It all started one morning in Home Room, soon after I had started Sophomore year, when Mrs Black announced that a new foreign boy would be joining our high school. She looked at the paper and said that she thought he was from Germany since he was named Gerd. At that moment the new boy arrived. He conformed to the stereotypical German in that he had blond hair and the most amazing blue eyes. He wasn’t tall, probably some eight inches shorter than me. Overall “Cute” would be an apt description. I also noticed his long gorgeous legs. I was determined to enjoy them as much as I could that day, since there was no way the school would allow him to wear such a ridiculous short skirt more than the first day.
I don’t hide that my preference is for girly boys. I’m quite open about and it hasn’t stopped me from being one of the most popular boys in school. Over the summer my effeminate boyfriend (or as our friends called him: girlyfriend) from the last two years had moved away so I was fortunately single for the moment. So what if I had pined for Martin just a minute ago? Carpe Diem. I really wanted to get to know Gerd better. Mrs Black aided and abetted. She placed Gerd next to me and told me to help Gerd find his way in school. I was given this task since our schedules were the same. Better and better.
During the morning Gerd and I got to know each other. He was smart. He had skipped two years. That explained the rather youthful appearance he had. I really liked the person and hoped that we could be a couple in time. From the looks Gerd gave me I had some hope that the feeling wasn’t completely one-sided. At lunchtime some cheerleaders, great and friendly girls, took Gerd aside and I presume updated him about me. At least that was the idea I got from the frequent looks they gave me. Positive: Gerd didn’t run away screaming but joined me for lunch.
Well, the way Gerd was dressed had not completely evaded the powers that be. Ours is a very liberal high school but there were things that needed to be clarified. As we were having lunch the Principal came by and asked Gerd to have a word. Instead of going to the office the Principal just took Gerd away a few meters. The principal’s voice is louder than he thinks so I could hear him. He asked Gerd whether he was transgender or a crossdresser. In the former case they’d have to change some classes such as PE. Looking at me Gerd answered that he wasn’t transgendered. The way he reacted and the way he looked at me made me suspicious. He just might be transgendered after all. Hope not! Unfortunately he was also told not to wear such short skirts. Bummer! When leaving, the Principal looked at me and told Gerd that he could do worse than me and winked.
The Fall term was great. I and Gerd got very close. We had lunch together. We dated. He was the most amazing boy I had ever met. Smart, funny, vivacious. He never again wore such a short skirt again, only nearly as short ones. I couldn’t stop looking at those amazing legs. The short skirts were a surprise since Gerd was a bit shy otherwise. I never saw him undressed. He never showered with the rest of us after PE. However, I noticed that he looked at me, when I was naked, with great pleasure. When we went swimming he changed into his girl one-piece in the restroom. He was good at tucking. Even practice after school turned out to be coordinated. The cheerleaders made Gerd try out and to his surprise he had what it took. So when I had football practice Gerd had cheerleading practice with the girls. I only regretted that Gerd preferred changing with the cheearleading team for the spirit thing. The cheerleaders usually are friendly and level-headed. Not that that really changed but with one of them dating me they started giggling whenever they saw me. Me? I had never considered the possibility that I would date a cheerleader. Now when I was, I liked it. I liked it a lot.
Spring was as good as Fall. As the weather got warmer I noticed that Gerd appeared to have started to pad his bra. Or, was it as I had suspected that he really was transgendered? I started to get a bit worried. I like girly BOYS. However, those thoughts soon disappeared. Gerd and I were having too good a time. I couldn’t have found a better girlyfriend! He even got me to start taking ballet classes. He looked scrumptious in his spaghetti strap leotard and pink tights. His point work was very graceful. He was such a girly boy! Me? Well, I was a beginner, i.e. on a completely different level. I had never worn tights before. It was strange feeling, especially with the thong dance belt and thong leotard. I liked it. I was a bit embarrassed the first class. Gerd had pulled a prank on me and got me thinner black dance tights than men normally wear. Not exactly opaque. I also learned that a lavender leotard is also less than usual for my gender. However, since it was Gerd who had got me the stuff as a present I just grinned and kept using the stuff. Besides, the thinner tights made it easier for the teacher to see my leg muscles. As a matter of fact I liked the feeling of tights. I started to wear tights at other times as well. I brightened up school with a selection of brightly colored tights. Well, it really was Gerd that started I just followed suit. Why had I been so reluctant to wear various colors before? I found that I like pink and lavender. Gerd really enjoyed wearing skirts and dresses. He looked so cool, in both senses of the word, in them. That intrigued me so much that I even wore a skirt myself occasionally. Yes, I was told off the first time since I had tried to match Gerd’s short skirt. Hey, I’m gay so what! And the way just a hint of make-up made Gerd look gorgeous, why shouldn’t I try it? As for swimming I stuck to my speedos. Why would I wear a bikini top?
All went well until the end of Spring term. I asked Gerd to the big end of year dance. I thought it was a no-brainer but Gerd collapsed in tears and sobbed that he couldn’t!
Perplexed I stood there in a quite pretty dress and thin pantyhose. Then I realized what a terrible mistake I had made. I like girly boys. I had let myself become a girly boy. I was the girlyfriend. Gerd was a girly boy. Of course he’d want a manly boyfriend, not a girlyfriend. No wonder he didn’t like me anymore.
- I’m so sorry I’ve let you down. I’ve let myself be seduced by how happy you have been being girly.
- No, you big stupid wonderful oaf. I kind of like you in skirts, I love you dressed any way you like, I love you with no clothes on. The problem is much worse than that. I’m Swedish, not German.
- Swedish? Why is that so terrible? I know very little about swedes except that they can be delicious when cooked correctly. Apart from that silly joke the truth is that the only things I “know” about Swedes is “The Swedish Chef”. If that is who Swedes are you may have a point.
- You don’t understand. I’m not a boy. I’m a girl!
- Then I was right when I suspected you are trans and not just girly!
- No, I’m a girl, a genetic girl. In Sweden Gerd is girl name while Gerd is a boy name in Germany.
She pronounced the two versions of Gerd in quite distinct ways: soft/hard G and the d sounded like a t in the German version.
- I’m so sorry I have been lying to you. When I first met you I fell in love with you at once. When everyone thought I was a German boy called Gerd and then I found out you only like girly boys. Well, I played along. You have no idea how hard it has been to carry that secret. It was only when with the cheerleaders I could be a real girl.
The cheerleaders knew? That’s why they had been giggling all year. Those ….
I looked at Gerd. How could SHE have deceived me so thoroughly and for so long? Had she no shame in her body?
Well, looking at her she apparently did. She had collapsed once again into a sobbing heap.
I looked at the person that had betrayed me for most of a year. The person I had completely lost my heart to. It was tough but there was no question of what I had to do. I said to her
- Well, nobody’s perfect.
and then proceeded to embrace her and kiss her mercilessly.
She stopped sobbing.
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Girly boy or girly girl? Girlyfriend or girlfriend? What did Gerd's voice sound like?
Did Gerd just get caught up in the moment's misunderstanding, frozen until it appeared too late to correct the gender misapprehension?
Okay, I suppose there's one difference between a girly boy and a girly girl, that might lead whats-his-name to like girly boys but not girly girls? I hope that ultimately, he becomes straight for her. (There's a phrase, "Gay for him," that could apply to an ordinarily straight boy.)
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
The ending implies
that the unnamed protagonist is prepared to look beyond Gerd's sex. Gerd was a bit younger so it would not have been strange if the voice hadn't broken yet. The voice was appropriate for a girly boy.
At first Gerd had no idea people thought she was a boy (with gorgeous legs, in that rather short skirt). Then things snowballed and she was afraid to come clean.
Upside down Cake
The cake with all the goodies at the bottom instead of on top is a surprise only as long as no one knows that "plain looking cake" has a surprise on the bottom.
Bru, our beautiful illustrious upside down story writer, has become so well known for her inverted stories it's hard to be completely taken unawares she is handing us a get ready for it, here it comes reverse story. I love all of Bru's stories, even the more serious ones. She has the gift of combining all the essentials of her stories as a Master Chief. This story was nothing less than one of her excellent reverse engineered stories.
As hard as I have tried to emulate her, I fall miserably short.
Hugs Hon
Life is a gift, treasure it until it's time to return it.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
In honour of Barb: Perhaps next time a reverse cowgirl?
As for you failing to emulate:Perhaps you don't use the right emulsifier?
Or rather, do what you prefer to do and don't try to emulate others. I wouldn't dare to try to emulate your stories.
In a way it's a bid sad that by now everyone expects the unexpected from me. No more Spanish inquisition (or perhaps rather more like the real Spanish inquisition since they had to give advance warning before making a call). Anyway, the suprise element gets a bit blunted. I just may have to dust off my "Death in Venice" project and write that 69 installment series where the protagonist just agonises without release and finally the story just peters out into a void.
Wait, I take that back, knowing you, yes you would dare. A never ending story, never ended. OMG! Warn me because our relationship would dissolve into a love hate relationship. I have run into those never completed stories and nothing is more frustrating than to waste time on a story that is incomplete. I'd rather have bamboo shoots poked up under my fingernails.
I might even become so ticked off I would stop borrowing your dresses..., Okay, never happen but I'd consider it.
Hugs Hon, try and behave for a little while would you? What nation or business did you con their secrets this week?
Life is meant to be lived, not worn until it's worn out.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
You just gave me an interesting new business idea
A Möbius strip joint.
Neverending performance, completely outside in or upside down, non-orientable.
Would your Möbius strip joint sell Klein bottles of beer at its bar?
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Most certainly. That will move the joint into an extra dimension
In addition to the girls' stage there will also be a Boy's surface.
I'll probably get an architect in the vein of Oscar Reutersvärd to get everything straight.
Done it again Bru
Another story I had to read twice to get what was there all along. Who's the girly friend? Funny. Clever.
Once written, twice...
Thanks :)
sweet, and fun
Thank you but ...
at Wikipedia AWW stands for Avoid Weasel Words. I'm not sure I could survive that :)
Good story
Fun read even without looking for solving the mistery.
I do try
to have more than one layer in the stories. I'm happy when it's appreciated.
You have
I've found that looking for the false bottom in your stories makes reading less fun. I better will be surprised at the end.
YMMV, but for me, looking to find the trip-up point makes reading more fun.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Problem is
I don't see the romance lasting long. If the protagonist is gay falling in love isn't going to change his attraction to the same sex.
Probably right
You're probably right. But, "Hope springs eternal."
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Would that be "once written, twice wry". I was not expecting the some like it hot line with a 180% flip on it. Which only goes to show. I knew there would be something but to be honest I like it more when I don't guess it ahead of time. I can't wait for your next missive, or misterive, whichever way you want to go.
Time is the longest distance to your destination.
Quite honestly the reasons for the ...
in Once written twice ... was because I couldn't come up with something appropriate.
I have been considering the "fact" that I'm expected to write stories with a twist. Perhaps this has become too stereotlypical and I should try to vary my writing a bit. Of course, the problem with a "brand" is that some readers not getting what they are looking for will be disappointed and many readers that would appreciate another type of story will skip the story because of the by-line.
You've Seen It
The last words of "Some Like It Hot" were "Well, nobody's perfect"
Don't pretend you didn't know!
Yes, I have seen it
The basis for the story was the Gerd/Gerd confusion (that actually happened to a relative of mine) and that line. Then it was just a matter of figuring out how to get there.