"WELL shit!" Ellena barked out.

"Besides, I don't trust you. I have my suspicions to what you are doing or are attempting to do and if I could prove would be in jail by now and take my FREE advice...Just don't. It will lead to tears and death for all involved. I can't stop you, or will because I am not allowed to do so. But don't cross me Ellena, because I will personally end you if this plan of yours harms me or mine...Human." Kyley warned Ellena in a most cold and inhuman tone that chilled the very room!

"So that is it then?"

"We are done, go now woman before you anger me farther..." Kyley warned the utterly frustrated woman again, not even bothering to look up to face the lady from her work.


Friday, September 28 6:22PM
Whateley Academy, Poe Dorm

Rohanna rose up to sitting on the edge of her futon with Roz's body draped around her, she had sat up at the distinctive sound of a stranger at her door and that one stranger being a male and a DROW she could tell by her senses! Then add why was he here, interrupting one of her few afternoons off and valuable off time spent with a close friend too!

Kevin burst into the girl's room extremely frustrated at what had just happened to him and why someone, a group of kids he had never met would attack him? If the schools security team had not spotted the fray at its start, or Gaea blasting right near them, the fight could have been worse for him and the twins were right...he needed much farther training with or in his fighting skills!

But now he stood there with the door barely swinging closed behind him, he was just starting to shout out, "Rohanna we have to talk...." when the sight in the room silenced him and he stood frozen at what that 'sight' was.

A sexy hot AND very naked Roslyn, was wrapped around the shoulder of the Drow he knew to be Rohanna for sure by her scent and was giving her one of the deepest most sexual kisses he had ever seen...even with this age of videos and the NET!

It was obvious to anyone that both or all three of them, the twins and Roz had just finished up with....He knew the words, the thoughts, but his brain was having trouble with coming to reason with those very thoughts! And it was obvious to him, or his nose at her still lingering scent that Rehanna had just left the room to get ready for the weekend by her absence.

"Well are you going to leave the room...MY room like you should, leave and come back later, or just stand there and stare at us both?" Rohanna questioned the newly minted teen Drow.

Kevin had several files on his laptop that showed him many times as he had wanted the very naked female Drow named Rohanna right after finishing her changes, but RIGHT here, for real and in person, with yet another sexy girl wrapped around her body was something else!

Rohanna's body was far more sexy right now than the pics he has seen of that very same body in that file, this one body had nearly a year of working out to make it even more so and then add the fact of her being sweaty, sexy and smelling of just having had done the act... Kevin's poor hormone fried brain went to auto-pilot.

"I'll just stand here and stare..." he drooled out.

"Well at least he is honest, that must be a Drow trademark!" Roz said standing up off the bed and walking across the room naked as day not even caring if Kevin watched her every step...heck it might even be exciting the girl right now? Roz did have a tendency towards the more daring sexual acts!

"Well Kevin being honest and not lying, we now know that at least one part of him is Drow." Rohanna reasoned as she swept her long hair back off her body and showed the brain fried teen even more...if that motion was out of habit or her showing off, no one would ever know?

"Ohh that is not the ONLY part that is showing Drow right now!" Roz beamed as her free hand grabbed her robe hanging from a shelf corner, "Just look at those eyes, all glowing brightly just like yours do and in a even more pretty purple over pink color than yours are."

"Drow males eyes are brighter during know...mating. That is what attracts us females to them." Rohanna smiled to the girl now swinging the robe over her own body.

Kevin was still frozen, somewhat shocked at the small fact that both girls chatted on like he was not even in the room with them!

"Ohhh that might be fun, him and us three!" Roz let on of her mental plans with sexy a wink!

"Three Drow and one human in the same Roz we girls have fun and you tie us up just for it. Now just think how wild it would get, by adding a male Drow into that mix of us three females and that newly added MALE being a Drow. You would surely get hurt or even worse?" Rohanna warned standing up and showing Kevin all he needed to know about Drow anatomy.

That is when the door swung open again and Rehanna burst into the room fresh from her shower, "Not going to happen Roz, I claimed this male as a prize...we saved him and he is ours...well at least for now!" the evilly smiling Drow said and had to step past him into the room, but not before grabbing a very possessive handful of the boy's ass and giving it a firm squeeze while she spoke!

While Rehanna strolled past Kevin, Roz slinked up to him and wrapped both of her arms around his head and pulled him into a long breath stealing kiss that left the poor boy brain dead for sure. "He is a great kisser, needs some training maybe. But we all can handle that one!"

"Roz please, he is ours for a little while longer and let the poor guy you did for us?" Rohanna asked.

"Awww?" Roz sighed as her fingers rubbed along the boys ears and hit all the sexual hot spots Rohanna had shown her last term, ones that all Drow should have. Kevin's eyes instantly lit up even brighter in reaction to the act as he let out a deep sigh, "Wow he is really into this!" Roz grinned on!

"Yep, that is an inexperienced male and maybe you should stop before he goes too far?" Rehanna suggested as she pulled fresh clothes for the coming day from her dresser for both twins.

"Well calm down for now and I have to go shower up," Rohanna said grabbing a shower caddy from her twins outstretched hand, plus a robe from the other.

"Come over to my room and shower up there lover!" Roz purred out slowly from the rooms doorway.

"Ohh yaa that sounds fun" Rohanna grinned insanely, "and you have a private shower too!"

"Well it does not have to be private, Kevin can come along and watch?" she purred to him and pulled the boy slowly back into the hallway, "But only watch, I am not into boys right now...voyeurism yes...boys no!"

"I can watch...I can watch!" he drooled out excitedly with several short nods!

Rohanna was right behind them, she gave Kevin a firm shove into the hallway just pausing long enough to close her door, "This might be a bad idea Roz, he is really roared up and who knows?" she said following Roz as she walked to her room.

Roz was almost to her room when a tall blonde freshman stepped into her path, "Rosalyn, you taking a Drow boy and a Drow girl into your room right now might be a bad idea. He is very aroused, too aroused and even though Rohanna is not...she might have issues with keeping him in check and you can get hurt."

Poor Kevin now had a sexy raven haired girl, a Drow he had lusted secretly after for several months and now an insanely beautiful blond with one of the biggest 'chests' he had seen in person on a teen girl surrounding him...his brain was all but lost for now!

"What brought you into this?" Rosalyn asked, shocked at the fact that Kyley the new GOO in the school even knew what her plans were!

"Anyone in the building and maybe the whole school can feel the sexual tension off this kid...this boy." the blond pointed at him with a subtle wave of her hand, "Heck I bet my poor Tessa, a very young Succubus on the floor below us is bouncing off the walls with all the free flowing sexual energy this kid is giving off?" the weird GOO kid stated with a tilt of her head.

"Told ya!" Rohanna grinned evilly, "Kevin needs a little more time to settle down and then we can play?"

"Then it's agreed, for the common good and the sanity of the boy?" Ky asked and both girls nodded back, Roz a little more reluctantly. But a strangely calm Drow seemed to be agreeing in on the matter at hand?

"Let me help him and fix this." Ky offered and touched his chest. Kevin let out a long sigh and seemed to relax with a long breath out, then his eyes ceased their bright glowing.

"All done!" the teen GOO offered.

"What did you do?" Roz asked watching over Kevin as the boy started looking sleepy at best by his eye lids starting to close and a long yawn came from his mouth.

"Ahh I pulled all of that sexual energy out of him and now he is far calmer?" Ky explained.

" are just like Sara, a GOO and you feed off lust!" Roz laughed.

"Not really, sexual energy or life force it's all the same...just different flavors is all?"

"And does SEX or LUST taste better?" Roz winked knowingly.

"Yes, but its all the same?" Ky offered, thinking ...maybe its not and what she just pulled from the boy did 'taste' really insanely good to her! AND that thought kind of scared her a little, as being addicted to any life force for her was a bad idea for one being that could drain the whole school!


Friday, September 28 8:12PM
Whateley Academy, the Quad

I was walking beside Rehanna along with some of the other Poe kids and enjoying the end of a long week with some time spent with Roz. Then add tonight Rehanna wanted to go see Rascal and have some fun in the Grove while I had a 'girls' night with a movie in the new larger Poe common room!

My phone rang in my jacket pocket and I snapped its cover open, "Hello?" I questioned the unknown number.

"Rohanna?" A lady's voice asked me.

"Yes and who ar....." I started to say.

"Ah'hri ya ph'nglui nilgh'ri hnahh llll fahf ep task Iiahe ymg' mgepah mgepah'ehye nng!" the voice said.

Jack found himself once more torn from the waking mind of his Drow body and tossed into a now familiar cell beside the broken Drow girl that was or is Shadowsblade.

"Ohhh you bitch Ellena, I will get even with you for this!" he shouted at the bars now remembering her voice and what she did before..."Forget the last time, like we could even. Maybe hide it away, but never forget you witch!"

"Rohanna, Rehanna..." the voice interrupted Jack's yells, "Please come to my home right now, I will text you the address and tell no one where you are going or why...try to hide your travels as best you can without blood being shed...that is my order."

"Yes Mistress...." both Drow tone out, then Rohanna reads the address and finds it is one that she knows close enough not to need GPS, as it's up in Dunwich.

Both Drow hang up the phone and vanish from their friends sight without a word even being said. "Where are they going to?" Roz asked the rest of the pack of girls.

"Did you overhear their phone call?" Bunny asked.

"Nope, all I heard was Rohanna say...yes Mistress and poof!" Roz said shaking her head back to the blond devisor.


Friday, September 28 8:32PM

Both twins ported into the long row of townhomes, sections of these ringed the small town, some were rentals for the tourists and most were for locals or staff for the school hidden in the hills.

Rohanna spun around eyeballing her section of the world while Rehanna had the other half covered, since one of them spotted kids at play in the houses. Both faded away with an invisibility spell to stay hidden as ordered and crept towards the address where Ellena had ordered they come to.

Rehanna found the door first and knocked only once before it flew open and both Drow slid into the waiting door, "Here as ordered Mistress...." both droned out in stereo.

"Good.... Ah'hri ya ph'nglui nilgh'ri hnahh llll fahf ep task Iiahe ymg' mgepah mgepah'ehye nng!" Ellena repeated once more to be sure they stayed under her control, or she knew they would kill her if given the slightest chance!

Both Drow said nothing as she handed one a short list, "On that list is all the books or tomes I need from the Medawihla tribal can get into the vault without killing anyone, can you?"

"Yes Mistress, we can," both toned out in unison.

"Good, enter the vault unseen and find the books for me, then bring them back to me unseen by anyone. Please replace them as best you can with other very similar books of the collection from a storage box so they will not be missed. I am sure that Kyley separated them off into a section of books that she has already noted, so they should be easy to find and if they are not...take as many trips there as needed to finish this task...those are your orders and repeat them back to me now." Ellena said coldly to her new slaves

Ellena rethought about her plan, she should have the Drow rip the very pages from each book, that would be the simple way to conceal the theft. But most tomes made by elves would simply ignite and destroy themselves if that was done, or the writing vanish or lastly a trap would activate when she finally read the darn things!

"Go to tribal vault unseen, enter, find books on list, replace as best we can and bring the listed books back to you unseen." Rohanna repeated her simple orders.

Jack went instantly nuts inside his own mind...very much trapped like a rat inside that mental prison! "No don't, we can't! Those books will surly give this bitch full control over both of us, damn it stop!" his words fell on silence, no one there to know or care about his pleas for help.

"Good.... Ah'hri ya ph'nglui nilgh'ri hnahh llll fahf ep task Iiahe ymg' mgepah mgepah'ehye nng!..." she repeated the order line to be sure, "Now go and come back as soon as you can...unnoticed!"

"Yes mistress, " both drone once more and vanished with a port.


Friday, September 28 8:50PM
Medawihla Tribal village

Both of us Drow pop up on the edge of the village in a well hidden spot we know well, as we check the area for any issues our armor comes out and covers us farther in its inky blackness.

"Violet, Lilac...go check the village for us and see if the way is clear to the vault." I order, both nod and seem not to be happy about their order or us being under the thumb of a human! But orders we must obey and the pixies are sadly trapped along with us.

"Sorry little ones, but I can't break free just yet...but some day soon we all will!" Jack promises from that dark corner of the Drow's mind he shares.

Violet checked the common building that the vault was hidden under and found it was empty. Lilac flew a few quick loops around the village and found that most of the place was quite for the coming weekend, most of the tribe was hunkered down still enjoying dinner or other family functions.

~"All clear big sister,"~ Violet sang to us mentally.

Since Violet was already at the hidden vault entrance, we ported right to her and I worked at opening the door without setting off the simple alarm that I knew was there. All the simple alarm did was just flash a small light in the tribal leaders house for a warning each time the door opened, it was just a very simple switch with a bypass tab mounted on it for those who knew about it.

Bypassing it was simple and quick. Once past that small hump, we walked the short tunnel into the main entrance for the vault were there was a place for researching to be done on several nice well crafted tables that were covered in magic wardings! That is were we found the notes that Kyley left behind, surly she did not need notes to remember things by? But she made them none the less, I was sure it was incase she left this all undone for some reason and someone else had to take over...the mind of a GOO complete each task correct to the 'T' or well!

We both flipped through her notes finding them well laid out, plus extremity informative and within a few minutes we knew where the books we or Ellena our new mistress wanted were stored. That place was beyond the next huge locked vault door!

But I made a mental note to come back and look over Kyley's many findings so far, as some seemed very interesting to us Drow!

I studied the lock holding that huge door closed and found it was one that the Weres had made ages ago and they had added in a few human bypasses for Kyley to use, as well as a timer incase someone inside messed up! I shook my head to the lock, the whole contraption was Sidhe based and that meant us Sidhe would have a way past it built right into the lock! I knew this because any lock a Were would copy would be one WE Sidhe let them copy!

We quickly bypassed the complex lock they had. Normally it would take a good thief hours if not days to pick or break, but the built in short-cut was that well hidden. The huge door clicked and banged at our use of the simple bypass, then finally swung open to us both.

A huge part of us wanted to prowl this vault and see what treasures it might have, but orders being orders and unbreakable for now...we had our goals already set before the door even swung open. I ran over to the shelf where the books were at and Rehanna went over to a large storage box of tomes.

I quickly found the books off our list and Rehanna found ones matching the tomes covers in both color and adornments. We exchanged the books quickly, then double checked that we had all the 'order' required and that we had replaced them as best we could.

We left the vault's main room, the huge door leading off to the dangerous section of the vault was safely closed and we made sure not to leave a trace! Rehanna checked the last door, then swung the mask that hides the switches for the vault into place and we ported up to Dunwich and Ellena's...our new Mistresses home.


Friday, September 28 11:30PM
Dunwich Ellena Blackwood's townhome

Since it was dark, we did not see anyone that would notice our passing or entering the Mistresses home. So we entered silently, finding her asleep on the couch after most likely falling asleep waiting for our return. "Ohhh I could kill you so easily right now!" Jack thought and a blade slid from nothing into his hand.

Ellena awoke as we hovered over her, "Ohh your back....were are my books!"

"Here Mistress." Rehanna offered like a robot and Rohanna nodded back as her blade quickly vanished.

"Good and you are done" but before both Drow could even react Ellena repeated that string of simple words again, "Ah'hri ya ph'nglui nilgh'ri hnahh llll fahf ep task Iiahe ymg' mgepah mgepah'ehye nng!....Now leave me until I call upon you both again!" Ellena ordered.

"Yes Mistress...we obey." both Drow repeated like before and vanished with a port back to their home.

Ellena rushed upstairs to her home office and slammed the door closed, then placed the stack of treasured tomes on her desk. "Now to see if what I think is in here is indeed here!" she sat down sipping at an already open soda on the desk, then her eyes opened wide in amazement as she found something, "There it is...the way!"





Shadowsblade here.

This story in a joint venture with a group of fan fic authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe.

To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop
around here is a short introduction.

Angels Peril a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
Tormented by the past, Angel is struggling between light and dark.

Melvin a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
They say old soldiers never die, Melvin is about to learn that the hard

The Way of the Dragon a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
Born for eternity but vulnerable like a child, dragons shouldn't leave
their nest.

Every Rose has it Thorns a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan
Watch what you say around rose, could give you more trouble than you ever
asked for.
This one is coming soon, bug him for it! lol

Kelly a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan
Struggling with fate, Kelly has to deal with love and loss.

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade
Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with demons within and

Vantier a Whateley Tale :Written by Shadowsblade
Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to
find her place in it.

You might ask yourself what is the Whateley Universe? To make it short,
here is a abstract straight out off the wiki.

Whateley is a Prep School for different teens. VERY different ones. Where else could a kid go to a school that has a resident demon living in the furnace? Or meet magic users, mutants of every imaginable kind, get trained in how to handle some rather odd abilities, and worry about
flunking Freshman English? Come visit Whateley Academy, nestled in the
lovely hills of New Hampshire. Just down the road from a town named
Dunwich... (Mythos jokes purely intentional).
This is the Whateley Academy Universe, a shared universe with over a dozen authors and more than a hundred stories (and counting). The stories range in size from vignettes to novels. It's a Mutant High scenario with both a strong transgender theme and a slightly watered down Cthulhu Mythos theme.

It's also very much a work in progress.'
If you want further information you will find them on.


But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!

To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!

Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the 'sometimes' long breaks between stories!

Copyright © 2018 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted

this warning is for our story stealers off site, not the BC family of readers we all know and love!

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