Use as Directed

Written by Princess Kay

Commissioned by Charonshope

Content Warning: This story includes sluttification, and an unexpected (though not quite unwilling) transformation.


Miles stared at the bottle of pink liquid resting in his palm. His heart was pounding in his chest. He couldn’t stay still, shifting his weight constantly, pressing his bare ass against the mattress. He was being ridiculous, and he knew it. Potions of femininity were harmless. They were only temporary, so long as you took them as directed, and even if you messed up you could always reverse the process with another potion. Not that he was going to let himself mess up, here.

Miles tore his gaze from the potion, focusing instead on the spoon that was perched on the edge of his nightstand. One teaspoon; no more, no less. That would transform him for an hour, with no side effects, at least according to the alchemist who’d sold it to him. She’d also talked about the side effects, at length, but Miles hadn’t really listened. It didn’t really matter, since Miles had no intention of taking more than one dose. There was no reason to since he was only doing this to satisfy his curiosity. He just wanted to know what it felt like, to be a woman. It was something he’d been wondering ever since he first heard of femininity potions, back when he was just a kid. He would have gotten one the moment he’d turned eighteen, but they were exorbitantly expensive. Even the one in his hand had been pretty costly, and it had been heavily discounted.

According to the alchemist who made it, it was something she’d been experimenting with. She was apparently still working out the kinks, so Miles was supposed to call the shop and give a report on the transformation the next day. Or within the next hour, if anything really bad happened. 

…That was a little concerning, but she’d promised that nothing permanent would happen. He’d looked up reviews of her store, Molly’s Concoctions, and while there were a couple of complaints about her customer service, everyone agreed that Molly’s potions were top quality. He had nothing to worry about, even with an experimental potion, so long as he kept to one dose. Even two would be fine - it would add another hour to the duration, and there might be some additional side effects, but everything would still be temporary. If he took more than that, though… Actually, Miles wasn’t really sure what would happen. More side effects, most likely, and it would probably last longer, too. Molly had gone on at length about the various possible outcomes, but he’d mostly tuned her out since he really didn’t plan on taking more than one dose.

He was a lot more worried about the transformation. Or, more accurately, he was anxious about how he’d feel after the transformation, though. He didn’t know much about dysphoria, but he knew it was unpleasant, and the thought of experiencing it for himself was scary. He already felt uncomfortable in his own skin, like he was being forced to wear an ill-fitting suit; he didn’t want it to get worse.

Then again, Miles wasn’t sure it could get worse. Some part of him even thought it would make things better, though he knew that was nothing more than a delusion. He’d felt this way since puberty, after all, and he knew full well that it wasn’t ever going to get better. Even in a world of magic potions, the only real cure for mental issues was expensive therapy.

Still, he couldn’t help the flicker of hope that beat in his chest when he looked at the potion. How would a woman’s body feel? There was no way it could be worse. The feminine form was so beautiful, so wonderful, so right. Maybe it really would feel more natural than his current body?

As ridiculous as that thought was, Miles didn’t think he’d be able to give it up until he’d tested it out. And now, after all these years, he could finally slake his curiosity with just a teaspoon of pink liquid. There was nothing stopping him, now. So why wasn’t he uncorking the bottle? Why was he delaying? He should have been excited, so why was he struggling to take the final step? 

Maybe his fear was a sign. Maybe he shouldn’t do this at all. But then his curiosity would never disappear. Not to mention what a waste of money it would be. Even heavily discounted, buying this potion had taken a good chunk of his paycheck. Molly’s Concoctions didn’t take refunds, and it was illegal to sell potions without a license, so there was no way to recoup his losses at this point. At least if he drank the potion, he’d be getting something out of it. So he should take the potion, right? Just to see what being a girl felt like.

Not giving himself another chance to second guess himself, Miles snatched the spoon off the nightstand and pulled the cork free of its bottle, and measured out a dose. Not trusting himself to lift the spoon to his lips without spilling it, he lowered his mouth to the utensil, instead, and sucked the potion off of it.

The potion was warm and sweet against his tongue, and it went down smooth. It was more viscous than he’d realized, like a thick syrup, and it brought with it a gentle heat as it traveled down his throat, and into the center of his being. From there the warmth radiated outward, slowly suffusing his entire being.

Miles hastily moved to put the remaining portion, and the spoon, back onto the stand, before settling back down on the bed. He took another deep breath, trying to mentally prepare himself, as the warmth reached his extremities, suffusing his entire body, from the top of his head to the tips of his toes.

He felt his throat constrict, a prickling sensation spreading through it, akin to pins and needles dancing across his skin. Such sensations would usually be uncomfortable, to say the least, but it somehow felt pleasant. He vaguely remembered something about transformation potions, a half-forgotten kernel of knowledge from his schooldays. A dramatic transformation should, by all rights, be painful, but alchemists had discovered a way to trick the brain into confusing any pain signals from the alterations for pleasure.

The tingling migrated down Miles’ neck, moving toward his center, following the same path as the preceding warmth. Before it could reach his hands, Miles curled fingers about his throat, wanting to get a feel for it without any other sensations interfering. His skin was smooth beneath his fingers, and his adam’s apple had disappeared. 

“Hello?” Miles whispered the word, lacking the courage to go louder. He wanted to know if his voice had changed, but he was terrified that it might not have. He’d always hated his baritone voice, and imagined it would be even worse if he had to deal with a jarring mismatch between his voice and feminine form.

Thankfully, it seemed his worry was unfounded. His voice sounded breathier, gentler, and had a higher pitch. Miles couldn’t be sure how much had changed from just a whisper, though, so he cautiously repeated the word in a louder voice. Then again, even louder.

“Hello!” he cried out, at the top of his lungs. His new voice had a musical quality to it. He was so happy that it had changed. In fact, he was happy in general, in fact, more so than he’d been in years. Miles wondered if his new voice would sound as good to others as it did to him. He’d have to record it after the transformation was complete so that he could hear how it sounded to an outsider.

Distracted by his cheer, Miles barely paid attention to the heat that had spread through his being. He didn’t notice that it was growing in intensity, not until the gentle warmth had changed into a blazing flame, an inferno so hot it could melt the flesh from one's bones. But, again, the torturous flames that should have been wracking Miles body were translated into pleasure, every bit as intense as the pain would have been. 

Miles fell back against the bed, his body singing with delight, his eyes rolling back into his head as his body went into spasms from pure ecstasy. His form began to compact. He lost more than a foot in height, then regained some of it as his legs lengthened, becoming long and slender, shapely enough to attract stares of desire and envy from those he passed.

His stomach flattened. It wasn’t as if he’d been overweight, just a little chubby, but what fat there had been was now shifting toward his hips and ass, adding curves where there had been none. 

Miles’ rear, which had always been so tragically flat, became a plump bubble butt. He would always have a cushion, now, no matter where he sat. His hips, meanwhile, widened, not only from the shifted fat but due to a change in his very bones, which creaked and protested as they were forced to take a new shape, creating child birthing hips and sending waves of pleasure through his being in the process.

His waist felt like it was being squeezed by an ever-tightening vice, the flesh caving inward to further accentuate Miles’ new curves. It felt so good. His body hair disappeared, each hair dissolving to nothing as if it had been dipped into a vat of acid. His blonde hair grew out, the golden tresses becoming longer with each passing second until they began to cascade off the bed, reaching the floor. If Miles stood his hair would surely descend down to his ass. It felt wonderful. It felt right, in a way that Miles could not even begin to understand, let alone explain. 

He pushed himself up a little so that he could look at his chest, his eyes filled with expectation for what would happen next. A moment later, two little bumps appeared beneath his nipples. Unlike his other curves, the fat for these didn’t seem to be migrating from other parts of his body. His breasts were being grown from scratch, and as such were just a little slower in their development, and brought with them more heat and pleasure than any other part of his transformation so far. It felt like a firestorm was contained within each tit, one that grew hotter and fiercer with each passing second, bringing more and more pleasure as the breasts began to grow.

Miles’ body arched, his head slamming back against the pillow as he thrust his chest out. It was a struggle to keep his eyes open, to continue watching despite the deluge of pleasure that threatened to sweep his consciousness away, but he managed it, wanting to observe the entire process. He watched as his tits grew, changing from little bumps, to tiny hills, still small enough to cover with his palms, before growing into mountains, so large his hands would barely be able to cup them. His fingers moved instinctively, gripping hold of the massive mammaries. The sensation of fingers against sensitive nipples, of resilient flesh pushing back against him as he squeezed, was completely new to Miles, unlike anything he’d ever felt before. But it felt good. Even better than the flames.

Miles felt the bones of his face shifting about, his eyes burning, his cheekbones moving a little up, his lips becoming just a touch plumper, his eyelashes growing out. He smiled with full lips as his face finished its feminization. The transformation was almost complete.

He sat upright, staring down at his crotch, as best he could with his newly protruding chest. As if it had simply been waiting for him to pay attention, his member began to harden, and then shiver. Instead of the fire that had flown throughout his body, this part of the transformation felt more akin to lightning suddenly striking his flesh. It burned, it tingled, and it caused his flesh to twitch. It should have hurt, of course, it didn’t. It felt better than he would have thought possible, in fact. His earlier ecstasy paled in comparison to this. 

Miles’ dick began to shrink, his balls pulling on themselves. Something opened within his crotch, a sudden division in the flesh. His sack flowed into it, the excess skin being repurposed into folds, while the testicles themselves were driven into his body. He could feel them in his center, expanding and growing into a uterus. He could feel his womb coming into existence, even as his dick shrank to the size of a bean.

Miles hesitated for a moment, then reached down between his legs. His fingers gently brushed against his clit, and another spark of electricity ran through him. He gently teased it with the flat of his thumb, then slipped a finger inside his new opening. He was wet, his channel slick enough that his finger had no issues getting inside, to feel out the inner wall.

The potion had worked. He - no she - had gained a feminine form. A woman’s body. Except, she knew it wasn’t actually a woman’s body, because it belonged to her, and she wasn’t a woman. She knew that. She shouldn’t have even been using feminine pronouns, but they felt… Right, in this form. Right in a way they never could have, when she’d looked like Miles. Miles… That didn’t sound right, either. Perhaps she should pick a new name for the duration of this transformation?

She was thinking on it, weighing and feeling out various monickers, when the heat within her started to fade, leaving her somehow cold. Without the pleasure to distract her, she was suddenly aware of her new body, and how strangely fitting it felt.

Was this the effect of the potion? It had to be. There was no way Miles could feel this comfortable in a feminine form without it. At least, she didn’t think so. It made no sense. What would that even mean?

She needed a distraction. She needed to feel good before her brain went down a path that it shouldn’t. She considered touching herself some more, but she wasn’t sure that was a good idea. Having a finger inside her pussy had felt “right,” too, which was even more confusing. How could she distract herself from this? If only the pleasure could come back…

She eyed the remaining potion, still sitting on her nightstand. She knew it was a bad idea, but her hand had already gripped the bottle and was bringing it directly to her lips. Just a little more. Just one more sip. Another dose wouldn’t hurt. Or maybe a little more than that.

When she put the bottle back down, she was surprised to discover that half of it was missing. Fear struck her, as she realized what she’d done. It didn’t last long, however, as a new fire reignited in her mouth, traveling down her throat and into her center. She assumed it would flow throughout her body, from there, but it betrayed her expectations, as a single ember of intense heat flowed up from her stomach, burning intensely within her throat, then moving past it to light a fire within her brain.

She clutched her head, not understanding why the potion was affecting her so differently. Her confusion didn’t last long, though; it was burned away by an explosion of heat within her skull, as a wildfire tore through her mind. She screamed, falling back down on the bed. It felt like she was being ripped apart and stitched together again. It felt like it would never end, like her entire being would be burned away, and it felt good. Yet all too soon it began to dwindle until at last, it was extinguished.

Miles… No. That name felt wrong. Erin laid upon the bed, panting heavily, wondering what had just happened. It felt like something had changed within her, but she wasn’t sure what. It scared her, a little. She wondered if taking more of the potion had been a mistake. She didn’t have long to think upon it, though.

The fire in her belly had yet to disappear. She’d forgotten it, as the pleasure it brought paled in comparison to the sensation of those flames burning away at her mind, but now the fire was drawing her attention back to it, moving downward, traveling in a straight line toward her crotch. Her new clit throbbed, her pussy crying out for something, anything, to enter inside it.

Erin’s hand immediately moved toward her sex, slipping down her thighs, before pausing, just barely short of her entrance. This… This pleasure wasn’t natural. She’d read up on femininity potions before, and while they did feel good, they weren’t supposed to feel like this. Molly had called it experimental. Was this one of the side effects Erin hadn’t listened to? What would happen if she gave in and touched herself?

She tried to recall what the alchemist had said, replaying the half-listened conversation through her head, but it was useless. Not only was she unable to recall it, but she found herself getting distracted even as she tried her hardest to remember. Instead of Molly’s words, she found herself picturing the alchemist herself. Her crimson red hair, her piercing green eyes, the way her lips pulled into a slight frown every time she’d accused Erin of not paying enough attention. Her gentle voice, which conveyed irritation, but never quite matched the annoyance in her eyes, even as she grew more and more frustrated with Erin’s distractability. The delicate hands, and soft fingers, that had briefly touched Erin’s wrist when Moly had handed off the potion. 

Why hadn’t Erin noticed her beauty before? Why hadn’t she asked Molly out? Why - why had she never been interested in anyone that way before? Regardless of gender, and form, she’d never wanted to date anyone… Or maybe that wasn’t quite true. She’d never wanted to sleep with anyone, and she’d always worried about the expectations dating would bring. The thought of penetrating someone had seemed disgusting to her. But now, the thought of being penetrated, of having fingers inside her, or even having a dildo plunged within her being, was so enticing. Which would Molly prefer, if she was there? What would Molly do to her, if she could see the customer who annoyed her helpless on the bed before her? A thin finger or a thick dildo… or maybe she’d give Erin the “tongue lashing” she deserved, for not paying enough attention.

Erin moaned as a finger pushed its way inside her, bringing relief to the heat that raged within her, shrinking the flames while also building upon the pleasure. Her pussy squeezed down upon her didgit. Erin didn’t even remember moving her hand, and yet she knew that it hadn’t been done by any outside force. She’d done this, she’d wanted this, so badly that she’d acted on impulse, without a single conscious thought.

Even as Erin dwelled on this, she couldn’t bring herself to stop. Her finger continued to delve into her pussy, rubbing against the walls as it searched for something, a piece of her anatomy that she instinctively knew would bring her untold pleasure. Her thumb gently brushed against her clit, lightly teasing it, sending waves of pleasure crashing through her being. The flames within her were getting smaller, and smaller, and yet the wonderful sensations were only growing more intense. 

She was close to… Something. Erin didn’t know what. It should have been obvious, but she was no longer capable of complex thought. She simply knew, intuitively, that something important was coming up. Something wonderful. To that end, she pushed her finger deeper inside, carefully feeling out her vagina, double and triple-checking every inch of it, ensuring nothing was missed. It wasn’t necessary, strictly speaking. Whatever was coming would happen regardless, so long as she continued playing with her clit. It was just that it would feel so much better if she found whatever she was looking for.

Her thumb flicked against her clit, again, bringing her even closer. A second finger teased against her folds and then slipped inside her pussy, forcing her hole to spread even wider so that it could slide inside. It joined the first digit in searching her interior. Gently rubbing her clit brought her even closer to the edge, to the end of this. A tiny part of her, a speck of rationality that hadn’t yet been washed away, thought that it would be best for her to stop, to wait until she found what she was looking for. Erin didn’t listen to it. How could she possibly stop when it felt this good?

Her thumbnail caught at her clit, teasing it as she drew a slow circle about it. She was almost there, a hair’s breadth away. In less than a second, she would tumbl over the edge, to break apart upon the sharp rocks of ecstasy. But before that second passed, Erin’s fingers completed their quest, at last, discovering the G spot deep within her. Instead of falling over the edge, she was thrown, tossed off with force. Her entire body began to shudder, pleasure radiating from the spot that she had touched. A scream tore through the air, as the world went dark.

When Erin came back to her sense, the last of the flames had been dowsed. Her pussy felt empty, her slick fingers having been withdrawn. She immediately pushed them back inside, sending a flicker of electricity up through her core. But it wasn’t the same. That all-consuming heat was missing. She wanted it back. How could she get it back?

She turned her head. The bottle of pink liquid was still resting on her nightstand. She’d only drunk half of it so far. What was a little bit more? Or a lot? Or all of it? Who cared about side effects, so long as she could feel like she had beforet, for even a moment longer?

Erin reached for the bottle, curled her fingers about the bottle, and brought it up to her lips once again. It was a stupid move, and she knew it. If she hesitated, she might talk herself out of it. She couldn’t allow that. She had to drink it now. She had to drain it dry before anyone could stop her.

Erin could picture Molly glaring at her, telling her to be careful with experimental concoctions, but thinking of the alchemist’s judging eyes only made her shudder with delight. Maybe she’d call the store, after this? It was Molly’s shop, so surely she’d pick up. Then Erin could admit everything, and Molly would come to her, in the name of help, and punish her for misbehaving. Those angry eyes, those warm hands, those soft fingers, playing with Erin’s body. It was stupid to think things would go that way. She didn’t even know if Molly was gay. But it was a wonderful fantasy, and it made Erin smile as she placed the bottle down again, and fell back upon the bed.

Once again, the heat traveled down toward Erin’s stomach. Once again, some of it split off, moving upward. This time, however, the flames were divided in half, one section going down to her lower half, infusing not only her crotch this time, but the entirety of her lower body. The other headed up, this time stopping at her chest. The flames throughout her bosom, flowing up into her breasts. Her tits clambered for attention, seeming almost angered by the neglect she’d shown so far. One of her hands moved up to grip a breast, and she squeezed herself tightly enough to send a ripple of pleasure and pain through her, the sensitive flesh protesting the harsh treatment. Erin loosened her hold, and then gently ran her fingers across the curve of her breast. Her finger touched her nipple and then moaned as she was rewarded with pleasure.

Erin’s other hand dipped into her pussy, two fingers sliding in without trouble, and a third wriggling its way in right after them. She pinched one of her pink peaks, ever so lightly, simultaneously teasing her clit with her other hand. The painful pinch was like a spice, mixing with the pleasure, bringing it to new heights. Erin had to remind herself to breathe between moans.

She flicked her clit again, as her fingers found the G spot once more, and caressed her breasts. Her thick thighs snapped shut around her hand, her sex squeezing down upon her fingers, restricting her movements. Erin hadn’t meant to do that. She didn’t know why it had happened, didn’t understand why her body would even try to get in the way of such a lovely sensation. She also didn’t care. She continued rubbing that special spot, playing with her throbbing clit, and caressing the swell of her breasts. She cupped a tit and gave it a light squeeze, as her legs began to tingle. Her lower limbs felt strange, especially where they touched one another. She didn’t spare it much thought, though. The pleasure she felt was far more important.

Erin’s fingers continued their movements, one hand idly stroking and pinching her nipples, the other brushing its thumb against her clit, as her fingers moved closer and closer to her G spot. She made sure to stop herself from touching it, pulling her fingers back whenever she got too close and then moving them in again. It was torture, holding herself back when she knew she was so close to climaxing, but she wasn't ready to let this end.

Plunging her fingers back inside, Erin noticed a strange texture beneath her palms. A slick smoothness, paired with strange grooves. It felt as if she was gliding her hand over a puzzle. It didn’t seem as if she were touching skin, and yet Erin could feel the contact between her hands and thighs, making it clear that there were no barriers between them.

The prickling between her legs grew worse, contrarily causing her to feel even better. Her thighs squeezed even tighter together, crushing her hand, and forcing it to move. She angled it upwards but continued to plunge into her own depths. Her pussy shifted, allowing her to keep up her exploration of its depths even as she moved her hand perpendicular to her thighs. A spark of worry ignited within her brain, telling her that something was wrong with this, that it shouldn’t be possible, but her concern was short-lived, shunted aside in favor of more thoughts about Molly. How good it would be to have the alchemist’s delicate fingers in there, instead of her own. How nice it would be to have another set of hands to play with her form. Not to mention that tongue… How would it feel to be eaten out? Erin wanted to experience it at least once before this transformation ended.

Squeezing her breast, she idly noted that the strange sensation had spread throughout her legs, no longer a mere prickling, but something more akin to hot daggers of pure ecstasy being plunged into her skin. It was spread throughout her entire lower half, now, even sticking out a little to the sides of her thighs, where no part of her body should be. 

Perhaps she should be worried about what was going on? Erin couldn’t even feel her legs, anymore. Or rather, she could no longer pick them apart as distinct limbs. It was like her entire lower half had merged. She tried to wriggle her feet, but nothing happened. She tried to lift one leg, and both rose up. The movement made Erin’s fingers shift within her pussy, though, making it harder to play with herself, so she quickly let them drop again. 

A few minutes later, the odd sensation in her lower body faded, and the heat in Erin’s lower body began to fade. She feared that it would disappear from her chest, as well, before she could even reach climax, but it proved to be an unfounded concern, as the fire instead spread out from her tits, working its way down her arms, without ever losing its intensity within her breasts. A feeling like pins and needles ran through Erin’s arms, and she felt that same strange pattern of grooves that she’d felt on her thighs, now rubbing against her tits. Looking down at herself, Erin was surprised to see that her forearm was now covered in green scales. The scales trailed up her limb, fading as they went until there was only smooth, pink skin. Fins, colored a mixture of purple and pink, jutted out from her forearm. Erin wondered, briefly, why her body had changed in such a way but was quickly distracted when she realized that the fire within her was starting to dissipate. Realizing that the pleasure would soon fade, and wanting to take advantage of it while she could, Erin pushed her fingers deep inside her puss, before noticing that this arm, too, had changed. The grooves that marked the tiny gaps between the scales rubbed against her inner walls, bringing her even greater pleasure as she pushed her fingers deep inside, to brush against her G spot once again. She rubbed the cluster of nerves with greed, teasing her nipple and clit as she did so. A throaty moan escaped Erin’s lips as she began to topple over the edge. She gave one of her tits a harsh squeeze, then before playing with her G spot to bring herself to completion. 

Erin’s body trembled, her eyes open wide as a high pitch scream tore itself from her throat, powerful sensations running rampant through her being. The world went white, her senses shutting off as this wonderful feeling overwhelmed her. She had no sense of time, no worries, no regrets. There was only a sensation of unending pleasure.

When Erin came back to herself, she was breathing was labored. She was smiling, though, as she pushed herself up to look at the alarm clock on her bedside table. It was nearly five, now, meaning that she had spent over an hour playing with herself. More importantly, it meant that the alchemist shop she’d visited was about to close.

She snatched up her phone from its place atop the clock, hastily telling her automated assistant to call the store. Her ear felt strange when she lifted the phone to it, but Erin was quickly distracted from that when a voice came through her cell.

“Molly’s Concoctions, this is Molly speaking. How may I help you tonight?”

The voice was prim, and proper, and yet it managed to convey a gentle warmth. It was just like she remembered it.

“Hello?” Molly asked. “If you’re speaking, I can’t hear you.”

Right. She needed to actually say something. “Molly! It’s me, Er- I mean. Uh. Well, I introduced myself as Miles when I visited your shop, but I sort of prefer Erin right now? Anyway, I was in your store earlier. You sold me that experimental potion? And-”

“Let me guess,” Molly interrupted, irritation seeping into her voice. “You drank too much?”

“...Well, yeah. But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about! I was actually wondering if-”

“How much did you take?”

Erin frowned, frustrated in her own right at being interrupted again. She considered ignoring the question, in favor of her own, but quickly dismissed the thought. She needed Molly in a good mood.

“All of it.”

“All of it!?” Molly screeched into the phone. “Didn’t I tell you to avoid that at all costs!? Dammit, you activated the full effects of the potion, didn’t you!?”

“...Maybe? But I don’t really see what the big deal is. I don’t mind being a girl forever if I get to feel that good.”

“A-A girl? Just a normal, human girl? So you didn’t turn into a mermaid, then?”

“A… Mermaid?” Erin pushed herself the rest of the way up, looking down at her lower half. Her thighs had merged into a tail, becoming a vibrant green, just a shade lighter than Molly’s eyes. Her tailfin was a mix of purple and pink, similar to the ones attached to her arms, and two more such fins were protruding from either side of her tail, close to where skin met scales. Curious about how odd the phone felt against her ear, she reached up to feel one, discovering that it had been replaced by another fin.

“Oh. Yeah, I guess I did?” Erin was pretty sure she should be worried about that. Or, at the very least, she should be concerned by the absence of worry. Calmly accepting all this definitely wasn’t normal. But all she felt was minor relief that the mystery with her arms had been solved. She didn’t want to dwell on it, in any case; there was something far more important on her mind.

“Look, that can wait, I actually wanted to ask you something.”

“Are you serious!? You were totally ignoring all my warnings, weren’t you!? made that potion by experimenting with a full-grade mermaid potion, you dolt! I’m not even sure it’s reversible at this point!”

“...Oh. Well, that’s fine, too. I like this body more than my old one, anyway. Anyway, I wanted to ask you - are you free tonight? I sort of really want you to eat me out.”

“Goddammit, it must have had a mental effect, too…” Molly muttered. “You’ve totally turned into one of those sea-sluts, haven’t you?” 

“So… Is that a no?”

Silence reigned for a moment, before being broken by a deep sigh. “I guess I could come over. Would be nice to see the results in person, anyway. Give me your address. Your phone number, too.”

Erin grinned to herself, before hastily sharing her information. She’d already orgasmed twice, that night, but she knew this body could handle more. How much, she wasn’t sure, but she had plenty of time to find out. 

She couldn’t wait to experiment. 

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