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A family spiralling out of control.
A child forced to grow up too fast.
Is there any room left for a young girl to find herself?
Book Three ‘Womanhood’
Chapter 15 – Pasadena CA
Author's Note:. Cassandra may longer be a child, but she still has a ways to go before she becomes a woman. As ever please be tolerant of my failings, and forthright with your criticism. ~Persephone
Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash
© Persephone 2019
Once Cassie had unwrapped herself from a bubbling teenage Kath, who was now as tall as she, and calmed down an excited Hoover, Cassie turned hungrily into Aunt Megan’s open embrace, heedless of her tears.
“Welcome home honey.” Aunt Megan murmured into Cassie’s ear. But the arms that had once easily lifted her from the ground now felt frail, even as they were wrapped lovingly around her.
“Gosh! The air in Oregon certainly seems to have agreed with you young lady. Let me get a better look at you.”
With that, Aunt Megan gently disentangled herself and took a step back, then took a long look at both Cassie and Kath. “Well, no one would ever fail to spot that you two were sisters. Like two peas in a pod.” She glanced down to where Hoover was now sitting alert and watching. “And you must be the famous rescue hero Hoover?” She asked and offered her hand to receive several licks before fussing over him.
Cassandra kept her smile in place at Aunt Megan’s antics, but inside she was shocked. ‘When had her vibrant, bouncy Aunty Meg gotten so old? ’ She looked over to Kath, who must have guessed her sister’s thoughts as she returned a careful look, and returned a slow shake of the head, while mouthing ‘later’. Behind Cassie the elevator doors pinged and Michael staggered out, dragging three of Cassie’s cases behind him. As he approached, Aunt Megan straightened up. “And here is our knight in shining armor! I hope you’ve brought your appetite as well as this one’s luggage Michael.”
He left the bags in the hallway and carefully folded Aunt Megan in a hug. “Brought her back safe and sound Aunty Meg.” He told her with a grin, “and you’re looking as young and wonderful as always.”
“Shush! Flatterer!” Aunt Megan scolded him with a smile as he let her go.
“And where’s my other li’l sis?” Michael looked round theatrically. “It can’t be you.” He told Kath. “My li’l sis is only yay high.” He held one hand a little above Hoover’s head.
Kath harrumphed at that as Michael laughed and beckoned. “Cm’ere you. You’re as tall as your sister now. Does that mean you’re going to nag me as much as she does?”
He ignored the outraged squawk behind him as he gave Kath a monster hug. “Yep, you two are definitely the McCarrick girls.”
Lunch was a lively affair as Michael was fussed over by all three of the ladies, while he told outrageous tales about their time in Oregon; some of which were even true. At length the table was finally cleared and the four of them settled down to discuss Cassie’s future plans. Aunt Megan had been very busy making arrangements when she had known the date Cassie would be home.
“Kath and I have been doing lots of research since Michael called us. First thing tomorrow you have an appointment with a Dr. Carterton here in Pasadena. She’s a specialist in gender identity, and will work with you to help make sure we jump through all the right hoops. Then, if she is happy, we will go out for lunch before going to see my attorney, Mr. Horsfells. He has all the necessary paperwork we need to file to get you legal. You do have your school transcripts and other evidence of what you’ve been doing for the last four years haven’t you?” Aunt Megan asked.
Cassie went back to the living room to recover her backpack while Michael rummaged through his own bag for some papers. “I’ve got it all here Aunty.” She handed over a thick envelope.
“Hmm, transcripts, photographs, certificate as a Search and Rescue team, letters of recommendation for Cassandra McCarrick from a Mr. Braybrooke, a Reverend Davies, a Mr. Ribas…”
“Huh? Wait a minute! I thought Mario and the Reverend thought I was Cassie Metherick?”
Michael coughed. “I, um, had a little chat with Mario last week. He wasn’t best pleased when he found out. But when he heard the story, and I reminded him that he owed you for that rescue out at East Eagle Creek, and keeping the Hardcastle incident out of the courts, he reissued your certificate and gave me a letter.”
“And Reverend Davies?”
“I typed it up for him. He never looked at the surname too closely before signing it I guess.” He shrugged.
“Hey! Every word in those letters is true and accurate. We’re not deceiving anyone, just correcting a silly spelling mistake okay?”
Cassandra settled back with a humph. “Any more paperwork I ought to know about?”
“Only this.” Michael pulled out a check and handed it over. It was made out to Miss C. McCarrick for fifty six thousand dollars.
Dr. Catherine Carterton was not happy with Cassandra.
Neither was Aunt Megan when she heard about the orchidectomy.
However, Cassie steadfastly refused to name the doctor who had carried out the procedure, and explained exactly why she had made her decision; stressing both the significant threat she had been under at the time, and the reputation of Children’s Services in dealing with trans kids.
Dr. Carterton blew out an exasperated breath. “Young lady. I’m used to most of my younger patients looking for ways to bend the protocols for transition, but this is the first time I’ve had someone drive a stagecoach straight through the middle of them! The WPATH guidelines are there for a reason. Do you have any idea how many gender confused kids change their mind by the time they are eighteen?”
Cassie squirmed in her seat. “It just seemed a better choice than continuing to buy drugs off the internet or risking cancer Ma’am.”
“And that reason alone is why I’m going to accept you as a patient. However, from now on I want your solemn promise that the only medication you take is properly prescribed, and from a doctor I know and approve. Okay?”
Cassie sunk deeper into her chair. “Yes ma’am.”
“I promise ma’am.” She squeaked.
Dr. Carterton gave Cassie a final suspicious stare before jotting down some notes on her pad. “I want you to arrange an appointment with Dr. Feliz. He’s an endocrinologist with the LA gender clinic. I’ll tell him to expect you. I also want to see you for a further appointment in two weeks when we have his results young lady.”
She handed the note over to Aunt Megan before escorting the two of them from her office.
The weather may have been sunny that afternoon, but lunch was definitely frosty.
“Did Paris or Cheryl know anything about your procedure?” Aunt Megan demanded.
“I made sure they didn’t. I didn’t want either of them in trouble because of me.”
“And the doctor? Didn’t he say anything when you told him your age?”
Cassie ducked her head and handed over her fake ID.
Aunt Megan took one look and cast her eyes up to the heavens. “Child you’ll be the death of me.” She declared. “Well, what’s done is done.” She sighed, before fixing Cassie with a hard stare. “But from now on, everything will be exactly as Dr. Carterton tells you. Understand missy?”
Cassie was close to tears. “Yes Aunt Megan.”
Aunt Megan put an arm around her niece. “Come here sweetie. You’ve had some truly horrible choices to make. I just wish you hadn’t been forced into that position. Now dry your eyes, we’ve got an appointment with my lawyer.”
Two and a half hours later the two of them were back out on the sidewalk.
“And that’s it? I thought it would be harder. You know, like demanding all sorts of evidence and having to go to court.” Cassie looked at her aunt in shock as they headed for her car.
“Not in California nowadays young lady. Unless there’s a problem, it will all go through without the need to go to court and you’ll be all legal in six weeks. The only thing unusual was asking for the record to be sealed. But with your brothers’ and father’s conviction for a homophobic assault, that should be granted as well.”
Cassie just shook her head. “Wow!”
“So what are you going to do for the next six weeks while we wait?”
“Start on my college applications I guess. I also need to study for the SAT, and my driver education. Then I was hoping to continue my training with Hoover and find a Sifu for my Wing Chun. It would also be nice to go visit Charlie and Peter, and Paris and Cheryl. But most of all, I want to spend time with you and Kath. I’ve missed you both sooo much.”
Aunt Megan smiled and hooked her arm in her niece’s. “We have as well sweetie. We’ve all got a lot of catching up to do.” They walked companionably arm in arm for a while before Aunt Megan gave Cassie a look. “Do you still have your heart set on CalTech? It’s not cheap, and while that check will cover your first year, you’ll still need to fund the next three. Have you given that any thought, or have you got another of those comics of yours hidden away somewhere?” She chuckled
Cassandra bit her lip. “Um, yes and, sort of. I’ve got one last secret.” She saw the sharp look on her aunt’s face. “Truly, only this one, I promise! There’s nothing else, but… can we talk about it when we get back home?”
Once Hoover had been made a fuss of and Kath had dashed out the door for her dance class, Cassie fired up her laptop with Aunt Megan watching over her shoulder.
“So what am I looking at?”
“This is an online trading platform for cryptocurrencies. Stuff like Bitcoin, Aetherium, Ripple, Litecoin and so on. It shows what people are buying and selling.” Cassie clicked on the Aetherium link. “When I was twelve I wanted to invest some of my money from the business somewhere, rather than just hand it all over to my father.” She snorted. “You know how well that worked out.”
“Don’t snort Cassandra. It’s not ladylike.” Aunt Megan scolded. “So why are we looking at these Ether things?”
“I bought a thousand of them for two thousand dollars just before you came for Christmas that year. I keep them in a special encrypted wallet on my laptop, with copies on a couple of USB sticks.” As she spoke Cassie finished navigating to the current buy price offered. “They’re worth a bit more now.”
Aunt Megan stared at the screen.
1.000 Aetherium = $1,619.290 USD.
“And you have a thousand of these?”
“Yep, right now, after tax, they’re worth just under one point one million. Of course the value is still climbing and I need to get a proper bank account before I can sell them. And that depends on how soon the court sorts out my paperwork.”
Aunt Megan was still goggling at the screen. She swallowed hard, shocked at how calmly Cassie was discussing it. “I think we better start hoping the court moves extra fast.”
For the next six weeks Aunt Megan was on tenterhooks waiting for the court’s decision.
Cassie just focussed on her studies and having fun with Hoover and Kath.
“I don’t know how you can be so calm.” Aunt Megan told her one day, when Kath had taken Hoover to the park. They had both agreed that until everything was sorted, it was better to keep Cassie’s electronic riches quiet.
Cassie just shrugged. “We’ve done everything we can Aunty. Even if the currency price tumbles there will still be enough for Kath and my college tuition and living costs. If there’s a problem with the court we’ll deal with it when it happens.”
“When did you get so wise and grown up missy?”
“Looking after ten former Marines I guess. Honestly Aunty! It was like chasing after a bunch of kids sometimes! You wouldn’t have believed I was the youngest in the house.”
Aunt Megan chuckled. “That’s not former Marines honey, that’s just men.”
Cassandra’s time wasn’t all study though. When Paris and Cheryl heard she was back they insisted on holding a party for her in Silver Lake, inviting Michael, Peter and Charlie, as well as Kath and Aunt Megan.
“And here’s the Party Girl!” Paris yelled out as she flung the front door wide. “Wow! Look at you girl.” She insisted Cassie did a twirl to show off her new outfit. “God! I was terrified you’d come back in jeans, boots and a cowboy hat.” She grabbed Cassie and gave her a massive hug. “There’s some guys here who are really looking forward to seeing you.”
That was all the cue Charlie and Peter needed as they enfolded both Cassie and Kath in a four way hug. “I’ve been so worried about you.” Charlie accused her even as he squeezed her tight. “Michael never said a word until last Christmas. We thought something terrible had happened.”
“I was safe Charlie. Our big bro made sure of that.”
Peter giggled. “We can see that. But don’t you think getting a wolf was a bit OTT?” He glanced nervously at Hoover.
Cassie slapped his arm. “Peter! Hoover is an absolute sweetie. The only thing you’re in danger of is getting covered by doggy slobber.” Then she turned back to Charlie. “And how are you? Michael said you’d recovered but…”
He gave her a brittle smile. “I’m better. All the injuries healed up and I’m not disabled. You can’t even see where the surgeon worked on my face. Thank God for living in the world capital of cosmetic surgery!”
“But…” Cassie’s eyes softened as she gently pressed him.
Charlie sighed. “It’s a long hard road li’l sis. Peter has been a godsend, and I couldn’t have done it without him. And knowing I was safe with all those scumbags in jail. You gave me that Cassie, you and Kath, and it was a gift beyond price.” He leant his forehead against hers and just held her hands for a long moment while both of them recovered their composure. Then he grinned. “Come on, let’s enjoy the party!”
“So what are you going to do with your year off Cassie?” Cheryl asked later as they all sprawled over the couches, or sat on the floor to play with Hoover. “It’s a long time until college starts next fall.”
“Hey, I’ve got to get accepted first!” Cassie laughed. “I guess all the legal and medical stuff won’t take all year will it? Perhaps I can do some volunteer work.”
“What about something with Hoover? He’s a tracking hound right? There must be some volunteer rescue teams that would love to have you two on their books.” Cheryl added.
Aunt Megan perked up at that. “There’s one right in Pasadena Cassandra. Why don’t you give them a call?”
Cassie considered it for a moment, looking thoughtfully at Hoover. “I guess that would make a lot of sense. Fun too.” She looked over to her aunt. “But can I wait until I have my ID and driver’s permit first?”
Finally the six weeks were up and Aunt Megan accompanied Cassandra to Mr. Horsfells’ offices.
The lawyer shook her hand. “Well, I’m delighted to be the first to address you legally as Miss Cassandra McCarrick.”
“Yay!” Cassie bounced on her toes and hugged both her aunt and the surprised Mr. Horsfells.
“Whoah! Young lady, hold your horses.” Aunt Megan laughed. “Now the real work starts. You are going to be doing a lot of queueing over the next week or two. First we need to visit the DMV. Then arrange driving lessons. Next is the Register to change your birth certificate, then sort out a bank account and your college application.”
“Don’t forget I need an attorney and a financial adviser as well.” Cassie added.
Mr. Horsfells knew better than to let a prospective client out the door without trying. “I’m sure my practice would be delighted to take you on as a client Miss McCarrick. We also offer a dedicated team with expertise in financial planning. How much were you thinking of investing?”
“Um, last time I looked, about three million.” The bouncy young teen told him, still more excited about the court documents.
After he’d collected his jaw from the floor he made an urgent call to the head of their investment team.
It took another three weeks before Cassie was in a position to sell her Aetherium holdings. During that period the market had gone crazy following unexpected changes to the Chinese currency trading rules. Chuck Arbuthnott, her investment adviser, had handled the transaction personally, once Cassie had shown him how to decrypt her electronic wallet and create an account on the trading platform.
At the end of the morning he sat back at his desk, his fingers steepled in front of him. “Miss McCarrick, you are now a very wealthy young lady. After fees and taxes your personal portfolio stands at eleven point four four million dollars. Now do you have any immediate plans, or are you planning to invest all the principal and merely draw upon the generated interest and dividends?”
He should have known better than to ask. Of course Cassandra had a plan
Two months earlier, after the first flurry of activity around Cassandra’s return, Cassie had finally got a chance to properly talk to her sister. They were taking Hoover out to Memorial Park, and it brought back bitter memories for Cassie as she spotted the southern gates.
“I’m so sorry Munchkin. I hated leaving you. I hated lying to you.”
Kath stared down at the sidewalk as she wrapped her arms around herself. “I was a wreck that first day. I couldn’t understand what I’d done wrong to make you leave me.” She shrugged, “it wasn’t until Aunty Meg explained it to me, that I realized why you’d done it. I still didn’t truly get it until Dad’s lawyers turned up hassling Aunty Meg. They weren’t interested in me. It was you they were after. One of them tried to search the apartment while the other was talking to her. I caught him rooting around in my wardrobe.” Kath closed her eyes for a moment at the memory. “Then there was that evil scumbag, Rheinhart.”
“What happened to him?”
“They couldn’t make the charges stick. He got kicked off the force and lost his pension. The Sheriff’s office offered a settlement for harassment to Aunty Meg, but that was it.”
Cassie could see it still bothered Kath, so she tucked her arm through her sister’s and decided to change the subject. “What about you? I know you’re still doing dance and Kung Fu, but what about school? Have you decided what you want to do after school?”
“Sort of, but the public high schools here suck, probably as bad as Oak Vale. I’m down to go to Pasadena High next semester which isn’t too bad.” She suddenly came to life for a moment. “I’d really love to be a doctor, but without the grades I guess I’ll just have to settle for something else.” Kath sighed.
“Any decent private schools around here?”
Kath perked up again. “Yeah, my friend Beth is going to be at this place called Westridge School for Girls. It sounds pretty cool.”
Kath looked at her sister. “What are you thinking Three-Ess?” She asked suspiciously.
“Just having an idea. Hey! You never did explain Three-Ess. Spill!”
Kath laughed. “You never worked it out? Then I guess you’re not such a Super Smart Sister!”
Once they reached the park, they played with Hoover for a while until Cassie fitted Hoover’s harness and had Kath take off as her scent trial with a fifteen minute lead.
Twenty minutes later Kath was complaining. “When did you get so fit? I’m already pooped and Hoover just loped up and started licking me. No fair!”
Cassie just laughed. To make up for it she bought them both ice creams, and a bottle of cold water for Hoover, and grabbed a table in the shade. They sat quietly, enjoying their ices for a while.
Finally Cassie turned to her sister. “So when were you going to tell me about Aunt Megan?”
Kath put down her tub and let out a long breath.
“It’s not cancer is it?” Cassie asked in panic. If there was one thing Cassie was afraid of, it was the dreaded C word.
Kath shook her head. “She tries to tell me she’s okay, but she’s getting weaker. She struggles with the stairs now, and the elevators aren’t always working. I heard one of her friends talking a year back. She’s got Parkinson’s disease.”
Cassie reached out to clasp her sister’s hand. “There’s more isn’t there?”
Kath nodded and blinked back her tears. “Aunty Meg isn’t rich. She always says she’s saved up memories, not money. But I know she struggles with the health insurance premiums as well as the rent. I think she had to change to a cheaper plan that wasn’t so good. Running our business helps, but she insists that’s for my tuition. I make sure I pay for my dance and Kung Fu classes, and buy my own clothes. But I hate seeing her scrimp and save.”
After that Cassie didn’t ask any more questions and started telling Kath about some of her adventures in Oregon until it was time for them to head home.
Mr. Arbuthnott didn’t quite know what to do when Miss Cassandra McCarrick immediately pulled out a binder from her backpack. “As a matter of fact I do sir.”
An hour later he looked up. “Are you sure you wish to disburse so much immediately? The property investment is sensible, but a million dollars to charities? Then there’s the funding for your sister’s education and your aunt’s ongoing support. Wouldn’t it be wiser to fund all those through the interest you will accrue on your capital and take the tax breaks available?”
Cassandra kept her temper. “Mr. Arbuthnott. I have learned that it is wisest to make full provision from the start, rather than rely on what might happen in the future. Now, I assume that your firm can handle all of my requests without any difficulty?”
He clearly heard the ‘or else’ in his young client’s tone and started to rethink his approach.
“Of course Miss McCarrick. I just wanted to be sure we had covered all your possible options. I can get straight on this. I’ll contact the realtor now and make an offer on the apartment.”
“Thank you Mr. Arbuthnott. If that is everything, I need to get home and inform my aunt and sister what is about to happen.”
That evening Cassandra insisted on taking her family out to Lupita’s as her treat. It seemed fitting that they were back where their secret club had started almost five years before.
As before Cassie enjoyed her Enchilada Vallarta, then waited until everyone had finished before dropping her bombshells.
“Kathleen, I made Mom a promise before she passed. I’m going to keep that promise. Aunt Megan knows how I’m able to do it. First, you have an interview next Monday morning with the Head of Westridge School for Girls. If you are accepted, your tuition there is covered for the next four years.” Cassie ignored both Kath and Aunt Megan’s gasps. “Next, there’s a quarter of a million dollars set aside in a college fund for you. Initially to do pre-med. Then, if you pass and get accepted to a medical school, additional funds will be made available to cover that too as needed.”
Without waiting for a moment, Cassie turned straight to her beloved aunt. “Aunty Meg. Losing you would utterly destroy both Kath and I. We didn’t find out in time to help Mom. We are NOT going to let that happen again. Do I make myself clear? I’m really sorry, but we both know about your Parkinson's. We’ve both seen you struggle at home, and we have both guessed that things are tight.” Cassie quickly wiped her eyes before glaring at Aunt Megan. “I know you are going to argue with me about this, so I’ve already done it, and I apologize now for what I’ve done, but it’s done. I’ve bought us a big three bed apartment just off Sierra Madre Boulevard. I’ve also set up a fund to pay for the best possible health insurance and, if it’s needed, some help and company for you during the day while Kath and I are at school and college. Oh and Kath? The apartment has three parking slots. So, as a little incentive, if you keep a GPA of 3.6 or better into your junior year, you get a brand new car with a year’s insurance.”
When Cassie sat back she was breathing hard and feeling faint. She’d never dared talk to Aunt Megan like that before, or any adult, and she was terrified she’d angered her aunt and started an almighty argument.
She didn’t expect to hear Aunt Megan start chuckling.
“The women in our family always were the strong ones.”
Aunt Megan dabbed the corners of her eyes. “Oh child, the look in your eyes reminded me so much of your mother when she told her father that she was going to marry your father, whether he liked it or not. She couldn’t be budged one inch, no matter how hard he railed and shouted, and, oh Lord, did he shout! Marie still got her way. Well child, I don’t have the energy or inclination for that sort of thing, so I will graciously say thank you, and tell you you are most definitely your mother’s daughter.”
On the other side of the table Kath let out the breath she’d been holding with a whoosh. “Sis? I’ve decided. You may be the best, most wonderful sister there is, but Three-Ess doesn’t stand for super smart sister any more. It stands for super sassy sister.”
The rest of that week flew past. On Wednesday Miss Cassandra McCarrick’s new driver’s permit showed up in the mail, causing another happy jig around Aunt Megan’s apartment. The guy who had tested her two weeks before had only grudgingly passed her, suggesting that off road maneuvers weren’t entirely appropriate for downtown Pasadena. That afternoon she was in her branch of Wells Fargo Bank to pick up her new plastic and checkbook. Cassie warned the assistant manager who helped her that both were about to see some serious damage over the next few days.
When he had laughed, Cassie immediately asked to see his boss, then explained exactly how much she expected to be spending. After the manager checked her account balance he fired a filthy look at his subordinate, gave Cassie his business card, and promised that he would personally handle any issues. Cassie left to the sounds of a heated session of ‘career counselling’ going on behind her.
On Thursday she visited the local Ford dealership with Kath.
“Hi there missy! If you’re looking for a great little runabout for school or college we’ve got some great deals just for you. Cheap to run, reliable, and easy to park. I’m Bart.”
Cassie had to restrain herself from wiping her hand after he’d shaken it. ’Jeez! I thought the TV shows were kidding when they showed all car salesmen as slimy douchebags. And this specimen has already pegged me as the helpless little girly. Hmm, how to play this? ‘Barbie’ or ‘Barbed Wire’?’
Cassie made her mind up and turned to Bart. “Bart, your website shows you have a Ford Expedition XLT with the Control Trac® four wheel drive option in your inventory. Let’s ignore the silly price you put on the site and start talking real numbers okay? I’m talking a cash deal.”
Cassie wasn’t sure who was gold-fishing more, Bart or Kath.
“Uh Miss? That’s an awful lot of truck and you might be better…”
Cassie reached into her purse and pulled out the badge and leather folder that Mario Ribas had given her nine months ago. She flipped it open before loudly cutting Bart off in mid-stream. “Bart, my dog and I are a K9 search and rescue team. You want me to drive a Fiesta off road, half way up a mountain, with eighty pounds of German Shepherd and all my gear crammed in the back? I suggest you lose the attitude and show me the truck, or find me someone who actually knows about off roading.”
A call to the bank, another to Aunt Megan’s insurance agent and the next morning Cassie was driving off the lot in her big red monster of an SUV.
“Shit Cassie! You are seriously hard core. I thought he was going to wet himself when you pulled that badge yesterday. Is that for real?”
Cassie rummaged in her purse then tossed the folder and badge to her sister. “It’s real, but not for around here.”
“And then you beat him down by three thousand dollars AND a year’s free servicing! Where the heck did you learn to do that?” Kath was still in shock. She’d never seen Cassie like this.
“I had to learn the hard way Sis. The team sent me up against the building supplies and hardware store managers in Boise Idaho. Compared to them, these guys were pussies.”
“Like, just Wow! Next thing you’re going to pull a gun out of your purse.” Kath laughed, then suddenly looked worried. “You’re not are you? Going to pull a gun?”
Cassie looked over and grinned. “Nah, Michael’s keeping my pistol safe.”
“Yeah, very funny Sis.” Kath snerked. “Like Michael would really get you a gun!”
Cassie decided to keep quiet after that.
On Monday both Cassie and Aunt Megan escorted Kath to her interview at the Westridge School for Girls. They all met the Head, Mrs. Thomas, before Kath was whisked away to be interviewed and sit some tests. An hour later Mrs. Thomas returned.
Cassie stood up immediately, her hands clasped tightly in front of her to disguise her nerves. “How did she do ma’am?”
Mrs. Thomas gave a small noncommittal smile. “She’s still sitting her tests. It will be another hour before we have her results. Actually I wanted to have a talk with you Miss McCarrick. Would you care to join me for a walk?” It may have been phrased as a question, but the tone was clearly that of an order. Cassie followed the assured older woman out into the formal gardens in front of the main school building.
They were following a twisting path through the grounds before Mrs. Thomas spoke again.
“We don’t normally accept applications this late in the year, but your sister told me why you’d been unavailable before. She also told me an exceptional story.”
She shot a look at the teen beside her. “You know she worships you?”
Cassie wanted to shrug but managed to restrain herself. “I made a promise to Mom.”
“Yes, Kathleen told me.”
At that Cassie did allow herself a grin. “If you keep calling her Kathleen she’ll be worried all the time. Sunday names meant you were in trouble in our house.”
Mrs. Thomas joined her smile. “Duly noted. But I’m interested in your story Miss McCarrick. There’s not many teenagers who could have done what you have. Especially with the medical challenges you’ve had to overcome.”
Cassie was immediately afraid. “Is the fact I’m trans a problem? If it is, I’ll stay away. You won’t see me or hear from me. I’ll tell Kath not to mention…”
“Young Lady!” Mrs. Thomas’ tone was suddenly sharp. “And I do mean that in every way. Your medical condition has absolutely nothing to do with your sister’s ability to attend this school. Your strength of character and commitment to your sister is actually a very strong mark in her favor. In fact, your reaction just now, despite being unexpected, has given me the insight I was hoping for.”
She paused and allowed her voice to soften. “What I wanted to know was what you intend to do with your life. We don’t get many eighteen year olds acting ‘in loco parentis’, even unofficially, and I was worried that you would try to become Kathleen’s…Kath’s surrogate mother, rather than live your own life.”
They spent the next fifteen minutes walking through the gardens as Mrs. Thomas skilfully drew out Cassie’s own hopes and aspirations. The girl beside her might be legally an adult, but Mrs. Thomas had far more years of experience dealing with teenage girls. Eventually they found themselves back at the main school building.
“Well Miss McCarrick, ‘Cassandra’, if I may call you that? It has been fascinating talking to you. I do hope you will consider bringing Hoover to give a presentation on your search and rescue experience sometime soon. Young women need to see examples like that of what they can achieve.”
“Um, sure ma’am, but won’t that depend on whether Kath gets a place?”
“We’ll find out shortly, won’t we?” Mrs. Thomas replied with a twinkle in her eye.
On the way home it was Aunt Megan who finally snapped and promised to tie Kath down if she didn’t stop bouncing off the walls and ceiling of the SUV. Cassie merely suggested that if she had so much energy, Kath could help her with a two hour training exercise for Hoover up the Eaton trail. Both threats eventually worked.
“But they wanted me! I can’t wait to tell Beth. She’s never going to believe me. It’s going to be soooo great! And they’ve got the most amazing science facility. Can we go out and celebrate?”
Cassie and Aunt Megan smiled as they shared a look, while Kath rattled on behind them.
“Lupita’s?” Both asked at the same time.
With a week to go before Kath started at Westridge the move to their new apartment had to happen fast, so Cassie called in the Marines. On Tuesday morning she led Aunt Megan and Kath around their new condo with notepads, post-its and sharpies, before stopping off at Box City for supplies.
That evening Cassie gave her orders. “Three choices Kath. ‘Take with’, ‘give away’, ‘deep six’. If it’s in your room, it’s in one of the three. Look after Hoover for me while Aunty and I go shopping for beds and stuff. I’ve got the list of stuff you wanted. We’ll be back this evening.” Then Cassie and Aunt Megan were back out the door again and heading for Fedde Furniture.
Wednesday saw the finish of packing up, with Cassie spending all her time helping Aunt Megan, as her own stuff still fitted in the bags she’d brought from Oregon. Then it was back to the new apartment in time for their new furniture to arrive and be set up, with a quick detour to the post office to arrange a mail redirect.
Early on Thursday morning Aunt Megan was woken by the smell of cooking bacon and stumbled blearily into the kitchen.
“Cassie, we won’t eat all that!” She exclaimed as she saw how much food Cassie had on the stove.
“Morning Aunty,” Cassie merely chirped as she started the coffee maker. “The guys will be here in thirty minutes. Could you give Kath a nudge please? I don’t think she’d appreciate Michael seeing her with ‘bedhead’ in her pajamas.” Cassie mentioned, carefully not noticing Aunt Megan’s fluffy slippers or hairnet.
At seven oh two the front door bell chimed, and was answered by Cassie in short order. “Come on in guys, breakfast is on the table, coffee and juice is on the side. Malik, do you still want Tabasco sauce on your eggs?”
Michael, Malik and Hector came in, Michael and Hector proudly wearing their new UCLA tee shirts, and headed straight for the table with a brief pat for Hoover, while Charlie and Peter followed behind, trying to be polite. Until Cassie chased them into the dining area.
“Charlie, Peter, with this crew if you don’t move fast it will be gone. Sit!”
Fifteen minutes later Cassie, Kath and Aunt Megan got their chance to sit down and have their own breakfast of toast and melon, while the guys started loading boxes on the trolleys they’d brought.
“Cassie? You fed ten of them every morning for four years?” Kath asked in shocked awe.
“There were only six in the last year.” Cassie protested. “It was just a matter of having a system.”
Aunt Megan just snorted in amusement.
By six that evening the last boxes were unloaded and unpacked in the new apartment, just as Cassie called the crew to the table.
“Hey Cookie, what have we got?” Malik yelled.
“Chicken fried steak, with creamed potatoes and a summer medley. There’s a Pecan pie to finish!” Cassie called back, even as she was setting the vegetables down on their new dining table.
This time Charlie and Peter weren’t backward in grabbing a seat, although Charlie was caught out for a moment when his big brother called on him for grace.
“Cookie’s table, Cookie’s rules.” Malik advised him with a smirk.
Once dinner was over everyone took the opportunity to sprawl on the new leather sofas Cassie had bought.
“That brought back memories.” Malik offered with a contented smile as he played with Hoover’s ears.
“It’s only been three months.” Cassie chided.
“Yeah, can’t you tell I’ve lost weight?”
Hector just snorted and they all started telling stories about life as students at UCLA and Cal State. Mainly rude comments about fellow students who struggled to turn up for lectures by nine o’clock, and complaints about each other’s cooking.
Malik reached over and playfully grabbed Kath’s arm. “Hey guys, do you think we could kidnap this one for a few years? If she saw what I have to eat now I’m sure li’l Cookie Monster would take pity on us.” He tried his puppy dog eyes look, leaving Kath giggling and blushing as bright as a stop light.
“Forget it Malik. Cookie will have already warned her about your tricks. She’d have the kitchen cupboards locked and bolted within an hour of getting to your apartment.” Hector advised.
“Kath, if he tries anything just leave a box of MREs out. You’d be back home within a week.” Cassie teased. “Oh, and Malik? You’re still not quite there with the ‘puppy dog’ look. If it didn’t work on Mrs. Dubock, it definitely isn’t going to on Kath!”
After another round of good natured teasing Michael finally broke the mood. “Cassie, any word about your father or brothers?”
He looked across at her, but it was Aunt Megan who answered.
“Brian visited maybe half a dozen times the first couple of years he was out. We haven’t seen Sean or Jimmy, although the DA’s office told us both had gotten parole and were released. Jimmy just before you told us when you were coming home. The last time Brian visited, he said he’d sold the house and was going to move down to San Diego with the boys when they were released.”
“When he visited, he refused to mention your name. He never even asked about you.” Kath added hesitantly, as she gripped her sister’s hand.
Cassie let out a small bark of laughter at that. “I can’t say I blame him.” She glanced around at her family and friends. “And I’m not hankering for his approval or forgiveness either. None of us can choose our birth family, but we can choose those we love and hold close.“ She swept the room with her eyes to emphasize her point. “I guess that makes me real lucky with you guys around me.”
It wasn’t long after when the guys made their goodbyes and headed off, but not before Cassie had pressed a bag scented with cinnamon into each of their hands. Michael made sure he was last out of the door. As he gave Cassie a hug goodnight, he slipped a key into her hand and murmured in her ear. “I fitted and secured a small pistol safe into the back of your closet this morning. No one saw me. Everything is in there. There’s also a flashlight and new can of mace in your bedside unit’s drawer.”
When everything was cleared up and she was able to finally crawl into her new bed that night, Cassie was so grateful she had ordered a king size. Eighty pounds of German Shepherd took up a lot of space and, while he was lovely and warm, Hoover was a bit heavy to pretend to be a comforter any more.
She lay back, counting her blessings as she fondled the ruff of Hoover’s neck. ‘Kath now had a warm, safe and loving home. She would be going to a good school, and had the chance to follow her dreams. ’
‘Yes Mom,’ Cassandra decided with a smile as she started to drift into sleep, ‘I’ve kept my promise.’
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This was so good
I had tears from reading it.
I love seeing what's going on in their lives.
I love the idea of her taking up search and rescue and wing chun.
I'm glad Kath kept up her dancing and kung fu. It'll be fun to see them argue which is best, kung fu or wing chun.
I'm glad the bad guys are moving to San Diego, but I worry that spending any time in Pasadena will be dangerous.
Nothing better
than to start a new day with another chapter of Cassandra.
Kind regards from Germany
And by "start a new day" you mean it's just after midnight.
Regards from Canada.
it's 01:31 now, so time to go to bed.
Good night
Following her dreams,
So how old is the marine of her heart, 26, 27 years old? She is 18 about to be 19. That could work. I still think her father is out there, lurking, not to mention the PoS that is her grand father.
I assume we are talking about Michael?
He walked into the recruiting office a week after he graduated High School at the tender age of eighteen.
Four years with Uncle Sam's Misguided Children, followed by four years in Oregon takes him to twenty six.
There is a very old saying...
"Half a man's age, plus seven."
But real life might get in the way. Cassie still has some growing up to do.
Non sum qualis eram
Life changes
That's a lot to cover in one chapter. Major life changes for Cassie, Kath and Aunt Megan. And the boys, but that was barely mentioned.
Woo hoo. Now that lots of nitty gritty stuff was covered, I look forward to seeing how the new phase of her life continues.
Very Nice Episode!!!
I do hope that Cassandra volunteers with Hoover. It will help keep her in shape.
The girls seem to have come through so much and are still positive and focused on making a better life. Part of this caused some tears. I'm sure that Cassie and Kath would have felt so blessed to have a loving Father. One can do very well without one however.
I hope that Cassie gets that Pistol out to the range and keeps it cleaned? My own pistol has not been out of its hiding place in years. I'm going to go get the supplies to care for it and then go to the range soon. That is not acceptable.
Very nice episode.
My father died of complications from it and a friend recently opted for Death with Dignity in California and ended his life voluntarily.
It is a horrible, horrible disease.
What a great surprise!
Persephone thank you! thank you! for putting this chapter out before Friday. What a great surprise to see it posted today. A great story continues--Thank you so much.
Cassie Is A Force Of Nature
Cassie definitely let the slimy car salesman know that she wasn’t a young women to be treated like a ditz . She also let the lawyer, financial advisor and the Customer Service agent at the bank, know that she wasn’t playing around . The only one who showed true respect , was the headmistress at the academy where she enrolled Kath . I’m also glad that Cassie also has the means to take care of Aunt Meg and make sure she gets the best care for her condition as well as having a nice place to live, without worrying about rent . I also think she and Hoover will be a huge asset to the search and rescue team . As I always, I continue to look forward to each new episode . Also a trolley in Brit speak is what we call a dolly or a hand truck here in the U.S.
Loving it!
Thank you for continuing Cassandra’s journey. I am loving this tale and anxiously await new chapters every day. Thank you for sharing your talent with us.
Looks like Cassie
Is finally getting comfortable back in civilization. It can be difficult for some. Cassie even though she is only 18 she has surpassed herself in knowledge and experience. Even her attitude is more mature than her actual age.
I guess you could say I'm confused. Not a perfect description but how do you manage to write a story so realistic and even with the time breaks between each chapter manage to transition so smoothly between scenes and chapters. I mean 4 years in 15 chapters is hard to manage but while still maintaining the story line and pacing such that I feel that I know all the details and events of Cassandra's life. That sounds like an impossible task yet it has been seemingly accomplished with ease, I'm extremely impressed. Well done!
In regards to...
...the comment above.
If I may. I fully agree.
This story is something else all together.
This and 'Summer with Em ' is fighting very hard in a race for being my favorites all the time. I do wish though that Rebecca would post a new chapter of 'Better than the alternative ' at some point, then it could be a 3 way tie.
Thank you Jenny. You keep offering such an amazing piece of entertainment. Who needs to watch Movies or Series when they can read this?
Have a fabulous day now!
but it is the rare moments of beauty and peace
in between the chaos,
That makes it worth living."
- Tertia Hill
That she certainly did!
What a wonderful start to a new phase.
Still a brilliant story
Monique S
End of Part 2
I know you said the last chapter was the end of Book 2, but this one seems like it actually is. It wraps up the elements left dangling, and leaves it with a happily ever after feeling. The way a book should end.
Keep up the good work.
Keep Smiling, Keep Writing
Book 3
Yes, it does wrap up story threads in book 2. But it also opens up new ones for book three. Yay!
I mean, it looks like we're getting a whole new book of Cassandra stories. Yay!
Masterful work , . . as always !
I marveled at the similitude of Mrs. Thomas and the absolute authority and compassionate wisdom of Mrs. Carson, Head of Whateley Academy. Sincere thanks, . . . as always. jjc
A bit of corrective spelling
Michael and his creative paper work fix kept Cassie from possible problems down the road. And yet, under the circumstances no one should complain. Especially after everything Cassie did at the complex and finding that lost family.
The team was so insistent that Cassie get her fair share for everything she did for them. Dropping bricks comes to mind if they found out how much Cassie was really worth. Or everything she was doing with that wealth.
When Carl took off, he tried to have eyes all over his head. Hoping he wouldn't be found but uncertain what to do. Michael taking him along for the three years, plus the extra year, helped Carl know he was Cassie and taught her how to not only take care of ten men but how to cut through the BS and get what she wanted. The way she dealt with the car salesman and the account showed this and would not have been done the same way by Carl.
Cassie made a promise to take care of Kath, but did her mom mean in such an extensive way as Cassie is now doing? Cassie's extensive care of Kath comes from the extensive care she did for the ten men she was with. That taught her how to plan, how to get the best of what she needed, and how to be decisive in her decisions. Cassie grew up more than physically the four years she was gone. And the world best look out when she finally starts her career.
Others have feelings too.
I am pleased to see this story doing so well.
These things not only provide gratification to the Author, but also are helpful to those who comment because such things produce personal growth in providing joy to another and by doing something good and knowing it.
God knows we all need this right now.
Is a nasty disease insofar as it is terminal but there are ways to delay the worst effects for years as long as treatments start before it is too advanced. It does sound as though Aunt Meg is still going through the relatively early stages so, with proper care she could survive for some considerable time in reasonable health. Let's hope so for the sake of her and the girls.
I seriously underestimated the value of Cassie's cryptocurrency. However, I'm very happy for her that I did and she deserves every penny, or cent if you're being transatlantic.
I only have one complaint. Now that I have caught up I'm in the same boat as all your other readers and I have to wait for the next chapter.
Bunkhouse 22
I always seem to find a detail that bugs me... This time, it's, "What happened to bunkhouse 22?"
Did the team have to rip everything out and return it to the company in 'normal' condition? Or were they allowed to "sell" it, as is, where is, to some other team that had just been hired, and was willing to pay for something much nicer than a 'standard' bunkhouse? Or did the company take it over for use as a guest house?
If they sold it to another team or to the company, it might be the source of some of that check that Mike gave Cassie.
House 22 and Cassie's finances in Oregon
I didn't cover what happened to the house when the team left as it didn't add to the main storyline. However I did think about it, a lot.
First, Cassie depreciated the initial investment of $33,000 over the first three years of the contract for the write off against the guys' tax liabilities. This was one of the reasons she was able to exceed the team's expectations.
Second, she laundered the bedding, towels and such, and they, along with the crockery and kitchen utensils, were donated to the church.
Third, the major items that the team bought (75" TV, sound system and gun safe) as well as a lot of the smaller stuff (bread makers, sewing machine etc.) were auctioned off amongst the full team after the 4th year. Brandon and Norm got the TV and sound system. Cassie was the only bidder on the sewing machine at $20, while Jordan got the gun safe. The money raised was donated to the Semper Fi Fund, a USMC charity.
The partitions, curtains, light shades, log burner and such were left behind.
Now for Cassie's finances while in Oregon:
Cassie arrived in Oregon with $5,000 in cash and $5,000 on her pre pay card. She spent $3,000 cash as her stake in Team Leatherneck.
For clothes and toiletries (plus the Christmas decorations mentioned in chapter 11) she used the $1,000 a year birthday gift all the guys contributed to each February, plus her remaining cash and prepay card.
She spent about $2,200 a year on clothes, toiletries, stationary and makeup
She had left $5,000 'on account' with Paris and Cheryl for hormones.
She spent $1,500 a year on estrogen through the office of Dr Zeebowski and collected by Paris on her behalf. In year four Cassie sent Paris an additional $1,000 to cover the shortfall.
She didn't sell her remaining comic until returning to Pasadena ($7,000) which, with her remaining $1,200 covered the two month gap between arriving in CA and selling the Aetheriums.
Cassie's check for $56,000 came from the following:
She earned $12,000 a year, keeping her below the IRS threshold.
The team awarded her the emergency fund at the end of the fourth year for educational and medical expenses. By then it was $20,000.
Mike paid $3,000 a year for her online school courses on Cassie's behalf, (this is based on the actual fees charged by University of Texas at Austin online high school).
The residual was $56,000.
Hope this helps.
Non sum qualis eram
Having wondered about it once, it would have bugged every time I re-read the story