A family spiralling out of control.
A child forced to grow up too fast.
Is there any room left for a young girl to find herself?
Book Two ‘Childhood’
Chapter 10 - Homemaker
Author's Note: This Chapter marks half way through Cassandra’s story. As ever please be tolerant of my failings, and forthright with your criticism. ~Persephone
Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash
© Persephone 2019
After breakfast the next morning, or ‘chow’ as Cassandra was quickly learning to refer to every meal a marine ate, the team loaded up into four of the pickups for the trip out to the Kenneport Mineral and Mining facility, also known as ‘Eldorado’. Cassandra was amused by the name the company had chosen, until she was told that was the name the locals had given the place years ago.
She was wedged in between Michael and Hector as they set off up the winding road for the forty minute drive.
“Uh, Cookie? Did you really mean what you said last night?” Hector Ruiz asked nervously.
“About the cooking or the picture?”
“Both. Well the picture first I guess.”
“Oh, that. Michael emailed us straight after he’d spoken to you. I deleted it immediately.” Cassie snickered. “I still can’t get it out of my head though, Hoover’s tongue trying to get the last bit of cream from up your nose.” She looked over at the stocky Latino, still sporting a military buzzcut. “Whatever happened to Hoover?”
“The next unit took him over. That mutt would be anyone’s friend for an MRE.”
“Talking about that. Do you want me to cook you Burrito’s?”
“Huh, oh sure! You mean you’ll do that? Like Mama’s?” Hector’s eyes lit up at the thought.
Cassie shrugged as best she could while squashed in between the guys. “I can try. Can you give me your Mom’s address or email? So I can ask for the recipe?”
“Hey no prob! It’ll have to be a letter. She ain’t into technology. I’ll get it to you tonight.” Hector promised happily.
They rode in silence for a while.
“Uh, Hector?” Cassie in her turn asked tentatively.
“Uh huh?”
“You guys really okay? With me I mean?”
He glanced at Cassie, then looked out the window for a bit before replying. “I guess some of the guys might have been a bit weirded out at first, but we had a couple of beers and chewed it over last night. I mean, you’re our ‘Cookie Monster’ so we already knew you were cool and had our backs. Then what you did for Mike’s li’l bro? That took serious balls. Uh.” Hector blushed when he realized what he said. “I don’t mean...”
Cassie laughed. “Don’t fret it. I understand what you meant.”
“Malik told us what would happen if you got dumped on Children’s Services, ‘specially with you being trans and all.” Hector shuddered. “I wouldn’t put my dog through that! So finally Brandon pointed out that just ‘cos he’s gay, it didn’t stop him putting his ass on the line, or carrying his share like everyone else did out in the Sandbox, so what right had anyone to judge you?” At that Hector shrugged. “After that we all agreed it was no biggie, you’re ours, and then got ourselves another beer.”
At the main gates to the site the team’s convoy was checked off, then directed over to the brand new administration building.
“Mister Braybrooke and crew?” An efficient looking lady asked as soon as they dismounted. “Good! You’re on time. Please follow me so we can start your induction process. This way please!”
The team were herded through an open plan office into a plush conference room.
“Please take a seat gentlemen, and lady. Mr. Jones will be here shortly to welcome you. In the meantime, please make a start on filling in the induction packs you see in front of you.”
Michael noticed the sudden fear in Cassie’s eyes as she flicked through the folder and its forms. He leant over and murmured. “Ignore the first two. They don’t apply to support staff. Use your Aunt Megan’s address, and give my cellphone number as the emergency contact okay?” She nodded in relief and turned her attention to the relevant paperwork.
Then their new boss entered the room.
Bob Jones might have been dressed in a suit and tie, but there was no mistaking his background. From his closely cropped hair and ramrod straight back, to the gleam of the polish on his shoes. The Marine Corps tie was the final give-away. Every man in the room instinctively stiffened to attention.
“At ease gentlemen! You’re not in the Corps now. Although it’s nice to see some professionalism round here, compared with some of the teams I’ve dealt with.” He chuckled. “I’m Bob Jones and Head of Operations here at Eldorado. Think of me as the Chief of Staff if that helps. We’ve got the usual dog and pony show this morning to get you processed in. Then a quick site tour and safety brief before getting you to your accommodation so you can square yourselves away before contract start on August first. I’ll get round to meeting each of you in time down at the complex, but I probably won’t get the opportunity to meet your support team there.” He looked over at Cassie. “Good morning young lady. Would you care to introduce yourself and how you ended up with this bunch of ‘life takers and heartbreakers’?”
Cassandra blushed as she struggled to her feet. “Oops, sorry sir. I’m Cassie Metherick, or ‘Cookie’ to the squad. Uncle Michael needed someone used to feeding hungry guys, and I kinda knew a lot of the guys from when they were in the Sandbox together.”
“Military brat?”
“Uh, no sir. My li’l sis and I just used to send them cookies and stuff.”
Bob Jones’ eyes crinkled. “Okay Miss Metherick, glad to have you on the team, and don’t let this lot razz you too much.” There were sudden snorts of laughter from around the room.
“You guys already started?” He asked.
“Tried to.” Came the dry response. “Crashed and burned in ten seconds flat. Complete flameout.”
The Head of Operations’ grin grew wider. “Looks like you’ve already got things in hand then Miss Metherick.” He gave her a nod as Cassie sat down again, then turned on the projector beside him. “You’ve now got to sit through the usual welcome, familiarization and safety videos. My head of security will be along in about forty minutes to cover his brief, and then we’ll arrange for the tour. Any questions?”
Cassandra found the films interesting and she was awed by the scale of the facility. Over three thousand tons of ore would be processed each day! Most of the safety brief didn’t apply to her as she wouldn’t be in the main complex, but Hector gave her a nudge to pay attention when the various alarms and sirens were demonstrated, and what action staff were expected to take for each.
“Learn those.” Was all he said.
Mario Ribas, the Head of Security and a former Texas Ranger, limped in next. “Morning! You’re all ex-military so you already know the way this goes. You carry your ID on your person at all times when on site. It must be visible when in the processing complex. Safety equipment is mandatory in all marked areas. That includes most of the complex. My team will be checking both your gear and IDs throughout the site, so don’t hassle them for doing their job. For those of you who like to relax after work there’s a bar, but if the staff cut you off don’t try to push it. One of my guys will turn up pretty quick, and we’re all deputized for the local sheriff down in Ontario OR. On top of that your contract says we can demand a breath or drug test from anyone before you set foot into the complex. You blow over the drink drive limit, you’re refused access and your team gets a financial penalty for showing up a man short. Next, you got a female on your team.” He turned his attention to Cassie. “Ma’am. We don’t usually get any trouble, but each bunk house is issued a site radio that links to my team on channel 1. I’d take it kindly if you’d make a point of keeping it charged and carrying it all the time you’re out of doors here.”
Michael added his own forceful instruction. “Cassandra, that isn’t a request. You go one foot out the door, the radio’s on your belt. No exceptions.”
She blushed and ducked her head. “Yes Uncle Michael.”
Mr. Ribas nodded his approval before continuing. “Last point. How many of you brought your guns?”
He waited for a show of hands.
“That’s fine, there’s some fine hunting round here. But on site you need a proper gun safe in your bunk house, or you store them in our armory. No exceptions. All weapons must be registered with my office to be allowed on site. Finally, Oregon may be an open-carry state, but it doesn’t apply here. If it’s not unloaded and in a case, it doesn’t move on site. Got it?” He gave a slow stare to all the guys who’d put their hands up until he got nods from them all.
“Right, lets head over to the security office and get your access badges sorted.”
Cassandra followed behind the team as they all headed back outside. The team seemed pretty familiar with what was happening, but she found it all a bit overwhelming. She stood in line for her turn to be photographed and issued her ID, wishing she’d been able to duck into a restroom to tidy up first. Just then Brandon nudged her and pointed out the restroom door.
“Go on, I’ll keep you place.”
When Cassie got back she smiled her thanks. “How did you know?”
Brandon rolled his eyes. “A Mom and three sisters.”
“Well I’m grateful. Thank you Brandon.”
Then they were back outside, issued with hard hats, and given a tour of the site. The processing complex was huge and filled with machines that dwarfed even the bus they were riding in. But Cassie’s interest was firmly on the ‘village’. The bunk houses were spaced well apart along straight concrete roads, each with a small parking lot in front.
“Hey guys, remind you of anywhere?” Eric joked from up front.
“F’in Camp Leatherneck without the wire and porta-potties.” Came the reply from more than one of them.
In the center of the village she could see a large open area with what looked like a baseball diamond, a football field and a soccer pitch laid out. Surrounding the area on three sides were larger buildings. To the west, they were shown the bar, restaurant and cafeteria. To the north, what looked like a hotel, but was actually catered accommodation for the management, medical and administrative staffs, while to the east was the commissary, the church and hall, and a rec center with a gym attached.
Cassie had to ask what a commissary was.
“Grocery store.” Came the reply.
Finally they were driven back to the administration building to reclaim their trucks, then followed the bus to their assigned bunk house.
Getting bunk house twenty two into a liveable state was the hardest four weeks work Cassandra had ever experienced. While the guys did all the heavy lifting and construction, she found herself doing everything from painting baseboards or threading cables through holes in the stud walls, to being sent out to lumber yards and hire shops as the team’s ‘procurement officer’.
“Hoo-wee!” Wayne yelled out as he started unloading another stack of drywall sheets from his truck. “I tell you, the merchants in Boise are starting to hide when they see our little Cookie coming through the door!”
“What’s she done this time?” Josh shoved his head out from one of the upstairs windows.
“You know the Franklin place? Wouldn’t give her a bulk discount based on what we spent last week as well as this, until she pulled all our receipts. When they finally caved, she just smiled; then hit them for a military discount on top!”
“Hey guys, I’m not that bad!” She complained.
“Cookie, face it, you’re an evil, evil negotiator… but you’re our evil negotiator.” Eric called out with a chuckle from where he was sizing and cutting two by fours.
When it got too dark to safely work on site, the team headed back to town, grabbed some chow and then gathered in the motel’s meeting room to review progress and plan the next day.
“So Boss man, we on target?” Tony asked Michael, watching as he updated the project plan at the end of the second week.
“Looks like, there’ll still be minor stuff to do, but we should be able to move in a week tomorrow.”
“Hey, that’s going to save us a bunch of cash on the motel bill!”
“Yes, but remember, we didn’t plan on having to buy that gun safe.” Cassie advised. “And if Tony hadn’t been on the ball, we’d have been paying for that expensive fast internet connection and only been able to use a third of it with the wifi unit we got with it. That’s why we had to flood wire the second floor.”
Cassandra hadn’t expected to become the team’s accountant, but as they explained it to her, ‘She wrote the budget, so she’d best keep track of it’.
“So, how are we looking Cookie?” Tony moved round to look over her shoulder.
“If you guys are okay with me getting a sewing machine and doing the curtains myself over the next couple of weeks, rather than getting store bought now. We should come in with the essentials at twenty six, five hundred.”
“Okay, so what’s top of the wish list?”
“Umm. Upgrade to a 75 inch screen with separate speakers, and install a wood burner in the living room. Get an emergency generator and fuel supply for power outages, with a switch on the main junction box. Fit a toilet and hand basin under the stairs. I’d like to plant some shrubs and herbs around the house to make it look less like a barrack block. Keep back a thou for repairs and emergencies. That would leave us with about… five hundred for a house warming barbecue and party.”
The guys had only really paid attention to the massive TV screen and the party before starting to cheer. Cassie just shook her head with a wry grin as she wondered if Kath had had the same problems getting her big brothers to listen.
The team wanted to move in the evening all the major work was done, but Cassie begged and pleaded that they allow her an extra day to make the place homely. In the end she resorted to bribery, giving them shopping lists and cash for barbecue supplies, beer and sodas, then told them not to turn up ’til gone four. Finally they drew lots to give her two helpers, for which Michael volunteered and Josh drew the short straw.
That final day was brutal, but Cassie was determined that if this was going to be their home for the next three years she wanted to be proud of it from Day One. On the way out to the site they’d stopped at a garden supply place and picked up the plants, flowers and mulch Cassie had ordered. On arrival it was a matter of minutes before she had both the house washing machines going full out, laundering all the new bedding, while the bathroom, windows, furniture and floors were cleaned, scrubbed, polished or dusted as appropriate.
She supervised Josh planting the newly dug borders before returning indoors to collect and hang out the first load of washing. Next it was straight into the kitchen to prepare salads and mix the dough for fresh rolls to accompany the barbecue. The new crockery and glassware was run through the dishwasher as Cassie rushed out to collect the now dry bedding and start the epic task of ironing it all.
At three forty-five she was just finishing making up eleven beds, each with a clean bath towel folded neatly at its foot. Then, with the smell of freshly baked bread wafting through the house, she heard the first truck pulling up outside.
“Keep them out! I’m not finished yet!” She yelled frantically down the stairs, before rushing round each double room to make sure there were flowers on each windowsill and a small rug beside each bed. A sprint downstairs to check the downstairs cloakroom had toilet paper, soap and a hand towel neatly laid out. A glance round the living room and dining room and a final stop to pull the fresh rolls from the oven.
Cassie finally slid to an exhausted stop in front of an amused Michael and Josh.
“Phew! I think we’re done.” She dabbed at her forehead.
“Not quite missy, go upstairs and look in the mirror. You’ve got five minutes to sort yourself out.”
Cassie gasped, turned tail and was halfway up the stairs when she heard her helpers chortling below.
It was eight minutes later, and one minute to four, when Cassie finally threw open the front door to the team.
“Welcome home guys!”
The rest of the team poured into their new home to see why Cassie had kept them away all day, and immediately started salivating at the smell of freshly baked bread. Cassie almost missed Malik trying to sneak into the kitchen for a snack.
“Malik! One more step through that door and I’ll take it as volunteering for Kitchen Police!”
Malik froze, then tried to turn puppy dog eyes on Cassie. “Cookie, I’m hungry!”
“You’re going to stuff yourself silly in two hours. If you’re desperate right now, Michael’s got some MREs in the back of his truck.” Cassie retorted without sympathy.
He turned away from the door defeated and started to mumble to himself. Cassie wasn’t sure, but it sounded something like, “I’m not that f’in hungry.”
Next they all trooped up to the second floor to check out their rooms.
“Guys, I’m really sorry I couldn’t get the curtains ready in time. They’ll be up as soon as I can run them up, promise.” Cassie apologized as they spread out.
“Jeez Cookie, you trying to spoil us?” Jordan had his head buried in the soft comforter as he sprawled across his bed. “If we live like this we’ll think we’re too good for getting our hands dirty.” He mock complained.
Next up, Norm and Brandon ambushed her with a hug from each side. “Thank you Cassandra, it’s perfect.” Brandon murmured in her ear. Cassie smiled. She hadn’t known if it would work, but with Michael’s help, she had shifted their room around to put the couple’s two beds together and line the far wall with their desk and wardrobes.
Eventually everyone managed to filter back down stairs to the living room.
Cassie clapped her hands to get their attention. “Right everyone! As everyone knows, only men apparently know how to cook on a barbecue. So could I have our two best grill-meisters. One to fire up the grill while the other offers snarky comments and tells him what he’s doing wrong. Malik, can you give me a hand getting the rest of the food set out and filling the ice baths with the beer and soda’s you all went out for? I guess the rest of you will want to make a start unloading your gear. If you leave your empty bags in the hallway we can get them stowed out of the way in the second floor store room. Any questions?”
“How come I get to help with the food? I never went into the kitchen?” Malik complained.
“There’s a Scooby snack in it for you.”
“Ruh Roh! Rot’s first?” He hammed it up as he headed out for the first load.
By nine that evening everyone was stuffed, tired and happy. The air was scented with the hickory chips from the barbecue, keeping the critters away, while the sun was tipping gently towards the horizon. Feeling warm and happy with how the guys had reacted that afternoon, Cassie pushed herself to her feet to start collecting the empty plates.
“Hey guys, let’s give Cookie a hand there.” The call went up and within minutes the yard was clear, leftovers were in the fridge and the dishwasher loaded and running.
“Folks, five minutes in the rec... I mean living room.” Michael called out as the last plate was loaded.
Once the team assembled he positioned himself in front of the TV. “Guys, I think it fair to say that Cookie… Cassie…”
“I’ll answer to both.” She interrupted cheerfully.
“Cookie, has gone above and beyond right?”
A chorus of cheers and wolf whistles agreed with him.
“So we have a home now, not a bunk house.” He went on. “And I don’t know about you guys, but I’d like to keep it that way. So I guess we’ll all pick up chores to help out right?”
This time Michael was only met with nods or shrugs so Cassie dived in again. “Hey guys. No cooking, no cleaning, no laundry. That’s why I’m here. Just some help with any maintenance and in the yard, or driving me to town to get groceries and stuff, would be really appreciated. Maybe help clearing up after dinner is all. You guys are going to be working your behinds off. The last thing I want to do is make life harder.”
At that the nods came back stronger.
“Yeah that’s fair.”
“Got no problem with that.”
“Hell, my Mom would work me harder.”
“Guys, now’s not the time to hash this out. I’d also like to hear ideas from all of you about what you’d like to make life easier…” Cassie saw movement out the corner of her eye. “ERIC! That does not include foot rubs or massages okay?”
“Damn! She got me before I even opened my mouth.” Eric Carr complained as the team chortled.
“I’ll have breakfast on the table for seven. Does anyone have a problem with bacon, pancakes, scrambled eggs, OJ and coffee?” Cassie scanned the room. “No? Okay, night guys. I’m pooped.” She made it to the door where Michael was waiting.
“Goodnight Cassandra. You did real good today.” He murmured as he gave her a hug and a quick kiss on top of her head.
Cassie went to sleep that night with a broad smile on her face.
The team was down and eating within a few minutes after seven, shocking Cassie, who wasn’t used to people actually turning up on time for food.
When she mentioned it, Tony Rossetti was the one to pause long enough to answer. “Cookie, you’re forgetting. Four years in the Corps? Six thirty reveille is a lazy morning. And an edible cooked breakfast that’s still hot? With fresh coffee, fresh eggs and no sand, dust or rain mixed in? That’s the stuff of legends!”
The rest seemed to agree. Or that’s how she translated the various grunts, nods or fork waving as they continued to demolish everything on their plates. She still didn’t get why they needed the tabasco sauce at breakfast though.
Once everything was cleaned up and the bread makers set up for lunch, Cassie rejoined the team in the living room. She swore to herself she would NOT start calling it the rec room; this was home, not a barracks block. Once she arrived Michael took the floor.
“Okay guys, it’s Thursday today. We now have four days down time before our training package begins. Anyone got any stuff they need or want to do?” He asked the room.
“I wouldn’t mind checking out the hunting opportunities round here.”
“I need to get registered and set up for that college pre course package I was talking about.”
“Me too. Maybe get a head start on it.”
“I was wondering if they were going to set up a soccer league. I thought I’d go and see what’s planned in the rec center.”
“Yeah, have to have a look at the gym too.”
Cassandra hesitantly put up her hand. “Um, I’ve got a bit of a list.”
Michael shushed the team. “Go on Cookie.”
“Well, I need to spend some time in Ontario and Caldwell. We need to get an account set up at Costco, and visit some other stores so I know where to get our weekly groceries and stuff. We also need a Post Office box, unless you guys want all your mail handled by the admin staff here? Um, I’d also like to explore the site village here, perhaps meet up with our neighbors and say hi. Oh yes, I ought to drop by the church and introduce ourselves to the minister, find out when services are running before Sunday. And I also need to sit down with you guys and start working out meal plans and such. You know? Like who hates pastrami or is allergic to shellfish and all, or who can’t live without Mom’s Burrito’s.” She winked at Hector. “That’s about it for me I guess.”
“Sounds like Cookie has got important stuff to do that we all need to get sorted. But I’m not happy with the idea of her wandering around on her own, even with the radio, ’til we know how everything stands round here. We all agree?” Michael got a round of head nods. “Okay, I suggest we each take a half day to act as Cookie’s bodyguard and gofer, while two lucky guys pick up evening KP only. That sound fair?”
Again Michael got a round of nods.
“Uncle Michael?” Cassie decided that getting into role might as well start here. “I think I’ll need to have you with me in Ontario and Caldwell if we’re setting up accounts and all. That can be today or tomorrow. And whoever’s on Sunday morning will be coming to church with me I guess, in case anyone has a problem with that.” Cassie added. “Oh yes, last thing. The bathroom, sorry, ‘the rain locker’, is going to be off limits every day from eight ’til nine so I can get a shower myself and then clean up. If you need a wee then, can you please use the cloakroom downstairs?”
After lunch Cassie headed out with radio attached and Tony as her wingman. Their first stop was the village center where Cassie led the way over to the church. Only to find it still locked and a sign up saying the first services wouldn’t be until a week Sunday. Disappointed, her next stop was next door where she dragged Tony round the commissary, notebook in hand, to look at prices and produce. They emerged again in under fifteen minutes.
“Oh, My, God! Did you see the prices in there Tony? No wonder the guys in the chat rooms were grumpy. That’s like more than twice what we paid in Walmart. And the fruit and veggies!”
“What veggies?”
“Exactly! If it couldn’t be fried, grilled, reconstituted or microwaved, it wasn’t stocked. Even Mike’s MREs were healthier.” Cassie complained.
“You said it girl!” A loud friendly voice interrupted. Cassie looked up to see a stocky blond woman bearing down on her; her own wingman trailing behind.
Once she was in range she stuck out a hand with a welcoming grin. “Hi! I’m Marie Fairchild. The brute behind me is my husband Doug.”
Cassie cautiously accepted the offered hand, only to have hers firmly grasped. “Cassie Metherick. This is Tony Rossetti.”
“Boyfriend, huh?”
“Honorary big bro’ I guess.” Cassie smiled at Tony. “Our team boss is my Uncle Michael.”
Marie looked down at Cassie’s other hand to spot the notepad and pen. “Hah! Great minds think alike.” She brandished her own clipboard. “Checking out the camp rip off merchant with our bodyguards in tow! You want to compare notes Cassie? This is the second KM&M rodeo Doug and I have done. Thought it might be better with a new facility this time.”
Cassie thought quickly. She really wanted to meet as many of the rest of the support teams she’d be living amongst as she could, and she guessed not all of them would be in church. “Sure, I’d love to. How about grabbing a spot on those bleachers?” She glanced over at Tony as he managed to avoid rolling his eyes. “Hey Tony, we didn’t get a chance to check out the magazines in there. Remember we have a budget for subscriptions? How about you and Doug go check them out while we chat?” Cassie took a quick look at Marie, who nodded her agreement.
“Cookie, Mike said I’m supposed to stay close.”
“We’ll be in sight less than a hundred yards away, and I have the radio. I’ll be okay.” She smiled.
Tony cast a quick look at Doug who nodded. “They’ll be okay man. Most of the rowdy single guys won’t turn up ’til the weekend. Let’s leave the ladies to gossip for a bit.”
Once the two guys had wandered back into the store Marie raised an eyebrow. “‘Cookie’? They already putting you down?”
Cassie laughed. “It’s not what you think. It’s short for ‘Cookie Monster’. The guys were all in the same unit out in Afghanistan. My little sister and I used to send them cookies. After that it just stuck.”
“So which bunk house have you got? We’re in twenty seven. I noticed a couple of other teams moving in early but haven’t had a chance to go visiting.”
“Twenty two, I guess we’re three down on the other side of the street. Sorry I didn’t come over but I guess we were busy too, and I didn’t want to intrude either.”
Twenty minutes later Tony and Doug came back over, obviously having decided that Cassie and Marie had had long enough. So the two parted reluctantly, with firm invitations to come visit each other later in the week. Cassie was bouncing all the way back home.
That evening over dinner Tony brought up the magazine subscriptions with the rest of the team.
“How much can we spend Cookie? And what magazines?”
Cassie shrugged. “We budgeted for up to fifty bucks a month. What we order is up to you guys. I just thought with everyone planning to go to college, you’d want stuff like Newsweek or National Geographic. Maybe Entertainment Weekly.”
The rest of the meal was a spirited discussion of various titles, until Cassie jumped in again. “Hey guys, if you really want Playboy okay. But I’m going to want to see some balance here. Like a subscription to Cosmo.” She laughed.
Everyone was shocked when Michael suddenly laid down the law.
“Absolutely not! You are NOT getting Cosmopolitan Cassandra!”
Around him the table stilled.
“Ut Oh! Sunday names Cookie!” Eric couldn’t help himself.
“Huh? What’s up with Cosmo Mike? It’s just a girly magazine. All make up and stuff.” Josh Wayda asked, surprised at Michael’s vehemence.
“It’s uh, not appropriate for Cassie.” A blush started rising up Michael’s cheeks. “Some of the articles are... umm, pretty graphic. Like worse than Hustler.”
Eric saw his opportunity and dived in. “So how come you know Mike?” He asked with a smirk.
“I uh, sneaked a look at my Mom’s.” He muttered as the blush reached his eyebrows.
As the catcalls and laughter finally died down Michael struggled to recover his authority. He turned his attention firmly back on Cassandra. “Cassie, ‘Good Housekeeping’? Okay. A teen girl magazine? Fine. But no Cosmo! Got it?” He demanded.
Of course, after that, Eric would occasionally smuggle a copy of Cosmopolitan into the house and leave it lying around where he knew Michael would spot it. Sometimes Michael even got to it before Cassie had had a chance to read it. Everyone else thought the entertainment was well worth the eight dollar cover price.
Friday morning had Michael and Cassie heading for the nearby town of Ontario. Larger than Vale, it was also en-route to the Costco Cassie had decided they needed, just outside Caldwell, Idaho. Cassie was working through her shopping and chores lists when Michael interrupted her thoughts.
“So is it what you expected kiddo?”
“Huh?” She looked up. “You mean Oregon?”
“Oregon, the site, the team, running a house, being a girl full time. Take your pick.”
“It’s a long way from LA that’s for sure!” Cassie laughed. “I guess. Most of all, I’ve been surprised, you know?”
Michael’s glance encouraged her to go on.
“Well, I was surprised that the team have accepted me so quickly. I was terrified they’d hate me or something. Then there’s the facility and Oregon. Compared with LA it’s so empty and wide open. We’ve been driving for thirty minutes now. We haven’t seen a single other vehicle for the last couple of miles. I guess I’m not used to being so isolated. Reminds me of that old TV show Mom liked, ‘Little House on the Prairie’. Makes me feel like Laura somehow.” She chuckled at the thought. “Most of all I was surprised that I can do this. I mean really do this. I was panicking that I’d let you guys down or make a fool of myself or something.”
Michael nodded in understanding. “Are you going to be able to cope when we’re at the complex all day and you’re on your own? And when you have to start squeezing in all your school work as well?” He asked.
All Cassie could do was shrug. “I’ll guess we’ll find out when it happens. I’ve coped so far. I’m just happy to be allowed to be myself and not have to watch my back every minute. I think that makes a big difference. Makes me feel more confident, more me, you know?”
Michael snorted in amusement.
“I was just remembering the kid I had to practically push through the door to meet Paris, and comparing her with the girl who cracks the whip over ten Marine combat vets. Like when you caught Malik trying to raid the fridge? Or put Eric back in his box with the ‘Snow White’ gag?”
Cassie snerked. “Yeah, but he walked straight into that one.”
The trip to town and beyond took them all the rest of the morning, but Cassie felt she would be able to streamline future trips now that she had seen where everything was. They’d registered with Costco and taken a quick trip round the nearby Walmart, as well as arranging for a PO Box at the Post Office. Michael also worked out it would be cheaper to buy their wine and beer in Idaho rather than across the State Line with Oregon's restrictive liquor laws.
“I’m glad you sorted that out with the wine.” Cassie commented on their way back home.
Michael gave her a sharp look. “You are definitely way too young to start drinking Cassie!”
“Me? Heck no! After watching my excuse for a father fall into a bottle, I have absolutely no wish to even touch the stuff!” Cassandra was shocked he’d even thought that of her. “I was thinking about the team. A glass of wine with dinner makes it, I don’t know, more formal? Helps everyone relax without going stupid at the bar. Or paying their silly prices. There’s also a few sauces and stews that need a dash to bring out the flavor. Does that make sense?”
“We got the budget for it?”
“Already included in the grocery budget.” Cassie replied smugly.
Michael just smiled. “You are going to seriously spoil those guys Cassie.”
“That includes you too ‘Uncle Michael’.”
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Great to see Cassie growing into herself
Finally getting a life.
This chapter so reminds me of me at aged fourteen and eight months during my first trip. More correctly, it was my second trip after I'd been told a I could 'stay on'. I was then fifteen!
Despite having been a product of a children's psychiatric unit, being a transexual, coming out of borstal, living on the streets as a thief and child prostitute, unable to read or write, being infected with syphilis, gonorrhea, NSU and assorted other STD's; the captain and chirf officer still let me keep my job as a probationer-deck-boy.
I ended up with a real job with a legal BOT (Board of Trade) rate of pay, my own cabin (with my own key), free travel wherever the ship went, three square meals a day and decent treatment from a crew who, after a few early wrinkles, got to accept me for what I did and not what I was. Being eventually accepted by hard-working, rough hewn, decent guys even though they knew I was some sort of 'tranny' was the acme of my finally making it into mainstream life! What's more, nobody was looking for me and I was no longer on the run! I WAS LEGAL!
Yeah! Well done Cassie! Here's to ya!
Thanks for the story Jen.
Yes another great chapter.
Mainly exposition and finding their way at the new camp.
I love the way you are giving her a 'family' of 11 big brothers and how they have taken to Cassie.
It will surely give her the confidence and stability to know she has people to lean on that will do anything for her, as she will in return when other shit might hit the fan in coming chapters.
I would have just added a letter or email to Kathleen in this chapter, just to keep her up to date.
Love this more every time you post a new chapter!!!
Thank you!!!
but it is the rare moments of beauty and peace
in between the chaos,
That makes it worth living."
- Tertia Hill
Slice of Life
This is a great slice of life chapter. I think every story needs one of these quiet, world building chapters every once in a while. I can't help but feel its a bit of a calm before the storm too though?
So Glad Cassie Has A Female Friend
It’s nice that Cassie has another woman in the camp , to talk to . Being around men , even the ones she lives with , can be hard on a woman, especially when she just needs a woman’s perspective on things . The guys are more understanding than most , but they still don’t quite get how women can be more emotional . Cassie just recently becoming her true self , can learn even more from Marie’s life experience of being a woman in the world and dealing with things like the other men who will be coming into camp and not respecting her the way her friends do, If the word gets around to other teams in the camp , that they can do better that the commissary prices, then the company may be forced to adjust their prices lower so that they won’t be losing out on the trans going other places to shop. I look forward to the next chapter in this wonderful story !
Keeps getting beter
Persephone another great chapter. I really look to each of your postings. Thank you so much for writing this.
Cassie just has a natural born nurturing personality
she is kind of in her element with her squad of soldiers. I am going to miss the interaction with her little sis though. Great story.
Bean an tí
Looks like she is becoming the Woman of the house or in Irish Bean an Tí
In Irish speaking areas where students go to learn Irish the"Bean an Tí" is considered to be a formidable character who rules are not to be ignored.
Head of the house
In Welsh, I think that would by 'Ben y Ty' or even 'Ty Ben' Welsh and Gaelic are both celtic languages.
We finally reached it.
I've been looking forward to this point for several chapters now, where the crew is finally on site.
shoe drop
its going too smooth. im waiting for the other shoe to drop. I just hope its not too serious. over all im loving this story. it is one of the better ones ive read on bc. keep up the good work, I dont know why I put that there, I know you will.
going to smooth
I would not like to be the person that would piss off those marines living one what is almost a military base.
It is nice
that Cassie now has Marie, a more mature woman and one with inside knowledge of the situation, to relate to.
Once the other teams get to know how her crew lives and how well managed their budget is she might be asked to actually run the canteen for the company :-) just kidding, But she sure is doing great. Her "boys" are lucky.
Love the story,
Monique S
yet another americanism.
We don't wee, we piss or pee.
Ugh, I rhymed it. Well, another superb outing.
In Britain, boys pee and girls wee.
Golden Oregon
I live in western Oregon but have camped in far eastern Oregon a lot. It is wide open and I love it out there. I'd live there but T girls have to be very careful. I can pass through and shop but living in a community is different. A lot of Gold has been taken out of there but I doubt it was anything like Gold country in California.
Native Americans had a lot of that country by treaty, but as soon as precious metals were discovered, the Europeans took it illegally.
Cassie is 15 now? It's a lot of work for her, but in Colonial America girls were married as young as age 12. Wiki says that marriages have recently happened as young as 10, but I was too put off to look more. I suppose it was that way in the UK in early times. Of course there are the totally repugnant marriages in some Middle Eastern countries.
Age of consent
According to Wikipedia, "The age of consent, at the time applying only when the girl is the younger party, was 10 when California introduced its penal code in 1850." I find it hard to believe that they thought a ten-year-old girl was old enough for sex, yet alone mature enough to consent. The age was gradually increased, and it's been 18 in California since 1913.
Fortunately this will not be applicable in this story
Anyone tries anything with Cassie will:
a. Have to get past Cassie's defences.
b. Be dealt with extremely seriously by her 'big brothers'.
c. Face disciplinary action from the Company.
d. Piss off every woman at the site (including the medics and payroll staff).
e. Might make it to safety in the cells of Ontario OR PD
Non sum qualis eram
Almost makes me fell sorry
Almost makes me fell sorry for them.
It never pays to mess with Marines or those under their protection.
will she be able to continue her
martial arts?
Maybe the marines can teach her some stuff?
being remote as they are, I can't see any martial arts places.
Ooh yes
Wait two chapters
Non sum qualis eram
I am seriously loving this story,
I am wondering when the first lovesick miner sees her and won't take no for an answer, then she'll call out her marines. I would like to hear how the thugs are fairing back home.
Making the best of a difficult situation
Working at locations like that mining area can be difficult since it can become very boring. Also because people are away from home, what Cassie has done to the bunk house will go a long way to helping the team get through their time there.
Meeting Maria is a big plus for Cassie since she has experience living in these type of places.
The real test will begin when the rowdier young workers start showing up, and first see Cassie. She might want to keep the two way with her at all times since the guy who doesn't understand 'no' could decide he'd have a go at Cassie while the guys are out. It will be a mistake on his part, possibly his last one ever, and he will pay for it.
Also, if anyone from LA should ever figure out where she is and can get to the bunkhouse, she'll need help immediately.
Others have feelings too.