Feral Saga Chapter 19 - Progeny

Feral Saga Chapter 19 - Progeny

by Nyssa

A Marvel X-Men Fanfiction starring Wolverine and Jean Grey

In the thrilling blockbuster conclusion to the Feral Saga, will we learn whether Magneto has been stopped or merely delayed? And what of Logan’s pregnancy? Who could be the father and what does Sinister have planned? Can Logan and the Uncanny X-Men keep her safe until her child is born?

Author‘s Note:

This issue has 2 original images merged into one. The other original is here. Also, if you want the “Collector’s Edition" small poster of the title image, you can find that here.

So this is it, the final issue in this arc. It will have many of the elements which you have seen in other issues, except there’s no actual violence. I hope you like how I tie up the loose threads that my feeble brain could remember. Thanks for giving this weird story a chance. Once again, I‘d like to thank my proofreaders. Gabi (Xtrim), in particular, has been a huge help, but I have been blessed with several more (anonymous) reviewers and I thank them as well.

August 20, 2020 - I made some minor edits to the story and am posting them all at once.

Here‘s a wiki you can use if you‘re really lost: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X-Men

© Nyssa 2020

Don‘t cry because it‘s over. Smile because it happened.

          • Dr. Seuss


“You again?” asked Mystique. “Where's the sexy one?” She leaned forward across the table as Jean sat down. “Do you think she’s off fucking Scott?”

“I happen to know she is doing just that,” answered Jean as she placed a folder on the table with a smile.

Mystique paused for a moment. “So, my dear, you’re ok with the little minx stealing your man?”

“She’s hardly stolen him,” said Jean. “Not that it’s any of your business.”

Mystique turned her head slightly as her left eyebrow rose slightly. “What an interesting odor clings to you… Has she actually seduced you too?”

Jean just smiled and said nothing.

“Yep,” said Mystique, “you are still no fun. So why are we here? Or at least, why are you here? Why don’t we just skip to the part where the slinky little seductress comes in?” Mystique leaned forward. “Do you think she could lick me again? This time without the sword.”

Jean kept smiling but pushed the folder closer to Mystique.

“I really like her new form. Never liked redheads much myself. Self-loathing ginger hate, I guess.” Mystique smirked at Jean for a moment but then moved to open the folder. “Ok, at least you’re playing something. So what do we have…”

The folder had a picture of IC, on the ground, with a significant amount of blood around him. Mystique looked up at Jean sharply and her eyes narrowed. She moved to the next picture, a shot of Magneto wincing in pain as he reached for the crossbow bolt in his shoulder.

“Are the X-Men using bows and arrows now? You gonna shoot me with a slingshot?” asked Mystique.

“That’s a metal bolt.”

There was an almost imperceptible wobble of Mystique's head, but then she tossed the folder onto the table and sat back, her arms folded over her chest.

Jean just sat there smiling.

“So what now?” asked Mystique. “Do I just start sobbing, or offer to tell you everything? Make a deal?”

“Do you want to tell me something?” asked Jean calmly.

“How about how much Scott probably prefers getting his cock sucked by his old buddy?”

“I’m pretty sure Scott enjoys everything they do together, and she’s certainly taught me a few things that he seems to appreciate.”

Mystique ignored that response. “Obviously, I wouldn’t be here being interrogated by you if you didn’t think I had valuable information. And that means Magneto must still be alive. So what are you offering?”

“Do you feel like I’m interrogating you my dear?” asked Jean.

Mystique paused for nearly a minute, just staring at Jean with her eyes narrowed. “Well, you definitely aren’t seducing me. I’m not sure what you think you’re doing, but you really are no fun at all.”

“I wasn’t trying to be,” said Jean as she gathered up the folder and stood up. “I’m just the distraction.”

Mystique turned sharply to the two-way mirror as Jean left the room.


“And?” asked Logan as Charles emerged from the Cerebro chamber.

“It worked pretty much as you had laid out Logan. She was so focused on Jean and how easily she kept her off-balance last time that she didn’t suspect that I was probing her. And the pictures definitely stunned her. As you suspected, she gave away more in those split seconds than I ever would have been able to drag out of her more directly.”

“Enough to give anything away?”

“Yes, but not anything we didn’t already surmise. Apparently IC, the computer expert, was critical to Magneto’s plan and he was planning to use Mystique, impersonating the Admiral, to help control the flow of information. But where he is now and what he might do are things he never shared with her.”

“So, a dead end?” asked Logan.

“I fear that is the case.”

“Do you think she knows anything about Sinister?”

“I doubt it. There were no hints that she did.”

“So I still have to go into hiding?” asked Logan with her hand on her belly.

“I’m only thinking of what’s best Logan.”

“I know,” she said with a sigh. “Well, I’ve got some serious goodbyes to deliver.” She leaned over and kissed Charles on the cheek and hugged his shoulders. “I’ll stop by right before I leave. Thanks for everything… and get some sleep, you look awful.”


“Shouldn’t you be the one to talk to her?” asked Jean. It was about an hour before the interrogation with Mystique and Logan had just returned with Rogue from her encounter with Magneto.

“Are you afraid of the mean girl?” smirked Logan.

“No Lolo, I just think that the last time I interrogated her, well... It just seemed that you were more effective.”

“Because she pushed your buttons.”

Jean crossed her arms and pouted slightly. “This is not helping your case,” she said.

“You realize,” said Logan with a smirk, “that you’re the one with all the degrees. I don’t even know if I went to college.”

“You remember just as much about psychology as I do…”

“I could interrogate her,” suggested Scott.

“Don’t worry, my pretty,” said Logan, smiling up at Scott. “I have plans for you.” Turning back to Jean, she said, “Look, I already worked this out with Chuck. What I need you to do is take this folder and then just needle her a little bit. You’ll do great, I have faith in you.”

Jean took the folder, looking dubious. “What’s in the folder?”

“A flashbang.”

Jean suddenly held the folder away from her. “What?”

“Not an actual one babe. It’s pictures that should cause a pretty strong reaction. I need you in there because she handled you so well last time. She’ll be overconfident. Then, when you show her the photos, Charles and Cerebro will read her reaction.”

“So do I let her get to me again?”

Logan chuckled, “I don’t think she realized what she was risking if you go thermonuclear on her, so no. But just stay in there until Charles says he got what he needed.”

“What are you going to be doing?” asked Jean.

Logan reached up and grabbed Scott by the front of his collar. “I need a shower and I need to blow off some steam. And you’re gonna help me, dickhead.”

“Maybe afterward,” called out Jean as Logan led Scott away, “We could ask Hank about your purebred progeny!”

“Sounds like a plan,” said Logan as she rounded a corner.

“I’ll just go bait the evil, scary mutant who knows way too much about how to push my buttons, I guess,” muttered Jean to herself.

When Scott and Logan got to her room, Logan slammed the door behind them and threw herself against Scott and offered her lips for a kiss, which he eagerly began. She placed her arms around the back of his neck, jostling the door as they leaned against it.

As she reached down to grab his shirt, she didn’t realize that she had extended her talons and shredded the bottom of the shirt. She disengaged her lips from his and bit her lower lip. “Oops. I hope that wasn’t a favorite shirt?”

Scott shook his head and smiled. “No, it’s fine.” He moved as if to pull up the tattered shirt.

“I got this bub,” she said as she extended a claw and quickly sliced his shirt up to the collar.

Scott shrugged it off. “That was hot… and terrifying.”

“Only the beginning,” said Logan as she slipped out of her outfit and pulled Scott into the bathroom.

Once a giggling Logan had them both in the shower, she got them covered in lather and began sliding her body against Scott, ignoring his very erect cock, but rubbing her breasts against his upper stomach.

“God, you are so sexy,” he said as he kissed her.

She wrapped her arms around his back and moaned slightly at the kiss. She moved to place her back against the wall of the shower and lifted her right leg as she pulled Scott to her by his cock.

Scott put his hand under her thigh and wrapped his other arm around her waist as he tried to lift her up high enough to enter her. “Uh, Lolo?”

“Never mind,” she said somewhat breathlessly. She kissed him and then moved until she was bent over, facing the back of the shower with one hand on the wall. With the other she reached between her legs. “C’mon baby,” she said.

Scott moved into position behind her, the spray of the shower hitting his mid-back. Logan captured his cock and guided him into her folds. He began thrusting slowly in and out, easing his way in as his cock acquired more and more of her lubrication.

Logan was moaning loudly at each stroke and began using the fingers of her free hand to stroke at the top of her vulva, sliding over her labia and lightly stroking the hood of her clit. Her nipples were almost painful as her breasts hung down and wobbled with each thrust.

When Scott was fully in her, she found that this position made it feel like he was deeper than usual, but the pressure on her clit was missing. Instead, there was the vibration and pulling as the underside of his cock drove hard into her. His hands pulled at her hips and she pushed back into him. They quickly established a rhythm that had her sighing and making little cries. Her hand began to move quickly over her upper labia, stroking all around her clit. But her nipples were crying for attention.

“Baby, please… my breasts…” She wasn’t able to get much more out.

Scott let go of her hips and nearly stumbled as Logan overcompensated, but he reached around to grab both of her breasts in his hands. The warmth and pressure were a heavenly relief for her. He began to knead them, which felt nice, but the pressure applied to her nipples made Logan’s breath catch. “Yes,” she said. “Oh, yes, more…”

Scott wasn’t exactly sure what that meant, but stroking deep into Logan while she wriggled and thrust back at him felt amazing, and having Logan so excited was an incredible turn on itself. So he increased the pace of his thrusts and let her nipples slip between his fingers enough that he could squeeze them between the sides of his fingers.

Logan felt like an electric shot of pleasure struck her and let out a loud, mewling squeal of delight and need. She momentarily missed with her stroking fingers and touched her exposed, erect clit. It responded with a throbbing, intense warmth. She began pushing her hips back harder and faster, clamping down on Scott’s cock with her vagina’s walls and pulling down as she pulled away. Scott began groaning loudly and his motions became erratic.

“Lolo… I’m…”

As soon as Logan realized that he was close, she felt as if something released in her and she began to feel her vagina spasm and her lower belly clench. Her hips began moving wildly. When she began to ejaculate, the pressure was enough to put Scott over the top and he was soon spilling his cum deep within her. The heady mix of the smells, the sensations, and her quivering aftershocks had her nearly swooning. She stood, allowing him to slip from her and turned to kiss him. He couldn’t hold the kiss for long, he was so out of breath.

“Mmmm,” she hummed. “That was perfect. Now go get dressed. I’ll be out in a sec.”

When Logan came out in her robe, Scott was struck by how young she looked. But the way she walked over to him and kissed him reminded him of who this actually was. They kissed for several minutes before Scott gave Logan a quick kiss and took her hands from his chest, where they were roaming in a most distracting fashion. “I’ll see you and Jean at dinner before you leave.”

Logan pouted prettily. “But I have to leave right after dinner and I was hoping…” She pressed herself against him again.

“Lolo, I love you, but I don’t know if it’s physically possible for me to make love again right now, and I gotta go get a new shirt, and you’re supposed to go meet with the Professor,” said Scott.

After he left, Logan muttered to herself, “I hope I find Don pretty quick. I don’t think I’m built to go too long without.”


After leaving Charles in order to deliver her goodbyes, Logan almost immediately ran into Jean. “Hey, beautiful! You did great in there. Chuck says it worked like a charm.”

“What did he find out?”

“Mostly just what we already knew, unfortunately. But it was confirmation and that’s good.”

“So I could have strangled her after all?” asked Jean.

Logan laughed. “It wouldn’t have done much good. She’s pretty tough to kill.”

“Would have made me feel better.” She kissed Logan and said, “Come on, let’s go.”

“Where to?”

“Hank contacted me. He has the DNA results.”

Logan took Jean’s hand as they walked to Hank’s lab. She was surprised at just how nervous she was.

“Whatever it is, we’ll get through this together,” said Jean, squeezing her hand.

Logan smiled and nodded her head.

“Hey Hank,” said Logan as she and Jean walked into his lab a few minutes later.

“Logan, Jean,” he responded with a huge smile. “I was just about to come find you. I have the results of the DNA tests. Logan, I think you will be relieved to know that I was able to ascertain the parentage of your child.”

Logan stiffened slightly. “Umm… So, it’s good news? The parents I mean?”

“Well, I should hope so. The child is your’s and Jean’s.”

Logan and Jean turned to each other with shocked expressions and then, the next thing Logan knew, they were in each other’s arms and sobbing.

“I’m sorry,” said Hank. “I thought you would be pleased…”

“No Hank,” said Logan as she separated from Jean and wiped the tears from her face. She had a huge grin that she couldn’t stop. “These are happy tears. There’s no one I’d rather have a child with, and I’m kinda glad I got to father a child before I became a woman permanently.”

“Well, actually…,” started Hank.

“What? What is it?”

“Well, Logan, according to my DNA analysis, the child has your mitochondrial DNA.”

“But that would mean…” Logan looked stunned.

“Yes,” said Hank. “You are the baby’s mother.”

“But you said Jean and I are the parents.”

“You are. But apparently, the fertilization occurred after your transformation. My best guess is that whatever female spermatozoa you had in your epididymis and vas deferens were transformed into ova. I have no idea what process was used to accomplish that, nor to transform one of Jean’s ova into a fertilizing sperm cell, but somehow, using a combination of Jean’s telekinesis, your mutant healing factor, and his equipment, Neural Net accomplished it. I wish his equipment hadn’t been fried in the…”

“So we’re having a girl?” interrupted Logan.

Hank blinked a couple of times. “I don’t see how it could be otherwise as Jean has no ‘Y’ chromosomes to contribute. Although, it is difficult to guess what Neural…”

At this point, Jean, who had been staring off into space, started giggling. Hank and Logan turned to look at her. This seemed to set her off even more. Soon she was holding her belly and laughing so hard that Logan couldn’t decide whether to laugh with her or try to get her to stop.

“What? Jean, what’s so funny?” asked Logan.

Jean finally got enough control to say, “I never really believed I was going to have a chance to be a mother with the crazy life I lead. But there’s no way I would have believed I would be a father.”


Some months later, in a secret location, a joyous event was being celebrated by a group of friends and lovers in the Natal ward of a hospital.

Logan was staring lovingly at the bundle in her arms. A beautiful child with wisps of deep red hair was staring back and reaching up towards her. “Isn’t she perfect?”

“Stunning. Just like her mother,” said Don as he came over to the bed and wiped away the tear sliding down Logan’s cheek and then kissed that spot on her cheek.

Indeed, Logan was not only practically glowing with happiness, but already back to her “normal” female form. Only her breasts, swollen with milk, were different. The first time she had fed her daughter had changed her fundamentally. If there was any doubt that she would remain a woman, it was absolutely gone in that moment. The hospital staff had been amazed at how short the time was between her colostrum production and the conversion to full mother’s milk. Apparently, her mutant healing factor took lactation for the child as necessary to Logan’s continued survival. Logan couldn’t have agreed more.

As she looked around the room at these people she loved, she couldn’t believe how this had all turned out. When she had found Don and explained everything to him he had been overjoyed to find out that she wanted him and wanted a life with him. He was also pretty open to the idea that she was a package deal. She wasn’t giving up Jean and Jean wasn’t giving up Scott.

“It’s not really any different than when we first got together,” Don had said.

It had been a little awkward at first, but Logan had been very generous with her lovemaking, and Jean had gone along as well. The guys didn’t have any interest in each other, but the occasional two-on-one with a howling, orgasming Logan certainly did happen.

However, Scott’s birthday came and went without Logan’s suggested threesome. “Patience bub, I’m wearing her down,” was the only thing she wrote on his birthday card. She also included a picture she’d had taken in Rio of her emerging from the surf. “With my pregnancy boobs,” she had said. She signed it “All my love, Lolo”

“Shouldn’t that be a third of my love?” asked Scott.

She pouted at him. “Don’t be grumpy, dickhead. Love is infinite. You can’t divide it. Now kiss me and tell me you love it,” she said as she rubbed her naked body against him.

He still had trouble not thinking about that picture constantly. Or the promise of the card, or the way Logan had made love to him on his birthday.

Even as Logan’s belly grew, the group became more and more comfortable with their unusual dynamic, with Logan as the loving and insatiable center.

The hardest part for Logan was, of course, Scott. But they both worked at it. They had evolved pretty quickly from their original hate-fucking, as Logan called it, to a flirty kind of courtship. But that didn’t mean there weren’t problems. They had long talks about what had happened. Logan cried; Scott cried. In the end, Logan was able to come to terms with the fact that what happened in Sabretooth’s lair hadn’t been the fault of either of them. Sabretooth truly had raped her twice - once with Scott’s cock, even if she had wanted to be with Scott. She knew, objectively, that neither would have chosen that moment to have sex with each other. It didn’t make it easy, but it made it possible to move forward. And then there were her “Jean Grey” memories of Scott. That should have been the easy part now that she could openly be with him, but it wasn’t easy either. The love Jean had for Scott was something Logan couldn’t ignore, but she knew, objectively, that it didn’t belong to her. Yet she also couldn’t just stop feeling the hurt she had felt when Scott ignored her and chose to be with Jean. It actually made the way that she and Scott had betrayed Jean even harder to deal with, even though she and Jean had long ago gotten past it. But now, looking at her daughter and at the people in the room, she felt nothing but pure love.

“God, I can’t wait to have another one. This time with you,” she said as she looked up at Don. “My husband.”

There had actually been a double wedding. Society might be moving towards a time when something other than traditional male-female marriage would be acceptable, but it would probably be some time before group marriages were anything other than someone’s idea of a cause for stoning. So this had been the best compromise. As far as Logan was concerned, she was married to all of them.

Jean still had trouble believing that she was now Mrs. Scott Summers.

“I’d go with Dr. Jean Grey over Mrs. Dickhead if I were you,” offered Logan.

“I’m only humoring you because you helped make this happen Lolo,” replied Jean.

“And you love me.”

“That too.”

Logan was now Mrs. Laura Kinney Andrews. Since they were in hiding to protect Logan’s pregnancy, she had to use an assumed name and Logan wanted something that made sense for her nickname to be Lolo. The “Kinney” was because Logan was planning to get some new shoes and it was a shoe store she’d seen as they were driving to the attorney’s office to fill out the forms. Don’s identity was already “ghosted” by the U.S. military, so they hadn’t bothered to change his name. When they married shortly after, she decided to keep the new name rather than anything that tied back to her old life.

Of course, their location needed to remain a secret. But the wedding had been beautiful, if small. In fact, Kitty was the only guest physically present, so she had served as the witness to both unions as well. She was the only person outside of the four of them who knew where they were hiding. She had to know because she was the one who would fly the X-jet back and forth between Jean’s and Scott’s extended visits since she still had schoolwork, mutant schoolwork, that couldn’t be done remotely.

But that didn’t mean there were no guests for the ceremony. All of their other friends had been gathered in the Great Hall in the Xavier School to watch and cry and applaud. They had Father Ken, who Jean knew and trusted implicitly, offer a blessing on their love since he couldn’t consecrate the marriages. They had found a wonderful minister who had performed the ceremony from the Great Hall and had filed all of the paperwork in the district where the school was, so no trail led to Logan.

“Uhh, maybe you shouldn’t start planning the next pregnancy or getting me thinking about being with you again until you’re able to resume... You know, normal activity,” said Don, blushing slightly.

Logan reached up to caress Don’s face and draw him close enough to whisper in his ear. “Babe, when are you going to understand what a mutant healing factor means? Tonight we’re going to see about some very intense normal activity.”

Don felt the now-familiar joint feelings of arousal and fear and a huge smile formed. “Are you sure you…?”

Logan silenced him with a kiss. “Don’t ask stupid questions when you’re about to get your brains fucked out,” she said quietly. “Jean, sweetie,” she called out over Don’s shoulder.

“Yes, my love?” Jean moved over to the bed.

“Do you think Mommy Jean could watch our daughter tonight while I get reacquainted with my husband?”

“Absolutely,” said Jean, who came over to beam down at Logan and the child. The biological child of her and Logan. Somehow, Neural Net had impregnated Logan with a child using both of their DNA. Hank was fascinated and wanted to discuss the possible methods for hours, but Jean and Logan were just thrilled - no matter how it had been accomplished. Logan transferred the bundled little girl into Jean’s arms. The infant responded by squirming slightly and then placing a hand on Jean’s face. “I am gonna cry. My heart…”

Actually, Mommy Jean wasn’t an off-the-cuff name. All of them had decided on what the baby would call them. Jean had decided on Mommy Jean or Mom, obviously, and Logan would be Maman, Ma, or Ma-ma. Don had asked if Dad would be ok and was assured that it would be fine. Logan had suggested that Scott could be Uncle Dick, which made Jean giggle every time she said it. “If anyone asks, we could tell them that you’re using an alias, Richard Head,” she suggested, which had caused Jean to do a full, perfect spit-take of her coffee at the time. Scott had said that, if he had to be an Uncle anything, that Uncle Scott would be just fine. So Logan had promised not to call him Uncle Dick - as soon as it stopped making Jean giggle.

“So have you decided on a name?” asked Scott from a few feet back.

“We could call her by the name of my hometown,” said Don.

“Sorry, Honey. Where’s that?” asked Logan.

Phoenix,” he said.

Logan and Jean looked at each other for a couple of seconds, then both screwed up their faces and turned to Don, and said in perfect unison, ”No, definitely not.”

“You know,” said Don. “You two may not look alike anymore, but it’s still freaky when you do that.”

“Well Lolo,” observed Scott, “I guess we can’t name her after your hometown because you don’t remember where it is.”

“Don’t be mean, dickhead,” said Logan with a smile. “I’ve cried enough today.”

“So what name do you have in mind?” asked Jean, still smiling and cooing at the baby.

“Well,” said Logan, “With the red hair, I was thinking Irish or Scottish. How about Brigit?”

“Why Brigit?” asked Don.

“She’s the Irish goddess of healing,” answered Jean.

“I thought that was probably a ‘Jean Grey’ memory,” said Logan.

“Goddess of healing?” asked Scott.

“Yes,” Logan responded, “Because she is just that. She is a healing; she has made me whole. She has made all of us whole. Not long ago I wasn’t even sure if I could consider you and the X-Men as true allies, even with all that Charles and Jean had done for me. But now you are my family and I love each of you more intensely than I ever believed possible. I don’t think I could go on without all of you now. I’d be completely lost.”

Everyone was quiet for a moment, giving weight to such a moving pronouncement.

“So,” announced Logan, “Brigit Jean Grey-Andrews, what do you think?”

There was a short sob from Jean, followed immediately by perhaps the biggest smile she had ever formed. “It’s perfect.” It was at that moment that Jean truly understood that this was her daughter. Hers and Logan’s. They were forever linked, forever a part of each other’s lives in the most joyous way she could imagine.

“C’mere, dickhead,” said Logan, motioning Scott over with her finger extending and curling back towards her several times. She kept the motion up until he had, somewhat hesitantly, leaned over and was inches from her face. Logan kissed him softly and said, “We’ve certainly had an interesting history. Everything you shared with Jean, every caress, every kiss, every endearment, every time you made love to her, every time you put her first - I remember. Not like it happened to someone else, but as ME. The love she felt for you, feels for you, is the exact same one I feel for you. But the rivalry we had and the horrible and destructive things that we did to and with each since my transformation are just as real.”

“Logan,” began Scott, “You know…”

Logan put a finger on his lips and smiled. “Shh, this is my day so I get to finish. No interruptions.” When Scott nodded, she continued. “These last few months you have been there for me and Jean, and even Don. You have given me space when I needed it, put up with all my mood swings, and shown me love and affection when I needed it. You’ve rubbed my back and massaged my feet at all hours of the night. You know I have forgiven you; the attack in Sabertooth’s lair wasn’t really your fault or mine, and the ways we both betrayed Jean are on both of us…” She paused, waiting for him to nod again and then continued. “I also know that I won’t ever forget, either. Any of it. The good, the bad, whatever. It will always be complicated between us, but I do love you. And…” She took a deep breath. “Jean and I have already discussed this. After Don and I have a child, I want you to be the father of my next one.” Logan looked uncertainly at Scott’s face. Without being able to see his eyes, she couldn’t really be sure how he was reacting. After another moment, Scott’s lips lowered to hers and he kissed her with a passion that took her breath away. “Can I take that as a yes?” she asked as soon as his lips parted from hers.

Scott laughed and said, “Is there a stronger word?”

“Ok, easy Tiger,” said Jean. “You’ve still got a few years before you’re up to bat.”

Jean came back over to the bed and shooed Scott out of the way. Logan patted an empty spot next to her.

“Hon,” said Logan quietly. “Umm, tonight Don probably isn’t going to be able to keep up, but I’m hoping his, you know, stamina, is still there... You haven’t been wearing him out have you?”

“Actually,” Jean said just as quietly. “I think Don just puts up with me for your sake. I mean, we have a good time and I definitely like the “perks” of our little group arrangement, but ultimately I think there’s only one woman who has his heart.”

Logan just smiled at that.

“And,” Jean continued, “the same goes for me.” Then she gave Logan a kiss so sweet and full of love that Logan felt her heart would melt right there.

“You know,” Logan said with a sly, sexy grin, “once Don is worn out, there’s probably going to be a lot of the night left. I could come to your room and we could...” Logan waggled her eyebrows up and down.

“Do you think that’s a good…,” started Jean only to be stopped by Logan’s finger on her lips.

“Don’t ask stupid questions,” said Logan before breaking into a fit of giggles as Jean just kissed the finger still on her lips. “Babe,” said Logan finally in a more normal tone of voice, “maybe Hank will figure out a way that we could have another one. I think four is a good number.”

Jean and Logan both started giggling, but stopped at the same time and turned towards the door to the room.

Kitty phased through the wall next to the door. “Everyone decent?” she asked.

“Kitty!” exclaimed Jean and Logan together.

“Where’s my niece? Omigawd, she’s soooo beautiful,” she said as Jean placed the baby in her arms. “Hi beautiful, I’m your favorite auntie.”

“Her name is Brigit. Brigit Jean Grey-Andrews,” said Logan while seeming to glow with pride and affection.

“Aww,” said Kitty, glancing over at Jean. “After the proud Papa…”

“Hey,” said Jean. “I’m going by Mommy, thank you very much.”

“Chuck, Hank,” exclaimed Logan as a floating chair with Charles Xavier and the blue-furred bulk of Dr. Hank McCoy entered the room. “You came!”

“Yes,” said Hank. “But I really must object to the plans we overheard you making with Dr. Grey. And, based on Mr. Summer’s current attendance at your bedside, any similar plans you might have been making with him.”

“Umm, none of your business,” said Logan. “But why?”

Charles answered instead. “We know that Mr. Sinister was behind this whole plot to turn you into a female and impregnate you with yours and Jean’s child. We greatly underestimated him once, to our peril. But he has gone to great lengths to see to it that this child came into existence, and yet we still have no idea as to his plans. He is obviously playing a long game here.”

“But how does Brigit’s existence help him or his schemes?” asked Jean. “He couldn’t know what powers she’d have and she certainly wouldn’t have any allegiance to him. She’s just a baby!”

“Nevertheless, I believe he fully intends to collect her at some point,” was Charles' grim response.”Now that she has been born, there will be more opportunities for him to do so without having to capture you as well. I think your victory over Magneto may have given him pause, but we have detected activity amongst some of his followers, and he may be preparing to move right now. We need to get all of you to return to the mansion where we can better protect you, and especially Brigit.”

“What,” growled Logan, “and just sit around?”

“No,” said Professor X, “I think the honeymoon is over and it’s time for us to cease being reactive in this fight and become proactive. It is also clearly time for Feral to return to the X-Men. We need you, and so does Brigit.”

“If anyone, I mean anyone tries to take a child of mine,” Logan said in a growl, nearly every muscle in her body tense. “Nothing will save them from me.” She then extended her claws and grit her teeth in an expression that could only be described as feral.


Elsewhere, in another secret location many meters below the surface, a hooded, hulking figure walked smoothly along a rough-hewn corridor. An enormous iron boulder slid out of the way and the figure confidently passed through. As the figure strode forward, huge steel doors slid noiselessly out of the way. In the third room, a slab of steel floated inches off the ground. The doors did not open until he stepped on the slab. This sled brought him deep into the cavernous depths and deposited him at another, smoothly hewn hallway. He walked along it even as the lighting grew dimmer. Soon, he reached a large chamber with a surprisingly low ceiling where another figure waited.

The gray hair of the waiting figure caught what little light there was as the figure turned. “I am surprised you would contact me and request this audience in light of your failure.”

The hooded figure pulled back the cowl of his hood to reveal that he is Mr. Sinister. “I was reluctant about accepting this alliance from the beginning. However, our objectives do align somewhat, as you know. And I certainly acknowledge that events did not unfold exactly as expected. No plan survives contact with the enemy...”

“Please,” said the other figure stepping forward into better lighting to reveal the figure of Magneto. “Spare me your butchered quotations of German military minds far better than you. Your failures have cost me an important base, one that will take me years to replace. My infiltration and take-over of the human’s precious computers is a failure I can also lay at your feet, not to mention the loss of my helmet and Mystique, even if it ends up being temporary. And yet I still sent Sabretooth into their path as you requested. What was the result of that?” Magneto paused a moment. “He may have been a moron, but he was an occasionally useful moron. Of course, my greatest loss is that of IC who made my planned takeover of humanity a near reality… killed by your creation.”

“But I was the one who introduced you to IC and Fidélité and made your plan possible,” said Sinister.

“All of which are ashes in my mouth now,” replied Magneto.

“Nevertheless,” seethed Sinister, “The main objective was achieved - the child has been born!”

“What good does that do me?” Magneto asked in a cool, chillingly smooth voice. “The child is beyond our control, in a place we have not been able to find, protected by some of the most powerful mutants on the planet. As I remember our deal,” continued Magneto now beginning to slowly walk in a circle around Sinister. “You were to cause such mayhem, betrayal, and disruption among the X-Men that they would be torn apart. Or, failing that, they would be so distracted that they would be easy targets to be neutralized and I could stop hiding from Charles under this infernal mountain. And you, for whatever reason, would have your genetic experiment. Do you have any idea just how difficult it was for me to agree to such a plan - BREEDING a master race? Perhaps you did not understand the ramifications of failure.”

A steel table suddenly shredded into dozens of jagged pieces and began to circle the space between Sinister and Magneto.

Sinister just sneered at the cloud of razor-sharp metal that surrounded him and began to raise his right hand.

“Tsk, tsk,” uttered Magneto looking upward pointedly.

As the ceiling wobbled, Sinister realized that the ceiling was actually a huge slab suspended only a couple of feet above his head and extending out several dozen feet beyond the cloud of spinning, whirling metal blades.

“It’s over 100 tons, by my estimate. Held there at my whim, of course. Should something happen to me or my general feeling of generosity, it would fall with a great deal of force. Rather quickly, I should say. Far beyond your telekinetic abilities or speed, I believe, and certainly, something that would be extremely difficult to heal from, if not impossible. Perhaps you weren’t paying attention as you entered, but the doors through which you passed have no machinery, no hydraulics. They were opened by me. Without me, there is no way out save digging your way through some wonderfully dense iron ore. I would guess that it would take even you several months. Of course, without food and water… You see, I took the liberty of removing all supplies in anticipation of your visit. And if the substances in this mountain are able to block Charles and that ridiculous machine he is always going on about, I assure you it will block any psionic or…” Suddenly a small transmitter flew from Sinister’s belt to Magneto’s hand. “Technological signal entirely. Dear boy, whatever your talents and abilities may be, you are definitely no military strategist.”

“Wait,” cried Sinister, visibly shaken. “I was able to adapt. All is not lost. You will have your traumatic event and I will have the child - in fact, probably multiple children.”

Sinister’s plea was met with silence for several moments, but the metal shards did not move closer. “Go on,” prompted Magento as the jagged metal continued to fly.

“I was able to plant an agent,” said Sinister.

“You are a fool.” Magento was still calm as he continued, “Charles and Jean Grey will sense your agent before they can get close enough to act.”

“No, they will not. They cannot.”

“Why? What level of mutant, what abilities does your agent possess?” asked Magneto now intrigued.

“Not a mutant, a baseline human, but a sleeper agent completely unaware of their programming. When the time is right, either after 4 years or the birth of another Class 4 or 5 mutant, they will bring the mutant children to me. You will have time to rebuild...”

“I hardly think the Wolverine is likely to become a breeding sow,” observed Magneto.

“She goes by ‘Feral’ now…” started Sinister.

“Yes, I’m aware. We’ve met,” responded Magneto, rubbing his right shoulder.

“Well, her libido was ramped up quite a bit. I think her attitude would surprise you.”

“Still,” said Magneto, obviously dubious. “How in the world is a baseline human going to steal Feral’s or Jean Grey’s children? I admit that taking the children would be an incredibly traumatic event, but it has no hope of success. Even if this agent is in a position of trust like a nurse or a nanny, they would have to battle their way through powerful mutants who would do anything to stop them. No, you still haven’t thought this plan through.”

Sinister laughed. “Oh, it is not a nurse or a nanny. The betrayal of this person will rip our little mother’s heart out and she will likely tear the X-Men down with her.”

“Who, exactly, is this agent?” Magneto asked.

“Why,” said Sinister, ”her husband, of course.”




According to the Oxford Dictionary, cheesy means “cheap, unpleasant, or blatantly inauthentic.”, which I now officially consider rude.

If there actually is anyone interested in writing stories in this pocket of the X-Men’s Multiverse, please drop me a line. I don’t have many rules, but there are a few things I’d still like to keep open.

End Note:

I hope you enjoyed my twisted TG tale of the X-Men. It took me nearly 9 months, but I wrote a book (well over 100k words). I wasn’t sure I could do it when I started, but I’m happy I was able to finish. I don’t know if I will revisit these characters, or if I’ll ever even do fan fiction again. I do want to mostly finish whatever my next story is before I start posting, so I don’t leave everyone hanging when I have a lull. But I really want to thank all of you who were nice enough to kudo or comment on my work, or just read it! It means the world to me. I hope I have provided you with some entertainment. ‘Nuff said. Until next time - Excelsior!

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