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Despite growing up knowing about the Paranormal and seeing a world that normal people would never see, Seth was as close to a normal human as you could get. Everything would change on the day his father died and his life would never be the same again.
Author's Note: Here's chapter 21 of A Cold Fey In Hell. Sine I still had four chapters sitting on Patreon I decided to post one this week since my arm is still not at 100% Thanks to Big Closet and to all my readers for your support and Merry Christmas. I hope you all enjoy. ~Amethyst.
Chapter 21: Playtime
After lunch, Mom took me aside, called Jimmy’s cell phone, and put us on speakerphone so we could apprise him of the Selina situation. He would be coming over the next morning after breakfast for a home intake to help us get Selina registered and properly set up with a new identity. Jimmy wasn’t even all that fazed by the whole thing since imprinting among Paranormals wasn’t entirely unheard of. Kurura apparently imprint on the first person they see after Manifesting in their mid-teens, but in more of a lifelong mate kind of way.
I guess that they usually keep their eyes covered after Manifesting to avoid imprinting on someone they’re not compatible with but a few years ago there had been a very public scandal in the local Paranormal scene. A Karura had Manifested without the usual warning signs of her species and imprinted on her boyfriend’s kid sister at a family barbeque that she had been invited to, talk about awkward. To make it worse, the family in question were all normies.
At least she had been thinking enough to call her father at the PDA as soon as she realized what had happened. They went into full containment and cover-up mode among the normies and, while Jimmy hadn’t been one of them, they’d had to send in five psychics to rewrite memories, dispose of any evidence, and ease the Karura’s mental trauma over the whole thing. Some of the local Paranormals caught wind of the incident and thought that it was overkill and that the PDA used too many resources because the Karura was the daughter of a high-level PDA agent. I know that’s bullshit though because my dad was an agent and that kind of response is pretty standard when there’s the risk of large-scale public exposure of Paranormals.
Once the call was finished and I felt better knowing that Jimmy would have my back, and Selina’s, I excused myself for a quick shower and to change my clothes. I had been perspiring mightily during the pole dance lessons and I was looking a bit disheveled, and my Nymph vanity was protesting the thought of looking, and smelling, less than my best. I was in no rush since we had decided to put off the shopping trip with Selina until the next day. We would just cancel the lessons for tomorrow and head off immediately after Jimmy’s visit.
If we had tried to do it after lunch it would have been nearly two o’clock by the time I cleaned up a bit from my perspiration-inducing lesson and we arrived at the mall. Since the club opened at four, that would have only given us two hours to get the necessities and get home. While Mom could have easily taken part of the night, or even the whole night off, the club couldn’t afford to open without the doorwoman and the only official bouncer that we had at the moment. With that in mind, we would have had to set a new world record for the five-woman shopping relay. Nope, it was far better to just wait until we had more time available tomorrow.
By the time that I was dried off and dressed in clean clothes again, I was feeling much more relaxed. We figured that Selina could just keep wearing the clothes that my sister had loaned her today and borrow some more for tomorrow until we could get her shopping done. As for what we were going to do with our afternoon, I came up with something that was fairly ingenious
Jess and Carmen had already planned on watching over Sorcha while she played for the afternoon so I decided to try and get Selina more comfortable spending time with them by arranging a ‘play date’ for my new ‘child’ and Sorcha. Sorcha was eager to have somebody to play with her dolls with in the common room and Selina was eager to get a part of her childhood that she had previously been denied, once she realized that she was not only allowed to do so but encouraged. It took her a while to get over her uncertainty and lose herself in playing with the little Selkie but she was so happy once she had that after a while the world outside their games seemed to fade away.
It brought a smile to my face seeing her like that, just being able to let go of all that fear and self-doubt for a time and embrace a part of the childhood that she had been denied. Sorcha was just as happy as Selina was since she might have often hung around with us older kids, but she seldom got to have this kind of playtime, where she could set the rules and guide the play. Not only was Selina allowing that but it was what she seemed to need. She needed to learn how to play as her identified gender rather than being forced to play out some archaic male stereotype mandated by the abusive humans who could never see her for who she was inside.
Some people might disagree with what I did, encouraging her to be a kid like that when she’s thirteen years old and should be growing up. Those people can go fuck themselves because, from everything I saw with her behavior, she had been denied a childhood as herself for long enough. It was about time she got to experience it a bit, even if it was only in short doses during play dates like this. Besides, how could I expect her to learn to be an adult and gain some confidence in who she was if she had no real positive childhood experiences to draw on?
The pair were lost to the world and Sorcha was giving Selina a good lesson on how to be a kid when Carmen winked at me. “Nice going, Crystal. I think this is good for both of them. Selina might just make a good sitter for the little angel once she’s all settled in and more sure of herself. I kinda feel bad because I stopped playing with dolls just before Sorcha started. Sure, I can play dolls with her, but Selina is more involved and actually enjoying it as much as Sorcha is, now that she’s let herself relax a bit.”
Jessica nodded and put an arm around me in a half-hug. “Yeah, good job, Sis. You’re a natural with the Mom thing.”
“That’s something I’ve always wanted to hear,” I muttered sarcastically.
“Just take the compliment, you derp,” my sister teased, slapping me lightly on the back of the head. “They seem to be really into what they’re doing, so Carmen and I can probably just sit here and watch them until it’s time for Sorcha to take a nap in an hour. If there’s anything you… uhh… need to do, now might be a good time, Sis.”
It took me a moment to realize what Jessica was suggesting and when I did my sense of responsibility toward Selina was immediately at war with the explosion of fiery heat in my loins and belly. Could I really finally do something to address this lingering aching need that had been with me since I Manifested? My breath hitched as I looked toward Melody whose eyes had gone wide with eager realization. Oh, Goddess, I needed this so bad, but Selina…
“Sis, go and have fun. Before something else happens to prevent it. I don’t know how you’ve managed to keep your self-control for this long. Don’t worry about Selina, we’ll watch her and Sorcha and if something happens that absolutely requires your attention then I’ll come to get you,” Jessica insisted before shoving me toward Melody.
I cast another look to where Selina was absorbed in playing with the much younger Selkie and got to my feet with mixed feelings. On the one hand, Selina was emotionally delicate and needed to be handled with care. I was pretty sure that I could trust my sister and Carmen to do that but she had been so clingy with me and I was worried about her rejection issues if I wasn’t around when she came back to the real world.
On the other hand, I couldn’t allow Selina to become completely dependent on me for everything either. She needed to know that the other members of our strange family would be there for her too and that I couldn’t be with her every waking moment. Ugh, I wondered if Aislinn had these kinds of issues and doubts with Sorcha.
I think I need more hands because on the third hand, I had sex really trying to dominate my thoughts again right now, and it was winning the battle. All those hands should be roaming my body right now, doing all manner of things that I had been firmly denied since my Nymph sex drive had asserted itself. A Nymph has needs and it looked like those needs were, hopefully, about to be finally satisfied. No need to twist my arm, Selina was distracted and in good hands for the moment and I hoped to be as well once I managed to get Melody to my bedroom.
With only the briefest of thankyous given in a husky and strained version of my usually chirpy voice, I turned my gaze to Melody, biting my lip against the heat of my desire. I was about to ask her to join me when my breath caught in my throat. How does this work? Do I ask her to take me to my room? Do I try to take the lead in things? I may be horny as all fuck but I really have no experience here and I was pretty sure that Melody would be the dominant one in whatever this relationship of ours was. I had a submissive streak a mile wide when I was with her; I wanted her to take charge, to take me, and make me feel like I was hers.
She seemed to sense my hesitation and picked me up in her arms like I was a small child. Damn, she really had that Demon strength thing going on. We were the same height but I was definitely the heavier of the two of us due to my bountiful curves and assets. My heart skipped a beat as she got me settled in her arms and carried me down the hall toward my room, her voice a sexy growl that was belied by the tenderness in her eyes as she asked, “This is what you want?”
My heart now decided to make up for that missed beat by hammering away in my chest as I found myself unable to do anything more than nodding, suddenly incapable of speech. Did I want this? Really? Did she need to ask? I’ve only been waiting eagerly for it and trying to make it happen since I had figured out my feelings for her, and that she seemed to share them.
The way she had just picked me up and now held me in her arms effortlessly as she walked toward our hallway made my heart flutter wildly. Oh, my Goddess, I wanted her so fucking bad right now. My breaths came staggered, shallow, and quick in my excitement as I rained kisses upon her. Not on her lips since being right in her face would prevent her from seeing where she was going while carrying me like she was, but on her neck, her earlobe, and the closest of those crimson horns that poked out from her hairline to curve backward along the side of her head above her ears like a crown.
We arrived at my door and I was barely aware of my hand reaching out frantically to turn the knob and push it open. My beautiful Demoness carried me inside, kicking the door closed behind her before carrying me to the bed and placing me on top. She didn’t just drop me, no she placed me tenderly and gently atop the bed as I continued to desperately shower her with kisses.
I pulled her atop me in my need and our lips met in a fury of passionate desire. Her hands roamed over my body as my bottom lip was trapped between her teeth, eliciting a soft groan of desire, and I was so lost at that moment that I wasn’t sure which of us had made the sound. The fire in my belly had spread outward to flush my skin, my heart was beating so fast and hard that I couldn’t tell where one beat ended and the next began, and my breathing was a desperate staccato of gasps interspersed with needy moans.
Melody’s teeth released their hold on my lower lip and I whimpered in protest until I realized that she was reaching for the zipper of my dress. I’ve never gotten out of clothes so fast in my life as I did then. I kicked my shoes off so hard that they hit the door to the hallway and allowed her to pull off my dress. Fortunately, it had built-in support so that was one less piece of clothing to remove and Melody was still working to get out of her shirt as I hastily removed my panties and tossed them off to the side where they landed on the hardwood floor with a wet plop.
A breathy giggle escaped Melody’s lips as she got her shirt off and glanced over toward where my soaked panties had hit the floor. Oh damn, she had the most amazing abs. “Someone’s eager,” she teased with a playful waggle of her eyebrows.
If she was trying to make me blush she was to be disappointed. My pale skin was already flushed dark pink with desire and I was a Nymph, soaked panties were par for the course and I had no modesty to worry about. The only thing that was frustrating me was that she was taking so goddamn long getting out of her clothes. A sound somewhere between a moan and a whimper slipped through my lips unbidden as she continued to remove her clothes tantalizingly slowly until I practically ached to feel her lips, her touch, and her soft skin.
Finally, she removed her panties leaving her standing naked above me. For a moment I forgot everything, even the urgent desire that seemed to run through my veins like molten steel, as my eyes roamed over her, taking in my lover in all her glory for the first time. As a former guy, I would have thought that it would have been her breasts or the soft folds between her legs that would have dominated my attention at first, but that wasn’t the case.
I just took it all in at first, the whole picture, and I found my breath catching in my throat in dazed wonder as I gazed at the way her rose gold skin flowed silkily over taut muscles, that beautiful face with those captivating amber eyes, the elegant curve of crimson horns in stark contrast to her long black hair. These were things I had seen every day but I never really appreciated how beautiful they were until I saw her unadorned. She was both delicate and powerful, a contrast that suited her more than anyone I had ever met, soft curves obscuring just enough to barely hint at the raw power that laid beneath.
I reached up with a shaking hand to caress her silky cheek, my finger trailing downward to trace her jawline and then downward along her slender and elegant neck. Her breath caught in her throat as I traced her collarbone and then continued to work my way down to her right breast, circling her areola languidly. Her breasts were so firm and soft, just barely a handful but is anything more than that really needed? Her nipple hardened at my caress and if mine hadn’t already been diamond-hard, I’m sure they would have risen to the occasion as well.
I continued to move my questing finger downward, the other fingers and other hand joining it to run down her sides, exploring the curve of her waist and her wide hips then down the outer thighs toward her knees before I could reach no further without getting off the bed and kneeling before her. Undaunted, I changed my course, reaching behind her to tease the backs of her legs, that apple-shaped bottom, and the curve of her spine. Was it weird that I found the curve of her spine sexy?
Yeah, when I was a guy I’ll admit that it was all about the tits and ass, but seeing Melody naked like this for the first time it wasn’t just certain obvious features that called for my attention. Maybe it was because it was Melody and not some random person but with her, it was everything. I was entranced by the whole package, and how each and every feature was brought together into one entire breathtakingly beautiful woman. “You’re so beautiful.”
We had both said it at the same time, in one gasped breath, as we took in one another’s bodies and my awareness of my desire returned with a vengeance. Melody stared at me a moment longer, tracing the curve of my pointed ear and down along my jawline causing me to shiver in pleasure at the sensation. Her fingertip hovered above my lips for but a minute before pulling away, only to be replaced by eager lips as she lowered me back to the bed, laying atop me as her lips claimed my own with bruising need.
Her tongue probed insistently at the gates of my lips and I parted them with an eager moan to allow admittance. Permission granted, her tongue slipped eagerly inside to twirl about my own in an ardent dance as her hands explored the curves of my body as I had done with her only moments earlier. I don’t know how long we laid there like that, kissing like it might be our only chance, but I was burning with desire and rubbing desperately against her thigh, my breath shuddering with need when she finally broke the kiss. For a second, and an eternity, we laid there looking into one another’s eyes, a slender thread of saliva stretching between our parted lips like a strand of spider silk.
“Fuck, I love you,” Melody whispered as she stared into my eyes. I reached up in an attempt to tease her sides with a ghostly touch but she took both of my wrists in her delicate yet strong hand, forcing my arms above my head. She was so much stronger than me, even if I had wanted to fight it I couldn’t have. “Nuh-uh,” she said in a breathy growl, “I’m in charge here, my little Muse. You’ve been a good girl, waiting for so long so first we see to your needs. If there’s time after you can see to mine.”
Oh, my Goddess. She said the L-word. Did she mean it or was it just in the heat of the moment? Well, I was certainly feeling a lot of heat at that particular moment. I didn’t think that I could get any more turned on than I already was but her taking charge like that proved me wrong. Thrills of pleasure cascaded through my entire being when she held me down, when she called me her Muse, but especially when she called me a good girl. Just the thought and feeling of pleasing her was orgasmic on a spiritual level, I damn near came from that alone.
For a brief instant I wondered what was wrong with me, just how fucked up I must be to have those things turn me on so much but I decided that I didn’t really care. No, I wanted to be Melody’s, she was the only one I would allow to lay claim to me like this. Other people could have my body for a brief time, but Melody had my heart and soul. That was why I wanted her to be my first.
My Demon Mistress smiled down at me, her free hand trailing nonsensical patterns along the flesh of my body as she nibbled on my earlobe, her hot breath bathing my ear and making me shiver in slowly mounting pleasure. My ears were so sensitive and so was my skin as her fingernail traced those patterns, teasing my flesh with aching pleasure and I tried to move my body toward the tantalizing contact. She wouldn’t let me, her fingertip pulling away as much as I moved toward it to retain only that barest phantasmal contact as the path of her fingertip caused shivers of urgent desire to dance along my skin in its wake.
It circled my breast, trailed down toward my navel, made swirling patterns over my hips and outer thighs and I felt myself growing more desperate with need with each passing second. A gasping moan escaped my lips from the mix of pleasure and pain as she nipped my earlobe and tugged at it. She released it only to grin at me before kissing her way tantalizingly along my jawline and then downward, halting only once her burning lips reached my right nipple.
Her tongue rolled around my nipple as her teasing finger started to work its way back northward, her other hand still holding my wrists bound securely above my head. Her grip was just strong enough to prevent me from freeing myself but gentle enough not to hurt me as her tongue teased my nipple, slowly circling for a time before she caught the hardened proof of my desire in her teeth. Again, that shocking and intense mix of pleasure and pain caused my brain to short circuit as I tried to gasp and squeak at the same time.
Melody rolled her tongue over and around my nipple as her teeth held it fast, even as that trailing finger found the other nipple and rubbed it in firm hard circles. I thought that I was going to explode with orgasm right there but as she had me on the edge her mouth went from biting and tongue teasing to gently suckling. She kept me on the edge, switching back and forth and never letting me go over. My every nerve was on fire, becoming more and more sensitive to even the slightest touch or sensation as she kept me hovering at the edge of climax.
I whimpered in raw need and I felt her finger trail southward again, even as her teeth and tongue renewed their assault. “Aaaaah!” I wasn’t quite sure it if was a scream or a moan but the sound that escaped my lips was prompted by the ecstasy as I felt her fingers teasing the folds between my legs. I bit my lip against the need for release and Melody caught my look of desperation as she looked up from the oral attention that she continued to assail my right nipple with.
The resulting giggle sent the strangest sensations through my near-painfully sensitive nipple before she released it and grinned up at me. “That needy pout is so cute, Babe. Would you like me to let you climax? You only need to ask nicely.”
I was half tempted to tell her just how demonic she was being by keeping me on the edge like she was but then she might stop. This was the most intense experience that I had ever had in my life and I hadn’t even orgasmed yet. Okay yeah, I could ask nicely, but she was going to get a bit of sass too. I allowed my desperation to show and let my lip quiver just a bit as I asked in a gasping breathy voice, “May I please climax, oh mighty infernal Mistress?” What can I say, I’m a brat and she was the one who had taken charge of things, not that I was complaining about that because holy shit this was amazing.
Melody let out an adorable giggle snort before trying to reclaim some of her seriousness. “I guess that I can allow it since you’re being such a good girl and asking nicely.”
Damn, it just hits me right in my core when she calls me a good girl. Speaking of hitting me in my core, that was when she decided to slip a pair of fingers inside me with a wet and somewhat dirty sound that turned me on even more. I moaned in pleasure from the intrusion. I hadn’t really tried anything penetrative yet in my attempts at self-pleasure, I thought that it might feel strange and unnatural, but boy was I wrong. It felt amazing, I felt filled and complete in a way that I had never experienced before as she held those fingers inside me for a moment to let me get used to the sensation.
She didn’t hold them still for long. Soon she was pumping them in and out of me and every time she plunged deeper I regained a little more of the lost ground on my path to climax. Her mouth was on my nipple once again, biting and pulling as her tongue flicked over it with each plunge of her fingers. I was hyper-stimulated and each sensation was driving me wild by the time she plunged in as deep as her fingers could go, her thumb rubbing against my engorged clit, even as she bit down hard on my nipple once again.
The combined sensations sent me over the edge and I screamed out in an explosion of agonizing ecstasy as my back arched so that only my shoulders and heels were touching the bed. It felt like I had fallen into the sun; Incandescent light infused my mind behind my closed eyes and I was filled with a white fire that burned outward from my core and through my entire body in wave after incredible wave, consuming all conscious thought and leaving only an all-encompassing sensation of joy and completion behind. And then, just as my mind was returning to some semblance of consciousness, Melody sent me over the edge once more.
I don’t know how many times that Melody made me orgasm but when she was finished I was a quivering puddle of Nymph that had somehow ended up wrapped up lovingly in her arms. As I laid there flushed, trembling, and trying to recover in both mind and body from the overload of pleasure and the sensations that even just her stroking my hair produced, I nuzzled happily against my lover. The girl that I had to admit that I was in love with.
I felt so satisfied, for the first time since I had Manifested, though from what Mom had said I’d probably be horny again by tomorrow morning, at the latest. I don’t think I could have managed anymore if I tried right then though, with the way my nerves were so sensitive. The merest of touches to my most sensitive areas was engendering a painful type of pleasure. I may have discovered that I liked a bit of pain mixed with pleasure, at least when it was Melody giving it, but right then it was just a bit too much for me.
Melody seemed to sense that I was once again coherent, or at least on my way, and tenderly kissed my forehead. “Satisfied, Babe?”
“Hmmm…. Yeah,” I murmured in reply still trying to find my way out of the warm fuzzies of post-orgasm bliss. “Your turn?” I asked dreamily. My entire body may have felt like jelly at the moment but I wanted to make her as happy and satisfied as she had made me.
She made no attempt to move but just continued to hold me and gently stroke my hair, the vibration of her giggles causing pleasant sensations in my over-stimulated body. “No, Babe. You can barely move right now; we’ll pick things back up later tonight. You probably need to eat something before we start anything else anyway, you burned a lot of energy and you’re going to need it when we do get back to this. We’ve actually been in here a while so we should get dressed and go see what the others are up to in a bit. Right now though, I just want to hold you and cuddle for a bit.”
I happily snuggled closer murmuring, softly, “Mmmm… I love you.” It took a second, but as soon as my brain parsed what my mouth had said my eyes went wide and my heart just about leaped out of my chest. “Shit! How could I be so stupid?! We’ve known each other, what a week? It’s too soon to say something like that, I probably shouldn’t even be thinking it!” I was actually trembling again, this time with fear.
“Calm down, Babe.” For just an instant her fingers had stopped stroking my hair and I was terrified of what she might say before they picked right up where they left off and she spoke those words. It took a moment but I managed to slow my rapid breathing and stop shaking. She was smiling as she leaned over and kissed me lovingly and whispered tenderly in my ear. “Shhhh, there’s my good girl. I love you too, I know it seems weird, like we should spend more time together, but I fell in love with you that first moment that I saw you, and every moment that I spend with you just makes me fall deeper. You’re beautiful, sweet, funny, caring, and a lot stronger than you give yourself credit for. What’s not to love?”
“Y…you’re okay with it then?” I whispered back once I felt that I could speak again.
“More than okay,” she said, kissing me again. “I did say the same thing earlier when things were getting hot. I’m not perfect, and I know that we will never have the conventional monogamous relationship but I love you and I want to give this thing between us a go. I’d rent a U-Haul but we already sorta live together.”
“Hmm? U-Haul?” I asked, my brain still a bit fuzzy.
“It’s kinda a lesbian stereotype,” she admitted with a chuckle as I nuzzled closer. “It refers to when a lesbian couple move in together without knowing each other very long. If we’re going to play to the stereotypes though, maybe I should get more flannel in my wardrobe. It gets cold here.”
I giggled and then sighed happily. I didn’t care what people thought, all that mattered was that we were both happy together and I felt that I had a shot at that with Melody. We cuddled for a short while longer before I noticed that we had left the others in the common room two hours earlier. “Hmmm, shouldn’t Sorcha have been put down for a nap by now? I kinda expected Selina to notice I was gone by now.”
“Let’s get up and check on her then if you’re worried,” Melody offered as she stretched.
It took us a few minutes but we cleaned up a bit in the bathroom and then got dressed to go out and rejoin the others in the common room. When we arrived, Jess and Carmen were watching a movie with the volume down low and both Selina and Sorcha were sleeping on the other couch. I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised since she didn’t get very much sleep the night before and her whole life had been turned upside down in the past day, hopefully in a good way for the most part.
I pressed my finger to my lips and pulled Melody over to the couch so we could join my sister and Carmen in watching the movie. “Shhh, we’ll let her sleep a while longer, she’s been through a lot in the past day.”
All Rights Reserved
Further chapters are available to the public on my Patreon page.
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love makes the loved one beautiful
"each and every feature was brought together into one entire breathtakingly beautiful woman"
Feelings do tend to influence our perceptions, especially love.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
I think it was worth the wait.
Yup, it's about time
Wait... are we talking about the chapter being posted or Crystal finally getting laid?
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
Love it
And merry christmas to all of you here
Thanks Alissa
And a merry Christmas to you and all of my other readers as well.
*big hugs*
Don't take me too seriously. I'm just kitten around. :3
finally caught up on this,
finally caught up on this, enjoying it so far
Finally some alone time
Crystal has had alone time on her mind since forever, so now that she's had a very satisfying first alone time maybe she can concentrate on other things better.
What she told Melody could be the result of their love making or the truth. Only after Crsytal comes back down to earth will they know the truth of Crystal's declaration. And only if she is completely honest with herself.
Others have feelings too.
At Last
At last, my love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song...
Crystal finally gets laid!
I wonder
how much of Crystal's experience leaked through the Salamander Network.