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A family spiralling out of control.
A child forced to grow up too fast.
Is there any room left for a young girl to find herself?
Book Three ‘Womanhood’
Chapter 18 – Frosh
Author's Note:Dealing with parents can be difficult; unless you have a cunning plan. As ever please be tolerant of my failings, and forthright with your criticism. ~Persephone
Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash
© Persephone 2019
The new student orientation at CalTech was due to start on September 24th. So, as soon as the doctors had given her the all clear, Cassie tried to shrug off her anguish and threw herself into recovering her fitness, training with Hoover and getting ready for college. If Aunt Megan or Kath noted anything unusual in her behavior during those weeks after she returned from UCLA they didn’t say anything. Cassie hoped they put it down to her nervousness at starting college. If they even suspected that she was nursing a broken heart, she knew she couldn’t have handled their sympathy without falling apart.
Unwittingly, it was Sam who helped most with her need for distraction, as he made good use of Cassie and Hoover in those last few weeks of freedom. While the team were only called out on one rescue, Sam and Claire had arranged a series of visits to the local elementary and middle schools where Cassie, Hoover and he would give lessons on wilderness safety.
“… so Cassandra, can you tell the boys and girls what’s the first thing you have to do before you go into the wilderness?” Sam started doing the elementary school version of their little ‘show and tell’ to conclude their presentation.
“That’s easy Mr. Herbert. I’ve got to make a plan so I know where I’m going, what to do if something bad happens, and what I need to take with me.”
“And what do you take with you?”
Cassie pulled out a small pack and a pair of good walking boots from under the table. “First, all the stuff I need for my hike,” then she reached down again to lift up another backpack, “and all the gear I might need if something bad happens. The most important things are… water, a map and compass, good boots with ankle support, warm dry clothes and a waterproof jacket, a hat, a first aid kit, sunblock, a way to call for help, a flashlight and some food.” She pulled each item out of the pack as she named them, then nudged Hoover with her foot out of sight of the students. On cue he gave a little woof. “Yes Hoover, I know. That includes food and water for you too.” Cassie reached down to give him a doggy treat.
“So you’re ready to go now Cassandra?” Sam asked.
Cassie pretended to look shocked. “Oh, no Mr. Herbert! I never go anywhere in the hills without first telling a responsible adult exactly where I’m going and when I will be back.”
Then it was time to let the kids ask questions and say hello to Hoover in the elementary schools, or pose for selfies with him at the middle schools.
Michael, Hector and Malik were still all still frequent visitors so, despite her raw and lacerated heart, Cassie pushed herself to make sure she continued to tease and joke with all of them as she always had; greeting the guys with a smile and fussing over them. She did stop driving down to UCLA though. Instead, she made up care packages for them to collect when they visited. She didn’t want to meet the leggy redhead ever again.
When the new student orientation week at CalTech finally arrived Cassie no longer found herself waking up with a damp pillow.
Like hundreds of others that Monday morning, Cassie found herself wandering around the sprawling campus, staring at a blurry photocopied map, as she tried to find her way around. Then she grinned and kicked herself for being an idiot.
The next morning she turned up with her GPS on her wrist, paired up with the mapping app on her mini iPad, and started to capture data about all the routes around the campus.
When she met up with Joel, sorry, ‘Professor Cox’, for coffee that afternoon he roared with laughter at her ingenuity.
“Does that mean all your teachers have to provide an item of clothing so Hoover can track them down for seminars?” He chortled, attracting the attention of a couple of his colleagues.
“Anything I should know about Joel?” An elderly gentlemen asked from behind Cassie. On seeing who it was Joel sprang to his feet. “Good afternoon sir.” He waved to Cassie. “May I introduce Miss McCarrick who’s joining us as a fresher? Cassie, this is Professor Stone, our Head of Department.”
Cassie quickly stood up and offered her hand. “Good afternoon sir, and thank you for accepting my application.”
“I’m delighted you’re here my dear. Far too few girls decide on Mathematics as a Major in my opinion.” He glanced down at Cassie’s wrist. “Forgive me, isn’t a GPS a little unusual as a fashion statement?”
Of course that set Joel off into peals of laughter again, so Cassie was left to explain her idea and her background in search and rescue. By the time she finished there was a definite twinkle in Professor Stone’s eye. “Young lady I’m afraid your bright idea has just earned you your first research assignment. I’d like you to keep doing this all week, and then analyze the data to identify the underlying mathematical model to predict the most efficient routes around the campus.” He turned to Joel. “You’ll supervise of course? A short paper ready for Christmas?”
Joel swallowed. “Of course sir.”
“Well it’s been a pleasure to meet you Miss McCarrick. I might even call on you and your tracker dog next time I have a budget meeting. Some of my colleagues are notoriously hard to hunt down when I call one.” He chuckled at his own joke and headed off towards a hovering group of graduates, all eager to speak to the great man.
“Sorry Jo…Professor Cox. I didn’t mean to land you with more work.” Cassie apologized.
Surprisingly Joel grinned. “Nope, it’s a good thing. CalTech has always put a heavy emphasis on research. This project is pretty straightforward, and we could expand it into all sorts of uses.”
When Cassie looked puzzled Joel explained. “What we are looking at here is identifying the most efficient vectors to navigate around a piece of variable terrain through a mathematical model. Now, replace the campus as the variable terrain with, for example, the Sequoia National Forest, and add a third parameter such as limit of visibility for example?”
Suddenly understanding dawned on Cassie. “So we could generate the most efficient and quickest search patterns for any given piece of terrain dynamically!” She bounced in her chair with excitement.
“And direct robots more efficiently in manufacturing plants, inform driverless cars’ navigation algorithms and a host of other applications.” Joel concluded. “There’s already been a bunch of work done on this, but I think you’ve just found a project to keep you out of mischief for the next four years Cookie.”
The rest of the orientation week involved Cassie joining queues all over the campus, or going to meet and greets. She queued up for everything from applying for parking permits, to submitting piles of completed forms and picking up book lists. At the meet and greets it was the other way round, all sorts of people were insisting she join their group or club after they recognized her. At one point she thought a fight was going to break out between the Feminists, Caltech Women’s Club and the ‘Women in Physics, Mathematics and Astronomy’ (WIPMA), but didn’t get to see the end of that as she had to hide from the LGBT PRISM group and the Caltech Alpine Club who both assumed that because she was trans, or with PVS&R, it was compulsory that she join them.
By Friday she was seriously looking forwards to a quiet, relaxing weekend at home.
Unfortunately, life had other plans.
“Hi guys!” Cassie called out as she shucked off her shoes at the door. “I’m back.”
As usual Hoover greeted her first, happily insisting on her undivided attention even as he gave her a reproachful look for leaving him alone so long. Cassie tussled with him for a bit before dropping her backpack and purse in her room and briefly poking her head into the living area.
“I’m just going for a training run with Hoover. I’ll be back in an hour.”
“Cassandra, can you come in here for a minute please?”
Cassie froze at the tone of Aunt Megan’s voice. This time she looked properly; to see a tearful Kath snuggled up against her aunt’s side.
In moments she was kneeling in front of her little sister. “What’s wrong? Has someone hurt you? Who was it?”
Kath hiccoughed and cuffed her eyes. “Dad wants to visit.”
Cassie looked up at Aunt Megan. “But Kath can tell him no can’t she?”
Aunt Megan sadly shook her head. “She can refuse to see him. But we have to show it would cause emotional harm. The fact we allowed him supervised visits before would make that difficult.”
“When does he want to come?”
“He’s arranged a neutral supervisor for Sunday afternoon.”
“So you’ve said yes.”
“We didn’t have much choice sweet pea.”
Cassie’s eyes narrowed as she started to plan. She turned her attention back to Kath. “Munchkin? My promise still stands, as it always will. I’ll be right at your side to protect you, from anyone. You understand?”
“But wouldn’t it be better if you hide for the afternoon? We could pretend we still don’t know where you are. What if he attacks you? Or starts stalking you or something?”
“I think the reason he wants a visit now is exactly because he already knows I’m here. Let’s be honest, it’s not like I’ve been keeping a low profile recently.”
“I’m just worried he’ll try and do something.”
Cassie allowed herself a feral grin and reached up to give her little sister a hard hug. “Munchkin, we’ve both come a long way in the last five years. And we beat him then didn’t we?” She waited until Kath saw the look in her eyes.
“You really are hard core aren’t you Three Ess?”
“When it comes to keeping you two safe, you bet I am. Now, I have to make some calls, and I still need to get out training with Hoover.”
Dinner that evening was subdued, but Cassie tried to keep both Kath and Aunt Megan amused with her stories from CalTech. Soon she had them both laughing at her description of the three-way bitch fest she’d escaped from that afternoon. “Honestly, I didn’t know it was even possible to be so nasty to someone without saying a single rude word. They must have special classes or something!”
On Saturday, when Cassie got back from her morning’s shopping and Wing Chun class, she took advantage of both Kath and Aunt Megan being out to quickly strip, clean and reassemble her pistol and fill both magazines, before putting everything back in the safe. She also used some temporary picture hooks to hang several newly framed photos she’d picked up; all positioned prominently around the apartment. Finally she very carefully rearranged a few decorations and books.
When Aunt Megan got back she took one look at the new pictures and burst out laughing. “Not going for any intimidation at all then sweet pea?” She chuckled.
Cassie tried to look innocent. “I have no idea what you mean Aunty. They’re just pictures of some of our friends.”
“Matt and Chloe Lloyd I’ll agree. But the rest? All those guys armed to the teeth? Some with their faces pixilated? And talking of teeth, the picture of a snarling German Shepherd savaging someone’s arm?”
“That’s Hoover’s dad.”
“Really?” Aunt Megan gave Cassie a look.
“Well, it could be.”
Aunt Megan was still laughing. “Kath was right; you really are hard core when you put your mind to it. I assume you have other surprises lined up that I don’t want to know about?”
“Don’t forget Malik will be joining us for dinner. And Mr. Horsfells might drop by with some papers for me on his way home from church.”
“That it?”
“You did say you didn’t want to know Aunty Meg.”
“So I did.”
That evening Cassie and Kath vanished for an hour taking Hoover for a walk. When they got back there was a sparkle in Kath’s eye and a mischievous grin on her lips.
“…and remember, you’ve got to keep a straight face. No giggling.” Cassie ended up.
“Got it sis.” Kath was still grinning.
Cassie frowned. “Hmm…”
“He’ll be here, remember?” At that, both of them sobered up.
Aunt Megan looked at the two sisters. “What mischief are you two planning?”
“Just making sure no one gets any ideas tomorrow Aunt Megan. Just don’t be surprised by anything you see okay?” Cassie answered, a secret half smile returning to her own lips.
As always on Sunday morning, the three of them attended the nine o’clock service at Aunt Megan’s church before returning to the apartment.
“I’m sure someone is following us. I’ve seen that same blue pickup three times now.” Aunt Megan turned round to look behind.
“Really Aunty Meg? Maybe they’re just lost.” Cassie didn’t even bother to look in her mirrors.
Aunt Megan gave Cassie a suspicious look. “You don’t seem worried young lady.”
All she got was the same little half smile in reply.
Once home, the three of them got changed and started on lunch and chores. Aunt Megan noticed that Cassie had chosen a voluminous kaftan style top rather than her usual tee shirt, but decided to bite her tongue. First, she didn’t want to give Kath any more worries today, and second, she had said she didn’t want to know. On reflection that might not have been her best decision she decided, remembering when Carl installed all those covert surveillance cameras in Harbor City, but right now she was just going to have to trust her niece; and then make sure they had a full discussion before next time.
It was nine minutes after the agreed visit time when the doorbell rang.
They’d agreed that it would be best if Aunt Megan answered, while Cassie and Hoover stayed out of sight for a few minutes.
Aunt Megan pulled the door open. “Brian.”
“Megan.” He nodded. “This is Mrs. Barker from CASVSP1. Is my daughter here?”
Aunt Megan couldn’t help herself. “Which one?”
Brian McCarrick suppressed a shudder. “Kathleen of course.”
Aunt Megan stood aside. “You’d better come in. Good afternoon Mrs. Barker, I’m Megan Noakes, Kath’s legal guardian. This way please.”
Brian looked around appreciatively. “Nice place. Renting this can’t be cheap.”
“I’m not renting.”
“You bought it?” Brian looked shocked.
“I didn’t. Your eldest daughter did.” With that, Aunt Megan led the way inside. “Kath, your father is here,” she called out.
The three of them stood awkwardly in the living room, waiting for Kath to join them.
Brian was having to do some serious rethinking. He had assumed that Aunt Megan would still be struggling with only her retirement income. The lawyers he’d hired before had promised him that she had only just been able to make ends meet, especially with her medical condition, and must have spent all her savings on legal fees. Now that his youngest son had come out of hiding as some sort of cross dressing faggot, she had to be seriously feeling the pinch. Brian however had been saving up for the last couple of years to afford his new lawyers, ready to turn the screws on and get his daughter back where she belonged. He definitely hadn’t been expecting such a swanky apartment in an upmarket part of town.
Mrs. Barker did her best to fill the silence. “Is that a signed photo of Matt Lloyd?”
Brian turned to see where she was pointing. He’d been looking at the photographs of tough looking military guys somewhere overseas.
“Oh that.” Aunt Megan couldn’t resist the name dropping opportunity. “He and Chloe are good friends with Cassandra. They even asked to use her name for their new daughter. She was christened ‘Isabel Cassandra Lloyd’, after Cassie saved them all.”
Before Mrs. Barker could close her mouth at that revelation Kath appeared. “Hi Dad.” She muttered.
“Hiya Sweetie!” He threw his arms wide. “You got a hug for your old man?”
Kath just looked at him. “I guess that depends on whether you’ve beaten anyone else into a coma recently.”
Brian froze in shock.
He was even more shocked when a voice came from behind him. “Kathleen! While our father may have a prison record, that is no reason to be rude or insulting. What do you think Mom would have said if she heard you talking like that? She would have had you writing out Deuteronomy Five at least a couple of times wouldn’t she?”
Kath cringed. “Sorry Sis.”
Cassie moved forward, with Hoover padding along close beside her, then held her hand out to the embarrassed Mrs. Barker. “Good afternoon ma’am. I’m Cassandra McCarrick. May I offer you something to drink? Coffee? Tea?”
“Um, that would be very kind. A coffee would be lovely.” The poor lady stammered out. “Is that your dog that was in the news?”
“Yes, this is Hoover. We’ve been training together for a few years.” Cassie pointed to a photo by Brian’s shoulder. “That’s Zeus, one of the top K9’s with the LAPD. Don’t you think Hoover looks like him?” With that Cassie smiled and turned to Brian. “Father? May I get you something? You used to like Kath and my cookies with a mug of coffee.”
“Huh? Uh, Yeah, thanks.” The sight of the pretty, self-assured teenager and imposing dog in front of him further disturbed what little balance he had managed to regain.
Just then the doorbell rang again. “I’ll get it!” Kath chirped as she scuttled for the door; leaving Cassie to deal with Mrs. Barker and her father. “Please, come and take a seat. I’ll just get your coffees.”
Aunt Megan followed, inwardly shaking her head. Brian was being played like a fiddle and he didn’t even realize it.
Within moments Cassie brought through a tray. “Here you are Mrs. Barker… Aunt Megan… Father. Please help yourself to a slice of cake or a cookie. Kath worked hard on them this morning.”
“Sis? It’s Mr. Horsfells.”
The lawyer came into the living room, trailed by Kath. “Good afternoon Miss McCarrick. I was just passing after church and thought I’d drop off the papers you asked for.”
“That’s very kind of you sir, thank you. Oh forgive me! May I introduce Mrs. Barker from CASVSP and my father, Mr. Brian McCarrick.”
“Your father? Well that really is a stroke of luck as I was struggling to find an address for you sir. On the advice of our financial planning team, the Misses McCarrick were eager to arrange for an audit of the money you are holding in trust for them. I’m sure you won’t have a problem with it. Let me give you the papers now.”
Brian suddenly found himself clutching a bundle of paperwork.
“If you’ll excuse me ladies, Mr. McCarrick. I do need to get home.”
“I’ll show you out Mr. Horsfells, I need to get back to my studies too. If you’ll excuse us?” Cassie smiled at the room as she led Mr. Horsfells to the door. Before leaving she called out. “Hoover! Schützen Kath!”
Hoover didn’t have a clue what that meant, but Kath was there and waving a doggy treat under the table, so he immediately decided she needed some company.
After Mrs. Barker had explained the rules for the visit to everyone and sat back, Brian looked over the coffee table at his daughter petting the big German Shepherd. He tried to think of something to say.
“So, uh, how are you finding Pasadena High Kathleen? Bit of a change from Middle School I guess.”
“I don’t go to Pasadena High. I’m at the Westridge School for Girls.”
“You got a scholarship to a fancy prep school? Wow! I always knew you were bright.”
Kath shook her head. “Cassie arranged and paid for it. Now I’ve got a real good chance of getting to college, as long as I can afford the tuition when I get there,” she added.
Brian swiftly changed the subject. “I heard from Jimmy a few weeks ago.”
“I thought he lived with you.”
“Uh, no. He left. He’s now a deckhand on a cargo ship.”
“How is he?”
“Real good. Seems like he’s having a great time.”
“And how’s Sean?”
“Uh, he’s fine.”
“What’s he doing?”
“Oh, this and that. Hey Megan. How’s the treatment for your Parkinson’s going?
Aunt Megan offered Mrs. Barker an apologetic smile. “Very well Brian, thank you for asking. My specialist has me on a new treatment which seems to be working wonders, so I’m still getting out and about. Of course your eldest daughter has been a wonderful help as well,” she glanced over to Kath, “hasn’t she dear?”
“Oh yeah, she’s been great. Except when she tutors me for Math.” Kath made a face at that.
Aunt Megan turned to explain to Mrs. Barker. “Cassandra’s major is Mathematics.”
The uncomfortable conversation, complete with long pregnant pauses, dragged painfully on for another hour until the doorbell rang again.
“I’ll get it!” Cassie sang out from down the hallway.
A few moments later Cassie led a haggard looking Marine, his utilities strangely devoid of all badges and insignia, into the living room. He looked around suspiciously.
“Sorry Mal. That’s my father and that’s Mrs. Barker.” Cassie offered.
He stared for a long moment, then finally relaxed. “‘Kay. You heard ‘bout Eric?”
“I saw him in hospital in Philly a couple of months back. He’s recovering.”
“Knew we could trust you. Hi Kath, Aunt Meg.” He grunted.
The two of them nodded back, speechless and goggle eyed at the conversation Malik and Cassie were having.
Brian stood up and stuck out his hand. “I’m Kath’s father. How come you know my daughter?”
Malik just turned to Cassie. “He cleared?”
Cassie gave a tiny shake of her head.
“That’s classified sir.” He turned back to Cassie. “Can I grab a shower l’il sis? The C17 back from…” He stopped himself with a look to Brian and Mrs. Barker. “My last flight wasn’t too comfortable.”
“Sure Mal. You can use the shower in my room.” Cassie agreed, then headed into the kitchen to start preparing dinner.
Brian looked across at Aunt Megan in bemusement, but it was Kath who jumped in to answer.
“Sis is working on some sort of real clever project for the search and rescue teams. There’s a bunch of other folk, like some sort of military, who are interested as well. They’re really cool guys, and not scary at all when you get to know them,” Kath shrugged, “it’s just that we’ve learnt not to ask too many questions.”
After that the conversation pretty much dried up.
Thirty minutes later Mrs. Barker was glad to escape from what had to have been one of the most excruciatingly painful supervised visits she’d ever had to do. She drove Brian McCarrick to the parking lot where he’d left his car, and thankfully dropped him off. Neither of them noticed the blue pickup that followed Brian McCarrick out of the lot.
Back in the apartment Malik, Kath and Cassie were wiping tears of laughter from their eyes as they sat round the dinner table.
“You three were outrageous!” Aunt Megan scolded them all, trying hard to appear angry.
“Every word we said was the truth Aunty.” Cassie finally got her giggles under control. “Unlike him. You spotted he didn’t want to talk about Sean?”
“No, he didn’t did he?” Aunt Megan frowned. “But you weren’t in the room when we…”
“Oops. Remind me to grab the hidden cameras and put them away.” Cassie saw her aunt’s deepening frown. “Hey, did you think I was going to leave any of you alone with that man, and not have a way to keep an eye on what was happening? I promised to protect you didn’t I?”
“Just make sure they are all gone before tomorrow young lady. And what was all that about with Mr. Horsfells?”
“Remember when Kath and I were running ‘Sassy’? And we had to put the money we earned in his bank account?”
“Which you managed to avoid doing most of the time.” Aunt Megan reminded her.
“Well, yes, but he was supposed to be putting our money into savings accounts for our college tuition. Between Kath and I it should have been about thirteen thousand dollars by the time we ran. How much do you want to bet it isn’t there any more?” Cassie asked. “Now he knows that if he shows up again we’re going to be asking for our money, or even sending lawyers to chase him.”
“But we don’t know where…”. Aunt Megan let out a long breath as she thought of something. “You may as well tell me the rest of it Cassandra.”
“Um, remember that blue pickup this morning? Mr. Horsfells helped me get a private investigator to keep an eye on us, just in case. Right now he’s following Brian back home so we’ll know where he lives.”
“You really are something else missy.” Aunt Megan huffed. “And you Malik! You’re supposed to be a responsible adult!”
“Hey! Like Cookie said, we didn’t tell a single lie. Compared with the revenge she organized for Hardcastle this was nothing.”
“Revenge? Hardcastle?” Aunt Megan shot a hard look at Cassie, then turned back to Malik.
Malik winced. “Ahh… I guess I shouldn’t have mentioned that.”
Cassie jumped to her feet. “I’ll just go and move all the cameras shall I?” She asked brightly as she rushed for the door.
Aunt Megan’s growl followed her out of the room. “Cassandra Marie McCarrick! You have some serious explaining to do young lady!”
Eventually Cassie and Malik managed to persuade Aunt Megan to see the funny side of what they had done to Stanton Hardcastle; particularly after Cassie pointed out that the only thing hurt was his pride, and what could have happened if they had tried to go through the courts. That his fine had also enabled the team to buy Hoover for Cassie didn’t hurt either.
Aunt Megan gave both Cassie and Malik a long look. “Any other incidents I don’t know about that you want to tell me you two?”
“Honest Aunty, that was the only time anyone tried anything the whole time we were in Oregon. After word got round afterward, no one else ever dared. And by the time the next new teams arrived, Hoover was already big enough to scare them off until they heard the story of the ‘rooftop twerker’.” Cassie assured her, praying that Malik would keep his mouth shut about her pistol.
“That’s right Aunt Megan. And don’t forget that everyone knew Josh was teaching her martial arts.” Malik added. Cassie let out a silent breath of relief.
“Okay, I’ll let it go this time. But Cassie? Next time your father decides to visit, we are going to sit down and discuss everything beforehand. Understand?”
“Yes Aunty.”
“Good. Now you two both have college tomorrow don’t you?”
Malik took the hint. “Yeah, I’d better head off. I’ll see you guys next week. Thanks for a great dinner Aunt Megan.”
That night, after Cassie was sure everyone had gone to bed, she slipped into her closet and emptied one of the magazines for her pistol, before making sure the safe was properly locked and covered over again. She then settled down in bed and started to read the papers Mr. Horsfells had given her. If Brian McCarrick went anywhere near a court or Kath again, he wouldn’t know what hit him until it was way too late.
No one was taking Kath away from her and Aunt Megan.
The next morning Cassie arrived at college bright and early for her first lecture, managing to get a seat close to the front. Around her the rest of the course slowly filled the lecture theater, but Cassie didn’t really pay much attention. During the orientation week a few of the boys had tried to talk to her, but Cassie found that she didn’t have very much in common with any of them. She didn’t know the bands they raved about, nor could she commiserate about similar experiences in High School. After spending so much time with the guys in Oregon the boys here had all just felt… immature. She’d also noted just how few young women were present.
Just as the lecturer was approaching the podium a late arrival skidded through the doors and grabbed the seat beside Cassie.
“Phew! Thought I’d never make it in time.” The new arrival dumped her bag on the desk and frantically tried to pull back her frizzy blond hair into a scruffy ponytail before rummaging to find a notebook. “Hi, I’m Kelly.” The girl finally stuck out a hand.
”Um, Cassie.”
“If you’re quite ready ladies?” Boomed over the speakers. “I’m sure your little social chit chat can wait until after this lecture.” Beside her Kelly winced and, when the professor’s attention turned away, silently mouthed an apology to Cassie.
It wasn’t the most interesting of lectures, and seemed to be little more than a rehash of AP Calculus BC, but Cassie dutifully took notes. At the end the professor put up a slide with details of his website and links to their expected coursework, then headed out with a final glare to the two young women at the front.
“God, I’m real sorry about that. The guy was a misogynist asshole anyway. Did you notice he didn’t take a single question any of the female students wanted to ask? You wanna grab a coffee?” By now Kelly was on her feet. “I need to stop by the rest room anyway. At least that’s one good thing about this course. With so few of us doing it there’ll never be a queue. You coming?”
Ten minutes later, and clutching a mug at the concession stand, Cassie was in shock. She’d never met anyone quite like Kelly Terrades. In the last few minutes Cassie had found out that Terry was sharing a room with another girl in Fleming House on Campus who was into Anime, was super excited to be in California, wanted to try out for the track and field squad, came from Portage, Wisconsin, had two older sisters and wanted to set up a women’s group for their year. Finally she stopped to draw a breath.
“So Cassie what about you? Which House are you in?”
“Um, I’m not. I live about ten minutes away with my aunt and little sister.”
“Oh wow! You’re a real Cali girl. You must know all the best beaches and stuff.”
Cassie squirmed. “Not really, most weekends I’m on call for the local rescue team.”
“Like that girl with the dog who saved Matt Lloyd. Cool! Do you know her? You look a bit like her I guess, but she has this ginormous, mean looking German Shepherd.”
Cassie automatically sprung to her partner’s defense. “He is not that big! And Hoover’s an absolute sweetie!” She thought about that for a moment. “Well, unless it’s bath time. He hates baths.”
“You mean you’re…?” For a rare (and brief) moment Kelly Terradas was dumbstruck.
“Seriously wow! My sisters are gonna freak big time when I tell them I’m friends with you. This is so cool! Coming here has got to be the best thing ever!”
By the end of the day, and lots of invitations to come and visit Kelly over in Fleming House, and to please please bring Hoover, oh and any hunky search and rescue guys she knew, and did she want to get together for a study circle on Thursday as Laura had already agreed? Cassie decided she’d made a friend.
After those first mad couple of weeks, life started to settle down. Even the call outs with the team eased off now the vacation period was well and truly over. Which was a shame as the ladies of PVS&R had a lot to discuss.
It was a late Sunday afternoon and there were six of them carrying the stretcher. Which was a good thing, even though the injured girl couldn’t have weighed more than a hundred and ten pounds, as they still had over a mile to go over rough terrain. Cassie and Serena, one of the other volunteers and a rock climbing instructor in her day job, were carrying the feet end, while Hoover ranged ahead.
“But why Cerise and Buff? I know they are the team’s colors but I’d have thought we’d look better with something striking like scarlet?” Serena continued the conversation that had been running amongst the team ladies for the last month.
“You’d really put Claire in scarlet?”
“Uh, I guess you’re right.”
“We all agreed to the LBD’s, but by having matching sashes, and bow ties and fancy cummerbunds for the guys, we’ll make a statement as a team but still look elegant.”
“And you’ve got your friend to get Matt and Chloe to go along with this?”
“Oh yeah! Apparently Chloe has a designer working something up. Paris won’t tell me what it is though.”
The girl on the stretcher had obviously been paying attention, despite her badly twisted ankle. “I think you guys will look great with Cerise and Fawn. My Aunt Heather had all of her bridesmaids in Cerise. It looks good with flash photography as well.”
Sam and Frank just looked at each other across the stretcher.
“Only six more days ’til the da… dratted movie. Think we’ll survive?” Sam muttered.
Frank just shook his head and plodded on.
The Saturday of the Premiere was manic from start to finish. After taking Hoover out for a good long run, Cassie had to enlist Kath’s help to persuade him he actually needed a bath. As usual, that ended up with both girls getting rather wetter than Hoover. Cassie only just had time to grab her own shower and clean up the mess, before heading off to the team’s headquarters where everyone was rendezvousing to get ready.
Once there Paris, Cheryl and her team immediately took charge. “Ladies! Dresses, lingerie and accessories are in the garment bags with your names. Grab them and change, then report back to Suzanne here. Gentlemen, your tuxedos are downstairs. But Cheryl needs to tidy up your hair before you get changed. There’s a list on the door with timings.”
Three hours later the whole of the PVS&R team were escorted out to three waiting stretch limos and Cassie and Hoover found themselves sharing with Sam, Patti and Joel, with Paris riding shotgun.
“Okay everyone, once we arrive you each get out and proceed in pairs up the carpet. You’ve got no more than sixty seconds on the carpet and you’ll start fifteen seconds apart. Cassie, Joel, you’re last. Cassie, at the top Joel carries on but you stop, turn round, and wait with Hoover. Matt and Chloe will be right behind so the pap’s can get some great shots of you all. Remember, from the moment the limo door opens, until you see me again, keep smiling, got it?”
Sam and Joel shared a grimace at that, but Paris caught it.
“Hey guys! Just think what you’re going to spend the donations on okay? And Joel, leave your bow tie alone, it’s fine.”
Then it was show time.
With one arm hanging on to Joel and the other attached to Hoover’s leash, Cassie managed to escape the Limo and straighten up before the cameras started. With all the flashes going off she was thankful that Hoover was used to the emergency strobes they used for helicopters. He merely pressed close and trusted her to get them both through this. Finally they got to the end of the carpet and Joel left her. She turned and, Oh. My. God.
Coming up the carpet were Matt and Chloe, and Chloe’s dress was stunning. A flowing empire line cerise gown with fawn accents and accessories. When the couple reached her, Cassie was immediately wrapped in a hug while Matt fussed over Hoover. Then it was time to face the assembled horde for yet more pictures.
On Monday morning Kelly and Laura were waiting in ambush outside their first lecture.
“Wow girl! For someone who says she isn’t a typical Cali girl, you so are!”
“Jeez, you should have seen Stephanie’s face when the cameras zoomed in on you and the hunky Prof Cox. I swear she was greener than the wicked witch.”
“And you got to cuddle up with Matt Lloyd too. I tell you, if looks could kill half the female students here would be up on murder one by now.”
Cassie just laughed. “Come on guys, we need to move it. I’ll give you all the goss at lunch. Did anyone have any problems with Prof Stiger’s questions on polynomials?”
Note 1. CASVSP - California Association of Supervised Visitation Service Providers.
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I was just about...
... to say that Friday was a shitty day because there was no chapter of our Cassie...
And now the day ends on such a good note.
Thank you as always.
but it is the rare moments of beauty and peace
in between the chaos,
That makes it worth living."
- Tertia Hill
Defiantly my favorite serial story.
I too look forward to each new chapter and am rewarded for my patients. It's not just about the nature of the story but the way you write about each character and the direction this story takes that keep me waiting for the next chapter. Good job and please continue.
Definitely a fan, Emily
I am so laughing right now.
The best part is Cassie getting a new friend.
But almost as good is the visitation scene were everything that was said was technically true, just highly misleading.
That'll be -
Polynomial, transendental equations.- (long winded bloody things - especially the ellipsoidal solutions to inter-acting multiple celestial orbits)!
Another very satisfying chapter, so thank you for the delight. T'was really good to read of 'Brian' getting his cumuppance.
(I never did like the name Brian. It was one of the names of one of the bullies in Borstal.)
I can't help but join Willow
In her laughter. "Dad" could not have been more wrong in his expectations. He should think himself lucky not to become another Hardcastle.
It is so nice to find your wonderful humour permeating the story when it is time.
Great work, Persephone.
Monique S
jiu jitsu of the mind
I loved the Brian episode. I'm reminded of a cartoon about dyslexic zombies jumping out of an airplane looking for 'Brians, Brians'
Sounds like a great project for her studies, and it was great to go around to the schools.
I loved Kath's first comment to Brian. And Cassie calling him 'Father'.
Is he permanently vanquished? Will we find out more about Sean?
Jiujitsu is perfect.
Brian may be on his way to being vanquished but Sean is an unknown so Cassie needs to be on guard.
Very Nice Episode.
I completely concur with Cassie's wariness of the Official LGBT folk. They were the ones who threw the T folk under the bus back around 2005 (?) or so. I define who I am as an Intersex, Native American Two Spirit, and they don't like it.
Hopefully their father will stay out of their lives now? Somehow I have forgotten who Sean is?
She seems to get on with other women just fine. I hope that she can resist the seeming "compulsion" to reveal far too much about herself. That should be on a NTK basis.
Loved the supervised Visit
It reminded me of so many of the things I've pulled in the past :)
We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
To the top
You are now at the top of my list of most anticipated serials. I love the way you invoke humor in dealing with meaty serious subjects. Each chapter seems to include more than expected. Can hardly wait to see what Cassie has in store for Sean.
I've never heard an American say "Fresher"
"Freshman", or "First Year", perhaps.
Good call. I accept this is a 'Britishism'. However, it does feel strange to call a young lady a freshman.
Kind regards
Non sum qualis eram
"Frosh" works. For example:
"Frosh" works. For example:
"Isn't that frosh girl hot?"
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks
How do you do it?
Persephone how do you do it? Each week the chapters you post are full of energy and excitement. What a great story you are providing us.
Thank you so much!
Hoover is
handsome and he knows it. Seriously, I love this story.
Nicw work again
I like the maths project.
Her father did not know what hit him.
I read this chapter Friday evening and enjoyed it so much I reread it Saturday morning. all chapters of this story have been great but this one was great and fun to read if all the goings on with cassies dad. keep up the good work.
another engaging chapter,I love it
Truly great visit with their father. I can't help but wonder with the vague answer about Sean. Is something cooking in Brian's twisted mind, on how to get Kathleen back and revenge on Cassie. Which would surely backfire, with the Marines, S&R team, Hoover, and Cassie's little friend in the closet. I'm sure that Aunt Megan, Kath, and Cassie are well protected.
Probably leave someone bloody, in lingerie, dyed purple, hanging from the flag pole in front of the police station. With a jump drive of evidence around his neck.
Caught on a merry-go-round
Brian came in expecting to ramrod the visitation, and wasn't prepared for the trip he received on the meyy-go-round the girls put him on.
They controlled the entire visitation start to finish, with a ham appearance by Malik. Brian thought he had it all figured out until the bombshells started falling.
He was totally shocked when he heard that Cassie bought the house, or who she knew. It was a hoot when Cassie told Hoover to guard Kath and Hoover didn't have a clue what she told him.
They had their dad so bamboozled he didn't know what end was up. It was good he didn't try anything or he would have ended up in the hospital.
Now they have him over a barrel, what with their asking about the money he had them put into his account for their college fund. If he doesn't produce it he's going to be in such a legal mess.
Others have feelings too.
Dad's Done For
And is so dumb he doesn't even know it. The girls will shortly know where he lives and I've no doubt that papers will be served asking for him to account for their money. If he can't produce it, plus interest, then he will be a recidivist charged with theft. Good luck with that!
Cassie's new friend Kelly allows her to merely have to grunt or nod at appropriate spaces. Conversation unnecessary!
The remaining worry may be Sean.
I doubt the money’s the thing really they are after
They’re pretty sure he has absconded with the money but once they are sure they can force him to end this farce of a relationship.
Actually, the papers *are*
Actually, the papers *are* served. The lawyer handed them to him in front of witnesses. And the social worker lady definitely counts as an unbiased witness. :-)
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks
I Loved How Cassie Handled Their Dad
I loved how Cassie kept her dad totally off balance during his supervised visit . I think there were a lot of things that the court appointed visitation supervisor was not aware of, about Brian’s case for trying to get custody of Kath from Megan and I think the visit opened her eyes to what was really going on in the McCarrick family, especially with Brian believing that Aunt Megan was just barely getting by and also being shocked that they owned the condo
and Kath was going to a top private school for girls instead of the public high school . Cassie was very smart to employ a private investigator to follow Brian because he and their brothers are likely up to no good . I think it’s a safe bet that if the visitation supervisor hadn’t been there and Cassie hadn’t gone on the offensive , that dad would have shown way more of his true colors and tried to intimidate all of them . I was also glad to see Cassie and the women of the SAR, enjoying their Red Carpet moment at the movie premiere. It’s also nice to see her making new friends at school and starting her research project with Joel .