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A family spiralling out of control.
A child forced to grow up too fast.
Is there any room left for a young girl to find herself?
Book Three ‘Womanhood’
Chapter 19 – Co-ed
Author's Note: Cassie learns the lesson that no matter how carefully you plan, you can’t always protect those you love. Sometimes they have to stand up and fight their own battles. As ever please be tolerant of my failings, and forthright with your criticism. ~Persephone
Photo by Christopher Campbell on Unsplash
© Persephone 2019
After the Premiere Cassie suddenly found herself propelled into the center of student life at CalTech. It was rare for a week to go by without her receiving an invite to a party or some other event. Cassie was bewildered, and a bit afraid of her new found popularity. In Middle School she’d been ignored, and in Oregon she had known everyone and always had the guys close by to protect her. In the end she turned to Aunt Megan for advice.
“But how do I say no? All these people are being so friendly. It seems a bit rude to just turn them down.” Cassie asked plaintively as she cradled a mug of hot chocolate late one evening.
“You’ve got ‘ugly duckling’ syndrome sweet pea. Most of the pretty, popular girls learn how to deal with this in High School. Now that you have grown into a beautiful swan you’re having to deal with this later than most.” Aunt Megan advised. “All I can suggest is that you ask yourself three questions. Are these people inviting you because they know and like you personally, or do they just want your celebrity as some sort of trophy for their party? Second, while it is important you get out, have fun and enjoy yourself, can you afford the time off from studying? And finally, is it something that you really want to do? Who is going to be there that you know or want to meet?”
Cassie hunched her shoulders. “I guess. But how do I say no without appearing rude or stuck up and upsetting people?”
“Sorry sweet pea, but whatever you do, someone is going to be upset. It’s not your fault, that’s just people. As for turning invites down, the best way is to make a big thing of how grateful you are they invited you, and you’re really sad you can’t make such a great party because of work, family commitments or a prior promise you made.”
“But isn’t that like fibbing?”
Aunt Megan laughed. “It’s exactly like fibbing. But it makes people feel better about being turned down and helps make sure you aren’t seen as some stuck up cow.”
“Aunt Megan!” Cassie was shocked at her aunt’s language.
Aunt Megan just continued to grin. “Welcome to the world of being a popular girl sweet pea. Too nice, and you’re seen as a doormat. Too assertive and you’re a self centered bitch. The path between the two is narrow and shifting. Oh, and you always have to look good, keep your grades up and stick by your real friends. Then there’s the fun of dealing with boys chasing you, or you finding the right boy.” She reached over and gently took the empty mug from Cassie’s hands. “The only advice I can give you is to choose your friends very carefully, trust them absolutely and ask for advice regularly.” She got up and kissed a very confused Cassie’s forehead. “And having caused your brain to melt down for the evening, I think it’s time we both went to bed and got some sleep.”
The only thing that stopped Cassie from tossing and turning all of that night was when Hoover finally put a reproachful paw on top of her and pinned Cassie in place.
Of course the guys also had to tease their little sister following her Hollywood media debut. Two days after the Premiere Eric started to put up a series of fake movie posters on their Facebook group. ‘Cassie’s great adventure’, ‘Cassie come home’ and ‘Courage of Cassie’; all done in 1940’s kitsch with Cassandra in braids and looking like Judy Garland playing Dorothy. It didn’t help when Aunt Megan saw them and immediately asked Eric to sell her the originals.
The guys also made a point of coming over more often once Malik had spread the word about Brian’s visit.
“So Cassie, who’s this guy Joel you were hanging onto?” Michael asked as they all settled down with coffee after dinner.
“Professor Cox to me. He’s one of my teachers at CalTech, as well as being on the search and rescue team.”
“So you know him pretty well then?”
“I guess, he’s been mentoring me on my research project.” Cassie was petting Hoover and didn’t see the slight narrowing of Michael’s eyes.
“How old is he?”
“I never asked. I guess early thirties. It’s hard to tell with that beard. He’s a great teacher though; makes a real effort to make sure you understand stuff, unlike some of the others.”
Michael immediately changed the subject and started asking Kath about her new school. When he left that evening his hug for Cassie was shorter than usual before he turned and headed for his truck.
It wasn’t until Cassie was helping Aunt Megan that she had a chance to voice her thoughts. “Was there something up with Michael this evening Aunty? Did I say anything wrong? He seemed a bit… I don’t know, on edge?”
Aunt Megan was busy loading the dishwasher. “He did, didn’t he? Maybe he’s got mid-terms coming up?”
“Hmm… maybe.”
Meanwhile, college life went on. Cassie did accept an invite to Halloween at Fleming House, and much to the approval of Kelly, managed to get Malik to come along too. She wasn’t so impressed with her costume though. Based on Eric’s posters Aunt Megan and the girls had persuaded her to dress up as Dorothy, complete with sparkly red heels, and Hoover as a very large Toto.
“But he’ll never fit in my basket! And Malik, stop snickering at Hoover’s ribbons.”
“Shush, you all look wonderful, now go and have fun sweet pea.” Aunt Megan gently pushed all of them out the door.
Cassie was surprised to find that she did have a lot of fun that night.
And surprised Kelly and Malik in one of the corridors (or alleys, as they were called in Fleming) while they were getting to know each other very closely.
She also surprised herself with how much she was enjoying her course. She had always loved the challenge of studying, but her unexpected project was coming along far faster than she had hoped.
“So the basic modeling for calculating the most efficient routes is based on Dijkstra’s algorithm. The problem you’re finding is building a reliable model to accurately represent the impact of variable terrain on speed and energy expended? And linking multiple vectors together efficiently?” Professor Cox summarized as she presented her interim findings.
“Uh huh. The problem is balancing achievable speed with energy expended, and then discovering the most efficient path in a dynamic and uncertain environment. So I hunted around and found a paper from the 1970’s called ‘Destruction and Creation’ by an Air Force Colonel called John Boyd. It seemed to me that by building on Heisenberg’s Indeterminacy Principle we could apply real time feedback to calculating the impact of variable terrain, then using Naismith’s rule as a baseline.”
“So what is your next step?”
“I guess I have to write up the theory and then ask if I can do some practical data collection.”
“Sounds like you have a plan Cassie. I think Professor Stone will be very pleased with this. Well done.”
When the semester finished Cassandra was almost disappointed. She knew she needed some downtime, but the feeling of purpose, and the joy of learning, she’d experienced at college had almost become addictive. Equally she was going to miss her new friends.
“Hey! I’ll be back in a couple of weeks Cass. And we’ll catch up on Skype.” Kelly gave Cassie a hug before pulling her case out the back of Cassie’s SUV.
“Yeah, I know.” Cassie forced herself to give Kelly a big grin in return. “Just take care of yourself okay?”
“You too girlfriend, and thanks for dropping me off.” Then she waved and was off into the crowd outside LAX Departures.
For the first couple of days of the vacation Cassie kept herself busy with shopping for new Christmas decorations and presents with Kath; and Aunt Megan when she felt up to it. Their first Christmas party was at PVS&R that weekend, so Cassie had dragged Kath out for some serious retail therapy in preparation. They were just coming out of Victoria’s Secret and giggling when Cassie’s ‘phone went off.
“Jeez Cassie, I thought your last ringtone was bad. But ‘Let it Go’ from Frozen? What are you, twelve?” Kath snarked.
“Yeah, yeah…”. Cassie laughed as she pulled out her ‘phone. “Hi Cassie speaking.”
Kath watched as her sister’s face went suddenly hard.
“When was it filed?… Has a date been set?… The second. Uh huh… Uh huh… No, hit him with everything. No… let me speak to her first, I’ll call you back Mr. Horsfells. About an hour okay?”
The color drained from Kath’s face. “What’s wrong Sis? Has Dad done something?”
“Oh yeah, he’s done something. He’s just screwed up big style by trying to mess with my little sister.” Cassie snarled. “Let’s get home to Aunt Megan while Mr. Horsfells lets his attack dogs loose.”
When the three of them sat down an hour later, Cassie had already briefed them all on Brian McCarrick’s filing for a custody hearing in Orange County. He was claiming that Aunt Megan’s ongoing Parkinson’s, and Cassandra’s ‘sexual immorality and dubious past’ put Kath at risk, and were grounds to reverse the previous custody ruling.
Cassie held her hands up to stop the flood of questions from Kath and Aunt Megan. “Before you both start getting angry, just know that I was expecting this. They filed now to keep us off balance over Christmas. Maybe even not getting the court documents served on us until only a couple of working days before the court date. Fortunately Mr. Horsfells has had a tracking service watching for the name McCarrick in every filing in the state. We also have some plans ready for him.” Cassie pulled out her laptop.
“First, he didn’t respond to those documents Mr. Horsfells gave him, as we expected, so he’s going to be served for breach of fiduciary duty. Second, he’s drawn us up a set of temporary guardianship papers. If the two of you agree to sign it, then should anything happen to you Aunty Meg, Kath will still be safe with me. Third, do you remember I had a private investigator follow Dad home? He’s now living in a run-down trailer home and has had five jobs in the last four years. He also threw Sean out just six months after Sean’s release. The PI couldn’t find Sean, and we don’t know why he was thrown out, but it doesn’t exactly make Dad look like parent of the year does it? Finally, and only if you agree Kath, now that you are fifteen the court has to take your wishes into account. Just saying you don’t want to live with him won’t be enough; you will have to explain why. However, if you think you can handle speaking in court, I’ve pulled together some of the surveillance video footage from Harbor City. Like Dad repeatedly making you look after the jocks rather than doing your homework, the time when Sean tried to attack me, and when Dad was plotting with the Jocks about attacking Charlie.”
“I thought the DA decided there wasn’t enough evidence to convict Dad?” Kath asked.
Cassie huffed. “More like the DA was happy to take a plea bargain than do all the extra work. And in civil court the burden of proof is lower.” She picked up her sister’s hand and softened her voice. “The thing is munchkin, you would have to get up on the stand and tell the court what you want and why. It won’t be easy, or pleasant, so the decision is yours and yours alone.”
Kath didn’t hesitate. “He wants to hurt my big sister. He doesn’t care about me, or the fact I’m in a good school with my friends.” With that she took a deep shuddering breath. “Call Mr. Horsfells. I no longer have a father.”
It wasn’t much of a Christmas that year, and the court documents weren’t delivered until December 27th; but on January 2nd Cassie, Aunt Megan and Kath arrived in court with Mr. Horsfells and his intern. Outside, Malik, Hector and Michael waited, and watched their little sisters’ backs.
The Orange County family court was small. So Aunt Megan found herself almost next to Brian, with Kath safely between her and Cassie, while they all sat directly behind their attorneys. When the judge entered they all stood and Cassie could see the grin spreading on her father’s face as he recognized their judge.
Brian’s lawyers started; and it was brutal.
During their preparation Mr. Horsfells had repeatedly warned all three of them to say and do nothing inside the court unless directly asked, and to show absolutely no emotion, no matter what was said; but it was hard. More than once Cassie had to force herself to loosen a painfully tight grip on Kath’s hand after another vicious attack was made against her or Aunt Megan.
The first target was Aunt Megan, who they painted as an almost helpless invalid whose mental faculties were swiftly deteriorating, to the point she had no control over Kath, and who allowed Cassandra to entertain strange men in her bedroom while Kath was in the apartment. Then they turned their attention to Cassie.
“Carl McCarrick ran away from his family and refused to cooperate with the police investigating the attack on Charles Braybrooke, an attack that I would remind the court my client was never convicted of. He further failed to seek help from Children’s Services despite being a runaway, and sought some form of lifestyle we can only imagine, but which left him, only a few years later, able to afford a million dollar apartment.” Cassie struggled to keep her face impassive as the judge gave her a searching glance at that. The inference her father’s lawyers were suggesting was clear to everyone in the room. “Since resuming contact with the family the now named Cassandra McCarrick failed to reach out to their father, as one would expect, but sought to take advantage of the increasingly frail Miss Noakes, using her new found wealth to achieve an undue degree of influence over a helpless old lady with few resources, and to expose the innocent and underage Kathleen McCarrick to an inappropriate lifestyle and the presence of strange men making use of her bedroom. In the interests of protecting Miss McCarrick we would ask your honor to recognize the malevolent influence the former Carl McCarrick is exerting, and to act to restore an innocent young girl to the safety of her loving father’s home.”
Then it was Mr. Horsfells’ turn. He slowly stood, then turned briefly to give a little wink of encouragement to the three ladies behind him.
“Your Honor, you will of course have noted that counsel has provided no evidence for any of the unsubstantiated allegations they have made. Fortunately we have.”
Mr. Horsfells calmly presented a raft of evidence. Independent medical and psychologist reports confirming the health and mental wellbeing of Aunt Megan. A complete independent audit of the transactions for Cassandra’s cryptocurrency dealings, along with the relevant tax filings. Evidence of Deputy Rheinhart’s attempt to find and intimidate Cassandra. The letters of support for Cassandra from a church minister and a former Texas Ranger. Finally, and most embarrassing of all, a medical report affirming Cassandra’s sexual inexperience from both anal and vaginal penetration, plus the complete absence of any indication of narcotic use or sexually transmitted infections. Then he went on the attack.
“Your Honor, having comprehensively dealt with the salacious innuendo and inaccurate picture of the situation presented by counsel, we would like to present evidence about the behavior and situation of Brian McCarrick.”
Again Mr. Horsfells dispassionately presented his evidence. He started by reminding the court of Brian’s conviction and jail sentence for contributing to the delinquency of a minor, then producing the court papers already served on Brian for breach of fiduciary duty.
“Counsel would have you believe that Brian McCarrick is a loving father who puts the welfare of his daughter first. Why then has he refused to show how well he has looked after the money she earned and put into his trust to pay for her future educational needs? Why, when afforded the opportunity to visit his daughter every month, has he only made the effort to do so five times in the last five years? Perhaps he had more important things to do?”
Mr. Horsfells produced pictures of the run down trailer Brian was now living in. Then moved on to the private investigator’s report listing Brian’s regular visits to bars, and on one occasion, a lap dancing club. He added reports of Brian’s frequent changes of employment and his current finances before ending with the transcript of an interview with one of Brian’s neighbors, covering the violent arguments between Brian and Sean leading up to Sean being thrown out. “However your honor, this is all secondary to the well-being and wishes of Miss Kathleen McCarrick. As her counsel she has advised me that she wishes to address the Court under section 5.250 of the State of California court rules, given that she is now over the age of fourteen. Further, she is aware that opposing counsel might argue she has been unduly influenced by her sister, and has therefore provided both supporting video and documentary evidence to demonstrate such an argument to be without merit.”
Brian’s lawyers of course immediately insisted that she must have been coerced and coached into addressing the court, until the judge held up his hand. He turned to look at Kath.
“Young lady, do you wish to address the court?”
Kath pushed herself to her feet and nodded nervously. “Yes your honor. And no, I haven’t been made to do this. And Aunt Megan and Cassie told me that they mustn’t help me, and I wasn’t to even talk to them about it.” She swallowed. “Um, your honor, if you want I’ll even give my address under oath so you know what I tell you is the absolute truth. I’ve also got video evidence to back it up that shows exactly what kind of man my father really is.”
Everyone in court held their breath as the judge stared at the young teenager standing in front of him.
Eventually he came to a decision. “I’m prepared to allow the address. There is no need for it to be under oath.”
Cassie could see that Kath’s hands were shaking as she made her way forward. She wanted to cry with frustration and anguish as she watched her little sister close her eyes for a moment and take a deep breath.
“Your Honor, my father has not brought this case because he cares about me. Before he was sent to jail the only use he had for me was to cook and clean for him and the other criminals involved in the attack on Charlie Braybrooke. He has brought this case to hurt my big sister, because she did her duty and provided the evidence that sent him and my oldest brothers to jail. What he didn’t know was that I knew all along what Cassie was doing; and if she had been unable to give the evidence to the police, I was going to. What he didn’t know was that I had listened to him and the others as they repeatedly planned attempts to attack Charlie for nearly a year beforehand, and I had been telling Charlie and Peter everything I heard to help keep them safe. If you force me back with him, you will be placing my life in danger.”
Kath kept her eyes on the judge, even as sharp gasps erupted from behind her.
“Brian McCarrick stopped being my father on the day of my mother’s funeral. I became no more than a drudge whose schoolwork was less important than his meals. He had been emotionally abusing me for months before the attack on Charlie Braybrooke.” Kath turned and nodded to Mr. Horsfells. “This first video shows him demanding I stop doing my homework to cook snacks for three of the later attackers.”
Kath’s statement, supported by many of the same videos used in the original criminal investigation of Charlie Braybrooke’s attack, was damning. So much so that the judge, despite his known strong conservative leanings, not only threw the case out, but amended the original terms to deny Brian McCarrick any access to Kathleen McCarrick, and added an injunction restraining him from being within a hundred yards of their apartment or Kath’s school.
Outside the court Kath all but collapsed into the arms of her aunt and sister as her adopted big brothers circled round the three of them protectively. Aunt Megan just hugged her niece, wondering what Brian McCarrick would attempt next. She had been watching Brian closely throughout the hearing, and had seen his early smirk slip into confusion and finally into anger as his youngest daughter had addressed the court.
“You do realize Kath, that you and I have now joined Cassandra as people your father seriously hates. We are going to have to be super careful from now on.” She sadly warned her niece as Cassie drove them back home to Pasadena.
Cassie just hugged her little sister all that evening, then took Kath shopping the next day to the nearest outdoor store where she bought her both a large, and a purse sized, can of pepper spray.
The case had been an enormous strain on all of them, but most heavily on Kath. She had been the one at risk of being snatched away from her home, friends and family; and she had been the one to have to stand up and relive those awful days when she realized that her father was a monster.
Both Cassie and Aunt Megan watched as Kath withdrew into herself, wishing they could do more to take on her pain, and silently cursing the name of the man who would put his own daughter through that ordeal. Both also allowed a small sigh of relief when Kath slowly came back from the nightmare, as she settled back into the routine of school, dance and martial arts. However Cassie was determined to do something special for her little sister to make up for her lost Christmas and lost innocence… and this time she brought Aunt Megan into her plans.
The first few months of the New Year saw all three of them alert and cautious whenever they were outside the apartment. Cassie even went so far as to arrange for additional discreet CCTV cameras covering their parking slots and front door; then she had the door to her walk-in closet upgraded to turn it into a panic room.
As Spring break approached, life had settled down enough for them to stop worrying about every strange car or sudden noise. Cassie and Aunt Megan once more put their heads together and warned Kath not to make any commitments for the vacation.
“Okay guys, what are you planning?” Kath finally asked, a week before school let out.
“We thought we could all do with a little trip.” Cassie grinned.
“But aren’t you on call for the team? And what about Hoover?”
“Sam and Patti promised to look after him, and I asked for a week off the schedule. We’ll also need to go shopping this Saturday.”
“Uh, how come?”
“Well I don’t know about you, but I certainly don’t have enough swimsuits and bikinis for a week on Honolulu.”
Kath looked disbelievingly from her sister to her aunt to see if they were kidding. When she realized they weren’t, she burst into uncontrollable tears of happiness. She’d never been outside California in her life.
Despite being fifteen Kath was like a little kid on the six-hour flight; especially sitting in business class. She pestered her aunt and sister with what they were going to see and do, until Cassie just gave her a guide book and told her to plan one of their days. That managed to keep Kath quiet for all of an hour.
The hotel they’d booked into was gorgeous, with lots of pools, bars and a very upmarket spa, but first they just wanted to unpack and relax after the long flight. Aunt Megan took one room, with the girls sharing next door.
“Are you sure you’re okay with this?” Cassie cautiously asked both Kath and Aunt Megan.
“Well I’m not sharing with Little Miss Hyperactive here. I need my beauty sleep.” Aunt Megan firmly declared.
“Yeah, come on sis. It’ll be fun. Sisters are supposed to share.”
“But what about…”
Kath cut Cassie off. “You’re my sister. The judge said so, the doctors said so, and I say so. End of discussion. Now dig out your smallest bikini and let’s go turn some boys into slobbering wrecks!” She declared.
Aunt Megan heard that. “No one’s going anywhere until you’re both covered in sunscreen and I’ve approved the bikinis girls!”
It was a wonderful holiday. Kath found it hilarious that her hard as nails big sister could be so shy in a bikini, at least until Cassie slowly relaxed and even started to join in Kath’s games of deliberately sashaying past a group of guys. They did all the usual tourist things, from Waikiki beach to the USS Arizona and visiting the Iolani Palace, as well as just lazing around and flirting. Cassie had no idea where Kath had learned that particular art, but she soon ended up taking notes, much to Aunt Megan’s amusement and approval.
When they finally got home, tanned, tired and happy, and were reunited with an ecstatic Hoover, they all agreed it had been exactly what they’d needed. Then it was heads down studying for both Cassie and Kath as their end of year exams loomed.
“So girls, what are you going to be doing over the summer?” Aunt Megan asked a few days after they’d got back, when the books had been put away for their usual family quiet time before bed.
“It’s our busiest time of the year for call outs. Then I’m going to be using the rest of the time for collecting data for my project, so even if I’m not on call, I’ll be helping Patti with the communications. Sam’s also trying to talk me into doing a rock leader’s course with Serena.”
“What about you Kath?” Aunt Megan turned her attention to her youngest niece.
“Uh, apart from my usual classes I thought I’d just hang with my friends.”
“You don’t want to go to a summer camp?” Cassie asked.
“We can’t afford for a…”. Kath’s voice tailed off as she saw the smirks on her Sister’s and Aunt’s faces.
“Apparently there’s a month long Ballet Camp with the LA Ballet Academy.” Aunt Megan pushed a brochure across the coffee table, then winked at Cassandra.
“Oh look! Here’s an audition booking form with your name on it for this Saturday.” Cassie dropped the form on top of the brochure. Both Cassie and Aunt Megan had to stop their teasing at that point as they were both mugged by a deliriously happy Kath.
For Kath, despite the awful start, she decided it was turning into the best year of her life, and she cherished every moment of it. Her friends had been so jealous when she told them about Honolulu. Then, when she’d passed the audition for the summer camp, she felt like she could dance on air.
Over the summer she barely gave a thought to the bitter and twisted soul who had called himself her father.
Kath’s Junior year came far too soon for her, but she remembered Cassie’s promise of a car so, with that incentive in front of her, she had no problem diving into her books. It was no surprise that she was hard at work one evening when her big sister knocked on her door.
“Come on in sis.”
“It’s getting kinda late munchkin. What’s with all the studying? Have you got tests coming up?” Cassie asked as she plopped down on Kath’s bed.
“Not really,” Kath sighed. “I just had a couple of ‘Sassy’ kits to make up, and it was my turn to cook. I just wanted to finish this homework off early because I’ve got dance class tomorrow.”
“I was going to ask you about ‘Sassy’. How much is it making a year now?”
Kath turned back to her laptop for a few moments. “Uhh… last year, about four thousand net.”
“And how much time does it take a week?”
Kath frowned in thought for a moment. “No more than seven or eight, maybe nine hours.”
Cassie suspected it was more but let it slide. “So, you’re making about seven dollars sixty an hour when the minimum wage is eleven? And you’re helping out Aunt Megan a lot more too?” She asked.
Kath was immediately defensive. “Hey, I’m on top of all my schoolwork! You’ve seen my grades.”
“I know you are munchkin.” Cassie agreed with a smile. “And that was one of the things I wanted to talk to you about. Your birthday is in December and your report card is great, so we need to think about what type of car you want.”
“I thought you’d just get a junker so I don’t have to take the bus.”
Cassie snorted. “Do you really think I would ever put you in something old and dangerous that breaks down a lot? Now I was thinking something sensible with a warranty and reasonable insurance that will keep you going through college and med school. Maybe something like a Toyota Camry Hybrid.”
“A new car?”
“Uh huh.”
“But that would cost…”
Cassie jumped in “…a lot less than I would willingly spend to keep you safe and happy. And that brings me back to ’Sassy’. How would you feel if I suggested you close ‘Sassy’ down so you have more free time to see your friends and have fun, and allow me to give you an allowance of, say, a hundred dollars a week?” She could see Kath preparing to object, so pressed on. “The thing is, we both know Aunt Megan is getting more frail, and we are going to have to take on more. But it wouldn’t be fair on you to expect you do that and keep up ‘Sassy’. All I’m suggesting is that I hire you away from ‘Sassy’ for something like minimum wage.”
It took Cassie the rest of the evening to eventually persuade her little sister to agree, but by the time she went to bed she was satisfied Kath would go along with her plan. Now, all she had to do was persuade Aunt Megan to allow her to hire someone to come in for a few hours during the day while she and Kath were in school and college. Cassie lay quietly, stroking Hoover as she started to build her plan.
Linda Collins was delighted with her new job. She had been an ER nurse until her two boys had come along, but now that both were in middle school and her husband often away as a contractor, she had been getting bored. To find a role that she could do, and still be able to be home for her boys after school, was exactly what she had hoped for. The fact she was spending time with Miss Noakes, who had been the Head Nurse when she’d been in training, was just the cherry on top; after she’d gotten over her awe.
At first Aunt Megan had been quite annoyed with Cassie when she realized how that young lady had sneaked Linda into their home “…to help with getting ready for the Christmas parties”. Then of course Linda and Cassie had conspired for Linda to ask Aunt Megan for cooking lessons over the following couple of months. That girl knew how much she loved teaching someone to cook. So now it was too late.
Of course, it had been getting pretty lonely in the apartment during the day when both of her girls were out, even with Hoover for company; and she didn’t feel comfortable driving nowadays. So having Linda take her places made sense really, and sometimes it was just nice to sit and chat with someone who shared her background.
She was right about Cassie though. That girl was far too much like her mother. Aunt Megan smiled at the recollection of a young headstrong Marie Noakes. It would be Cassie’s twenty first birthday next month. Perhaps she could persuade Kath, Linda and a couple of Cassie’s adopted big brothers to help her plan something special?
“Hi Guys! I’m home.” Cassie kicked off her ankle boots even as she called out. As usual Hoover had barrelled into her; this time managing to land a slobbery lick on her cheek before she could fend him off. “Ugh! Yeah, I love you too Hoover, but can’t you get what ‘no tongues’ means? Hey, guys? Anyone here?”
Aunt Megan stuck her head round the corner with a broad smile. “Cassandra. You’ve got an hour; barely. Get yourself prettied up young lady. Tonight we’re going out for dinner. My treat.” Then, before Cassie had a chance to ask any questions she was being hustled into her room as Aunt Megan took control. “Oh yes, Kath is driving us tonight.”
Cassie grimaced. “Really?”
“She needs the practice.”
“Lots and lots of practice.” Cassie snickered.
“I heard that!” came a grumpy shout from down the hallway.
“Less talking, more moving. Both of you.”
It was actually an hour and ten minutes before they all managed to make it to Kath’s electric blue Toyota.
“Are you sure the restaurant will be okay with Hoover?”
“I checked when I made the reservation. They are animal friendly.”
“And where are we going? You didn’t say.”
Aunt Megan grinned. “No I didn’t did I? Don’t worry, we’ll be there in a few minutes.”
Cassie was even more surprised when Kath pulled up outside a busy Lupita’s and dragged her and Hoover inside. “But Hoover…” She never got to finish the sentence.
“Surprise! Happy birthday Cassie!”
Everyone in the restaurant jumped up and called out at the same time. Only then did she look around properly. On her right Sam and Patti were sharing a table with Joel, Frank and Serena. Behind them Hector was waving alongside, no, it couldn’t be, yes it was, Brandon and Norm. On her left Malik and Kelly were grinning madly, with Michael and Sarah beside them. Further back Paris and Cheryl were sharing a table with, oh my god, Matt and Chloe Lloyd and David Barnes, while at the next table Charlie and Peter were grinning at her alongside Mr. And Mrs. Braybrooke.
Cassandra could feel the tears pricking at her eyes as she spun round to her aunt and sister.
“Darling Cassandra, did you really think we would let your twenty first birthday go by with just a small family dinner?” Aunt Megan asked even as she hugged her niece. “You have far too many friends and family who love you, who all absolutely refused to allow that to happen.” A tissue was gently pushed into her hand. “Now dry those eyes young lady and let’s go and have some fun!”
It was a truly wonderful evening and Cassie barely had time to take a bite of food between all her friends coming over to congratulate and make a fuss of her. At the end of the evening Michael managed to get Cassie into a quiet corner alone.
“Cassie, I have another present for you,” he murmured as he pushed an envelope into her hand. “Do not open it until you are alone at home. Promise?”
Confused, and slightly giggly from her first glass (or two) of champagne, Cassie just nodded, kissed Michael’s cheek, and pushed it into her purse.
She almost forgot about it until the next morning when she was switching purses. Inside the envelope was all the paperwork, already filled out, for her to apply for a firearms permit and register the pistol still hidden in the small safe in her closet.
There was a small handwritten note attached. ‘As soon as you’re registered we will get you back on a range to practice. Your father may have been beaten in court, but he’s still out there. M’.
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I have a question!
I would be interested to know what really happened to Sean. Is there something else going on besides or apart from the drugs? I hope we find out! Another great chapter. As always I can't wait for the next one!
"The pen is mightier than the sword ... if the sword is very short, and the pen is very sharp"
It's a beautiful day...
because we got a new chapter of Cassandra. Thank you!! As for the scumbag of a sperm donor...he gives new meaning to the term "lowlife". But "Cookie" doesn't have time to bake cookies any more?
A nother great chapter...
... in the life of Cassie. And thoroughly worth the wait.
It definitely seems to me that storm clouds are brewing and I hope I am not right, but I do think that somebody who's name starts with a B, might just die before the end of this story.
Hopefully, the rest of the horrible brood does not get involved and suffer a similar fate.
I can hardly wait for the next chapter, but when YOU are ready Jenny.
Thank You so very much for this FABULOUS story, I will repeat that a thousand times over if I have the opportunity.
but it is the rare moments of beauty and peace
in between the chaos,
That makes it worth living."
- Tertia Hill
In 'Murica,
when referring to another person's name, we generally say "named", and not "called". Another great chapter! Keep it going!
either works
I've seen both in U.S. writings. Maybe your seeing regional usage?
lived in NY, VA, FL and CA and heard 'called' in all those states.
A gun licence
Looks like there is going some shooting of vermin, maybe of the kind with 2 legs.
2 legged vermin
As much as Brian is a total waste of protoplasm, it is still not a pleasant thing to kill.
She will need to deal with that if it comes to pass.
Wonderful story,
I always enjoyed your writing with Nancy ,but this purely Persephone story is ,to my mind ,one of the all time
great stories on BCTS .Thank you so much .
Friday came early.
Thank you. It was so worth the wait.
WOW, Cassie is 21
A well deserved birthday party with all her friends and family, (and Hoover) Like Micheal made reference to. Their Dad is still out there along with Sean. Something makes me think that Hoover may sink his teeth into an arm or leg protecting Cassandra, Kathleen, or Megan.
Yeah Daddy's going to be peeved
I get the feeling that her dad is looking for more jail time. Also he doesn't have the back up or resources to do anything legal.
Has Cassie reconciled her feelings for Michael as the fact that Sarah was there with Michael didn't rate a mention?
Again, another superb chapter.
I note that a lot of people are commenting that this will be a B.C. classic.
I have considered this carefully and have to respectfully disagree with them.
You are all using the wrong tense.
It was a classic from the opening paragraph :D
Love it!
Persephone what an excellent story you have going, it just keeps getting better. Each week I wonder what new adventure awaits for us readers. Thank you for providing us with a great way to end our week.
At least Mike has her back
Brian is like an injured animal at this point and probably will go for broke to get his revenge.
California gun laws
Cassie doesn't need any permit to own a pistol in California, concealed carry is another matter.
Glad I don't live in Blighty, where getting knifed is such a growing problem that the nanny state is talking about doing away with sharp points on kitchen knives...
Good story,
I'm truly sorry...
First of all, thank you so much for the point about permits. I hold my hand up and admit poor research. It shall be corrected.
However, I'm truly sorry to do so, but I need to cover some facts about crime in the UK vs crime in the US.
The following data is drawn from the UK Office of National Statistics and the FBI Unified Crime Reporting system.
In the 12 months to March 2018 in the United States there were 17,284 murders. 10.5% with a knife.
That's a murder rate of 5.28 per 100,000 people overall and a rate of 0.55 for knives alone.
In the same 12 months in the United Kingdom there were 726 murders, 285 using a knife.
That's a murder rate of 1.12 per 100,000 people overall and a rate of 0.44 for knives.
I hunted for articles about kitchen life points and found two. One reports a retiring judge's speech, the other a plan by a very small police force to give blunt knives to domestic abuse victims.
Non sum qualis eram
Thanks again babe's!
Another enjoyable chapter and well worth the wait.
I still think it's bizarre to have to wait until one is twenty-one to enjoy a glass of wine with a meal and yet be allowed to drive a car at sixteen and own a gun at eighteen or even younger in some states. America is a continental aglomaration of fifty small countries.
UK odd laws
In the UK bank of England notes are accepted in all parts of the UK.
Sterling printed in Northern Ireland by the banks there are not legal tender in England and Wales.
Sterling printed by the Banks in Scotland is not legal tender in England and Wales.
Scottish contract law is different to English contract law.
Scottish could have 3 possible verdicts
Not proven
Under the prevention of terrorism act in was possible to be deported from Britain to Northern Ireland and banned from returning.
No many countries used a system of internal exile like that.
Every country in the world has some thing odd.
Thank You Jenny
Thank you again for another great chapter of cassie's journey.
Besides her father I have to wonder about the rest of her
family, Like Shaun for example, You have to wonder if he ever got his life on track, I know Charlie became a sailor, he didn't seem such a bad sort.
Did I Detect A Hint?
Of the old green-eyed monster in Mike's reaction to Professor Cox's association with Cassie? Even if he is still going with Sarah their relationship may not be as serious as Cassie first thought.
Only Jenny knows.
Every indication so far is that McCarrick senior will not give up. He appears to be consumed with hatred and will inevitably face really serious jail-time or death or injury. I am a little puzzled that Cassie does not get him indicted for the theft of her and Kath's earnings. I'm sure Mr. Horsfells could get some mileage out of that.
And then there's Sean.....
For Beverly....
I’d like to refer you to a small book of a sociological bent titled “The Seven America’s”. It came out just after the break up of the Soviet Union. A similar breakup of America was suggested and fault lines based on political and economic commonality were described. I’ve always believed that the book omitted an eighth polity: Deseret: The Mormon Theocratic Kingdom who’s capital would be Salt Lake City. Only Texas as a resurgent nation had a State geographic basis....
BAK 0.25tspgirl
A kick in the pants
If Brian had pulled his act together after Maria's death, things might be a lot different now.
Cassie would never have gone with the guys to the mining camp. She may never have become involved in search and rescue. She would never have delivered her first baby. Maybe the brothers would never have gone to jail or gone after Charlie. Maybe the celiberty would never have been found in time. And many other things she would never have done.
But Cassie went through those things and lives were saved. And she may never know all the good she did just by the way she treated others.
What made Brian think he could get custody of Kath when he lost the first time? With a case such as this one it would have made sense for the Court to investigate Brian before the trial started. But he got beat by all the evidence against him that Cassie's lawyer presented. Plus what Kath told the judge. That had to really torque him off.
Perhaps the three have relaxed too much, with Brian out there somewhere. An injunction won't keep him away if he gets tanked and works himself up into a tizzy. They need to keep an eye in the rear view mirror and watch for strange cars cruising their neighborhood.
Others have feelings too.
Missing my fix of Cassie
Oh wow, waiting to see what happened to Sean as someone else mentioned. Also we know the Dad is begging to get into trouble again. Looking forward to the next chapter.
More chapters
This is one of my favorite stories on BCTS. With the conclusion of the trial the main story threads are finished at this point. But we do know of lots of things that might happen next, like how did Cassie's research project turn out, will she get an official boyfriend, etc.
I am a thoroughly greedy reader and hope that Persephone writes a few more chapters some day. This is an awesome story.
Here is a status update on this story
In September, 2019 Persephone published a note titled Where's Cassandra. In it Persephone says she is currently taking a year long college course to be certified as a teacher. She definitely plans to eventually write "and complete the last two or three chapters" but we aren't likely to see them for a while.
The blog is at
Cassandra - Half a year to go
Hopefully Persephone is half way through her college course at this point and that COVID-19 is a minor annoyance for her. I just finished rereading this story for the third time. Well, the second time for the last few chapters.
In half a year or so I will start praying to the gods of great authors that Persephone will find the time and inspiration to continue this story. I am all to familiar with how Real Life tends to change plans like this. I really would like to know what happens next. Fortunately, there are a number of other awesome authors on BCTS to keep me entertained in the meantime. I am really great full that there are some many great authors that enjoy publishing here.
New chapter
Great story
Can't wait for the next chapter
Great story
I just started reading this story a couple days ago, and my only complaint is that I now have to wait for the following chapters. This is definatly one I'll be looking forward to seeing when checking for new posts. Keep up the great work.
Woo hoo. More Cassandra is coming soon...
Woo hoo. More Cassandra is coming soon to a Top Shelf near you.
I just heard from Persephone. She's had busy but awesome year. Like much of Cassandra's life, but without the bad parts.
To quote Persephone: "However Christmas is coming and I will restart Cassandra properly then. I too have been rereading the story and have already plotted out most of the final story arc."
So, woo hoo! If things go well then it looks like more Cassandra will be coming soon to a Top Shelf near you.
Where is Cassandra?
Hi hi. Back in mid November 2020 I asked Persephone if she still had plans to continue writing Cassandra. She said "Cassandra will be finished." She has finished her college course, started teaching and was about to move. She was planning to continue Cassandra around Christmas 2020.
She published an essay on her blog around Christmas time on preparing a cuppa tea in the UK. Apparently the latest Tammy episode published by Shiraz had caused a big controversy. BTW, I highly recommend reading the Tammy stories by Shiraz.
That's the last thing I've seen her post. I suspect real life is still interfering with her providing awesome stories to greedy readers like me. I'm still hoping for a few more chapters. I've been thinking about re-reading some of Cassandra again in the meantime. It's such a good story.
Persephone, we love you. And your stories too.
Great news
Glad to hear Cassandra's story is being continued. I hope that your retraining coursework were not too stressful and certification was greatly successful. Thank You again for all your efforts.