Feral Saga Chapter 6 - Gathering Storm


Feral Saga Chapter 6 – Gathering Storm

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

We return with our sensational sixth issue, with Logan having finally accepted that she is a woman, but possibly having even more questions about who she is and the effect the transformation has had on her powers. Jean seems truly committed to the new Logan, if not exclusively, but does she really know the person who is emerging and has she really dealt with her own demons? And what of Magneto’s grand plan now that the base was discovered to be a ruse with Mystique posing as Magneto? Will the Uncanny X-Men be able to learn what he is up to, or are they too late?

Author Note:

Now that Logan has “accepted” her status, she’s going to find out that one epiphany does not solve all of life’s problems. In many ways, her unique type of dysphoria is going to require an equally unique journey. In this chapter we begin to explore Logan’s relationships with Don and Jean, as well as with who she is now. There’s some violence in this one. There’s also the usual explicit sex, though none of it is non-consensual. We’re definitely close to the scene I warned everyone about in my introduction; looks like 3 more chapters after this, Four if I keep expanding the dialog. I marked the beginning and ending of the part I published in a preview last week in case you start experiencing deja vu. Thanks Gabi(Xtrim) for pointing that out and being a proofreader (big help).

To those of you kind enough to comment, kudo, or drop me a line thank you very much. Writing is a great release, but it can be a little lonely. I realize that with something this explicit, some of you (especially you lurkers) might not want to comment, but I do want to hear what you like, where you hope or suspect the story will go, etc. so feel free to PM. I’m also just glad you’re still reading.

August 20, 2020 - I made some minor edits to the story and am posting them all at once.

Here’s a wiki you can use if you’re really lost: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men

© Nyssa 2019

Rise above the storm and you will find the sunshine.

          • Mario Fernandez

    The beautiful redhead was pacing anxiously in the waiting area of the X-Men’s medical wing.

    When Hank McCoy entered, she rushed over.

    “How is he? Is it something serious, something he can’t heal from?”

    “He is fine. He’s just resting. He just required some minor surgery,” said Hank.

    At that moment, an identical redhead in a different outfit came rushing in. “Logan, how is he?”

    “I don’t know any details yet, Hank was just about to fill me in.” Then, to Hank, “So what happened to him?”

    “Apparently, he was hit by a flying body. Do you know how that might have happened?” asked Hank.

    “It.. it was pretty crazy at some points,” said Logan, blushing. “But did he break his ankle?”

    “No, he actually has a fracture at the distal end of his right fibula, about this far above the ankle.” Hank held his thumb and index finger about an inch and a half apart.

    “Spiral?” asked Jean and Logan in unison.

    “Ah, no, it is a transverse simple fracture. I was able to use a new procedure, based on processes I have observed in Logan’s healing. I restitched the bone and he should be fully healed within about two days,” Hank said rather proudly.

    “He’s not gonna turn blue and furry is he Hank?” asked Logan.

    “Of course not,” replied Hank indignantly, then realized he was being baited.

    Jean and Logan both giggled and winked at each other as Hank shook his head.

    “There should actually be no lingering effects. The bone will show no indication it was even broken. However, he will need to stay off of it for the full two days. Complete bed rest.” said Hank.

    “Think you can keep him there for two days?” asked Jean quietly while nudging Logan with an elbow.

    “I can only hope. Might not be too restful,” whispered Logan as Hank left.

    “Well, as soon as you wear him out, my hot little slut, remember that you owe me a ravishing after what you put me through,” said Jean as she took Logan in her arms and kissed her.

    Logan wrapped her arms around Jean’s neck and sighed happily into the kiss. Jean’s tongue stroked Logan’s, pressing into her mouth. After nearly a minute they broke apart.

    “I’ll come find you,” said Logan breathlessly and kissed Jean again lightly.

    “Now I have to go and find Scott,” said Jean as she stepped back. “Poor boy has no idea what he’s in for.”

    “Try not to break him,” laughed Logan. But she couldn’t completely ignore the pang of jealousy she felt. What surprised her was that it didn’t feel like she was jealous that Jean was about to be with someone other than her. It was because Scott was.

    “No promises,” yelled out Jean as she walked out and waved.

    Logan was just about to head to Don’s room when a figure came flying through the wall and embraced her, flushing all thoughts of Scott and Jean from her head...

    “Logan, I was so worried,” said Kitty from somewhere near Logan’s breasts. “Dr. Grey told us all about how Magneto captured you, but of course it was actually Mystique who you stabbed. And she sooo totally deserved it. And then you were in the base, and it was exploding and us guys are trying to blast open the door, and then you got trapped in a cave-in and had to save Captain Andrews. That must have been so scary, but at least you weren’t alone. I would have totally freaked, but of course I could have just phased through the cave wall, but they wouldn’t let me and I was so worried about you! Is Captain Andrews, like, your boyfriend now? Does that mean you like guys?” Kitty finally came to a stop at this point.

    “Yes, I’m fine Kitty and it didn’t seem so dramatic at the time. It was mostly a pain. But you should know by now that you don’t have to worry about me, it’s my job to worry about you. They were right, it was too dangerous to come after me.” Logan thought to herself that it could have been pretty embarrassing too. “Also, you’re too young for my sexuality to make any difference, OK?”

    Kitty blinked several times at the novelty of having Logan understand everything she had said. A huge grin spread across her face. “Does this mean I now have a protective big sister?”

    “Yes, kiddo, I guess it does,” said Logan with a laugh.

    “Thanks, Lolo,” said Kitty. “I’m so excited. This is gonna be, like, the best!” Kitty was bouncing on her toes as she embraced Logan again.


    “Yeah, I figure sisters should have pet names. I mean, I don’t know what else you would call me, but I just thought…”

    “I like it,” said Logan. “I’d be proud to be your big sister Lolo.” She kissed Kitty on the top of her head. “Now, I gotta go visit my boyfriend.”

    “I knew it!”

    “What? He’s a boy and he’s my friend,” but she winked at Kitty when she said it.

    When Logan got to the door to Don’s recovery room, she found she couldn’t just rush in like she had thought she would. “What if, now that he’s had time to consider… he’s repulsed?

    So it was a somewhat sheepish Logan that entered Don’s room. “Hi,” she said.

    “Logan!” Don’s smile was huge.

    “Hey,” says Logan, still a little unsure as she came over to his bed. She leaned over just far enough that she figured he could kiss her if he wanted to, or ignore it.

    Don took her face lightly between his hands and pulled her to him as he kissed her. It was soft but lingering and full of promise. Logan thought it might be the sexiest thing he could have done. Afterward, she had a huge grin.

    “Please tell me that wasn’t just a cave-in romance?” asked Don.

    “Is that a thing?” teased back Logan.

    “I hope not,” said Don. “Although it’d make spelunking a lot more popular.”

    “No,” Logan said, taking the risk of being a little more serious. “All kidding aside, that was very real… for me.” She looked at him a little nervous about just how much vulnerability that statement had exposed.

    Don kissed her again, almost exactly as he had before. “He’s pretty good at that,” she decided.

    “It was for me too. Do you think we’ll be able to see where this goes now that we’re not trapped beneath tons of rock and running for our lives?”

    “I’d like that,” said Logan smiling, and sat upright on the edge of Don’s bed. “But no running for you for two days. You are to stay in bed.”

    “Probably be more than two days. Dr. McCoy told me I broke my leg above the ankle. Or at least, it broke when someone threw a person at me.”

    “Hey, I told you I was aiming for the guard!”

    “Yeah, well, I would guess once the stitches heal from the surgery, I’ll need a cast and some crutches. So it might be a while before I can take you dancing,” said Don.

    “You want to take me dancing?” Logan couldn’t help but beam. Then she shook her head. “No, Hank was able to repair the bone completely. It was a simple transverse fracture at the distal end of the fibula four centimeters from the terminus. I assume he created an artificial callus and greatly accelerated the formation of mature bone. But it can’t withstand any torque or direct pressure until the process is complete, so you’ll need bed rest.”

    Don blinked a couple of times.

    “A clean break,” clarified Logan. “Hank used crazy-advanced science stuff to stitch it together, but it needs a couple of days with no standing or walking.”

    “No, I sorta got that,” said Don. “Are you a doctor too?”

    “That’s… complicated. How about…” Logan leaned over and ran her hand over Don’s leg and up to his now growing erection. “We discuss how we can pass the time the next two days?”

    “Oooh,” moaned Don. “I thought you said bed rest?”

    Logan stroked the now erect cock through the sheets. “It’s just a term. Let me worry about the details.”

    “In… ahh… in your hands,” managed Don.

    “Exactly. Now, it’s going to be two whole hours before you get out of here and I would be a terrible girlfriend if I left you in this state…” Logan pulled back the sheets and Don’s gown to expose his erection, which stood proudly to “greet” her. Logan wasted no time and bent forward to swirl her tongue all around the head of his cock.

    Don gripped the sheets and moaned at the sensation. Logan began to bob up and down, slowly taking more and more of Don’s cock into her mouth. When it began to enter her throat she pulled up and looked up at Don before swirling her tongue around the head again and licking from the base to the top with her tongue extended as if she was trying to touch as much of him as possible with the flat of her tongue. The entire time, she tried to maintain eye contact. The effect she was having on Don had her very aroused and she could feel her pussy getting slippery.

    But something was missing. Logan reached for one of Don’s hands and placed it on her head. When he just left it there, she grabbed the other one and also placed it on her head.

    Don looked puzzled, if still incredibly intent on the blowjob he was receiving. “I don’t… I don’t need to work my arms any… any more, you know?”

    Logan grabbed the base of his cock and pulled it from her mouth, but maintained contact with her lips as she said, “Not everything is about you, dear. I like it, so if you don’t mind?”

    Ten minutes later, Logan was in the hall outside Don’s room and he had fallen asleep. She used a compact from her jacket to find all of the cum that she had missed from the sides of her mouth and on her chin. Having no tissue, she just sucked it off her finger. “Definitely getting used to the taste. Helps that he smells amazing.” Logan then pulled out one of her cigars, remembering Jean’s comment about cum breath.

    “Ah Logan, it is you, isn’t it?” Storm called out in her rich, melodic accent as she was striding down the hall towards Logan.

    “Hey Ororo, did you just get back?”

    “Yes. Jean was telling me that you are a fan of the bodysuit. I must say, it looks even better than I expected. She said you got many compliments.”

    Logan laughed and said, “You could say that. I definitely like how easy it is to move in and it’s pretty durable.”

    “It is amusing that Jean is too shy to wear it in public, but you are the one who ends up in it. She did not trick you, did she?”

    “No, no,” said Logan, taking a draw on her cigar. “Hey, thanks for helping Kitty find these. Did you want one?”

    “No, I do not often indulge in them, but I did like those.”

    “Uhh,” started Logan, a little unsure about how to phrase her next question. “You know, we were always friends before, I hope things won’t be weird now?”

    “No, the spirits of the wind speak to me as they flow over and around you. They can taste your aura and reveal to me that you are still the same soul.”


    Ororo laughed. “Can you not tell that I was... pulling your foot?”

    “I think you mean leg,” said Logan with a smirk.

    “Yes,” Ororo leaned towards Logan, amusement evident in her voice. “It is an odd expression, is it not?”

    Logan giggled and linked her arms in Ororo’s as they walked down the hall. “Hey, I have an idea for a dress to go dancing in…”


    “Home sweet home,” said Logan as she wheeled Don’s chair to a stop outside her room.

    Don started to get up from the chair with his right leg held off the ground.

    “Nope, I got this,” said Logan as she leaned in and picked Don up as if he was a bride about to be carried across the threshold. Her elbows and back protested, but the weight wasn’t too bad if she took it slowly. “Definitely have to see Hank about this.

    “This is very weird,” said Don.

    “After everything that has happened, this is what seems weird?” Logan chuckled as she carefully placed him on her bed and put the special pillow Hank had given them under his calf. Logan then went to her large, heavy chest of drawers and moved it to the foot of the bed so that the side was flush with the end of the bed. She pulled out one of the drawers and set it on the bed so that it was between Don’t left foot and the chest.

    “What is that for?” asked Don.

    “Traction,” said Logan.

    “But I thought…”

    “Ok, leverage,” interrupted Logan. “You’ll see. Now strip.”

    Don rushed to comply.

    Logan took off her boots and jacket and walked sensuously over to the side of the bed. “Could you give me a hand with my zipper?” she pouted.

    As Don slowly pulled down her zipper, it seemed that his cock rose in concert. He pulled the catsuit open and slid his hand in to cup her breast and rub his thumb across the nipple. Logan’s head went back and her eyes closed at the sensation. After a moment, Don pushed the catsuit off of her shoulders, fully exposing her breasts and upper body.

    When she felt Don’s mouth on her other breast and his hand return to its original position, she let out a soft, “Ooooh.” Without looking, she reached for his cock and found it rock hard and faintly pulsing. She could smell the cloud of pheromones and arousal from both of them and it drove her excitement even higher. Her pussy had been slick ever since she had blown Don in the recovery room, but now it seemed like it was actually flowing.

    Don grunted at her stroking and nipped lightly at her nipple, causing her to cry out and press his head to her in encouragement. Don reached down to her ass and slid the catsuit over her hips until it hung from her legs.

    “Just a minute baby,” said Logan as she pulled her suit the rest of the way off and climbed up until she was astride Don. She rubbed her very swollen and slick labia up and down his cock where it was trapped between them.

    Don’s eyes went wide at the sensation and he involuntarily pressed against the drawer at his foot so that he could lift his hips up towards Logan. “Leverage! I get it.”

    “Smart boy,” smirked Logan down at him from her halo of magnificent red hair. She lifted herself up onto her knees and, grasping his cock, ran it up and down her pussy lips once before saying. “I guess you deserve a reward?” With that, she held his cock while she lowered herself down onto it slowly. But before it had gone more than a couple of inches into her, she pulled back up until just the head was inside her. Slowly she repeated the process, taking it an inch deeper into her each time. She was well lubricated for him but wanted to take her time.

    Don, for his part, was moaning and staring raptly at his cock as it disappeared and reappeared from Logan’s pussy. His cock was fairly glistening with Logan’s juices.

    Once Logan had reached the point where she had Don’s cock fully in her, she began to rub her mound against the base on each downstroke. She tried to recreate the wonderful twisting movement that Don had used in the cave, but couldn’t get it quite right. Then Don took both her breasts in his hands and began to massage them.

    Her eyes closed and her mouth open, she made soft mewling noises each time her pussy ground into him. She sped up her rhythm and Don tried to lift his hips up to meet her. When he switched from massaging to pinching and lightly pulling at her nipples, Logan cried out, “Yes. Like that, ooh.”

    But as amazing as she was feeling, and even with the stimulation her clit was receiving, she was not feeling like she could relax enough to orgasm. And she desperately wanted to.

    Logan looked down at Don, her hair falling around both of them. She leaned down, forcing him to pause in his ministrations. She kissed him lightly and said, “Baby, I’m going to need you to drive for a bit.”

    She took his hands from her breasts and placed them so that each one was grasping one of her ass cheeks just above the thigh.

    Don just smiled and nodded.

    Logan relaxed, sliding all the way down onto Don.

    And stayed there.

    Logan was immediately concerned. “What?”

    “Well…,” Don started. “I’m not sure how to say this, but you’re heavier than you look. I might need some help.”

    “Oh, yeah sorry.” Logan began to move her hips up and down again, sliding Don’s cock in and out of her pussy. Pretty soon, the two of them had established a rhythm. Logan let Don guide her movement and relaxed.

    Don started to cause her motion to swerve. He may not have been able to lift her, but he could alter the direction of her strokes and how she ground against him. Logan was in heaven, the walls of her vagina began to pulse and grasp at Don’s cock each time she raised up. She could hear herself crying out over and over, but all she could focus on was obeying Don’s hands as he directed her hips and delivered such wonderful sensations. Her speed increased, as did the spasms in her pussy. She leaned forward to place her hands on Don’s shoulders. He responded by carefully grasping one of her nipples in his mouth and sucking.

    And then he nipped at her nipple again.

    Logan came. Her back arched, pulling her breast from Don’s mouth. Her mouth formed a wordless cry, her breasts outthrust and her head back. Her hips worked furiously.

    “Logan, I’m gonna…”

    Logan’s orgasm was just getting to the point where it was a series of little spasms of pleasure when she felt Don’s cock jump inside her. It felt as if warmth was being directly pumped into her as he went rigid and pressed his hips up towards her for several strokes. Logan’s head felt like it was swimming from the intense release as she slowly stopped her motion.

    Logan was feeling pretty emotional after that as she disengaged and Don’s rapidly shrinking erection slipped wetly from her. She cuddled up to Don and tried to hide the fact that there were tears in her eyes.

    “That was amazing,” said Don, breathing heavily. He kissed the top of her head. “I don’t think I’ll ever forget that sight for as long as I live.”

    “What sight,” asked Logan from near his left pec.

    “You cumming,” he said quietly.

    Logan waited a couple of minutes until the slight teariness had stopped and she had carefully wiped the shed tears away. She hoped she didn’t look like a raccoon as she raised her head to look at Don.

    Who was fast asleep.


    Logan was washing the sweat and accumulated fluids from her body, inside and out, in the shower when she felt a tickle along the link she shared with Jean.

    Hey, my love,” said Jean. “I wore my boy out and I sense you aren’t engaged at the moment. Are you ready for me?

    Just finishing my shower. How is it no one ever told me about this part of having sex?

    Oh, my God! I almost woke Scott up laughing out loud! Just finish up and hustle that cute little tush down to my room.

    My tush looks just like yours, you know.

    Less conversation, more getting to me,” said Jean.

    After a quick drying off, Logan grabbed the short silk kimono robe that Jean had given her and wrapped it around her naked body, then hurried out after grabbing a cigar and her lighter. The sensation of her breasts wobbling with each step still gave her the dual feeling of familiarity and the surreal. But the feeling of the silk against her nipples was exquisite.

    When she arrived in Jean’s room, Jean was just finishing up with drying herself off. When she saw Logan, she dropped her towel. “I am so glad I gave you that robe.”

    She walked over to Logan, completely nude. Logan was fixed in the spot where she was when Jean dropped the towel. She was the most beautiful thing Logan had ever seen. The look in her eyes as she stalked towards her caused her nipples to become erect and press against the silk kimono. Jean looked so powerful, so dominant. Logan felt her mouth go dry and her lips parted slightly.

    When Jean got to her, she looked at the door briefly and Logan heard it close behind her. Then Jean was untying the belt of the robe while staring intently into Logan’s eyes. Logan couldn’t look away, didn’t want to look away.

    “Now,” said Jean as she lifted the robe from Logan so that it fell to the floor. “Where shall we begin?”

    It was nearly an hour later that both women were lying in bed next to each other, breathing heavily and smiling. They turned to look at each other.

    “My love,” said Jean. “Thank you for that.”

    “Which part? I might have blacked out at one point.”

    Jean kissed her tenderly and smiled. “All of it. Giving yourself to me. I admit to being a little jealous of Don.”

    “I’m in love with you, have been since I met you.”

    “And Don?”

    “We’re seeing where it goes. I know, it’s complicated…”

    “Shhh, I’m not asking you for anything.” They kissed again and Logan sat up.

    “Umm, would it be OK if I had a cigar?”

    “Sure, it’s fine.”

    Logan went and pulled it from her robe’s pocket along with her lighter and came back to bed once she had it lit. She exhaled a stream of smoke to the ceiling.

    Jean reached over and took the cigar and raised it to her mouth. “What? You said our body likes them.” Jean took a puff and handed it back. “So, what did you think of your first 69?”

    Logan smirked, took a puff, and handed the cigar back. “Uhh, girl 69 you mean? It was nice. I certainly came enough times. But I kinda prefer what you did to me right after you got the robe off with, you know… The other way we did it.”

    Jean exhaled smoke while laughing. “You little slut, you mean you prefer cock.”

    Logan just blushed.

    “Is the one I have any different?” asked Jean.

    “You did not just ask me that,” said Logan.

    “What, I was just curious.”

    “So is every guy after he’s with a girl who’s been with at least one other guy. But to answer your question, no it’s extremely realistic. The only difference is body heat.”

    “Hmm, I’ll have to see if there’s anything I can do about that,” mused Jean as she took her turn with the cigar.

    “I look forward to the testing,” said Logan with a giggle. “Umm, you haven’t told Scott or anybody about my having all of your memories, have you?”

    Jean thought for a moment. “No, why?”

    “I’d just prefer we didn’t spread it around. I want everyone to take me for who I am.”

    “Well, I certainly enjoy taking you,” Jean kissed her.

    “And I enjoy it too. Multiple times, usually. But, I gotta go. I want to be there when Don wakes up.” She hurriedly got out of bed and put on her robe.

    “Hey, your cigar,” said Jean.

    “You finish it,” said Logan as she kissed Jean quickly and ran out of the room.

    Jean got up and put her own robe on, deciding to finish the cigar on the balcony outside her room. That was where Scott found her. He had awoken in bed to find Jean gone and decided to go look for her.


    Jean almost hid the cigar as a reflex, then realized that Scott had called her Logan. She decided to have a little fun. “Dickhead?”

    Scott had noticed the uncharacteristic jump. “When has anyone snuck up on Wolverine?” he mused. “I was looking for Jean.”

    “Are you sure?” asked Jean. She turned and walked towards Scott, trying to emulate Logan’s feline movements. “You seemed to be pretty happy to see me the last time I was dressed like this.”

    Scott was unsure of what was going on. “Is Logan drunk?

    “I thought that was Jean,” he said.

    Jean shook her head. “Not really. You said I looked sexier than she ever did.” Jean took a step and placed her hand on Scott’s chest. “And it sure seemed like you were enjoying our kiss.” Jean let her hand slide down to settle on Scott’s cock, which was slightly intrigued by this encounter.

    Scott was now pretty sure he had figured out what was going on. “OK,” he said. “But we can’t let Jean know. I can’t stop thinking about that kiss.”

    And then Scott kissed her.

    At first Jean was shocked, then she was enjoying how passionately Scott was kissing her, how his hands were roaming her body, touching all of the spots that he knew got her going.

    And then she began to truly get pissed off.

    Scott broke off the kiss at that point and whispered into her ear, “Jean honey, when did you start smoking again?”

    Jean pushed away and playfully smacked his chest. “When did you know?”

    “Pretty much from the start. You jumped, and no one sneaks up on Logan. Also, you don’t really move like Logan.”

    Jean turned away to put out the cigar and do her telekinetic-assisted exhale. “Oh,” she said after she’d finished. “Not as sexy?”


    “Come on, you said I don’t move like Logan. How so?”

    “Jean you know I love you whether you’re sexy or not.”

    Jean crossed her arms and glared. “Care to rephrase?”

    Scott came towards Jean, as imposing as she was, and put his hands on her hips and looked at her, hoping that even with his ruby sunglasses on she could see his sincerity. “I love you and only you. I love everything about you. Even when you’re terrifying.”

    And then they kissed.

    “Come back to bed now?”

    Jean’s response was a giggle and to jump up into his arms. The two went off down the hall to Scott’s room.

    Neither one had noticed the figure hiding in a shadow. Logan had come back when she realized her lighter had been left behind. She had seen and heard everything.

    Now that the two were gone, she was able to release the sob that she had been holding back. Tears were streaming down her face. When Scott had professed his love for Jean and only Jean, Logan felt like her heart had shattered in a million pieces.

    God, I am so fucked up.” She could not help but replay thousands of times that she could remember Scott telling her that she was the one he loved. Memories of Scott making love to her, caressing her, caring for her. The fact that these weren’t really her memories and she quite clearly remembered a very different feeling as Logan before the transformation didn’t matter. “What am I going to do?

    Logan retrieved her lighter, wiped away her tears, and headed back to bed. She hoped that Don could help take some of this pain away. Maybe having him make love to her, having him show her that someone cared for her would help her to forget. Establish new memories.

    I will not think of Scott when Don makes love to me. I will not.”

    I hope.


    “Do you really think she’ll tell us anything?” asked Logan of Jean and the Professor. The three were standing in a darkened room on the other side of a window that looked into an interrogation room like something out of every cop show ever made. The window was, of course, a mirrored surface on the interrogation room side.

    Mystique was staring right at them and raised her middle finger at Logan’s comment.

    The Professor sighed and raised his hand to his temple as if in pain. A wall lowered and shut off the view of the interrogation room. Then an image appeared as if being projected onto the wall. “There,” said Charles. Obviously, she knows we’re here, but at least she can no longer see us.”

    “Charles, you look exhausted,” said Logan.

    “I have been spending all of my time trying to find Magneto or find clues as to what he is attempting. Unfortunately, those efforts have thus far been futile.”

    “I’ll go talk to her,” offered Jean.

    “Hrmmph, you?” Mystique offered as Jean came in and sat opposite her. Mystique slowly looked her up and down, a sneer growing with each second.

    “I can’t believe I was fooled. I mean, just look at you? So boring, so vanilla. How could I not have known when he came in wearing that outfit and with that attitude, every move just dripping sex… Tell me, does it bother you that he’s so much sexier than you are and in exactly the same body?”

    “We’re not here to talk about me,” said Jean as she sat. “We’re here to talk about what you were up to.”

    Logan could see that Jean’s body language had stiffened.

    Based on Mystique’s smirk, so had she. “You know, that slinky little minx seemed quite taken with the Captain. Does that mean Logan is into guys now?”

    “How about you tell us why you were impersonating Magneto?”

    “Because he has more authority than I do and it makes things easier. What does Logan think of Scott? When I asked him about Scott, I thought I saw a spark there.”

    “Why did Magneto have me captured?” Jean was getting a little annoyed.

    “No idea. What does Scott think of the changes in Logan? I’m sure he recognizes that Logan is much sexier than you.”

    Jean completely ignored the last part of what Mystique said. Unfortunately, her body language communicated her anger all too well to Mystique. “So it had nothing to do with Neural Net’s manipulation of me to turn Logan into my duplicate?”

    “Who the fuck is Neuron Nut?”

    Logan gestured towards the screen with both hands and looked at the Professor in an obvious “See?” gesture.

    “What I really want you to know,” said Mystique as she leaned forward, “Is that if Logan and Scott haven’t fucked yet, it’s only a matter of time.”

    Jean began to stand, her hair starting to float in an unseen breeze.

    “I’m going in,” said Logan as she rushed into the interrogation room.

    “Jean, how about I take over?”

    “Fine,” she said, her hair returning to normal. “I’m done with this bitch.”

    Mystique just chuckled. “Bye dearie. And you really should take notes watching how this one moves. It’s like sex on wheels. Say ‘hi’ to Scott for me… if he’s not too busy jerking off to thoughts of Logan.”

    Jean slammed the door on her way out.

    When Logan turned back, Mystique had turned into a replica of her in her catsuit.

    “Having fun?” asked Logan.

    “More than the last time we talked, and a lot more than she is.”

    “And the look?” Logan gestured at Mystique’s body...

    “I thought maybe it was today’s theme. Just wanted to fit in.”

    “I only have one question for you.”

    “Shoot. I can probably come up with several answers. Let’s pick out the one that’s the most fun together.”

    “Why would Magneto give you his precious helmet and control of that valuable base and yet keep you totally in the dark about what his real plans are, actually sacrificing you without giving you so much as a hint?”

    Mystique just glared at Logan.

    “Do you know that during the time that you were ‘recovering’ there have been no attempts at rescue, no contact at all?”

    “I thought you only had one question,” sneered Mystique.

    Logan gave a soft chuckle. “That was more to give you information. Questions can do that, ya know?”

    Mystique raised her head and looked off to the side of the room as she reverted to her default form. “I’m ready to go back to my cell now.”


    “Sir, I heard about Mystique. I’m ready,” said Sabretooth to the video screen.

    “What on earth do you believe you need to be ready for?” asked Magneto.

    “Well, I guess to take over whatever she was doing for you.”

    “Are you under the impression that I'm offering you a promotion? You are an errand boy. I am merely contacting you to fetch something for me. Do it to my exact specifications and I might have you fetch something else. I believe that ‘fetching’ falls within your limited skill set?”

    “But I can do more if you just give me a chance.”

    Magneto chuckled, “If I require someone to shed all over a couch, I know who to call. Now record what I am about to tell you. I will not repeat it, and you are to follow these instructions without deviation. Got it?”

    “Yeah, I got it, no deviants.”

    “Just press record. Here is what you are to do…”

    After relaying the instructions, a disgusted Magneto cut the connection.

    “Shit,” said Sabretooth. “Where’s the play button on this thing?”


    The next morning, Logan slipped out of bed, leaving Don asleep to try to recover from their latest bout. She had a lot to think about. Seeing Jean and Scott together, hearing Scott profess his love for Jean had really torn her up. Don had been able to make her forget for a little while, but as they say, the cold light of day…

    Am I going to be able to keep doing this? Being around those two? Am I really even qualified to BE one of the X-Men?” For a moment, she tried to imagine another life, a life with Don. One where she wasn’t constantly killing, one where she fit in. One where she could actually find out who she is now and what this transformation had done to her.

    Which reminded her that she really needed to see Hank.

    “I see,” said Hank after she had found him in his lab and explained the pains she had been having. “So, every time your joints were put under stress you felt intense pain.”

    Logan thought about it for a few moments. “Not every time, or at least not every joint. My shoulders, my knees, and my elbows were the worst. But my hands and my hips hurt too. A couple of times my back was pretty bad. Is my healing factor not working?”

    “No, I doubt that. You mentioned getting shot and that healed as quickly as usual, if not even quicker.” Hank paused in thought. “Hmmm,” he mused as he went over to his coffee station and poured a cup.

    Logan simply watched and waited.

    “Do you think you could stop by the lab later?” Hank asked just as Logan had thought maybe he’d forgotten about her. “I’d like to run some tests. Should only take a couple of hours.”

    “Uhh, well,” she said hesitantly. “I was actually planning to…” She didn’t really want to tell Hank about her plans for Don. But that got her thinking about something that had occurred to her while having sex with Don in the cave.

    “Hank” said Logan hesitantly, “You’re a doctor, so anything I tell you, you can’t tell anyone else, right?”

    “That is correct,” replied Hank. “More importantly, I am your friend. I would never betray your trust.”

    “Good,” said Logan.

    “So, what else is it that you wanted to talk about,” asked Hank as he took a sip from his coffee.

    “Why don’t I have a hymen?”

    Hank struggled mightily to avoid getting coffee all over his fur and sat up quickly, completely unprepared for the question.

    Logan hurried to clarify. “I mean with my healing ability, shouldn’t it keep healing and growing back?”

    “Yes, well,” Hank began, attempting to adopt a professional tone. “My guess would be that it has to do with Jean.”

    “You mean because she took my virginity?” Logan asked.

    Now Hank was definitely flustered. “Actually, I didn’t have that particular piece of information.”

    “Oh,” said Logan, blushing furiously. “Then what does she have to do with it?”

    “Well, you were initially made in her image. I suspect that since she did not have a hymen, that is why you do not have one either.”

    “OK, I thought maybe it was because of how frequently I was having sex.”

    “How freq…” Hank paused for a moment. “Uhh no, no. It’s a very small membrane, your healing factor would probably be able to heal it in a few seconds, assuming it chose to,” explained Hank after initially stumbling.

    “I see, I guess it’s pretty convenient. It’d be pretty annoying to have it grow back so many times a day.” said Logan.

    “So many… Uhh how?” Hank ran out of momentum just before Logan interrupted.

    “Hank, what if I got pregnant? Would my healing factor allow me to carry a baby to term?”

    “Well, I hardly think Dr. Grey could get you pregnant Logan.”

    “Hank, I do know how it works. I meant with a guy getting me pregnant.”

    “Excuse me, but is that an issue?”

    Logan just smiled and said, “Gee Hank, you do know what happens when the man’s penis ejaculates semen containing sperm into the woman’s vagina…”

    Hank’s scowl of disapproval was eventually too much and Logan started giggling. “Sorry. A girl’s got a right to some privacy, don't you think?”

    “It wasn’t my intention to intrude,” said Hank. “I was merely surprised.”

    “No problem. So do you think I could have a baby?”

    “Oh. Well, actually I don’t know. My guess would be that it should be possible. There are certainly other processes in your body that do not reset. It is actually a fascinating question. I’ll have to do some research.”

    “Thanks, Doc.”

    “Don’t mention it. This has been the most interesting conversation I’ve had in a very long time.”

    Logan decided to head to the cafeteria in search of a particular resident of the mansion. She still needed some more answers.

    “Kitty,” said Logan spotting her ‘little sister’.

    “Lolo, you’re looking hot,” said Kitty who was sitting by herself having just finished her breakfast. “‘Sup?”

    “I was hoping you could help me with something? I haven’t been in the Danger Room since I transformed. I need to get a sense of what I can do now. It was kinda unsettling to discover things ‘on the job’, ya know?”

    In the Danger Room control area, Logan put on the sensors and resistors.

    Logan smiled, looking forward to this, and entered the chamber. “Ok, let’s do a basic strength test first.”

    The results of the strength test were pretty much what Logan had expected. Losing nearly half of her muscle mass had left her a lot weaker, although still pretty strong.

    Instead of being able to lift over 1,000 pounds, she could only lift a little over 400. And it hurt. In a berserker rage, that might double and she might be able to ignore the pain, but there was no guarantee.

    “Ok, Kitty, now, I have the simulation programmed on the full ‘Id’ setting.”

    “Is that a good idea? Professor told us never to use that setting. Won’t that show you everything you’re afraid of? I mean, it sounds like a horror movie.”

    “I need to test myself. I can’t freeze up at a moment when I’m needed. But I know that I was moving pretty slowly at the base, so I have it on Level B speed.”

    “Do you have, like, a safe word?”

    “We are so going to have a talk afterward about how you know what that means. But no, let it go as long as you can, but use your judgment.”

    “Will do, Sis.”

    “I mean it, Kitty. You have to let me try to work it out on my own. Promise me.”

    “I got this Lolo, I promise.”

    Logan then entered the simulation chamber. “Ready.”

    “OK Lolo, starting simulation in 4…, 3…, 2..”

    There was the now-familiar moment of disorientation as the room began the simulation. Immediately, Logan was assaulted by the smells and sounds of the location inspired by her unconscious mind. Her feet no longer felt as if they were on a smooth floor but on soft, uneven ground. She could hear bird calls and insects. She could hear trees creaking in a slight wind. Then everything was illuminated by the simulation’s artificial sunlight.

    “Uh oh. I recognize this forest. This is not good.”


    Ororo had always loved the Farmer’s Markets. They reminded her of the markets of her homeland. As a little girl, it had been a rare treat whenever she got to go. Of course, the fruits and vegetables of this market were very different from those she saw as a little girl. This market was also a reminder of the bazaars of the lands she traveled later, while always hiding who and what she really was. In her teens and living off the streets, the bazaars had always seemed to hold such wonders. But more importantly at the time, they had food.

    Today, she was not looking for food so much as inspiration. The dress she had made for Logan had stirred her creative juices and she had come to the market looking for unique fabrics and prints hoping that they could become part of her next creation. She had lost track of where she was and wandered into the section where the produce was displayed.

    A young girl of about 13 or 14 caught her eye. The girl was moving along the fringes of the crowd, movements that Ororo found very familiar. The girl was “hunting”. Ororo recognized it. The girl was looking for something to steal. But what really caught Ororo’s attention was the girl’s hair.

    It was white.

    Ororo watched, fascinated, as the girl slipped up her hood to hide her hair and moved in a seemingly aimless pattern until she was positioned near the end of a produce stand. Not so close as to be noticed, however. Eventually, all of the workers at the stand were helping customers at the other end of the stand.

    Ororo’s mouth dropped open in shock as the girl raised a hand and a tiny bolt of lightning, so small no one noticed, struck the strings holding a basket of apples from the stand’s support poles. Then, before the basket could drop more than a couple of inches, a wind swept it into the arms of the girl.

    The hooded girl looked down at her prize with a huge smile and then checked to see if anyone at the stand had noticed. When she saw that they were unaware, she began to look to make her getaway. As she turned, she saw Ororo standing there, staring.

    Immediately, she started to run.

    Ororo did not hesitate. “Such control of her powers! The true crime is that she should need to steal in order to eat. I must help.” Ororo hurried after her, trying not to run and draw too much attention to the girl.

    As she reached the produce stand, Ororo could see the girl fleeing into the old warehouse district that stood right beside the market. It wasn’t a great part of town, but that was why the market was allowed to take up so much space and not get too much pressure from the more traditional merchants. Ororo watched as the girl went through a small hole in a chain-link fence without dropping an apple and stopped to see if Ororo was following her. Ororo lifted herself up into the winds and sailed over the fence, but the girl took off into the nearest building as soon as she saw Ororo leave the ground.

    Now some distance from the market, Ororo risked calling out. “Child, I am not a threat to you. I wish to help!” She hurried into the building where she had seen the girl bolt. It was dark and obviously abandoned. Girders and huge piles of metal scrap seemed to be haphazardly tossed about. The building was in poor repair.

    Ororo could see the girl a short distance ahead in the gloom of the huge inner room. She seemed to be trembling. Electricity danced from her hair. “No! If she panics and lets loose a lightning bolt in here, it could be disastrous! It might bring the whole building down! She could be killed!

    “Wait, child.” Ororo held her hands up and walked very slowly into the building. She spoke calmly. “Please do not panic. I only wish to help you. I am, in fact, just like you.” The electricity stopped dancing over the young girl.

    Odd that she can gather so much power and yet I cannot sense it.

    Ororo was dropped to her knees as three darts hit her in quick succession and delivered their chemical payloads. As she fell, she saw the basket of apples and the little girl disappear. Standing there instead was a much older girl, dark-haired and with dark, kohl shaded eyes. “A glamour,” said Ororo as she fell to the ground.

    She recognized Sabretooth’s hulking figure as he loomed over her.

    “Heh, heh. I gotta admit, using a witch to catch a witch is pretty smart,” he said as he leered down at her.

    Storm’s eyes became white as she called upon her powers.

    “I don’t think so weather bitch!” Sabertooth’s foot thudding into her head ended Storm’s desperate attempt to free herself.




    So sorry there’s no wine for all this cheese.

    End Note:

    Kudos are always welcome, but I really do want to know what you think of the story, so please comment. It doesn't have to be positive but if you have a correction, a PM would be more appropriate than a comment, so we don't bore everyone else with trivialities. If you are upset that this story contained violence, graphic sex, non consensual actions, or mind control even after all my warnings and flags then I can't help you. If you want to demonstrate your superior knowledge of all things X-Men, please save it and just make lots of smug faces as you read my egregious errors. I'm here to have some fun and I hope I have provided you with some as well. ‘Nuff said. Until next time - Excelsior!

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