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Ward of the State
(pilot episode)
Copyright 2021 by Heather Rose Brown
In a near-future world not too different from our own, homelessness has become a hot topic. Citizens are demanding *something* has to be done about it. This is the start of a story about what happens when drastic plans created by poorly informed but enthusiastic committees are put into action.
My shoulder was being shaken as someone whispered, "El, wake up."
I opened a sleep-crusted eye. A familiar silhouette was framed by the grey light peeking through the crack between the boards covering the nearest window. The icy morning air turned her breath into a foggy halo while she wriggled into a jacket.
"What's going on, Cyn?" I asked as I pried open my other eye.
"We gotta hide," Cyndie said as she flung the matted covers off me.
I shivered as I sat up, then winced when the ancient springs of the mattress under me groaned. We both froze, barely daring to breathe as we listened. There was a faint noise outside. It could have just been a gust of wind blowing around a bit of debris. It could have been something else.
After a minute of silence, I moved my feet to the floor, then inched my backside off the mattress, until I was crouched beside Cyn. Once I found and pulled on my clothes, I gave her a nod, and we tip-toed over to the closet. I pulled the door open, then froze again when it creaked.
There was another noise outside. It almost sounded like feet shuffling. We didn't wait to listen this time, and just skittered into the closet. After closing the door, I reached around until my hand bumped into a wall. I ignored the grime sliding under my fingers as I searched, then gasped when I found the entrance to the crawlspace.
I was trying to push open the board covering the entrance, when a ground-shaking bang made the closet door rattle. This was followed by tinkle of shattered glass and clatter of wood shards, as a booming voice shouted, "Go! Go! Go!"
Cyndie shoved my arms aside and said, "No, not like that." Her nails scraped and scrabbled against something wooden. A few nerve-wracking seconds later, there was a whiff of dry, dusty air. "Come on," she said while grabbing my hand.
I crawled behind her, then yelped when my head cracked against the edge of the crawlspace entrance.
While I was shaking my head to clear away the stars I was seeing, a mechanical hum started, then grew closer. A voice too perfect to be natural said, "Life readings detected."
"Hey!" a more normal voice shouted. "Think there's somebody in here!"
The door swung open, and a bright light flooded the closet. I lowered my head and sprinted as quickly as possible while on my hands and knees. I was halfway into the crawlspace when thick fingers wrapped around my ankle and dragged me back out.
"Where you think you're going, missy?" asked the man who had shouted earlier.
I was tempted to try pulling my foot free, but I wasn't sure what I'd do after that. Trying to get back into the crawlspace, where Cyn was hiding, could lead to her getting dragged out as well. Instead, I flipped onto my back, squinted into the light, then said in a voice as deep and growly as I could manage, "I *ain't* no missy."
The man holding onto my foot chuckled. I swung my free foot in the general direction his voice came from, then grinned when it smacked into something solid.
"You little..." he muttered, then said something under his breath. I ignored the comment, yanked my foot free, then started rolling onto my feet. When I took a step towards the doorway, a high-pitched whirring started. My whole body began vibrating.
Pain flowed through me, until every nerve was on fire. I tried to scream, but it came out as more of a whimper. My legs stopped working, and I tumbled to the ground. I tried to get up again, but my numb limbs refused to move.
As my eyes closed I noticed someone new standing in the doorway.
"Why'd you stun her?" the new person asked.
I never heard the answer.
A strong, bitter stench drifting from one nostril to the other made me want to cough. I didn't have the strength for that, so I let out a strangled wheeze instead. When that didn't seem to help, I tried to sit up, but my body wasn't in a very cooperative mood.
"I think she's coming around, Doctor," said a light, feminine voice.
A warbling hum started above my head, then moved at a steady pace towards where I assumed my numb feet must be. A deeper, though still femine voice said, "Scans indicates he's conscious, but hasn't fully recovered."
"He?" asked the lighter voice.
"That's correct," said the deeper voice, which I assumed to be the doctor.
"But she ... I mean he looks so--".
"Nurse," said the doctor in a firm voice.
"I'm sorry," said the woman I decided must be the nurse. "Should I administer the stimpack?"
"Yes. Set it for ten cc's."
There was a short hiss somewhere below my chin. A couple of seconds later, my body began to tingle. The first thing I was able to move was my eyelids. Although they felt heavy, my lids eventually slid open.
I glanced from side to side. To my left was an array of unfamiliar devices. To my right were two women. One of them was in pink hospital scrubs, and had her blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail. The other woman was wearing a white labcoat, and had short, curly, brunette hair that was sprinkled with strands of silver.
The blonde haired woman smiled brightly as she said, "I'm Nurse Jenson. Could you tell me your name?"
I tried to answer, but the only sound I could make was a dry croak.
"Would you like something to drink?"
When I nodded, the nurse turned to something set into the wall, pressed a button, then said, "Water. Point two liters. Cold."
The scent of ozone filled the air when a glass of water phased into existence. Nurse Jenson picked up the glass, then reached for a spot above my head. The upper half of my bed began lifting, until I was almost sitting upright.
"Take slow sips," the nurse said as she held the glass to my lips. The cool fluid slipping across my tongue and down my throat was nothing like the filtered sludge I'd gotten used to while living rough. "Is that better?" she asked as she drew a half empty glass away.
I nodded, then said in a hoarse whisper, "Thank you." I swallowed, then said in a more normal voice, "To answer your question, my name's Ellis."
The corners of the older woman's mouth turned up, and her eyes crinkled as she said, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ellis. I'm Dr Arems."
I smiled and asked, "What's up, Doc?" From the blank look I got from her, I guessed she may not have seen any of the ancient flicks they showed at one of the shelters I'd bunked in briefly, so I shrugged as well as my recovering shoulders could manage, then asked, "I mean, what's going on, Dr Arems?"
The doctor looked down at the data pad she was holding, tapped it a few times, then looked back up and said, "At the moment, we're working on helping you recover from the unauthorized use of an instrument which induced both paralytic and somniferous conditions."
"Recover from ... what?"
My arm only had a slight tingle when Nurse Jenson patted it, then said, "She means, we're helping you recover from being stunned by an overzealous Housing Enforcement Taskforce officer."
My chest tightened and my pulse raced. "We'd been raided by HET?"
Dr Arems tapped her device again, then frowned at me as she asked, "There was more than one of you?"
"Oh ... no, it was just me," I said while thinking of Cyndie. Even though we'd only been squatting in the same abandoned house for a little over a month, she'd been the closest I'd had to a friend for a long time. Something hot and damp slid down my cheek when I wondered if I'd ever see her again.
I've decided to call what I've written here a pilot episode, rather than a first chapter, because I wasn't sure if anyone would be interested in this story, so I wrote down what I had so far, to see what people thought of it. I have a vague idea where I'd like this story to go, but absolutely no outline, so any future episodes would be written by the seat of my pants. That means I'm mostly in the dark about what will happen next.
If this looks interesting to you, please let me know, and thank you for giving my pilot episode a read through.
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liking it a good start
def worth continuing heather there is a good mix of sci fi in there along with dystopia that will grab the attention
to hug is to be and to be is to be hugged
view the world through the eyes of a child and relearn the wonder and love
Allie elle loved and cared for and resident of the kids camp full time
So glad you like it!
I've sorta had mixed results with sci-fi stories, but I kinda feel this one may work out okay.
Please listen to your muse. This has the makings of an interesting yarn.
Linda Jeffries

Too soon old, too late smart.
My moose... mean muse, can be a bit tricky sometimes. Okay, it can be tricky a lot of the time. I'm hoping it'll keep on giving me more of this story. Well, a more concrete second chapter at least. There is more story, but it feels like it's all over the place at the moment.
this looks very cool, hon
please continue it!
Thanks for the encouragement! I'm a big fan of your stories, so hearing you like the start of this story means a lot to me.
*blushes like crazy*
it means a lot to me that you're a fan of my work
Yes, Please.
Continue the story. I quite like it.
I'm glad you like this pilot. All I gotta do now is get my muse to follow *one* of the plot lines it's been coming up with.
I loved it.
Please continue.
Thank you!
I appreciate your encouragment.
I say go for it
I think you have a very good start here and I'd like to see where it goes. Sometimes good stories kinda surprise us before we get a chance to plan them out. Let your muse guide you. Besides, you may not know where it's going but wouldn't you like to find out? ;)
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
I've got a couple of ideas...
...rolling around in my head for where this story can go, but I'm sorta having trouble picking a direction. I may just pick one at random, and see where it goes. That may not be the best way of reaching the end of a story, but it could still be a fun trip. Thanks so much for joining me! :)
Good start,
The sci-fi angle could be interesting, please continue.
Glenda Ericsson
I've had fun writing...
...sci-fi stories in the past, but I'm not all that good at the science part, so I haven't always had good luck with that genre. Still, the start of this story has been fun enough to give trying something sci-fi-ish another go. Thanks encouraging me to give this a try!
I'm curious. -
to learn where we go from here. Seems to be another form of 'New world order' where the poor and downtrodden get short shrift. Please make sure that the title names are contiguous so that each chapter can be easily associated with the last.
Good writing,
Beverly Taff.
I definitely feel...
...a "New World Order" kinda vibe to this story. I'll try to not make it too dystopian, though. I kinda feel a bit of that can make a story interesting, but too much of it would make it too depressing to write. I'll try to make sure the title names for future chapters are easy to connect to this one. Thank you for your advice and encouragement!
Chapter one written
But there doesn't seem to be a chapter 2...yet.
Great and interesting beginning, so yeah, chapter two has to be written. And chapter 3, and chapter 4,...
So much needs to be learned. Whi is Cyndie? What is the HET? How did Ellis and Cyndie come to be on the 'streets?' What year is it? Where are Ellis and Cyndie's families? What happens to Ellis now?
Whole bunch of questions but no answers.
Others have feelings too.