Summer's Current 2: Witch Corps- Chapters 24-25

Witch Corps.jpg

With the Hoblin scourge gone from Kane, Chance and Artemis Dell back and safe, it’s time for some celebration. But what about the entertainment…? Is the party premature, though?


Chapter 24

“So how goes the training, Sinae?” I asked as my Lynxin sister exited onto the Observation Lounge.
“Surprisingly well, Chance. I can honestly say that Demi has demonstrated a level of ability close to Sandra when she joined. Once I broke a couple of her fingernails, she started to respond. I’m curious to see her in real action. So, how are you feeling, Chance? I mean…really feeling?”
“Still very tired. I’ve felt my energy levels increase some in the last four hours, but I still don’t feel like myself.” I replied.
“You did something beyond imagination today, Chance. I really can’t believe you survived. I mean; to create then live through a singularity…how is that even possible; even for us?”
“I would be lying if I told you I knew, my friend. The truth is…Nike did it. However she managed what she did, I have no recollection of it and I doubt we’ll ever exchange that information. I’m just glad that I’m still alive and still have my friends and family. The whole time Dell and I were in the Current realm, the only things that kept me going were returning and protecting you all. The fame, the interviews, the endorsements…they meant nothing.”
Sinae looked at me curiously.
“So Savanna topped your list?”
“She did. Sorry.” I shied away as I apologized.
“I’m glad she was. If you valued the Corps over your own daughter, I would be worried right now.”
I thought about that for a moment. On some level I immediately thought of our Coven and its varied membership being safe, but then there was Savanna… I remembered what I had told Grunfuller only a week ago- that Savanna came before even the Hoblins. Something within me stirred. Nike maybe? I suddenly knew- intrinsically- that I would destroy the world…the galaxy, if I had to…to protect my precious Savanna. There was nothing that could keep us apart.
“Partial credit for your thoughts, Chance?” Sinae asked, catching my attention.
“Huh? Oh. Just thinking what I wouldn’t do to protect Savanna…OR the Coven for that matter.”
“After experiencing today’s events firsthand, I can’t imagine the destruction you could bring if really angered, Chance. Let’s hope that amount of power will never be unleashed again- though somehow, I feel we haven’t seen the last of your ‘Nike’ abilities.”
“More like ‘nuke’ abilities, honey!” Mom said as she and Chantell joined us. I’ve witnessed nuclear blasts that paled in comparison to what our High Priestess did today.”
“Mom.” I blushed. “I had no idea I was that powerful. I don’t want to be that powerful!”
“I know, honey. It’s a bit sobering, isn’t it?” She asked.
“More than a bit, mom.” I admitted.
“Well, if anybody can handle it responsibly, it’s you, girlfriend.” Chantell added pleasantly.
“Anywho, Janet and Sam invited us to their place for a ‘ding-dong-the-Hoblins’-gone’ picnic. Dress is casual; Synth-beef burgers and Coneys on the grill…and plenty of beer!” Mom smiled and waggled her eyebrows.
“Great get together, Sam.” Keats complimented as he finished off his third beverage since remembering he could revert himself back to his male form any time he wanted. That was about an hour ago and required him to hurry back to our hangar to change when he reverted to male, but his uniform didn’t. It was touch and go for a few minutes until we could loosen his bustier!
The Redman’s back yard was more like a huge, well-manicured, field- at least ten acres. There was more than enough room for Hope and a Pair, On the Four Winds, Clean-Up, Re-tailed, and Olympus Found to land in a semi-circle about seventy feet from our gathering. The sight of the five shiny, Chrome-skinned spacecraft had attracted several of Samuel and Janet’s neighbors, their compliments about them filled me with pride.
Little did the neighbors know, but Pegasus was parked just behind the five Brooms, but remained camouflaged.
“Miss Summers? Chance is it?” I smiled and nodded. “I just love the paint! Where did you get the idea?” One of the Redman’s neighbors asked as she gently touched my forearm to get my attention.
“It’s a very old tradition of Terran origin. You fly?” I asked pleasantly.
“Lieutenant Misha Casavetti, retired. I flew with the Galactic Service’s 561st Assault Group before I decided to start a family.”
I offered my hand to her.
“An honor; and thank you for your service, ma’am.” I smiled as I shook her hand. “I and my friends are assigned to the GSS Mare De Tempest- SDD10983.”
“A Destroyer, eh? So what’s life like aboard one of those little things?” She smiled impishly.
“Not as crowded as a few months ago, I’m afraid.” I sighed.
“Oh! I’m sorry, Chance! We did hear something about there being an incident. I hope it wasn’t too bad?”
“We lost half of our crew to the same invaders that tried to take over Kane, ma’am.”
The woman’s eyes bulged in horror!
“Half? Half the crew? You lost…” She asked, stunned.
“Almost five thousand men and women, ma’am.” I finished as I wiped my eyes dry. They had started to tear up. I began to rock Savanna a little faster on my shoulder.
“You poor dear! I feel so stupid now! No wonder they gave you liberty! I can’t imagine losing so many… I’m such an idiot! I’ll change the subject. How old is she- your daughter?”
“Savanna joined us about five weeks ago.” I answered honestly.
“She’s so precious!” The woman bubbled as she ran the side of her finger down my daughter’s cheek. Savanna giggled a few times.
“And is your sister…Hope, is it? Is she older or younger than you?” Casavetti inquired.
“Oh, she’s way older than me.” I smiled brightly as I turned to see mom had stuck her tongue out at me. I winked back. “Sometimes I think she’s older than dirt.”
“My younger sister thinks that of me, too.” She laughed. “So…about your starfighters…I’ve never seen the design before. Is it new?”
“They’re prototypes and highly classified.”
“So why put them on display? Aren’t you afraid of someone copying the tech?” She asked. It was a valid question.
“Let’s find out.” I said motioning for her to follow me after I handed Savanna off to Lokust.
As we got within twenty feet, Hope and a Pair appeared to wake up.
Unidentified entity has appeared in safety zone! Please identify!Hope and a Pair warned as her weapons activated and homed in on the retired LT.
She stopped dead in her tracks! “I get your point, Miss Summers.”
“Call me Chance since we’re on leave.”
“Is it possible I could see your office?” Casavetti asked. She was asking to see the cockpit.
“Sure. Hope and a Pair. Lt. Casavetti’s with me.” I announced. “She wants to look in your cockpit.”
Understood. Proceed.” Her Canopy opened silently.
After climbing the ladder, the retired pilot’s mouth dropped open.
“Wow! Ummmm…I don’t see any flight suit worms.”
“You won’t either. Experimental grav-gen and full environment.”
Misha Casavetti whistled in appreciation.
“Whadda ya think, Meesh? A real beaut, right?” Samuel Redman asked as he came right up to the fuselage without Hope and a Pair complaining. “Fast and smooth as silk! Handles like a dream, too!”
“She’s amazing, Sam!” Casavetti turned back to me suddenly as soon as she was back on the ground. “Question, Chance? What group are you with? I don’t think I’ve seen the ‘pointy hat and crossed brooms’ ensign before.” She asked pointing to the insignia on the lowest point of Hope and a Pair’s upper control arc.
“Oh. That’s Witch Corps.” Samuel answered quickly and without conscious thought.
Misha Casavetti gasped so loud I thought she might over-pressurize and explode!
With eyes as large as saucers, she stared at me in complete horror.
“A-apparently you’ve heard of them.” Sam deadpanned nervously and began looking for any safe escape route that didn’t involve passing close to me.
“And apparently, you’ve had a bit too much to drink, Samuel.” I growled while rolling my eyes.
Lyra and Sonya running past us in pursuit of Misha Casavetti’s twin, seven-year-old girls caused her to break her ‘deer-in-headlights’ stare.
“Will you relax, L.T.? I won’t eat you or anything remotely like that! Honestly!” I protested quietly.
“Y-y-y-you’re all Witch Corps?” She stuttered. “Soooooo…y-y-y-you ladies…y-y-y-you took out the Hoblins? Here?”
I nodded with a huge, bright smile.
“Exxxxxxxxcuse me! I need som-some-something stronger than this!” She continued to stutter as she quickly bowed to me then hurried back to the refreshment bar Samuel had set up.
“Thank you, Samuel! Way to kill a party.” I rolled my eyes at Simone’s father before I walked back toward the house.
“Yo, Summers! It true what ‘CasaViper’ says about you gals being them?” a male voice asked loudly from behind my left shoulder.
I cringed and rolled my eyes.
“Depends on what ‘them’ means, ‘Stock Jockey’.” I said as I turned around.
Several of the Redman’s neighbors stood together staring at me with their mouths’ half open.
My eyes sought out Samuel Redman again and I glared at the figure trying to make himself very, very small behind the grill.
“Most of us still hold level fifteen clearance, ma’am.” The same man, Jacques Huong, I think was his name, announced. The moderate height, gray-haired man, produced a set of ‘Creds’ that looked like they had seen way better days.
Holding my right hand out- palm up, I materialized my newly updated ‘Creds’ or Credentials- my service ID.
There was a loud gasp from the gathering of retired, military.
Huong took his glasses out of his pocket, placed them expertly to his face and leaned down to inspect the polymer card.
“Cmdr. Summers, Chance. Clearance level: 30?!” He whistled as he straightened up and stood to attention. “I never knew it went that high. Sorry to have bothered you, ma’am! Our lips are sealed!”
Lokust walked over to our stunned group.
“Chance? What did you just do? Savanna just burped in her sleep.” She whispered next to me.
“Samuel? Are we expecting any more guests?” I asked the still cowering man.
“I think,” he gulped loudly, “I think we’re all here, Chance. Except maybe a mobile medical triage unit… or two… if I’m not fast enough.”
Pegasus? You can come out now. We’re isolated from the rest of the neighborhood.” I called out to where our fighters were parked.
Though the ‘shimmering effect’ as our huge ship uncloaked was impressive, the gasps, oohs, and aaahs, eclipsed it.
The completed formation of spacecraft made for an interesting display as our five Brooms- noses pointing to an imagined center- in a wide semi-circle, fronted a proud and glistening Pegasus parked directly behind at a thirty-degree angle to our right.
Misha Casavetti passed out on the spot as the rest of the party guests either gasped outright or dropped whatever they were doing, eating, or drinking.
“Shit, girlfriend! I thought we were going to keep on the down low?!” Chantell groused.
“Really, Chance? Did you really have to show off?” Mom scolded.
“It seems our friends are all retired Galactic Service, Hope.” I motioned to Samuel Redman with my eyes.
Narrowing her eyes, she glared at Simone’s father. “I told you not to entice her, Sam! You see what happens when a Summers is given enough rope?”
“High Priestess? Why reveal Pegasus? Do we have to leave on another mission already?” Lyra asked as she skipped over to me trailed by the Casavetti twins, Sara and Sasha, and a very pale looking Sonya! The twins seemed very interested in our ship.
‘High Priestess’ echoed through the awestruck gathering as I rolled my eyes again.
“What happened to Mutter?” one of the twins finally asked as both pushed past us to attend their mother. She was just pushing herself off the ground.
“I think we gave her celebrity overload.” I answered the seven-year-old.
“Lady Chance seems to have that effect on people.” Sonya deadpanned in a quiet, but serious growl that had everyone turn to look at the eight-year-old Lynxin.
“Mutter! It’s completely outrageous! Look at the size of her! Can we go in and see,” an older boy, ten-year-old ‘Dirk’ Casavetti, asked as he valiantly tried to steady his mom?
“Not likely, boy, if they’re all level thirty!” Huong snorted.
“I have a bad feeling about this, Chewy.” Charli groaned.
“Quiet, Han. Laia knows what she’s doing.” I heard mom hush.
Pegasus? Dignitary tour mode, if you please.” I called out.
Touring mode ready. Security scanning is enabled.Pegasus announced as her entry ramp extended.
“You-you mean you’re actually going to let us tour a higher than top secret, blacker than blackest black, spacecraft?” Mason ‘Reject’ Smitchers gasped!
“What’s the catch? We all die after this?” he deadpanned cynically.
“Ladies? Since we seem to be hosting a group of highly decorated veterans, I suggest we look the part.” I said, seemingly ignoring Smitchers’ question as my casual clothes transformed into my uniform. My Coven sisters dutifully followed my lead.
Producing my wand, I gently pointed and skimmed Smitchers’ left cheek with its point.
“Why, Mason? Are you a Hoblin Doppleganger?” I asked in an ominous, but playful tone.
“I hope you’re happy now, Samuel Redman!” Mom groused angrily. “We just became the entertainment for YOUR shindig!”
“OUTRAGEOUS!” Dirk Casavetti shouted. “You too, Lyra? Sonya?”
“Is that going to be a problem, Dirk?” Sonya challenged.
“Umm, Chance?” Aunt Cora called and motioned me over to where she was standing by Savanna’s ‘Car seat’.
I giggled and shook my head as I looked at my precious bundle, asleep in a ‘2 month’ version of our uniform.
“Oh, that is soooo adorable!” Another of Samuel’s neighbors, Capt. (Ret) Siri O’Donnell, gushed.
My Coven sisters all looked between me and my daughter several times.
“I think Artemis was right, Buddy. She’s going to be a real handful as she gets older.” Lokust shook her head in amazement.
“So…you all are Mages? Current Mages?” Dirk Casavetti Senior asked as he looked out of our Observation Lounge’s transparent ceiling. He cautiously glanced at Aunt Cora, Janet, and Simone Redman.
“We would rather that not get around, Plum Pie.” Aunt Cora answered. “For obvious reasons.”
“Guess it’s asking way too much for a ride, right?” Jacques Huong quipped.
Pegasus? A few times around the planet, if you please. Stealth mode enable.” I ordered.
We felt a slight shudder only a moment later as our view of the surrounding countryside began to fall from view.
“Completely outrageous! I can barely feel her move!” Misha Casavetti gushed.
“Like I said, smooth as silk, L.T.” Samuel crowed.
Geo-Sync achieved, High Priestess.Pegasus alerted.
“Already?” Huong cried in shock.
“She’s a real thoroughbred, mah-man!” Redman chuckled. “Umm… just don’t ask about her performance specs. I’m not sure our High Priestess will let me live much longer if you do.” He added nervously.
“High Priestess? I’ve accessed the recovered orbiting crafts’ AI’s and have programmed and filed reentry plans. Planetary rescue teams have been alerted and will be standing by to offer assistance to those in need.” Charli reported after remaining silent for a few minutes.
I had been fascinated by the children gazing out at their beautiful planet and I assumed from their responses that this was the first time any of them, except Lyra and Sonya, had been in orbit.
“Thank you, Lady Charli. Well done.” I praised my dad…aunt, momentarily nodding my thanks.
Pegasus? Please take us back to our origin point on Kane?”
Acknowledged, High Priestess.
“Awwwww. Do we hafta go back so soon?” The Casavetti twins cried in unison.
“Mr. Redman left stuff on the grill, girls. We wouldn’t want the fire brigade to try to get through my protective bubble now would we?” I giggled.
“Protective bubble? That’s obsurd! Nobody can do something like that.” Siri O’Donnell protested.
Crossing temporary exclusion barrier.Pegasus alerted when we were several hundred feet above the ground. Siri O’Donnell’s face went white and she reached for one of the low bookshelves on the outskirts of our Lounge.
A gentle shudder indicated that we had landed.
“Any other level fifteen or eighteen questions?” I asked as I smiled proudly.
All twenty-six of our adult guests began clapping and cheering wildly.
Savanna woke and made it quite clear she was hungry.
“Want me to take her this time, Buddy?” Lokust asked with a longing expression.
I reached down to unbuckle my little princess and noticed her clothing had reverted to what I originally dressed her in for the party.
“Better watch yourself, you little imp. Not everyone will accept our abilities so easily.” I told her as I carefully handed her to Lokust. The two went to the far end of the Lounge and sat down.
“Hey! Not so rough!” Lokust complained quietly.
The party resumed at the Redman house. Things seemed to ‘normalize’ after forty-five minutes and us reverting to our civilian attire.
After another half hour, Simone walked over to me calmly.
“Chance? I just got an alert from Clean-Up. She is sensing instability in her starboard storage nacelle. She’s asking my permission for minimum safe distance just in case.”
I looked over to her ship and noticed her Nav lights already on.
“Chance, Pegasus. I’d like a sensor scan of Clean-Up’s starboard nacelle. Her sensors indicate some kind of instability.”
I noticed all five of our brooms had now enabled their Nav lights as well as Pegasus herself.
This was not good.
High Priestess, I am detecting taint in the starboard Current reserve of Pegasus4. Repetitive scans indicate it is slowly cascading. Shall I make ready for departure to minimum safe distance?
“What’s going on, Sweetie?” Charli asked quietly as she observed our spacecraft.
Don’t know yet. Negative on departure protocol, Pegasus. All Brooms stand down. I’ll try to investigate. Chance, out.” I said as I began walking toward our ships.
“Honey?” Mom asked as she caught up.
“There seems to be an imbalance in one of Clean-Up’s nacelles.” I said as I arrived at Simone’s fighter. “Clean-Up? Open manual refueling hatch, please.”
A small, square hatch opened on the fighter’s side and four red strobes began to pulse, indicating its corners.
Raising my hand to the open port, I began a conversation with the Broom’s latent Current.
“What she doin’? Doesn’t she know that Current can kill ya?” Huong stated in a hushed whisper.
“Our High Priestess can communicate with Current, ‘Eggroll’ I heard Samuel Redman advise.
“She can what?!” I heard just before I gasped.
“It seems Clean-Up has a bit of indigestion.” I informed those around me.
“Huh?” was the unanimous response.
“I read fifty conscripts. Thirty-five of them stable at ninety-nine percent; ten at eighty-seven percent and five that are fighting complete degradation. Those five are causing the cascading taint. We need to clear the nacelle.” I suggested.
Immediately, my Coven sisters sprang into action! Within the blink of an eye, Kitty had orbited a set of her shurikens; Huntress had pulled and nocked several arrows; Major, Fairy Godmother, Seeker, and Wrench had pulled their firearms; Laidy-in-Wait produced and aimed her BFG; Kitten, Lokust, Chairman, Porno, and Mum had their wands at the ready; Lioness pointed her scepter menacingly; Demi… Demi produced a small stainless nail file, but menacingly pointed the sharp end toward Simone’s Broom.
Being close to center of our group, we all stared in amazement at our Olympian rookie.
“And just what do you expect to do with that, ‘Manicure’ the Hoblins to death, Lady Demi?” Chantell snorted.
“I like, haven’t had the chance to decide on my weapon yet? Not that I approve of using one like, in the future?” She explained.
Huntress un-nocked her bow and comically palmed her face. “Olympus is doomed.” She groaned.
“Heeey! Not nice! I like, have my own ways to handle my foes?” She shrilled.
“Do tell.” Chantell snarked. “Then would you care to share, oh mighty Demeter?”
“Well, because you asked so nicely…”
“A bright white aura suddenly enveloped our ditzy, blonde Olympian.”
“Ummm…its still daylight, Meringue. We don’t need any more light at the moment.” Aunt Cora sniped.
Demi pointed to the far tree line about a thousand feet away. A white bolt of light shot from her fingertip and impacted deadcenter at the base of one of the trees’ trunk. The tall pine started to topple but suddenly vanished in a puff of black smoke.
“Does that like, qualify?”
We all stood silent for a moment.
“High Priestess? Since my broom is affected, I think I should try the purification and recovery.” Simone said as her BFG vanished as quickly as it had appeared and she walked over to the affected nacelle.
Clean-Up, please open the starboard nacelle purge hatch and begin transfer on my mark.”
As with her fueling port, a smaller hatch appeared and opened on the specified nacelle and two yellow strobes began flashing.
“Ladies and gentlemen? If you could make a hole to accommodate about fifty people?” I suggested loud enough to be heard by everyone.
When a large enough space had been cleared, Simone looked up to me and we exchanged nods.
Clean-up. Open nacelle purge valve twenty percent.” She requested and pointed her wand at the vacated piece of lawn.
A huge blue plasma sphere enveloped the whole space and started to fade quickly.
Clean-Up increase rate to fifty percent.”
The plasma ball intensified only slightly.
“Seventy-five percent, please.” Simone groaned as she continued to concentrate.
“Eighty-five percent!”
The huge, blue plasma ball stabilized and seemed to become denser before finally fading away.
Starboard Reserve Nacelle purge complete. Stability nominal.Clean-Up announced as the blue plasma ball disappeared only to reveal a large amount of prone humanoid bodies- some stacked on top of each other.
I noted several ‘pieces’ and asked my Current if it could piece them together again.
A smaller blue ball of energy appeared in the center of the recovered and Simone looked over to me with a nod of thanks.
“Shall we see who is crashing our party?” I asked lightly.
Several of the figures began moving immediately. They appeared to be mostly women. Surprisingly, two males seemed to be on the verge of waking. That was somewhat strange as the only males that seemed to recover quickly were Lynxin males.
The pointed, tassled ears and short tails provided the answer. Two middle-aged Lynxin males stumbled to their feet and began looking around in confusion. One shook his head and began desperately searching through the bodies surrounding him for something. Finding and picking up a DataTab, he wiped it off and clutched it as if an ancient aquatic life preserver.
“Felix?” I heard Sonya call out and noticed her and Lyra making their way through the unconscious to them.
“High Priestess! This one is the mayor of Whitecliffe!” Samuel Redman called out as he had gently moved a man into the open. “I believe his whole cabinet is here also.” He said as he checked a few others and pulled them from the pile.
“I want all the vitals checked! Alert me or Lady Hope of any victims in arrest immediately.” I ordered and began checking the unconscious nearest me.
“Chance, Lady Chance!” Siri O’Donnell and Misha Casavetti called out at the same time, but from different directions. I headed one way and mom went in the other.
“This one has no rhythm, High Priestess!”
I motioned her aside and carefully pulled the body from under two unconscious individuals.
There was nothing lower than the top of her hips.
“Stand back.” I advised as I rubbed my hands together to generate some heat.
Placing my hands on the female torso, I began to concentrate- asking my Current to help rebuild what the woman had lost. A blue plasma ball rewarded my effort and I hoped we had caught her in time.
When the plasma vanished a whole Terran woman lay on the ground, naked from the waist down. I quickly conjured suitable clothing for her and checked for a pulse. If it was there it was weak at best so I placed my right palm on her chest and asked to transfer some of my Current into her. I was rewarded with the female suddenly gasping for breath then coughing several times.
“OhmyGod! You actually saved…you rebuilt h… How?” O’Donnell gasped and sputtered in disbelief.
“Let’s keep appraising the situation, Captain.” I advised as I checked another stack of bodies.
“Chance! Over here! I got a partial!” Janet Redman shouted as she waved to me.
I hurried over.
“Sorry, Janet, but if there were more of him left… Not even I can restore that.” I winced as I looked at only a small torso. No head and no legs or arms told me this one, probably an adolescent male was too far-gone.
“Maybe, like, I can help?” Demi’s voice asked from behind us. “I’ve like, ‘remolded’ a few mortals in my time?”
I motioned for her to try.
Taking out a pair of fingernail scissors, she carefully and expertly cut off a small sample of flesh, held it between her finger and thumb, and began concentrating on it. The same blinding white light we had seen earlier enveloped both her and the lifeless torso.
“That like, should do it, High Priestess. He’s as good as new! Hey, Cutie, wake up! It’s not like, your time?”
The teen began coughing and weezing before finally opening his eyes and staring in confusion at us.
I noticed Siri O’Donnell begin to wipe her eyes and nose in between sobs.
“We need to keep assessing these people, Cap.” I said looking reassuringly to her. “Demi? See if Huntress needs any assistance
Both nodded and we continued our triage.
“Forty-eight out of fifty, Chance.” Jamie acknowledged as we finished up. Many of those recovered were now fully awake and demanding us to tell them where they were.
“So… Demi…she really pulled through it like a full-fledged member, didn’t she?” Sinae asked stopping next to me as I bottomed out my latest beverage.
“Pretty darned good for not being activated.” I admitted.
“She isn’t…you didn’t?”
“Didn’t have to. She’s already an Olympian, remember?” I giggled.
“Could’ve fooled me! Too bad she isn’t a natural blau-cap. That would explain a lot.” Sinae shook her head with a toothy smile.
“Don’t go there, Sugar Plum.” Aunt Cora warned from a few feet away.
“Lady Kitty? These two gentlemen have requested an audience.” Sonya announced as she bowed to our Coven sister.
“Princess Kitty, It has taken many standard years, but at last we have found FeLane’s heir-apparent.” One greeted.
In an instant our eight-year-old kitten was being held aloft by her scruff in Sinae’s left hand while all five of her right’s claws targeted Sonya’s neck!
“Cousin! How many pieces do you wish to rest in?!” Sinae hissed in contempt!
“Serangetti Lyra was only doing her royal duty, Princess. Please disarm and place the kitten on the ground.”
“Lady Kitty? Who are these men?” Lyra asked as she walked over and appraised the two older Lynxin. She paid no attention to Sonya.
“Widowed, if they do not leave me alone, Lady Lyra. Now, cousin, answer my question! How many pieces?!” Sinae answered angrily, yet politely.
“You are Serangetti Lyra? But I thought you were the sole offspring of Kimbou and Sonya?” The older of the two Lynxin gasped as he looked between Sonya and Lyra.
“That’s my older sister, Sonya, sir.” Lyra corrected politely.
“Serangetti only sired one kitten, Felix.” The other Lynxin revealed. “Sonya is the Alpha female’s name, though I’m not sure what to make of this situation.”
“Sonya is Lyra’s mother, boys.” I said as I smiled deviously. “But not at the moment OR for the nearest future.”
“Lady Hope Summers, we are the politicians here. It is our right to engage in double-talk, not yours.” The younger of the two smiled and snickered politely.
“Hey, Chance?” Mom called as she approached. “What’s Laurel an’ Hardy there, want? I heard my name used in vain from all the way back there.”
“They seek an audience with Lady Kitty- come hell or high water, Lady Hope!” I answered with a sinister smile.
Both men gasped, their eyes opened wide, their ears twitching spastically.
“You are Chance? THE Chance Summers we’ve heard so much about in the last month?”
“Depends on what you heard, I guess.” I replied, holding my sinister smile.
“Felix DeClau and Oliver Litrebuax, High Priestess Chance Summers. Chance, these two are Royal litter combers that have apparently been tracking my movements. Though, for what I can only guess.” Sinae introduced, but her attention went back to Sonya, still held at eye level. “I’m still waiting, Cousin.”
“What have I told you about playing with your food, Sinae?” Dell entered into the conversation as she stopped to assess Sonya’s predicament.
“What did you do now, squirt?” She asked after narrowing her eyes. Dell manifested her golden bow and quiver. Much to our visitors’ amazement.
“Can I use her for target practice, Kitty? Pleaaaaase?” Dell vamped. “Just hang her by her scruff from one of those trees waaaaaaaaay back there and I’ll see if I can shoot an apple off her head from here.” She continued.
“We both know you can do that with your eyes closed and blindfolded, Lady Artemis.” Sonya deadpanned, but kept a wary eye on her cousin’s sharp claws.
“That’s Lady Artemis Dell, squirt! Artemis is my older sister.”
“Yes, spoken like a true Olympian!” Sonya pushed.
“Need I remind you that we of the Coven are all Furies in the eyes of Zeus, cousin?” Sinae’s smile widened to show her canines. All the while, Lyra remained quiet, and attentive.
“Hey! Knock it off over there!” Chantell shouted from back by the Redman house. “We got more fish to fry!”
“You found more taint?” Sinae seemed to cheer up.
“No, Sammy’s looking for some help at the grill while he goes for more grub!”

Chapter 25

“All we need is a campfire to make this camping trip complete, ladies.” Charli said as she stretched in her lounge chair and sighed contentedly.
“But, we’re like, still in the Observation Lounge, Charli?” Demi commented in confusion.
“Yes, but this is the way to go; stars overhead, good food, conversation, and companionship; oh, and let’s not forget…no bugs! I hated bugs with a passion when I went camping!”
“But Lady Charli, bugs are people too!” I giggled. It was true too! I knew of at least one insectoid subspecies.
“Well, we crude Earthlings didn’t know that then, Sweetie…way back in the stone-age.”
“Hey! That’s right! I can actually claim that my parents ARE older than dirt!” I giggled.
Mom, Charli, Chantell, and even Demi groaned.
“If this is a real camping trip then where’s the beans? Ya gotta have beans on a camp out! They go hand-in-hand with s’mores and ghost stories.” Chantell quipped, changing the subject.
“Believe you me, you do not want to be anywhere near her after she’s eaten beans, girls!” Mom groaned in humor.
“Thanks for the image, mom,” I deadpanned. “I think I’m about ready for bed.”
“Me too,” Lokust said as she stretched her arms out in front of her and stood.
Savanna had disappeared from her car seat several minutes ago and I expected to find her in her crib in our quarters.
“So, what do you think?” I asked Lokust after we closed the door and re-covered my daughter, who we found sleeping soundly in her crib. I had noticed Lokust was having trouble with her tops fitting.
“What do I think of what, Buddy?”
I motioned to her chest.
“Oh. It wasn’t what I expected, Chance.” She frowned at me and continued. “What I expected was for Savanna’s mom to be here to take care of her through, at least, puberty! I expected not to have to worry about her mother going off on some one-way mission and almost getting herself killed! And I expected that the feeling of nursing her wouldn’t be so intense and so very, very amazing! That’s what I think, Chance Summers.” Lokust concluded as tears slowly fell from her eyes.
She rushed around the crib and clutched me tightly as her emotional dam finally failed.
That caused me to start crying also!
“I never thought I’d see either of you ever again, buddy! The time dilation in the Current made it even more agonizing. We actually spent five month in that realm! Can you believe it?”
“The ten minutes you were gone from me seemed like years, Chance! I had…I had no idea what I was going to do without you! And when it seemed like you were…gone…then Savanna appeared, car seat and all…then the hangar reappeared and they carried you out…” Lokust started crying all over again- this time into my shoulder.
“Hey. I’m back where I belong now. I promise I’ll choose my away missions better, buddy.” I promised while rubbing her back gently.
Lokust gave a snort and a couple chuckles from my shoulder. She suddenly looked up at me, gently grabbed the back of my head and pulled me into a kiss!
I had no idea how long it lasted, but my insides turned to butter and my lips demanded more!
Lokust broke our kiss, pulled back and regarded me with a quirky grin.
“Don’t promise things that you can’t possibly guarantee, Chance. We both know this job won’t let it happen.”
“You’re probably right, but it doesn’t hurt to dream, right?”
“Dreams can come true!” Lokust declared as she re-established contact between our lips.
My heart rate skyrocketed and my body felt warm and electrified!
Again I had no idea how long we remained together in that kiss, but we both eventually had to come up for air.
Getting the feeling of being watched, I turned partially and immediately saw Savanna! She was wide-awake and actually sitting up by herself clapping her hands together silently. A big, adorable, toothless smile filled her chubby face!
“You little Imp! How long were you sitting there watching us?” I asked.
Savanna moved her hands apart a few inches, giggled a few times then gurgled a few more before laughing.
“That long?” Lokust groaned. “That certainly was a fantastic kiss if it lasted that long! Maybe you should time us again.” She added before pulling me- willingly, this time- into another passionate kiss.
“Hey Sleepyheads! We were wondering if you two would ever grace us with your presence.” Mom smiled as Lokust and I entered the Bridge.
“Looks like some of us got lucky last night.” Aunt Cora observed from Communications with a quaint grin.
I felt my cheeks start burning.
“Of course everyone knows.” Lokust sighed in defeat.
“If Savanna hadn’t woken me around four this morning, your rendezvous would’ve remained a secret, but the little Sugar Plum popped into my room and complained she was hungry and needed changed.”
“You’re gonna have to put a bell on the little twerp, High Priestess.” Kaitlyn was back and tending the Engineering console. “By the way, thanks for reminding me I could change back and forth anytime I wanted, Chance.”
I winked at her with a bright smile.
“That method of surveillance was outlawed several hundred years ago on FeLane, Lady Kate. It was thought too aggressive and detrimental to pride development. The practice also spawned a planet-wide noise ordinance.” Sonya informed us all in an insulted tone from Weapons.
“Sounds like someone’s had some experience to me.” Chantell giggled. Sonya turned in her seat and raised her middle finger- it’s claw fully extended too.
I shook my head in disbelief of my Coven sisters. Yet it felt so wonderful to be home- home with my family.
“Hey, Chance? I’m following some chatter from the locals about a ruckus over in Whitecliffe. Something about a few hotel guests creating a disturbance in one of their VIP suites?”
“Okaaaay? How’s that any of our business, Aunt Cora?” I asked, confused.
“Felix and Ollie insisted that Kitty spend the night in better ‘surroundings’ than a mere ‘spacecraft’, High Priestess.
Pegasus actually shuddered!
“Easy, girl. They haven’t toured you and their ignorance is apparent.” I said as I gently patted my Command Console.
After recovering the people from Clean Up’s storage nacelle last night I had ordered Pegasus to re-cloak herself incase emergency services were needed. The two Lynxin investigators never saw her and ‘assumed’ Pegasus was just another ‘Spacecraft’.
A small, black and orange blur shot past the Bridge’s viewports.
“The HELL was that?” Chantell gasped in shock.
Sensors indicate Lyra Serangetti is no longer aboard Pegasus, Chance. I am also tracking an adolescent Lynxin female on a personal Witch Corps broom flying away from Pegasus at fifty-five knots and plus sixty feet.” Charli reported from her station.
“Where is she going?” Sonya gasped in concern.
“My guess would be she’s going to help her cousin. Those two have really become tight over the last month.” Mom answered as she stood up and headed for the door.
“I’ll stay and hold down the fort, Chance. No sense giving Kitty another prime target.” Lokust giggled nervously.
I nodded.
“Chance to Sonya, Jamie, Demi. Meet me outside Pegasus on the double.” I ordered over our Comms. “We have to fly into town.”
“You want me to manifest a what?” Jamie exclaimed in shock.
“A broom. Is that so hard to imagine? We’re witches, remember? Witches ride brooms…or so I’m told.” I explained as I glared at mom and Chantell. Both tagged along without my permission.
“You might need us, honey. I think Shan and I understand Lynxin customs a little better than any of you…even you, Sonya.” Mom explained as her broom manifested and she mounted it gracefully then hovered several feet off the ground.
“The honored advisors of the late Queen Libra are always welcome to royal negotiations, my ladies.” Sonya bowed as she conjured her version of a broom. It echoed her scepter’s design and colors and looked… ‘cute’. Adorable might cover it better, I thought as I manifested my own broom.
“A Nimbus 6000?” Mom stared at my conjured broom. “Nice, but we really have to talk about how you know such things, honey.”
“How do you all like, make it look so simple?” Demi asked in wonder.
“You just like, have to have a good imagination?” I giggled.
Demi nodded, smiled and took a few well-calculated steps to the side.
A colorful, richly patterned, woven Arabic rug or tapestry appeared on the ground next to her, and Demi quickly stepped to its center and sat down cross-legged. Crossing her arms in front of her, she gave a sharp nod and the rug started to gain altitude.
“Like, I dated this Djinn a few millenia ago, for like, a couple centuries? Way more comfortable than one of…those?” She said scrunching her nose in disgust while pointing to our conveyances.
“We’re wasting time, Chairman! Time to get on the stick!” I pushed.
Jamie’s face turned crimson and in a ‘poof’ of black smoke, her first broom appeared. A wide smile instantly appeared on her face, but quickly disappeared as she looked up at us and then to her own broom.
“Don’t think about it! Witches are naturals when it comes to riding brooms, Chairman!” Mom advised sagely.
“How far back is she now?” I asked as Chantell pulled alongside.
“About three clicks.”
“You see ‘Jeannie’ anywhere?” Mom answered then looked around us.
“Saw her a few miles back. She dropped altitude at that lake we passed, and last I saw, she was serenely dipping her hand in the water all ‘Jasmine-like’. Strange girl. Sweet, but strange.” Chantell explained. “What’s up with our ‘Magical Cat Girl’? I never saw a broom that actually emitted multi-colored sparkles before.”
“The sweetness had to be hiding somewhere, I guess.” I shrugged as I sighted the hotel matching our coordinates and pointed. “Well, I guess I don’t need my GPS/HUD anymore.” I added, turning off the broom’s GPS and HUD before I began my decent.
“So let me get this straight.” Mom laughed as she shook her head in amazement. “Your Nimbus 6000 has built-in GPS… On a Heads-Up-Display?”
“Also a Loose Bristle Warning system, Tree Avoidance Sensors, Colission Warning/Braking, and Flight Path Deviation Alerts in case I’m a bit fatigued when flying.” I replied before breaking out in laughter.
“Wise-ass!” Chantell accused under her breathe.
I decided I shouldn’t say anything about the patented, luxury ‘Aire-Ride’ suspension.
People that had already gathered outside the hotel because of the mandatory safety evacuation stared in wonder when we landed. Now, the same people plus several dozen more began pointing back up into the sky as Demi, Sonya, and Jamie started their decent.
Jamie, for whatever reason seemed to lose her composure, grip, and/or balance and ended up almost falling off her broom- hanging by her hands instead until close to the ground before releasing her broomstick and dropping three feet to the sidewalk. Once safely on the ground our frazzled sister’s broom vanished in another ‘poof’ of black smoke.
Sonya circled the crowd once in a tight ring before stopping and gently hovering the remaining four feet to the ground. With her left hand resting on her hip, she raised her right arm at a precise ninety-degree angle and snapped her small fingers dramatically. Her ornate broom vanished.
Demi landed gracefully on the pavement, stood, stepped off her rug, and watched it slowly roll itself up lengthwise before disappearing.
Applause filled the air around us as we made our way into the hotel’s reception area. Several law enforcement types made an attempt to intercept us.
“Ladies, this hotel has been evacuated for security reas…” He warned before suddenly freezing in place. Mom gasped.
“How did you do that?” She whispered.
“Commander Chance Summers, Witch Corps.” I introduced myself and motioned to my Coven sisters as I presented and quickly flipped open my vintage, leather Creds holder I had just conjured. “We’re here about the ‘disturbance’ in one of your VIP suites?”
The desk clerk stared at us in something between disbelief, admiration, and fear before nodding cautiously.
“Penthouse two. Take the right lift. I’ll give you an access fob…”
“Don’t worry, I’ve already got one.” I interrupted as I conjured the device in my upturned right hand.
The desk clerk was flabbergasted- his mouth dropping open instantly!
“Let’s go girls.” I said motioning to the elevator on the right.
The Stratford Hotel and Convention Center was a seventy story building that encompassed a full city block and was hailed as the premier temporary residence and party-place for executives and those ‘hobnobbing’ the Way. Their selection of elevator audio-only entertainment was almost as old as most of the things in mom’s old storage chests!
“Witch Corps. We’ll take it from here, my lords.” I announced to another officer, holding my antique credentials up again as the elevator door opened
“Very kinky, but I can’t let you girls in. We haven’t secured the perimet…”
“Sorry. We’re wasting time here. Let’s go, ladies.” I said as the officer became stationery and I walked past him to the Penthouse’s double door.
The entry into the suite beyond was putting up a bold, but losing battle against Kitty’s shurikens and claws. Reaching through the nearest hole with my left hand, I easily reached and turned the knob then slowly opened the right door. My wand materialized in my other hand just in case.
“How many times does it take before you get it through that thick fur?! I’m not interested!” Sinae shouted to the one introduced to us as ‘Felix’. She had him effectively immobilized- pinned up on one of the suite’s walls with her Shurikens.
“Princess Kitty, with the impeachment documents fully completed and now legally endorsed by Parliament, it is imperative that you return to FeLane for your coronation!”
“It’s not going to happen! I have other responsibilities!”
“I’m afraid by royal law you have no other choice but to be escorted back to FeLane, Princess.”
With a ‘sha-shiiing’ her claws were suddenly in the man’s face- her little finger’s claw teasing the fur on his throat. “Would you care to restate the last thing you said? For posterity?”
“FeLane Parlimentary regulation LS123796, sub-clause 3524e.” Mom announced loudly and confidently.
After a moment, Sinae’s claws retracted and she turned her attention to the six of us.
“High Priestess! Thank goodness you are here! Tell these ‘gentlemen’ that my cousin does not want to be bothered; that she has been disinherited from the royal Lynxin court.” Lyra requested as she still held her wand menacingly to the younger court investigator ‘Oliver’.
“I am unfamiliar with that regulation, Lady Hope Summers.” Sinae snarled.
“Basically, Felix here has the right to recall you home, sweetie- you being the rightful heir to Libra’s throne.” Mom tightly paraphrased.
“That is what I have been telling her majesty this entire time, My Lady!” Felix agreed.
“You would side with this ‘Tabby’, Lady Hope?” Sinae looked appalled.
FeLane Parlimentary regulation LS123896, sub-clause 12.” Mom announced just as loudly and just as confidently.
“Excuse me, My Lady?” Felix’s head snapped back to mom in shock.
FeLane Parlimentary regulation LS123896, sub-clause 12.” Mom repeated with a sinister smile.
“The regulation that was passed when I happened to point out that Libra, by law, couldn’t participate in Corps operations if an amendment to the previous reg wasn’t adapted? It specifies that the reigning monarch of FeLane or her subsequent heirs, if members of Witch Corps, may only be recalled after- and only after- an ongoing mission or like operation has concluded. Sub-clause 12 supersedes any and all royal decrees or regulations. No exceptions, Felix. LS123896 is boilerplate.”
Sometimes, my mother is absolutely amazing!
“Don’t forget FeLane Parlimentary regulation LS123800, sub-clause … oh, I forget.” Chantell added just as confidently.
“Oh…yes. The reg stating that it is the reigning monarch’s, or in this case the rightful heir of the FeLane throne , the option to defer to subordinates, the daily royal operations and necessities if approached by the High Priestess of Witch Corps with any operation requiring her participation in any type sortie.”
“Yeah, that’s the one. I’m so glad Libra made us memorize all those silly regulations. Lady Sonya said it would never amount to much, but now I’m glad we did, Hope.” Chantell praised the late queen and Coven sister’s precautionary measure.
“I was under the impression that FLP-LS123800 was the authorization for parasitic insectiod elimination by airborne, non-toxic chemical dusting.” Felix challenged with a smug expression.
“No, that was LS123799. I remember that one because it was right after Ling Hu Guan developed a rather nasty case of crabs and Libra wanted to make sure the dread infestation was dealt with before it became a pandemic.” Chantell corrected while snickering.
“Contrary to what you believe, Felix, Kitty’s on a mission and it’s up to our High Priestess whether her services are still required. The same goes for Lyra and Sonya Serangetti as they are next in line for FeLane’s throne.” Mom continued.
“I am?” Lyra gasped. Oliver fell limply to the floor and began gulping large amounts of air while gently rubbing his neck.
“Indeed you are, Serangetti Lyra. If something, Queen forbid, happened to both Princesses Kitty and Sonya, you would be crowned FeLane’s queen upon reaching maturity.” Felix informed our youngest sister.
“That’s preposterous!” Sonya challenged as she hovered up into the man’s face and pointed her scepter intently.
“Because of Queen Libra and Princess Sonya’s extreme longevity, as of this date, you are next in line after Sinae Kitty, Serangetti Sonya.”
Sonya slowly lowered herself back to the floor and became very quiet.
“So then, are we clear about the chain of command and rules regarding the implementation of that chain, Gentlemen?” I asked.
Felix and Oliver nodded in defeat.
“So like, why did we have to come along?” Demi asked, nulling our triumph.
“Because you, Jamie, and Sonya needed the practice, Demi. Time to go. Let’s get to the roof.” I answered.
“The roof? Why the roof?” Jamie questioned in fear.
“Do you want to wade through the throngs of spectators assembled down on the street- Media asking for interviews and pictures?” I proposed.
“So, the steps are where, …exactly?” Jamie gulped and turned for the door.
“Jamie took off like a bat outta hell, didn’t she?” Chantell observed as she pulled alongside. We were possibly half way back to Pegasus.
“Its amazing how fast she mastered her broom, isn’t it?” I giggled.
“When given reason, every time, Chance.”
“High Priestess? Am I in trouble now?” Lyra asked timidly as she joined Mom, Chantell, Sonya, Demi, and I.
“I’d ask Sonya first, sweetie.” I suggested. “I happen to think that, although you used the wrong method, your intentions were true. You protected your family and you protected your Coven sister. Taking it further, you also protected your Sovereign, and don’t tell Sinae I said that!”
“Lady Chance is absolutely right, Lyra. You have not only shown loyalty to Princess Kitty, you’ve also shown equal loyalty to both of our families: The Sinaes’ and the Corps. I cannot fault you for that…but…next time you rush into something, I still want informed! Are we clear, Serangetti Lyra?”
“Clear, big sister.” Lyra answered. “Race you back to Pegasus.”
Lyra took off like a plasma cannon pulse and Sonya did likewise only a split second later.
“Maaaan! Now I’m covered in all that damn multicolored glitter shit her broom exhausts! It’s gonna take a week to get it out of my hair!” Chantell complained.
“Glad I got the Forward Debris Deflector option.” I muttered.
Mom and Chantell glared at me.
“I’ll like, have to get my rug cleaned now? James won’t see me again if I return it with glitter stains?”
Mom turned to our Olympian sister.
“You mean to tell me you dated a Djinn by the name of James?” She asked incredulously.
“Well, he was like, more fun than his brother, Rupert?” Demi admitted.

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