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I wrote this with Ellen's permission almost twenty years ago. It's on Ellen's site, and I think it was on Classic BC. Now it's here. It's almost a Christmas story of sorts.

by Erin Halfelven
The skinny boy stepped into the odd little shop a bit hesitantly; the place
was strange enough to give anyone pause. Brass bells tinkled melodiously as
he let the door close behind him. He looked back, he hadn't seen any bells
and still didn't. The presence of the door itself was odd enough; most
shops in the mall did not have doors, just an open facade.
The deep but narrow room held shelves and tables, racks and bins; all of
them full to overflowing with queer items, most of those nameless and many
better left undescribed. "Hello?" the boy called out, shifting his backpack
to a better position. The quiet and the vague smell of incense and neglect
made him uneasy. He wasn't even completely sure why he had ventured into a
store called Spells'R'Us.
A sudden apparition almost sent him running out of the door but the
grizzled old man in the dingy bathrobe held up a peaceable hand and smiled.
"Hello, Valerie. What could bring you to my shop, today?" he said in a
voice that made one think of grandfathers and nursing homes.
Not again, thought Tuck. His attitude changed visibly, his stance shifted;
posture, voice and expression altering subtly but completely.
She smiled a little nervously. "Do I know you?" Valerie asked.
"Not exactly," said the wizard, smiling. "But we've sometimes been seen in
the same neighborhood."
Valerie shook her head. That explanation made very little sense and she
decided that the old man must be getting senile. Or maybe she was the one
having memory problems because she definitely did not remember meeting this
guy. "Er," she mentioned, "someone told me this was a gift shop?"
"Of sorts," agreed the wizard.
"Well, I'm looking for a gift for a friend..."
"Your boyfriend?" the wizard interrupted.
"Er, yeah? You must be a mindreader."
"I must," the wizard agreed again.
Valerie blinked, the old guy had an odd sense of--timing? But she went on,
"I want something kinda..."
"Different," she stated.
"Nothing like that here," said the wizard.
She giggled in startled disbelief, looking around at what must be hundreds
if not thousands of unique items. She felt sure the old man amused himself
by teasing pretty young girls. Though that last thought almost caused a
hiccough in her self confidence as she remembered how she was dressed.
"Really? It looks like you have lots of--stuff."
"Stuff we have, but nothing for sale--to you."
The wizard made shooing motions at her. "Run along, Valerie. You really
don't want to give Travis anything from this store, you have enough
"You know Travis?" she squeaked.
"Tall boy," the wizard gestured about six feet off the ground, "blond hair,
really built? Sexy?"
Valerie squirmed a bit, nodding.
"We might have met, once, around Halloween last year," the wizard said. "Or
maybe not. What did he give you for Christmas? A gift certificate, right?"
She had to think then nodded.
"That explains it," said the wizard.
Val felt a bit dizzy. "Explains what?"
"Everything. Nothing."
"Uh, right." She decided that perhaps she should go; this loony had made
her decidedly nervous.
"Goodbye, Valerie," said the wizard. "Give my regards to Eugene the next
time you see him."
Maybe it was the mad little grin the old man had when he said that, maybe
it was just someone using both of those names in the same paragraph. She
backed away, then changed her mind and turn and ran for the door.
"Enjoy your gift," called the old man over the sound of the phantom
doorbells jangling as she made her escape.
Outside, in the main gallery of the mall, Val looked around for Mike.
Spotting her friend buying a cookie from the Mrs. Fields cart, she hurried
toward him. "Mike!"
He looked at her with an odd expression on his face. "Huh?"
"That was the oddest shop," she said, "I am so glad to get out of there and
back to the normal world."
"What are you talking about?" asked Mike. "The Honeybaked Ham store?"
She almost fell down spinning to look back, then stood there staring with
her mouth open.
Mike leaned close and whispered, "And, Tuck, if you don't stop mincing and
cooing, I swear I'm gonna smack the shit out of you and throw the body in a
"What? But the store that was there..." Tuck pointed, trying not to start
gibbering at the strangeness of the encounter while at the same time
shifting mental gears.
"You're channeling Valerie, snap out of it," said Mike. "Here come Brian
and your folks."
"Mike?" Tuck whimpered. "He knew Valerie?"
Mike scowled, sometimes his friend could be even stranger than--than usual.
"He who?"
"Who's on first?" asked Mr. Tucker arriving about that moment.
"I don't know," said Brian and Mrs. Tucker.
"Third base," said all the Tuckers together, including Eugene, then they
all laughed.
Whew, thought Mike, back to what passes for normal in this clan.
Tuck and characters from the Tuck saga are the intellectual property of
Ellen Hayes, creator and chronicler. The wizard and Spells'R'Us shop are
similarly owned by Bill Hart. Whatever residue is left is the creation of
Erin Halfelven. Copyright 2002, 2003 by Ellen Hayes, Bill Hart and Joyce
Image: ID 174899705 © Dark1elf |
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I don’t get it what was the story about.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
Old stories...
This is set in a series written by an author named Ellen Hayes, if you haven’t read at least some of the stories this one is basically incomprehensible. The author has been gone from here a long time, and her website has not been updated in a decade or so, if I am not mistaken. I think she’s still alive but had some personal problems and basically stopped writing. I’ve read most of her stuff, and got the impression she was having a very difficult life back then.
Wishing you the best, Ellen, wherever you are, I miss your writing.
Ellen hayes
I’ve read both sets of stories multiple times I still don’t get the point of this story, what was the plot.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
It's a vignette, just a chance for me to show some love for Ellen and Bill's characters without doing any violence to either of them. :)
Tuck meets the Wizard but has no idea what is going on or how dangerous it is. The Wizard refrains from interfering in Tuck's complicated life and sends Valerie on her way. Simple as that.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
A reminder...
of how much I miss Ellen. I recently re-binged the whole series, and I found things I'd missed the first time through. I did not find it, originally, until after December, 2013, which is when it went dark, in so many ways...
Lucky Tuck
I read this years ago on Ellen's site.
"He wasn't even completely sure why he had ventured into a store called Spells'R'Us." So he didn't know? If you see SRU run, do not walk, run away. He's lucky that the Wizard limited himself to messing with his mind a bit.
"Not again, thought Tuck." I wondered about that. Did he change into his Valerie persona unwillingly before?
"You're channeling Valerie, snap out of it." So Valerie is an alternate persona, or an alter-ego.
"Who's on first?" "I don't know." "Third base." And things are back to normal.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Thanks for the comments but I want to nudge some of your conclusions back toward more what I meant in the story.
"Did he change into his Valerie persona unwillingly before?" Not what I meant. People have certainly mistaken Tuck for a girl before, though.
"So Valerie is an alternate persona, or an alter-ego." Not in the way you seem to mean that here. Valerie is Tuck being girly, but Tuck is always Tuck. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Seemed to Me...
It seemed to me as if Tuck was saying, "Not again," as his posture, mannerisms, etc. changed to Valerie's, apparently involuntarily. And then, of course, he's referred to as "Valerie" the rest of the time. I guess that Mike's "channeling Valerie" meant that Tuck was behaving too much like Valerie.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Not involuntarily
I didn't say that at all. :) Tuck was just going with the flow, having given up long ago correcting them when people misgender. But you're right about what Mike meant since Tuck was definitely dressed as Eugene and the other Tuckers were nearby, Mike was warning Tuck to cool it or get found out.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Tuck is always Tuck
"Tuck is always Tuck. :)"
That is what I most enjoyed about the Tuck stories, it doesn't matter what is going on, where they are or how they're dressed, Tuck is Tuck and does not accept any labels that limit their freedom to be Tuck.
I think I read at least one story where the wizard actually helped out a kind/good person/pure of heart ect.
hugs :)
Michelle SidheElf Amaianna
A Higher Power
Lainie Lee wrote five SRU stories about a Wizard who served A Higher Power, acting as a sort of angelic Mr. Fixit while remaining the mischievous curmudgeon Bill Hart created him as. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
The Occasional Story
SRU: Wonderful Life by Carolyn Collins was one such story. I read another story in which the Wizard helps a man cheat death -- with a hanky twist ending. Then there's my only completed SRU story, where the Wizard is both a complete jerkass and helps free someone from a horrible life.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Missing Ellen
Wherever she is, and forever grateful for the Tuck series.
For those who haven't yet experienced it, it's complex, maybe a little bit dated by now but worth the read.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
I remember this story, still
I remember this story, still very enjoyable and you reminded me of Tuck and Ellen.
I actually understood the story!
Thank you Erin for one that brings back memories. I read the original series, but the later fan based ones confused me and were hard to follow.
Guess that makes me a Dairyland Dumbass. Doh!
I liked it Erin
I wasn't searching for meaning in this, as an SRU story it did exactly as expected, but this time we got the Erin twist. Valerie was back as Tuck and life moved on. I know that if I ever see a SRU store at my local mall, I'm marching straight in regardless of any companions and will do whatever the wizard suggests. (Will I even recognize the wizard in his mask? I have no doubt he'll know me despite my Covid mask. I just hope against hope the SRU shop will even be there. At least there's lots of empty storefronts for the shop to appear in during this Covid-19 experience.)
>>> Kay
"as an SRU story it did exactly as expected" -- sorry, I can't agree here. The Wizard does nothing more than mess with Tuck's mind a little bit. My apparent misinterpretation was that (perhaps thanks to the Wizard calling him Valerie) Tuck changed involuntarily to his Valerie personality or persona -- especially after the "not again".
Anyone who enters his shop is fair game, and he really prefers changing to T&A (over AT&T -- see the shortest SRU story).
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
Good memories ...
... from when I read the original series how many years ago. Thanks for the refresh.
Technical opinion: You carried Ellen's flavor well.
Between the wrinkles, the orthopedic shoes, and nine decades of gravity, it is really hard to be alluring. My icon, you ask? It is the last picture I allowed to escape the camera ... back before most BC authors were born.
Edited by Ellen
She made a change to one line that did improve the authenticity: she had Mike threaten violence. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Precision F-Strike
I didn't think of it earlier, but it makes sense. It's the line with the Precision S-Strike. That would have to be the insertion.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
That's the one
My line was a bit mellower. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Typical Mike the ever violent one of the group lol, but when the tough get going no one better to have when things head for the fan then Mike by your side a great traction if I recall
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
Ellen wouldn't approve this fanfic until I made Mike's threat more violent. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I miss Ellen & Tuck
Yes Tuck is just Tuck.... Valerie well she kind of developed over time especially with (correct me if im wrong) ex-girlfriend use to sell Mary Kay (I forget her name for now) & would simi con ruck in being her makeup model & then Tuck gets a babysitting job through his Ex's company that she set up & it has to be a girl no boys can baby sit thats I THINK the parents request or company policy, hence Valerie is born out of necessity, then things start happening to Tuck he dosen't really understand & things just go from there.
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
This is better than the original series
Which if it gave a sense of American youth, explained why the adults are so strange. It was also very violent, which was disturbing and not being a geek or nerd, much of the writing was inexplicable to me, though the Valerie arc, was probably the best.
Still Can't Help
The Wizard: "Hello, Valerie. What could bring you to my shop, today?"
Not again, thinks Tuck, followed by his shift into Valerie.
Apparently, "not again" refers to Tuck being misgendered -- someone confusing his gender. But being called "Valerie" was no confusion. I suppose he changed to go along with things, but it sounds as if "not again" refers to his changing to Valerie.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)