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I am terribly sorry guys, but I had my preparations wrong so what I put here first was chapter ten. I have changed it now and apologise. Please if you read chapter nine before read this and then return to chapter ten, sorry sorry sorry. :( Monique.
An attractive brunette was standing in front of Bob's looking at the model Karen and Henry made that fateful night. Hanging back behind and looking everywhere was a teenage girl. She began tugging on her mother's purse.
"Mama, she's alive."
Her mother reached back and slapped her hand. "Would you stop that? She only looks real. She’s a dummy."
By that time the girl was getting hysterical. "NOT THAT ONE MAMA! THIS ONE."
"Turn around and look, mama." The girl was pulling so hard on her mother's purse the brunette thought she was going to break the straps.
Karen didn't believe there was anyone in the whole mall who hadn't heard the young girl shouting. If there had been anywhere to hide she would have but there just wasn't.
The brunette swung her hand out to take a swipe at her daughter. At the same time she turned around and looked up where her daughter was staring. She was looking straight into Karen's face. She twitched slightly but it was to her credit she maintained her composure. From Karen's head down to her feet, the woman looked her over.
Karen knew she was being compared to the model in Bob's window. She was curious whether she passed the grade or not. Did the woman like the model or her better? It was best to leave some things alone and not prod them out into the open. Karen decided not to ask as she turned her attention back to the model the woman had been studying. After coming this far, she was determined to see what they were doing with her work. Moving up beside the wide-eyed young girl and her mother, Karen studied the model of herself in the glass showcase. Or ironically, she thought, she was the model of what she was looking at. Since Henry finished her and Karen never had the chance to see her at work before they shipped her out. This was the first time she was able to examine the work they did on this model.
The teenager evidently didn't have any bashfulness. She was staring at Karen and then the model, however it was no different than what everyone else was doing. "Are you a movie star, or a model, or something like that? How come I haven't seen you in any pictures or movies? Mama buys all the fashion magazines and I haven't seen you in any of them. You're sure pretty. What are some of the movies you have been in? Are you from around here? Are you wearing contacts or are those your real eyes? I wish I had eyes like yours. I think you have just about the neatest eyes I have ever seen. Those eyelashes are real, aren't they? I never saw anyone with such pretty eyelashes. You have the prettiest mouth. I wished I looked like you."
Her mother was trying rein her in. "Hush honey, the lady doesn't want to be bothered by any of your silly questions."
Karen appreciated her mother but the girl was only showing an interest. "No, I’m not a movie star or a model. I’m only a research engineer."
The girl pulled on her mother's arm. "What's a research engineer?"
Looking at Karen with cold eyes of disbelief the woman replied. "A scientist."
The teen was looking at Karen with renewed reverence. The kind of awe most teens reserve for rock and roll stars. "If I become a scientist will I look like her?"
There were icicles hanging on every word of her mother's reply. "I don't think so. If that were possible, I would have been a scientist myself."
The crowd around them exploded into laughter. Karen thought it would be a good time to escape this situation, and the crush of the people, by going into the store. Bob Kincaid had been watching most of the proceedings from the back of the store. When Betty from Comm Tech tried to tell him there was a real woman who posed for the model he purchased, he thought they were full of shit. To say he was stunned, when she turned up in front of his own store, was an understatement. For the first time in his life Bob was at a loss for words. Bob had been accused of a lot of things but being stupid wasn't one of them. When he saw his model walking up to the front of his store he got on the phone.
As Karen walked in, he went up to meet her. He held out his hand and then took it back. "I’m sorry, a gentleman shouldn't offer the lady a handshake unless she indicates her approval before hand."
Karen didn't have any trouble recognizing him. With a suit and tie on, he sure cleaned up his act since he had been in to visit her in the lab. "Mr. Kincaid, may I presume? I have been told a model I posed for was in your store and I wanted to come down and see how you were displaying her."
There was no warmth in her voice but it wasn't too cold either. Karen was trying hard to keep her emotions neutral. This was supposed to be the first time she ever laid eyes on the man.
Bob nodded his head in acceptance. "I’m sorry again. I should have introduced myself, Miss Long. You presumed right. My name is Bob Kincaid and you may call me Bob. I promise to keep yours to Miss Long and not address you as Karen unless you permit me to do so."
Her eyes narrowed to slits. He couldn't know about the accident. There wasn't any way. It scared her to think he might know what happened and her heart skipped a beat.
"How did you know my name!" It was an accusation rather than a question.
"I tried to get in touch with your cousin after she made the model for me. A real spit fire that one. I thought she had more bal... Had more sauce than anyone in that squirrely building. I did a lot of checking before I ordered a model and I admire your cousin Miss Long. She is one super intelligent lady. I told those hot shots in room two she should be running the show. I can't begin to tell you how disappointed I was that she wasn't there when I came back after my purchase. When she became sick I sent flowers and candy to her room everyday. I guess she never forgave me for the way I talked to her in her lab. Funny thing, I thought she was a bigger man than to hold a grudge. I would have preferred to do it in person but next time you talk to your cousin, give her my apologies and I wish her a quick recovery back to health."
Karen was stunned. Was this the same slob she threatened to throw out of her lab? At least he didn't know it was the same Karen he was talking to. "Mr. Kincaid, I guess my cousin was too sick to go out and get any thank you notes. You have to remember she was in quarantine. They weren't letting anything back out of her room once it went in. I apologize for my cousin's lack of manners. I know she would have acknowledged your kindness if she could have. She probably didn't think of anything besides getting out of the hospital and going home once they released her. I understand she was pretty sick. She didn't even say goodby to me or anyone else."
Anyway that was the way Henry told her it worked. Except no one never knew they didn't have a real Karen in the hospital. She was a patient listed in a computer in electronic inventory somewhere. The hospital staff never knew if they had a Karen or not. She checked in on computer files, was administered medicine by computer files, and was checked out by computer. No one had the slightest idea the phantom patient was never seen by a real doctor or nurse.
Bob rolled in his bottom lip and chewed on it in thought before he answered. "She did an excellent job for me. I’m sorry she got sick. Please convey my personal condolences to her. She was a real sharp lady, better than any of those other twits they have down at that zoo where you work. Tell her if she ever needs a job to look me up. I can't afford to pay her what she is worth but, I would like to have her working for me. There is nothing I admire more than intelligence, and she was eaten up with it. I told you I did some checking before I ordered a model. There was no way I would plunk down forty thousand for something I didn't investigate first. I know she designed everything she used in that lab of hers and her work is first class all the way. I could marry someone with brains like that."
He looked at Karen. "Anyway, I understand you have taken over her department now. I don't suppose I could talk you into making another model of yourself, could I? Can you imagine what two models of you in my display window would do for my business?"
Karen was flattered and a smile spread across her face. "I’m sorry Mr. Kincaid. Our models are like snow flakes. There are never two alike. I could make you some attractive models similar to what you want."
He shook his head. "No, I was afraid of what you would say, but I had to ask. You are right of course. There should be only one of a kind in a masterpiece. The work your cousin did for me was exquisite in every detail."
Karen felt the blood rush to her face. She knew exactly how much detail Bob was talking about even if he didn't realize what he said.
He pointed toward the model up front. "I hope you approve of the way we use her for display? If you have any suggestions I promise to take them into consideration."
People had followed Karen into Bob's store and it was filled to capacity. Women were trying to find the same dress Karen or her duplicate were wearing. Bob was too much an entrepreneur to let this opportunity slip by without milking it for all it was worth. He was going to see if those phone calls he made earlier were going to work out.
"Miss Long, with your permission, I would like to have some photographs taken of you and your model for the store layout. I promise it will be in good taste."
She knew besides helping Bob, the publicity would also benefit her department and Comm Tech. Now all she needed was enough courage to pose with her own duplicate. It was a lot harder to do than one might think. "I might give it a try but don't get pushy. If I say quit, then that is it, we quit."
Bob was ecstatic. Rubbing his hands together like he had won the lottery, he was grinning from ear to ear. "I hope you don't mind, but I took the liberty of calling up a couple of photographers when I saw you walk up out front."
He didn't tell her as much but, with or without her permission, he wasn't going to let her walk out of the mall without some kind of film being exposed. This was too much of a promotional sales opportunity to let slip through his fingers without doing something.
Karen expected a photographer. What showed up was half a dozen and twice that many assistants. Where could Bob come up with so many professionals in such a short time? The man obviously had connections.
Moving the crowd out of the way, they set up toward the rear of Bob's store. Erecting sheets for screening when they needed a wardrobe change on the model, Karen was given the dressing room. Bob didn't mind Karen wasn't wearing everything he sent back. He knew the crowd wouldn't remember exactly what she wore from beginning to end if he could keep her modeling long enough. The last dress she modeled, and probably the first one, would be the ones they remembered best. Even though they were enjoying the show and not purchasing anything now, they would make his racks look like the day after a rummage sale when Karen was through. Bob planned on utilizing this golden opportunity to the best of his ability.
Karen was making changes in the back dressing room and as she changed clothes they took the last outfit she wore and dressed the duplicate. Numbering every slide, and every inch of the video tape was the only way the photographers were going to be able to go back and make sure which was the real Karen and which was the duplicate. Separate cameras for each of course but Bob wasn't taking any chances, a sales girl kept track of exposures and the time. He didn't want this messed up under any circumstances. This was going to be worth a fortune to him in publicity. But, it needed to be accurate and straight beyond any question.
He had second thoughts and picked up the phone and called a notary public. This film would be notarized and have a witness. He could barely contain his emotions. This was all free except paying for the help. God was smiling on him.
Karen found it hot and tiring work. She didn't realize how hot it could be working in front of all the lights the photographers used. The crowd would applaud and she usually received some whistles every time she stepped out in a different outfit. In spite of the heat and the lights she was enjoying herself, but she knew the lab and her work were waiting.
She told Bob she would have to leave after the next change. The dress they handed her in the dressing room she almost didn't put on. Soft white satin with a shadow lace bodice and tight skirt, it accented everything she had. Her full breasts, erect nipples, tiny waist, and curvaceous hips were over emphasized by the soft fabric of the close, snug fitting dress. Overcoming her shyness she stepped out of the dressing room. She wondered if she had gone too far? Everyone was strangely quiet.
She looked around for Bob who along with everyone else was rubber necking for a better look. "Too much?"
He shook his head. "Miss Long, I don't know how to answer your question. You are always too much no matter what you wear. But you will always be dressed right with anything you want to put on."
From the back of the crowd a man was heard. "Oh, my God Almighty! Honey, I want one of those for Christmas."
A slap echoed around the room. The crowd roared with laughter and the spell was broken. Film shooting resumed. Karen finally called a halt and Bob expressed his disappointment but agreed to let her go. She found this was no easy task in itself.
The mother and daughter Karen met in front of the store stayed for the whole session. The girl worked her way over to Karen. "Can I have your autograph?"
She held out her mother's checkbook for Karen to sign. Karen smiled as she took the checkbook. "You certainly may. Do you want me to sign it to you? What is your name?"
"Brenda, Brenda Stout."
Her mother managed to elbow her way through the crowd, and reach the pair of them as Karen handed the checkbook with her autograph on it back to Brenda. Her words had frost hanging on them. "See honey, I told you she was no engineer, or scientist, or whatever."
Karen gave her mother her warmest smile. "Just a second."
Digging in her purse she pulled out an ID and handed it to the girl. Brenda read it and then read it again to make sure.
"WOW! A DOCTOR!" She said it loud enough everyone in the store and probably half the mall heard her.
Her mother reached for the ID. "Let me see that!"
Looking at Brenda, Karen felt an explanation would be in order so the young girl didn't get any mistaken ideas. "I’m not a real doctor in the way you are thinking. I only have a doctorate degree in computer science. Scientists aren't what most people normally think of them as. We don't all look like mad scientist in Jekyll and Hyde. All of us aren't rocket scientist, and work all day hunched over a table filling beakers and test tubes with bubbly smelly chemicals. Most of the time we work long hard hours to achieve a small breakthrough in science to make life a little easier or a little less painful. For most of us that breakthrough never comes and we spend a life time chasing dreams we never catch."
The mother handed Karen's ID back to her. "I’m sorry. I guess I’m like those people you were talking about. You didn't fit my idea of what a scientist should look like."
Brenda was trying to get Karen's attention again. "Can you come to my school and tell the other kids about what you do? Will you write and tell me what I need to study to become a scientist like you? I thought only men were scientists. Are all women scientists as pretty as you? Do you ..."
Karen cut her off. "Whoa there. Slow down. I prefer to think of myself as an engineer, not a scientist. Yes, I would come to your school and talk about engineering but you have to clear it with your principal and teachers first. And yes, there are a lot of women engineers and scientist working just like me. And no, they are everyday people like you see around you here in the store. And I really must be going. I have taken off more time from work than I had planned."
Brenda's mother looked star stuck. "You mean this isn't your work? You really have a job working like the rest of us?"
Karen smiled and nodded. "Now you get the picture. And, I may still have a job, if they haven't fired me for missing too much work."
She turned to go back to the dressing room so she could change back to her own clothes. Bob held up his hand. "Just a second Miss Long. It seems we have misplaced your dress someplace. You may have the one you are wearing and I will ship your other dress to you as soon as it turns up."
Karen didn't believe him for an instant. "Just a second yourself, Mr. Kincaid. I can't go out in public wearing this dress. A photo session is one thing, but walking out of here in broad daylight, in the middle of a shopping mall is something else."
Bob knew he had a winning hand and he pursued it. "Miss Long, a thousand apologies but we really can't find your dress. You know it would be impossible to locate it in this crowd."
He waved his hands around the store for emphasis. "Probably some petty thief made off with it as a souvenir. I will have all my help searched before they leave tonight to make sure it wasn't one of them. I will get you an escort to your car so you will be safe, although I don't really feel it would be necessary. You can probably take care of yourself. You remind me of your cousin in a lot of ways. I get the feeling, every now and then, I’m looking at her when I’m watching you. Uncanny resemblance between the two of you."
It would be better to leave before he got too close to the truth. "Okay, but I think you took advantage of the situation and I still think you’re a pig. You're a real opportunist, aren't you?"
She knew it was the wrong thing to say as soon as she said it. Old habits die hard. She was never one for keeping something to herself when she got it on her mind and she thought it needed to be said.
Bob looked as if someone smacked him between the eyes with a hammer. He fell back a couple of steps, mouth open, eyes boring into hers as if he could read her mind. Maybe he could.
He leaned over close to her face so no one else could hear him. "I was right. You are your cousin. I’m not going to ask how or why. That's your business. You may rest assured I won't tell a soul. No one would believe me anyway."
"I meant no disrespect to you in your lab that day. I was pushing you to see what you were capable of making if you tried. The models you made up until you designed mine, were perfect as far as nice looking models go, but they weren't any more than nice. I wouldn't have turned down anything you made for me, Karen. You make the best models anyone is making, but at forty thousand dollars apiece they should be. I thought pushing you might get one either exceptionally good or incredibly bad. I was more than pleased with the one you made. I also want you to know I would have bought whatever you thought I deserved, no matter what. I placed my bet and I was willing to take my chances."
"I’m a business man and you have helped me out in that respect. I’m also an honest man in spite of what you think of me. The model you made for me will increase my business by more than double what I was doing before. What you did here today will increase it by more than tenfold. Look at these people."
He took a quick glance around as if to punctuate his sentence. "They will follow you out of here, but when you are gone they will be back. Then they will be buying everything I have to sell. They will associate me with you and will tell their friends and their friends will tell their friends and so on. I will triple the size of my store in a month to take care of the increased business and, I owe it all to you."
"Top models get five hundred to a thousand per hour. You are a top model and a top engineer. Whatever your company is paying you, it isn't enough. I met some of those people you work for and I wasn't impressed. They’re leeches, Karen. They will suck the life out of you and then throw you away when you stop being useful to them. Their only commitment is to themselves. They will use you up and when you have only a couple of years left before retirement they will lay you off so you can't collect a company retirement check."
"Trust me, never mind what you think of me as a person. I have seen these kind of people before, and to them you are only as good as your work is today. Never mind what tomorrow may bring. They don't care about that. If you aren't producing today then you are history. Take my advice and go into modeling while you’re still young and beautiful."
She didn't know what to say. She didn't trust Bob but he was one smooth talking devil when he got started.
He noticed her indecision so he continued. "Whatever you do, be sure your mind is made up first. In my whole life, I never gave away anything I didn't have to, but I have given you some free advice to think on. I’m also going to give you a check for the time you spent here today. You know the funny part? Even that will make me money. I will take the canceled check with your signature on it and frame it beside your model. If you don't cash the check, then I won't lose the amount it is made out for. Either way I can't lose. I’m on a roll. For me this is a win, win situation, and I owe it all to you."
Bob half shook his head as he thought about it. "I would have married you in a heartbeat before. Now I would be worried about you every second of the day and night. I don't think I can marry you now. I was attracted to your mind, and now your beauty is confusing the issue. Take my advice and never marry beauty."
Bob was confusing her, would he really have married her? No, that wasn't the issue. The issue here and now was her dress. He caused her mind to sidetrack there for a moment. Karen knew it would be impossible to find her dress in this big store. Bob was holding all the aces in this hand. He already knew who she was and he was probably right about the company she worked for. He made sure when she left she would have to be wearing a dress from his store. She had been used but she didn't have to like it.
"You win this time Mr. Kincaid, but you ever get close to me again I will be ready. I’m a big enough person to forgive, but not twice. You have manipulated me every time I've talked to you. I would have given you my cooperation if you had told me what you wanted instead of using me like you did. I could have made you an outstanding model if you had described to me what you wanted. I would have even consented to wearing one of your dresses when I left, if you had asked. Not this one but one which left my dignity intact. If we ever chance to meet again? One word of advice. Duck. I’m going to be head hunting."
As she turned to leave, she picked up her shoulder purse.
"Wait a minute, please. The black purse you are carrying doesn't go with your white dress. It's my business to know these things." He handed her a pearl clutch.
"My black purse going to disappear too?" The question had barbs in it.
Bob smiled politely. "Not at all. I think the man who escorts you back to your car can manage to hang on to it without any problem."
Emptying the contents of her purse into the clutch wasn't going to work so Karen put only her valuable items in it. Drivers license, ID, money, checkbook, and her car keys about overdid it. She started to leave taking one last look around.
He reached out and touched her arm. "Karen, if you decide to become a model, give me a call. I promise, you won't regret it. If you don't think you can trust me, then I will put you in touch with a lady who has impeccable credentials. I will protect you from the kind of sharks you are working for now. The people I know will look out after your interest better than they watch their own. They’re all excellent business people and will make sure you don't die old, hungry, and broke."
"About describing to you what kind of model I wanted? I couldn't describe what I wanted. Until you made this model for me, I didn't know what I wanted. Even now I can't describe her. I certainly couldn't bring you a photograph and say, 'make this for me'. You hate me for bringing out the best in you? Karen, I swear, if there was any way to undo what you think I did to you in your lab I would. But, as you know about the old saying, that is all water under the bridge now."
She pulled away from his touch, and stood looking at him for a couple of seconds. She was thinking about what he had said. Bob was a snake oil salesman. She had her doubts whether to trust him or not. It didn't make any difference. She was an engineer, not a model. End of discussion.
It wasn't as easy getting out of the store as she had hoped. It seemed everyone had come up with something for her to sign an autograph on. Sacks, pieces of paper, book covers, backs of tee shirts, it was unbelievable what the public could find to have her autograph. Reaching the front of the store wasn't any relief. There was a crowd of people scattered throughout the mall. Where could all these people be coming from?
She took one last look toward the rear of the store where Bob and the model were. She didn't plan on coming back. It would probably be the last time she ever saw the model.
A tall handsome young man wearing a tuxedo walked toward her easing the crowd aside. "Miss Long, I believe I’m your escort. Do you want to go straight to your car or may we look at the window dressings on the way out?"
Why not? Bob may have maneuvered her into this situation but she had been the one to come down here in the first place. "If you don't mind, let's kind of look the place over on the way out to the car. It can't get any worse than it is already. Can it?"
He did the slightest hint of a bow. "As you wish. I’m here to make you as comfortable as possible and make sure you enjoy yourself as much as you like. They have a confectionery a couple of windows down. May I suggest we start there?"
He pointed in the direction they should go. With an escort, Karen found she did enjoy the situation, even with the photographers taking pictures every few seconds. Her escort was a nice enough man and he was doing everything he could to make sure nothing embarrassed her. They wandered past the windows but she didn't want to enter any of the stores. Karen didn't think they would get out again if they stopped anywhere. A huge crowd had surrounded them. The only thing keeping everything under control, were the uniformed police officers. Bob thought of everything, even if he was a double-dealing, two-timing, dirty dog. It chagrined her to think she had even one decent thought of him.
A short while later they had made the parking lot and her escort was holding the door open on her little red car. People were standing on the bumpers of cars around them. Someone was going to end up with a damaged car if she didn't leave soon. With her back to the seat she sat down and swung her legs in. Karen knew she had it right this time. It was a good thing too, with so many people watching.
She looked up at the young man. "Thanks for walking me to my car. I felt a little less exposed, with someone there as overdressed as I."
He looked around at the photographer behind him as he was talking. "Wait a minute, Miss Long. Bob wanted me to give you something before you left."
He gave her a bag the photographer's assistant handed to him. "Miss Long, it has been my pleasure and I feel I should go back and pay Mr. Kincaid for the privilege of being your escort. But, I won't. I received a double bonus for the pleasure of accompanying you to your car."
Looking inside the plastic bag he handed her, Karen saw the black knit dress she had worn into the mall. Her heels and purse were on the bottom. She snapped open her purse to check if anything had been removed. Inside was a check from Bob's Intimates. A note was clipped to the check.
I gave forty thousand for the first model you made for me. I believe the real one is worth that much several times over. I’m not your enemy in spite of what you think of me. Usually everything I do is for a purpose. I wish you all the luck in the world. Call me if you need a friend.
She looked for a long time at the check. How did he manage to get all those zeros in on the same line when he started with four. Did he really believe she was worth as much as the model he had bought from Comm Tech? Would this check pay for the car she was driving? She would have to ask Henry.
Bob was all business and he taught her a few lessons in business strategy, even if she didn't agree with his methods. She looked up at her escort. "Tell Bob I still think he’s a pig. Also tell him I accept his apology but I hope his conscience doesn't. Be sure to tell him I smiled when I said thanks and tell him to duck."
Her escort looked a little taken aback. "Duck?"
She sat back in the car seat. "Un huh, duck, he’ll get the message."
He nodded as he shut the car door. "I will deliver your message with much enthusiasm."
She would never have made it out of the parking lot if it weren't for the police directing traffic and controlling the crowd. Karen had wasted more time than she allowed and decided she didn't have time to drive home and change before she went to work. It was the middle of the day and there wouldn't be anyone from Comm Tech between the parking tower and her lab. She would take her dress in with her and change in her lab before she started home tonight.
When Karen decided to drive straight to work before she changed dresses, she didn't count on Mac. He stopped her at the gate because she didn't have any stickers on her new car. Mac thought collecting his thoughts were tough the first time he saw Karen. He was right but it wasn't nearly as tough then as it was now. He managed to do almost everything except talk. He was looking down into her car at her and the shadow lace on Karen's dress was hiding everything the dress designer intended for it to hide. Not one darn thing However, it didn't make any difference if it was Miss Long or not. Company policy was, no stickers, no pass, and Karen didn't have a pass on the window so she couldn't drive onto Commercial Technologies property. Company policy was company policy, you bend the rules for one and pretty soon everyone wants favors. Mac was standing firm in his commitment. Miss Long could go through but her car couldn't.
He never managed to say specifically as much, but with lots of gestures, shuffling his feet, and plenty of half sentences he made Karen understand she had to check in at the front visitor's office. Her car had to have a Commercial Technologies tower parking permit pass stuck on it before he would allow her to drive into the parking tower. He didn't remember to log her license plate, make of car, or the time she checked in at his gate. In fact, if anyone had asked him, the only thing he did remember was, room two drove to his gate. He had NEVER seen anyone come to work dressed like THAT.
Finding a place in front of the main office to park was no problem. It seems there is always adequate parking for visitors but never any for the employees. Karen thought about taking her black dress with her and changing in the bathrooms but they were located back of administration and she didn't want to pass by Karl's desk. Even if it meant checking in for a car sticker the way she was dressed. She wished she had changed clothes at home and worn her lab coat even if it meant another hour delay. It never crossed her mind Max wouldn't let her park in the tower. She would have picked up a pass later when it was a little more convenient.
The permit office was a din of noise from people shouting and machines and printers clattering. Karen waited inside the front door for the line of people to move forward. Little by little it kept getting quieter and quieter as the people stopped talking. Except for the few people who walked in behind her, at first everyone was busy with their own problems. They never noticed her until those on the other side of the room stared so long, the people standing in front of her turned around to see what everyone else was looking at. In whispers, word spread like wildfire, about the woman in the satin dress.
She didn't know if she should run or tough it out. She felt like crying. Consciously she started fidgeting. She knew better than to bring her hands up and try to cover herself. It would only bring more attention to the fact she knew what they were all looking at.
An attractive colored lady behind the counter stood up, took a look around the office, pointed at Karen and motioned for her to approach her desk. Karen indicated those ahead of her. "All these people were here first."
"Miss Long, if I don't get you out of my office we won't have to worry about who was here first, or last. It seems as if everyone has decided they don't have to work since you walked in the door. It wouldn't make any difference, our customers have other things on their mind besides what they thought they came in for. Now, why don't you step up here and tell me what I can do for you?"
She noticed Karen reached up to feel for her name tag all employees wore by their left collar. It wasn't there. "Honey, you don't need a name tag for everyone in this building to know who you are. The only ones who don't recognize you are in the cemetery."
She stepped back from her desk and took a slow measured look around her office. Everyone had quit talking so they could listen to the conversation. "Miss Long, unless you feel like broadcasting your intentions as to what you’re needing from us, then I strongly suggest you walk up here and discuss this with a little more privacy. I would love nothing more than for you to stay and visit, but we have schedules to meet. I must have the attention of my help to get it done."
Karen felt hot and embarrassed as she approached the woman's desk. She didn't plan on telling the whole world she bought a new car, but everyone there was listening. Without getting close enough to whisper in the woman's ear, it was quiet enough for the whole office to hear their conversation.
"I bought a car and need a pass. I thought Max would let me park it and I could get a sticker later when I got the chance. But he said it had to have a sticker on it now."
The lady pulled open a drawer and lifted out a ledger with pass stickers in it. "Bless Max's little black heart, he could have let you park in the tower and no one would have cared. This will get you back in business. I’ll fill out the forms later and send them down for you to sign. Let's put one of these on your car and get you out of here. And maybe, just maybe, I might get my office back sometime before quitting time.”
She took another look at all the people in the office staring at Karen. "People, don’t you have something to do? If you don’t, then get the heck out of my office. Visitors, if you need a pass get in line three and four. If you are here to drop off or pick up small packages, line one. If you are shipping something in or out then you are in the wrong office. You truck drivers need to go through the gate and park immediately inside the fence. Go up to the main entry and get a registration for your company truck so you don’t have to do this again.
“Is there anyone in here who has ordered a model from Miss Long’s Department?” She noticed a couple of hands go up.
“Okay, you don’t need a pass since you are only going to the main entry. Go get your vehicle and drive up to the gate. The guard will tell you where you need to go after you tell him what you are here for. Even though they will offer to bring your purchase out to your vehicle, I suggest you take a tour through conference room two. Everything Miss Long does is displayed there for a few days.“
She thought of all the models Karen had made that were displayed in room two. “I would suggest everyone take a tour through conference room two. You certainly won’t be disappointed in the quality of skill and craftsmanship Miss Long puts into her work. And I might add, she does each and every single one of them by herself.”
“Miss Long, if you will, let’s see about your pass.” She walked around the counter and out the door with Karen following her.
"You didn't ask what department I work in. How will you know what to put down on the permit sheet?"
"You're head of Duplication Department Fifty Four. You're the top gossip around this company and now I understand why. Honey, if I had a bod like yours, then they would have to pay me to show up at this dump. I don't understand why you keep on working here? It sure isn't because you can't get a job anywhere you choose. I know for a fact some of the work you do in your department has the competition green with envy. I also know with your looks men wouldn't care what kind of work you did. Anything you turned out would be fine with them. Hell honey, they can't see beyond looking at you. Now open your car door so I can put this sticker on your windshield."
She stuck the pass on the window and backed up looking Karen over as she did so. "That is one dynamite dress you are wearing. Would you mind if I borrowed it some time? If I could only get half the attention you do then I know I would be satisfied."
"I was talked into modeling this morning and this was one of the dresses. My dress was misplaced in the shuffle somewhere between the first picture and the last one. I wish I had stopped at home and changed before I came back to work."
The lady put her hand on Karen's arm. "You look damn nice. I’m glad you didn't get a chance to change dresses. There isn't a gal in my office who wouldn't have given a years salary to be able to walk into a room and get every one's attention like you did just now. This will give all the old biddies working here something to talk about. Keep it up honey, I like what you're doing to this place."
She pointed to the name tag on her collar. "My name is Beth like it says right here. Any time you want to talk to someone or need somebody for moral support you call me. I gotta go. I’ll send down the paper work for you to sign later."
She looked Karen over one last time before she left and nodded her approval. "Yessrrree Bob, if I only looked like you sugar then they could kiss my un huh goodbye at this dump. One dynamite lady."
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:Monique received this mess in bits and pieces
There is a chapter missing before this one. I'll see how to post it without everything getting shuffled out of place. It's important to keep the timeline of the story going in sync.
Erin help???
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Sorted that one, Hun.
Monique S
Well Worth The Confusion
Excellent chapter, I still don't like Bob but at least Karen got out in one piece.
Hugs Fran Cesca
- Formerly Turnabout Girl
Bob may be a manipulative
Bob may be a manipulative shit but he gives good advice, and now she has Beth telling her the same thing, I like her.
Perhaps she should listen by checking out what else is available at other companies, she wouldn't have to become a model to improve her situation as other companies would give their eye teeth to get her models and she could practically write her own check.
Twirn't too bad
Bob's initial attitude left one to believe he was a huge pig. That initial assumption was wrong, Bob is a very savvy businessman who doesn't suffer fools lightly--like those who run the company.
Karen's real secret is now known by a person who would use that information is he could profit from it. Karen might have been curious as to how Bob used her model, but she opened herself for blackmail at some point down the road. Maybe Henry should dig into Bob's fiances to see what he owes to who, they talk Karen into buying the notes so she basically ownes that store--or could.
Henry is going to hear about it when Karen gets to her lab, and maybe for once he'll level with her about everything she owns.
Others have feelings too.