Normal 2: For the Birds

The character in this story was introduced as an encounter in The Kissing Bandit. I later decided the character deserved a background of her own. Normal started as a way of reconciling the inconsistencies.


I’m Ben Plover. I was a perfectly ordinary thirteen-year-old boy until it happened. Actually, until two things happened. Where most boys grew hair on their body, I started growing feathers. And I started turning into a girl!

Both of these changes started around the same time, over the Christmas holidays during my eighth-grade year in school. I’d always been blond, but on the morning of December 23rd, I woke up to find that I had hair covering my arms, legs, chest, pretty much my whole body except my face, palms, soles of my feet, and genitals. White hair. Not blond, but really white like I had bleached it. It was about a half inch long most places that it grew, but at this point it didn’t seem any different from normal hair.

Since I’d gone from barely anything to that overnight, I asked Dad at breakfast, “I know you said I’d start growing hair, but I didn’t expect it to grow so fast!”

It was only at that point he looked up at me. “Wow, that is a lot of hair to have so fast!”

Mom arrived shortly after that. “Hmm, that doesn’t seem normal.”

Dad nodded in agreement.

“Let me know if you see any other changes, honey,” Mom continued.

By evening, I had in fact noticed more changes. My balls had retracted into my body, and it seemed like my penis was smaller. When I somewhat sheepishly mentioned these to Mom, she had Dad go examine me in private.

He had me hold it out to its full limp length. That was only 3 inches. I’m sure it was longer before but I didn’t have any measurements.

He left the ruler in the bathroom and told me, “I don’t know how big your penis was before; it’s not impossible for this to be normal for your age, but it should, if it changes measurably, be getting bigger. You measure it once a day so we can track it. Also, if you can, measure it when it’s hard. Do you think you can do that if I leave you alone for a moment?”

“I’ll try.”

He left, and I sat on the toilet but I was unable to get an erection no matter what I did or thought of. I pulled my pants up and told Dad so. He went into his room somewhere and came back with a nudie magazine which was as old as me. But, however old it was, it had naked women in it. I returned to the bathroom with that, and still I was unable to get an erection, which I reported back to him, an hour after our examination began.

December 24, 2006

When I woke up the next morning, my changes had accelerated. The “hair” all over my body was now fuzzy. Not like normal hair any more. It seemed like it actually covered a portion of my body now. And I didn’t need a ruler to know my penis was shorter. There was barely anything to it now. And where my balls were, there was less than nothing. A small indentation.

Dad said, “You’re developing powers. And for some reason your powers are turning you into a girl.”

“A fuzzy girl,” Mom added.

“What’s this about powers?”

Mom replied. “Our city, Normal, isn’t actually all that normal. A long time ago, a meteor struck here, and since then, people have sometimes developed strange powers.”

“How come I’ve never heard about this?”

“Two reasons. First, we keep it very low-profile, and try to avoid talking about it where anybody who’s not in on what is a rather open secret around Normal. We don’t tell kids until we think they need to know, and we absolutely do not tell outsiders. And second, a long time ago they cast a spell to keep our secret. Some people’s powers change their appearance, but the spell would keep anybody who doesn’t already know about the powers from being able to see the changes, if they knew the person already, or anything abnormal, if they first met them after the change.”

Dad added, “And what Mom just told you let you in on the secret, so you may now notice some of your classmates or other people in Normal who look different. Don’t go commenting on it in public, but do tell the person when you see them in private. Although with your obvious changes, they will probably already know. But take the opportunity to make friends, or renew your friendship with that person. And if you keep changing, you might have to reintroduce yourself because your friends may not recognize you.”

“Oh, that’s going to be terrible!” and I started crying, literally crying.

“Honey, it’ll be OK,” Mom said, wrapping me in a hug.

Dad changed the subject, or at least got us back to where this conversation started. “Given your description of what you look like now, you might want to have Mom examine you from now on.”

And I cried some more.

December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas! I woke up to my new body.

My body now looked completely white. Even on my head, my blond hair had been replaced by the shorter white hair, which had gotten longer. Examining the “hair” showed it was actually small feathers, 1/4 inch wide and up to an inch long. And as for my genitals, there was nothing. No penis, just a slit between my legs. In fact, that was the only thing down there, besides feathers.

Mom took me into the bathroom, with the intention of giving me a lesson in female biology. But she got as much of a lesson as I did. What she found in that slit was not what she expected.

There were supposed to be two holes inside that slit, and there were. But they were deeper inside the slit than she expected.

So we stopped and did some research. Specifically, on the reproductive systems of birds. We learned a lot, and at the same time still had questions.

Some female birds have parts that correspond to mine. They have a vagina similar in function to the human one, but it’s the hole in front. The hole in back is the cloaca, which is sort of the butt, but that weird bird poop comes out, which is actually a mixture of both pee and poop.

Some male birds don’t have penises. They just have a hole they squirt from during mating season, directly into the female after lining up and opening their slits. This hole is in about the same spot as the vagina in females, so it’s almost impossible to tell male and female birds of these species apart from their genitals. In those species the sexes usually have different coloration or other body characteristics, not that that helps with my one-of-a-kind anatomy. A few kinds of birds do have penises, and I saw a really crazy thing about goose penises that Mom and I both decided was better to stop reading.

Because of how far inside my slit this hole was, Mom thought it was likely males of my kind of bird would have penises, but we couldn’t be sure I was female until a doctor examined me. Likewise, I didn’t have any breast development, and my nipples had disappeared under the feathers, but that also didn’t mean much. Birds don’t breast-feed. There is a part of the body called the breast, but it doesn’t make milk, and indeed birds have no nipples. So I still didn’t know whether I had turned female on top of being a bird.

Later the day, I confirmed I now poop like a bird. When I did, the slit opened up pretty wide. This meant I could actually poop in the toilet like a normal person, rather than mashing it all over inside the slit. It was easily wide enough for me to reach in there and wipe myself after I went. And I learned from that how to open up the slit for me and Mom to more easily examine my parts, but it didn’t actually help confirm anything.


December 27, 2006

Mom made some calls yesterday and ultimately found somebody to properly examine me today.

At 9 AM sharp we arrived at a NANA testing facility. They ran me through a full battery of tests to look for various kinds of powers without finding anything. They didn’t assume that because I grew feathers that I would just be able to fly; they checked all the kinds of powers they had seen and could easily test for. I could run just typically well for a teenager. I healed a little better than normal, but not enough for them to call it a power. They did decide my hearing and vision were enhanced. “Eyes like a hawk” applied literally to me and I learned how I could focus on tiny details.

They spent quite a while trying to see if I could fly. Since I was turning into a bird, they thought it might happen, but for now it seemed I was a flightless one. They also tried to help me try out any form of transformation ability that might let me be more birdlike as opposed to birdman-like. But nothing happened.

Lastly, I got a physical examination. The doctor performing the examination, Dr. Zbigniew (which was pronounced pretty much like it looked except the W was pronounced as a V), introduced another man, one I recognized. Dr. Woods was a local veterinarian. He was serving as a consultant to explain avian anatomy, to help the main doctor understand what he was looking at. He confirmed I was female and that the hole in front was my vagina. He stuck a tool into my vagina and shined a light to look inside. That felt really weird and a little uncomfortable, but ultimately he decided I was OK in there. He suggested it was possible I might be able to become pregnant, but more likely I would lay eggs rather than carry a baby for nine months. All in all, he said that a lot of my internal anatomy had undergone changes to the form of many birds. My bones were lighter and more hollow, with a network of smaller bones in the place of some of the larger bones found in a human body. I didn’t seem to be any particular kind of bird, though; I was an amalgam of different types of birds. As a result, they didn’t really know what to expect, so Dr. Woods gave me a tutorial in the reproductive systems of birds.

“First off, some birds have sex like humans and most mammals. Your parents have explained that, I hope?”

“Yes. A penis goes into a vagina. I am not sure how I feel about that.”

“Well, nobody’s pressuring you to have sex now, but you can. When you do, because your vagina and cloaca are recessed 3 inches inside your cloacal slit, you may need to help your partner find the right hole. I can’t guarantee sex will be pleasurable for you, or even that you would prefer vaginal sex over the other way, but if you do want to get pregnant, your partner will need to find your vagina.”

“OK. Good to know, I guess.”

“As I was saying, some birds have sex that way, but in other species of birds the males don’t really have a penis, and the mating pair just arranges themselves so that the male can squirt his semen into the female.”

“Mom and I found that when she was trying to help me figure out what I was.”

“Because of your anatomy and your potential partners, that’s unlikely to apply; your partner would have a penis.”

I nodded, still not sure how I felt about that, but accepting the fact.

“Now it is possible you’ll get pregnant and carry a child like people do. Your pelvis has changed rather into the shape of a woman’s, which would allow a child to be born live through it. In fact, the opening is larger than in a normal woman, and it probably means you would have no difficulty or pain whatsoever in giving birth to a full-term human baby. If this is how your body works, then you’ll probably have periods like any normal human girl and your mother will be able to explain that.”

“I got the basics of that. I am sure there is more I didn’t hear about because I wasn’t a girl before, but she can tell me.”

“However, the pelvic bone is also modified to be shaped more like the ones in the larger varieties of birds, so I think you’re more likely to lay eggs. If that’s the case, you probably won’t have periods. The wide pelvis might just mean you are going to lay large eggs comparable to those of an ostrich. Here’s a chart showing typical sizes of large birds and their eggs, all sizes based on females.”

Bird Height Weight Egg diameter Egg length
Ostrich 6’ 1” 220 lb 5.1” 5.9”
Emu 5’ 7” 82 lb 3.5” 5.1”
Cassowary 5’ 5” 129 lb 3.7” 5.4”
Rhea 4’ 11” 55 lb 3.5” 5.1”
Emperor Penguin 3’ 8” 65 lb 3.3” 4.8”
Turkey 3’ 0” 30 lb 1.8” 2.3”

“Out of these,” I commented, “The cassowary looks closest in size to a woman, and the eggs are... pretty big!

“Yes, a little smaller in diameter than the head of a full term baby, and much shorter than one. Fortunately, your large cloacal slit and pelvic hole, combined with the rounded shape of eggs, means you should have less difficulty laying eggs than a woman does giving birth.”

“But won’t the baby be tiny, then?”

“Yes. Do realize, though, that birds fill essentially the entire space inside the egg before they are born. If you lay an egg the size of the cassowary, you may hatch a child from it who has a head 3 inches in diameter and who is 12 to 14 inches tall. Assuming your child has human form, anyway. A child that small may need special care after hatching.”

I sighed. “So I could end up with a bird child?”

“Anything’s possible. Your body is large enough to potentially lay an egg even larger than the ostrich’s, one which could hold a nearly full-term human. There’s no way to know more until you have one, though.”

“That’s a little scary.”

“You could find out sooner than you think. Egg laying birds fall into three varieties, which you may be any of. The first type, which is most common, has certain fertile periods, often once or twice a year. If you get fertilized by a compatible male during those times, you’ll lay one or more eggs probably one to three weeks after the sexual encounter. You’ll feel a pressure inside you which won’t feel like anything else you have ever felt. Find a place where you can do so, and push the egg out of your body. You’ll figure out how when the time comes.”

“Oh god, more than one at a time?”

“The largest birds usually lay only one. The second kind of bird is always fertile. In this case, you could lay eggs after having sex any time of the year. Other than that, everything is similar to what I just described for the first type. The third kind of bird has regular cycles and fertile periods like humans do. These birds always lay an egg, usually just one, each cycle, but unless you’ve had sex recently the eggs won’t be fertilized.”

“How would I know?”

“Well, that kind of bird usually lays eggs more frequently. Rather than one or two fertile periods a year, those birds might lay eggs anywhere from once every two months to once a day, like chickens.”

“Ugh! Every day?”

“I don’t know that it would happen that often. It hasn’t happened yet, anyway, right?”

“Right. But it’s only four days ago that I started looking like a bird at all.”

“If it happens, take note of when it does the first time and the second time to help learn your cycle. If it doesn’t happen within, say, a year, you can figure you’re a type who only lays eggs when you get impregnated.”

Finally, I had to choose a code name. Clearly I needed a bird name, and at least right now it seemed like I needed a white bird, but several of the ones I tried were taken. Ultimately I ended up with Egret.

Returning to School

January 8, 2007

For a while it seemed like no further changes were happening except that the feathers got thicker and covered me more densely. However, over the past weekend, I noticed growth of new feather-covered skin under my arms. Was I growing wings? I was not sure how far this transformation was going to go, but maybe I would be able to fly someday. Elsewhere on my body, the feathers were getting broader and denser. Even on my face and up to the edge of my cloacal slit there were now feathers, and if I am not opening that you, can can’t even see its there. When I am standing naked, except for a few features like my lips and eyes and nails, I’m white all over. And speaking of nails, those still looked human. I didn’t develop the talons some birds have.

Today I was back at school for the first time since the change. Since I didn’t have breasts, nobody needed to know I was female down below. Even showering after gym class, nobody could really tell what I had; it just looked like everything was covered with feathers. By that time I had also learned I could use a towel to dry my body like normal people did, but I had to go in the direction of the feather, which meant downward on most parts of my body. In the bathroom, I couldn’t use a urinal anymore, but nobody could see what I did inside a stall.

Just as had been explained to me, some kids didn’t know about powers yet and just saw me as pre-transformation Ben. Others knew, and I could tell some of them were shying away from my changed form. Two of them called me bird-boy. Some of my closest friends already knew as well and I talked a little with them at lunch about turning into a bird inside and out, and about their own powers or those of other friends they knew about. One of them didn’t know, but we explained the basics of powers and then he could see the new me.

I managed to get through the school day with no particular problems.

January 13, 2007

It was fortunately on Saturday when it first happened. There was a strange feeling inside me. Muscles inside me were clenching, pushing against something. But pretty quickly I figured out that it was an egg inside me trying to get out.

Unfortunately, my parents were out and I was home alone. So I went to the bathroom, stripped below the waist, and instead of opening the toilet, sat on the lid, with one hand under me to try to catch the egg.

Pretty quickly, I realized I was laying a really big egg. Somehow it didn’t actually hurt, but it was uncomfortable. Imagine trying to shit a watermelon, and being big enough to do so. After about 5 minutes of trying, I got one end of it just to the opening.

I used a hand mirror to take a look at it. Just barely protruding from my slit was what looked like a grayish, dirty old baseball. I could tell from the feel of it that what was coming out of me was a lot bigger than a baseball, though.

I kept pushing and it opened me up wider. This hurt a little, but also felt really good, somehow. Eventually, I got it to the halfway point, and then it came all out at once as it became easier for the egg to get out of me than to go back in. I used both hands to grab hold of the egg. It was as big around as a football (the American one), but not quite so pointy on the ends. That’s bigger than any of the bird eggs on that chart I saw! It was almost as big as my head. I was stunned something that big came out of me.

Now what was I going to do with it? The egg seemed relatively clean; it was not covered in the pasty poop that I was always wiping out of myself. I did wipe off a little of what might have been poop with some toilet paper.

I decided to take the egg into the kitchen. Resting it carefully on the counter and holding it in place with one hand, I got a large soup bowl, lined it with several layers of paper towels, and put the egg in it.

A couple hours later, my parents came home.

“Mom! Dad! I laid an egg!”

“Wow! Can I see?” Mom shouted.

I led her into the kitchen where I had placed the egg.

“Wow! That’s a big egg! That came out of you?”

“Yeah. I couldn’t believe how big it was either.”

“Did it hurt?”

“Maybe a little. It didn’t hurt anywhere near as much as I thought it would to push something like that out of my body.”

She called the doctors who had tested me and ultimately got an appointment to take the egg directly to the vet tomorrow.

January 14, 2007

We went in to see the vet at 10 AM. Dad had found a cardboard box to put the egg in, because I really didn’t want to be showing off to everybody my huge egg.

Dr. Woods examined me only a little, and spent most of his time examining the egg. He subjected it to several kinds of tests. He listened to it with a stethoscope. He shined three different lights on it. He measured it, length and width: 6.3” in diameter, 9.1” long. He weighed it: 5 lb 9 oz. He put several other devices against the surface of the egg. Finally, he put the egg back in its box, handed it to me, and also handed me one of the devices.

“See how one end of the egg is slightly pointed, while the other end is very nearly round? The round end comes out first, but that’s not really important. What’s important is that the yolk is closer to the round end, and that’s where the embryo develops. This device can detect whether eggs of your type are fertilized. When you lay an egg, press this device against the round end of the egg. If it shows a red minus like this, the egg is not fertilized. If it shows a green plus sign, the egg is fertilized. If there’s no symbol,” which he demonstrated by putting it against the pointy end of the egg, “it hasn’t detected the yolk. You can try again in another part of the egg.”

“And then what?”

“Well, if it is fertilized, then you’re going to have a baby!”

“OK, but that’s not going to happen unless I have sex, right?”

“Well, I think so. You can see this one is not fertilized. But I’ve seen stranger things in my time in Normal than self-fertilized eggs. So you should always check.”

“OK. Now what do I do with the huge, non-fertilized egg?”

“Anything you want. However, making an egg this size takes a lot of nutrients from your body. I don’t know yet how often you’re going to lay these eggs, but since it’s been less than a month since you’ve been in this form and you already laid one, it’s possible the cycle is a month or less. For your personal health, either in the week before or the week after you lay an egg, you should eat a special diet.”

“What kind of special diet?”

“You need a lot of extra calories and protein, and quite a bit of calcium. You might eat a lot of eggs, meat, soybeans, and milk, or the nutritional supplements athletes use. This egg weighs about five and a half pounds, so you’d need to eat about 4 pounds of extra food, not counting the milk, or maybe 6 pounds of the nutritional supplements. However, the easiest way to get the nutrients is to simply eat your egg, along with drinking a lot of milk.”

“Eat my own egg? So I’m some kind of cannibal?”

“No, you wouldn’t really be a cannibal as long as you don’t eat the fertilized ones,” he assured me.

“Oh, OK, I suppose. It still seems weird. How much milk would I need to drink?”

He thought for a moment before answering, “About a quart of milk a day for seven days should do it, on top of the usual amount of milk or other dairy products you consume.”

“Is there any special way Ben should prepare the egg?” Mom asked.

“In theory, any of the ways you prepare hens’ eggs should work. However, it would probably take far too long to boil this one whole. Any other way of preparing an egg by cracking it first and cooking the white and yolk should work.”

“It seems like a lot to eat at once.”

“Oh, you don’t have to eat it all at once. You probably can’t and shouldn’t. Even after you remove the shell it would weigh over 5 pounds. Once it’s cooked, put any uneaten part in a sealed Ziploc bag, removing as much of the air as is possible, and store it in the refrigerator. You can heat up any part of it again in the microwave and it’ll still make a good meal. You should eat it within about 3 days of cooking it, though. If you need to keep it longer, you can freeze it, but if you do, cut it up into separate meal-sized bags so you can thaw each one separately. And you can store the unbroken egg in the refrigerator for up to a week. Since you haven’t been doing that for this one, though, you should take it home and cook it up right away.”

“OK. If I did have a fertilized egg, how would I care for it?”

“Eggs need to be kept warm, just not so warm that it cooks them. Birds typically sit over their eggs, keeping them around body temperature, and that’s a pretty good guideline. You want to keep the egg at around 95-100 degrees Fahrenheit. There are incubators you can buy that will do that. You would have to improvise a bit since most of them are designed to hold eggs of chickens or geese, but some of them are large enough so that if you simply remove the egg trays meant to hold several of those eggs, one of your eggs will fit. You would need to see how it comes apart for cleaning to determine whether it provides enough space. For an egg of this size, it might need to be kept for several months before it hatches. By the time it does, your baby would have incorporated almost all the mass inside the shell as part of his or her body, and so weigh about 5 pounds. That would be considered low for a human birth, but only a little below the low end of what is typical; a five-and-a-half pound birth which went full term would not be considered abnormal.”

I wasn’t hoping to lay a fertilized egg anytime soon, but I kept this in mind about incubators.

So we went home, and Mom cooked up the egg. First, she had to figure out how to break open the egg. Cracking it on the edge of the frying pan like you did with chicken eggs was not going to work. Eventually she smashed it by whacking it with one pan while it sat in another, and that just cracked the egg. A second whack in the same spot extended the cracks to the point Mom could break the shell apart into three large pieces.

Mom poured out the contents, filling the pan half an inch deep, so she poured half of it into the other pan. She made an omelet (well, two super-large omelets) by throwing in some chopped up peppers, mushrooms, and other goodies. And she showed me how to do it so I’d know how to tell when it was done. And then I had about half of one of the two omelets for lunch. She put the rest in a big Ziploc bag in the refrigerator and wrote my name on it. I guessed that would provide me with dinner and also breakfast and dinner tomorrow, with lunch being whatever I ate at school.

It was tasty. I tried not to think about where this had been - but then, every egg came from a bird’s butt. It was mainly weird because this one had come from mine.

And I had a glass of milk with it. Milk with every meal for a week was going to be the rule.

January 19, 2007

I’d had a good week, which was ruined when my string of successes in not having boys examine my body shape in the locker room came to an end. Some of the boys I was changing with were blinded by the spell and just saw the old me. Some who knew about powers saw that I changed and were sympathetic. But it was always possible there would be rude ones, and two such bullies outed me as a girl. They roughed me up a bit, though the gym coach came over to break it up before I really got hurt. But I knew my attempt to live as a boy was over. I could have tried to explain about how most birds don’t have penises, but there was the shape of my hips and other things. Besides, if it happened so soon, it was likely to keep happening.

The school called Mom, and she came and got the whole story. She called her relatives and found some who could help get my gender officially changed. I would be doing that tomorrow. I was sad about that, but it would mean that I would stop living that lie I’d been living for weeks now. I did manage to get over it and finish the school day, having missed two whole classes, but that’s it. It was over.

Those boys were getting punished, and there would be others. But I would have to deal with them.

January 20, 2007

Today I learned how hard it is to get your gender changed, even in Normal.

First off, I had to have a doctor certify me as having a female body. Not the one from NANA who had examined me at my testing, because it had to be one with certain certifications from the state. We had doctors some in Normal with that, but the one who examined me before wasn’t one of those. So I had another internal examination.

And Ben wasn’t going to work as a girl’s name. I decided on Bella; it was kind of like Ben.

Then I had to fill out separate forms to get a reissued birth certificate indicating the change in gender and name, a reissued state ID card, and an update for my school registration. They had a long list of other kinds of registrations that might include my gender, but none of those really applied to me.

None of those new cards would come to me today, except a temporary ID card, but that was enough. I could now start living officially as a girl. That said, I wasn’t going to be one of those girly girls, but at the same time, I wanted to make myself look a little more like a girl so I didn’t get rejected by the other gender too. I thought about fake breasts, but I sure as heck wasn’t going to get implants, not with all the horror stories about those, and any sort of external fakes were going to come off in the locker room among the other girls. When I got a little older, though, and the other girls all had boobs, I would probably need to wear something to fit in.

Oh, heck, I just realized I was going to be showering with the girls. I was excited, scared, and sullen about that all at once. Woo, naked girls! Um, are they going to notice me staring at them? And yeah, naked girls, but I was going to be staring at the flesh I could no longer expose even if I wanted to.

Anyway, I wasn’t going to be wearing dresses and frilly lacy clothes, but I did agree to let Mom help me find some blouses that were not too girly, but also clearly not boys’ clothes. And I’d actually already been wearing girls’ jeans, because I’d certainly gotten the hips! I’d stuck with fairly traditional looking jeans so it was only obvious if you noticed the shape, and not I wouldn’t have to wear bulky sweaters over them to hide the shape.

January 22, 2007

School was not as bad as I thought it would be. All my teachers were informed I was now named Bella, and the spell made those who didn’t know about the powers hear them call me Ben, though a lot more of them had been told about powers now. Some of the kids who knew about powers noticed, but knew not to talk too much in public; some gave me either congratulations or condolences privately depending on how they felt about it. A couple of the guys actually came on to me, but I shut them down. Even though I had a vagina, I wasn’t interested in guys, at least not right now. Maybe that would change? A few boys taunted me, but I told them, “I didn’t ask for this, it’s just a thing that happened, and it could still happen to you, too!”

Two girls who were apparently Lesbian and had never been interested in me before also started coming on to me, and I told them maybe. Most of the girls simply accepted me. A few shunned me, and when I was in the girls’ restroom one of them insisted I show her I didn’t have a penis anymore “or get out,” but once I showed her, she seemed satisfied.

At gym class, I was re-introduced to the class of girls at the entrance to their locker room by the girls’ coach, who’d been informed in advance, and all the families of the girls and the boys in my gym class had been contacted over the weekend to let these kids in on the secret of powers. So the entire class knew about powers now and that someone in their class had a power, but they weren’t told it was me until our class started.

“Girls, you all now know about the powers some people have here in Normal. Some of you already knew and some of you just learned. The reason for that is that we have a new girl today. You may already know her, but this is Bella. Say hi!”

“Hi, Bella!”

“Hi, girls.”

“Bella’s powers, in addition to turning her into a bird, have also been turning her into a girl under those feathers, and she’s 100% changed now. No trace of her boy parts remains. So she’s going to be changing with you all from now on.”

That was the public story; nobody needed to know I’d actually been fully female since the end of December. After I went inside, I showed everybody my lack of manhood, since they’d see it eventually while we were changing, and there was no argument from any of them. In fact, I made a couple new friends.

January 29, 2007

After a week, things had calmed down. One boy had gotten detention for shoving me in the hallways, in addition to the two who had assaulted me in the locker room, who were still suspended, and there were still a few who obviously didn’t like me, but I was able to get through my day without any obvious trouble. And I was making lots of friends among the girls.

I was still undecided about the two Lesbian girls who were interested in me. I found them together at lunch today and decided to sit with them, something which made them both obviously happy.

“Jen, Tracy, I know you two have been giving me signals.”

They both gave me an innocent, “Who, me?” look, which I ignored.

“I am still trying to sort out my feelings. I am not interested in guys, which means that maybe I need to still be interested in girls. But I am just not sure.”

“Well, you could give it a shot with me,” Tracy suggested.

“Or with me,” Jen retorted.

“Or,” Tracy started to reply, then dug out something from her purse. “Maybe GLBTTQ is for you.” And she handed me a card, a business-card sized note but printed on regular paper. This was a club I wasn’t aware of, and the acronym stood for Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Transsexual, and Queer. No wonder they abbreviated it.

In a low voice, Tracy continued, “You’re certainly transsexual, even if not by choice, and maybe Lesbian too. But we welcome everybody outside of the heterosexual norm.”

I was skeptical. “This isn’t some huge gay makeout session, right?”

“No,” Jen answered. “Anything more than a peck on the cheek is forbidden during our meetings, though some people use them as a way to find dates. It’s about finding friends who have common interests and being ready to stand up for one another when necessary.”

Tracy chimed in, “We meet afterschool on Wednesdays in room 241.”

“Hmm. I’ll need to arrange a ride home.”

“We have several supportive parents who come to pick us up and also give rides to those who need them.”

“OK, I’ll think about it.”

January 31, 2007

Mom was going to come pick me up, so I didn’t need to find a ride home, and I was ready to go visit this group after school.

I got my things prepared as if I was going home, and then went to the room.

I was stunned. There were 27 kids there! Some of them I knew but had no idea they were gay.

They introduced me, though most everybody had heard about me by now. It was too many for everybody to tell me their story individually, but they explained the terms, with a different person who identified that way explaining each term:

  • Gay and Lesbian I understood. They liked people of the same sex.
  • Bisexual people could go with boys or girls.
  • Transgender meant people who identified as the opposite gender from their physical sex. They explained that transgender people exhibited this to varying degrees, and there weren’t any showing it during school, but one boy and one girl from the group identified this way.
  • Transsexual referred to people who wanted to change their physical sex, or had actually done so. They explained that this was beyond transgender. Not all transgender people wanted to change their body, but transsexual referred to the ones who wanted to. Usually at our age it just meant that we wanted to; those pursuing surgery usually had to wait at least until they were 18. Here in Normal, the term also applied to those whose like me powers caused their bodies to change sex, whether they wanted to or not, and while there were others in Normal this had happened to, as far as they knew, I was the only one in this school right now who it had happened to.
  • Queer referred to people who weren’t sure, those who might go back and forth over time, and those whose powers made it hard to say what was heterosexual and what was not.

And it turned out that about a third of the group were in that “not sure” category. A few of them identified as bi, most as gay or lesbian, and most of them admitted they might change their minds later. Most of them had not actually had sex yet, and realized that after they did, their feelings might change. But they at least had an idea now of what they were, and most of them had gone on dates like that. All of the trans people had been out in public dressed as the opposite sex. And they introduced one more trans category, transvestite, which meant you simply dressed as the opposite sex but didn’t consider yourself that sex. Usually this only applied to men dressing as women, since women dressing as men were so common it was practically mainstream.

It was a useful lesson. I hadn’t realized all the different types of gender issues people had, but they did, and increasingly all these groups were banding together like this, though they mentioned that elsewhere they didn’t always use all the same letters or put them in the same order.

After all this, they got on with club business. There was a gay and Lesbian dance coming up which was shared across all the schools in town. Each of the other three area high schools as well as two of the middle schools had GLBTTQ clubs, with a total of 142 members, easily enough to have a small dance if, say, half the kids attended.

But the important thing was learning all these kids were here, that they all would support me, and I could count them all as friends.


February 7, 2007

At the next meeting of GLBTTQ, I agreed to a date with Tracy for this Saturday.

After I got home, when I was talking about it with Mom (who was fully supportive of me dating either boys or girls), I was unsure whether I should be dressing as a boy or a girl for this date. Although I was technically female now, depending on my clothes I could easily pass as either male or female. Mom was happy to go out and buy me a nice dress to go out on my first date as a girl, but I’d rather wear the guy clothes I already had, and which still fit me. The slacks were loose in the hips normally, so they fit just fine.

I dealt with that dilemma by calling Tracy in the evening and asking if she was OK with me dressing as a guy on this date. And she actually preferred that! Her parents didn’t completely accept her Lesbianism and it would help her in their eyes if she was seen going out on a date with a guy.

February 10, 2007

It was four weeks to the day from the first one when I laid my second egg. Exactly the length of a typical girl’s period, Mom noted. This meant another weekend of eating omelets, but it saved on the food bill I’d have otherwise. On the other hand, the two extra gallons of milk cost most of that. I resolved that after drinking milk with every meal for a week, I’d drink one extra glass a day every day thereafter.

The feeling was much like last time, but getting the egg out was easier.

I had agreed to a date with Tracy for this evening, and it was a good thing I laid the egg before lunch. It would have been embarrassing for that to happen while we were out, or while I was trying to get myself prepared. This meant I’d be eating one meal that wasn’t my egg, but that was fine. I’d eat it for all three meals tomorrow and be done.

We had dinner at a restaurant and saw a movie afterward. Tracy was a bit of a tomboy; while she had worn a dress for the date, she told me it was only because her mother made her do it. She never wore dresses or skirts at school. She didn’t go for the romantic movies; we ended up watching an action film. But with me appropriately dressed, and known as Ben for the evening, we went to her house after the date where I met her parents. And her parents were so happy she was on a date with a boy that they encouraged me to go up to her room with her. They never actually said the words, but I could tell from the way they talked that they expected me to have sex with her!

Well, far be it for me to disappoint them, I let Tracy introduce me to the ways of Lesbian sex. During this activity, I experienced the same good feeling that I experienced just for a moment while laying each egg. I realized that was an orgasm! I have a clitoris, which is at the front of my cloacal slit, where a human girl’s would be relative to the vulva, and probably not a standard part of bird anatomy, but I already knew I was a hybrid in a bunch of ways. The egg must have pushed against my clitoris on the way out. But with intentional stimulation I had more of it.

While we were doing this, and thus making a lot of noise, I whispered in Tracy’s ear, “I’m fine to keep doing this with you. But what are you going to do when they realize I can’t get you pregnant?”

She replied at a normal volume, “Dad doesn’t care who I date, boys or girls, as long as I don’t get pregnant until after I finish high school. That’s why I have the condoms. Mom wants me to have children, but accepts Dad’s restriction as practical. However, she is pretty much hoping for me to get pregnant at 18.”

Then, in a whisper, she added, “So at 18, I’ll do what every Lesbian couple does, either find a willing donor or use a sperm bank.”

I replied, “That makes sense,” and then went back to focusing on the sex.

When we were done with the sex, before we put ourselves back together and I went down for the trip home, Tracy had some final words for me.

“I like you Bella, and I want to keep doing this, but I also don’t want to keep you from exploring your new sexuality. If you want to date Jen or other girls, or even guys, go ahead.”

“Oh, OK. Thanks. Did you want to set another date, maybe after a little while?”


And we did, a month off. While we were having this conversation, she was collecting some of her vaginal secretions in condoms. She added some spit as well. When I asked what she was doing, she said, “This way, it will look like the condoms were used for their intended purpose.”

“Do you really think your parents are going to check on you that much?”

“Yes. Well, they’re not going to run scientific tests on this stuff, but Mom will look through my trash to find these. Seeing some liquid in each should satisfy her.”

I wasn’t sure I wanted to get involved with her family issues, but if she didn’t stay close to her family after she grew up, it is possible that it might work out. But more importantly, I didn’t think I wanted to be a parent at 18, so if she was going to satisfy her parents, I didn’t want to stay involved with her.

February 15, 2007

My wings continued to develop.

Normally in their current state, they just look like feather-covered arms, and I can wear regular shirts. All the actual wing stuff is folded flat against my underarms and the sides of my body. But when topless, if I hold my arms out to the sides and think hard about it, I can make the wings fold out.

When I do that, there are other changes. My stomach gets very thin, while my upper chest expands. Not like breasts, though. This went all the way across from side to side, and from my collarbone down to the bottom of my ribs, as a single smooth bulge. I knew girls’ breasts (large ones anyway) were jiggly and they wore bras to help hold them in place. There was nothing jiggly about this; it was a solid mass of muscle, like all the muscles in my stomach moved up into my chest.

I showed Mom, and she suggested they were flight muscles. Mom scheduled me a flight test a couple weeks out, figuring I’ll be even more developed by then.

I also showed Mom the other problem I had. When the wings were out, their connection to the side of my body extended 9 inches down below what was normally my armpit. I didn’t have any kind of shirt that I could wear that wouldn’t get in the way. She told me she had some ideas about that.

February 17, 2007

Another Saturday, another date. This time with Jen. Again, I asked her in advance about dressing up, and she wanted the girly girl.

So this time I let Mom take me out shopping for an actual dress. I really had no idea what I wanted in a dress, so I basically just let Mom shop for me and suggest things to try on. She tried to teach me about women’s clothing sizes. They were much more complicated then men’s because women’s clothes tended to be more tightly fitted, and the breasts and hips could vary differently on different women. But she explained that the sizes called “juniors” were designed for younger girls who had little breast development, and since my bird body probably wasn’t ever going to have any, I should stick with those.

But even when I tried on the juniors dresses, for the kind of dresses she was looking at for my date, they didn’t fit right on my chest, or in the “bodice” as Mom called it. The dresses expected that I had at least small boobs. So we then went to shop for fake breasts. And that was actually a thing available in Normal because I wasn’t the only person here with gender issues, even if I was the only one in my school now that we knew of. If we ordered online there were more options available, but there were actually some I could walk into a store here and buy.

There were two main kinds of those - ones that you stuck to the body with a sort of temporary glue, and ones that went into a special bra with pockets to hold the breasts. Because my feathers covered my chest, we thought the stick on kind would be difficult and perhaps dangerous to use. But I tried on one of the pocket bras with breasts that were made to turn my completely flat chest into a B cup, and that actually looked good on me. So we got the breasts and two of the pocket bras in white. Then we went back and I tried on the dresses again and they fit well. In some styles the bra was going to show, but the white was so similar to the color of my feathers it didn’t really make a difference. Still, for now we picked dresses in two styles that covered the bra completely.

Mom also took me into a lingerie store. This was a sidetrack from our date shopping, and there was a lot of stuff I knew I wasn’t ready for yet (if ever), but what she brought me in for were garments variously called leotards, bodysuits, and other names. They looked like one-piece women’s swimsuits, but what was useful was there were a few styles that were completely open under the arms down to the waist.

Mom explained, “These are thinner than actual swimsuits, and they’re designed to be worn under or partially under other clothing. With the opaque ones, some women just put on shorts over the bottom and leave the top exposed. You could wear them that way when you are using your wings.”

I tried one on, and pushed out my wings, and it seemed to work. It didn’t get in the way of my wings at all. We got a white one (which Mom thought would be better when I was flying, though I thought it would make me look naked), and a black one, in two slightly different styles that both did the job.

After a break for lunch, I had to get matching shoes for each dress. Pumps, Mom called them. They had heels only two inches high, so were high heeled compared to anything I was used to wearing, but not crazy high, not like the tiny spike heels I knew some women’s shoes had. I think Mom expected this was a way for me to learn how to walk in heels without killing myself, and I was grateful for it. We actually spent more time shopping for the shoes than the dresses because my feet had not changed shape, and so we were basically trying to find women’s shoes to fit a boy’s feet. But we did eventually find some. Women’s “wide” shoes worked for a standard man’s foot, but they simply didn’t make them in a lot of styles.

Just when I thought we were done, Mom added, “Normally, Bella, a girl would want to get her hair done before a date. But all your hair has been replaced with feathers, and I am not sure there is anything to do with them, or at least not that any salon that I know of would know how to do. And a wig might look too weird on your head. So instead, I want to find you a nice lady’s hat.”

This led to another hour of shopping. Including the lunch break, we were out for six and a half hours. I barely had time to take a shower, dry off, and dress for my date.

Jen and I had a long conversation over dinner. She had also come in a nice dress, so it was obvious we were a couple of girls, and she ended up talking a lot about the style choices and preferences of Lesbians.

She explained, “Lesbians come in many different types. Some of them are tomboys and would never enter the women’s clothing section at all if they could find men’s clothes that actually fit.”

“I know men’s jeans don’t cut it.”

“Since you don’t have breasts, you can get away with men’s shirts, but bigger breasts make many shirts fit weird, too.”

I nodded.

“Especially when these tomboyish Lesbians have short hair, they call them butch. Others are girly girls and like wearing dresses and skirts and making themselves up pretty, the same way straight women typically dress for men. Those are called femme.”

Then I asked, “So if you’re femme, why didn’t you suggest I dress butch?”

Jen sighed. “While the stereotype is for a butch and a femme to be a couple, the reality is that Lesbians don’t strictly fall into one category or the other and don’t strictly date the other type even when they do.”

“Well, you see that I can do this look, even if it’s not my preference.”

“I’m sorry if you don’t like dressing this way. Maybe Tracy would be better for you. I hear she goes for more of the tomboy.”

“Oh, she liked that, but it’s because Tracy’s Mom only lets her date boys.”

“And with your tomboy tendencies and experience as Ben, you could pass. Your flat chest is an asset for that role, too. By the way, are you wearing some padding today?”

“Yes. They don’t make date dresses without at least a little space for boobs, and since I have literally nothing, I got something to fill in.”

“It looks nice.”

“But Tracy has family issues. Her mom wants her pregnant at 18.”

“What the fuck?”

“Exactly the fuck,” I replied. “They encouraged me to go to her room with her when I met them after our date, and even before I did I got the feeling they expected us to fuck. Tracy confirmed that along with the pregnancy thing.”

“Oh, God, I knew there was something weird there but I didn’t realize it was that bad.”

“Yeah, and Tracy’s pretty sure she doesn’t want a guy’s dick near her, but she’d be willing to get pregnant once from a sperm donor to satisfy her mother. I don’t know that I want to be mixed up in it. But I know I can get sex there if I am willing to be a part of that, at least until her mom figures out I’m female. But let’s stop talking about her; I’m on a date with you.”

And so Jen did tell me a bit more about herself. There was something weird about her parents she wanted to let them explain later, but nothing like Tracy’s. They let her date whoever she wanted and she’d decided she liked girls. In fact, we talked about her for so long that we almost missed our movie and got there so late that we missed all the ads and previews and they were just starting the actual film.

My mother picked us up. When we took Jen home, I got to meet her parents briefly. I was surprised to find she seemed to have two fathers. One of them, Sam, explained.

“I’m an alternate-day shapeshifter. One day I’m a woman, the next day a man. Buck here is bisexual, and I am his perfect match, someone who can be his perfect girl, and also his perfect guy. I didn’t know what I wanted, only someone who could accept me no matter what form I was in.”

“So how did that work when you were pregnant with Jen?”

“The pregnancy lasted 18 months! I actually have two different bodies which swap in and out, clothes and everything. The other body goes into some pocket dimension or something, but no time elapses for it. So I was a perfectly normal-looking, non-pregnant guy half the days while I was pregnant.”

Buck spoke up, “And after having the one kid, Sam swore to never go through that again. The mental adjustment between the pregnant female and non-pregnant male was too much for her.”

Sam added, “Given this, and the possibility any crazy sort of thing might happen if Jen got pregnant, we are giving her full freedom in choosing who to date. If she wants to date only girls and never ever get pregnant, that is fine by us.”

At least they didn’t expect me to have sex. I gave Jen a goodbye kiss and then went home with Mom.

February 24, 2007

I took some time off dating, to think about my experiences. I really preferred dressing as a boy; even at school, where I was now publicly known to be a girl, I opted for the tomboy side of girls’ clothing, just girlish enough to remind the people who know that I’m not a boy. Away from school, it was usually a full boy look for me. If Jen wanted me to look like a girl, I could do it, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to get into a relationship where I’d be expected to do that all the time.

But I was more worried about what I’d be getting into with Tracy. Sure, she could get a sperm donation and have a kid, who wouldn’t be mine genetically in any way. But I would be seemingly committed to doing so at 18, unless she simply cut all ties with her parents.

As a result, I didn’t think either of them was my right long-term partner. There were a couple other girls in the club I might try. I actually thought about dating boys, but the ones who’d made passes at me seemed like jerks, while many of the straight ones knew I used to be a boy and probably weren’t interested for that reason. The gays knew I was now a girl and wouldn’t consider me, and the one bi boy in the club had a steady boyfriend and a steady girlfriend.

March 3, 2007

It was time for my flight test. I had been stretching my wings out every night before I went to bed, and they looked more and more like the wings of a snowy owl with their short, wide, fluffy feathers. So I put on one of my leotards under my other clothes, and we went out to the testing facility. They measured my height and weight (I had lost another 5 pounds since my last visit, though I was the same weight in both winged and unwinged forms) and then they attached a bunch of sensors to me to check my breathing, heart rate, body temperature, altitude, velocity, and who knows what. There was an open field there, and they explained it was protected by spells so that nobody who didn’t already know Normal’s secret about powers would be able to see any flying people. I could go try to fly, along with another flyer and a teleporter on hand to save me if I got into trouble.

The flyer explained to me that there are several kinds of flying powers. Some of them use magic, some have abilities which basically let them ignore gravity, and then there are the ones like me who grow wings and fly partially by generating lift with wings.

He was a magical flyer, so wasn’t the best one to teach me, but he had at one point studied all those mechanisms for flight. And he explained that if I could fly, it would be only partially by wing power. Unless we were unnaturally light or had absolutely huge wings, a human could never generate enough lift to get airborne from wings alone. We always had magical assistance, though that magic might be generating extra lift, reducing our mass, or reducing gravity around us. But however it worked, it allowed winged flyers like me to fly with more or less the same principles as birds use.

The basic idea was to run and flap my wings, of course. But he had some cardboard wings he wore to show me the kind of motion I should be doing with my wings. It wasn’t simply moving them up and down; they turned a bit as well.

I tried this for an hour before I was getting too tired to keep it up. I was never off the ground for more than 10 seconds. While I thought that was disappointing, my flight tutor mentioned that Michael Jordan was known for what they called hang time, the length of time he was in the air when he jumped, and that was never actually more than one second! What I was doing already greatly surpassed the greatest basketball jump of all time!

We made another appointment for two weeks from now and I went home.

I ate lunch, and relaxed for a while before I had to get ready for another date with Tracy. That went in a predictable way. We ate dinner at a restaurant, saw a movie (I let Tracy pick, as I wasn’t particularly looking forward to any of the other movies that were playing now besides the two I’d seen on my other dates), and went to her house for an hour or so of sex.

When we first went up to her room, I asked Tracy if she could get me a glass of milk.

“We only have skim. I hope that’s OK.”

“Yes, thank you.” I didn’t tell her it wasn’t ideal - the milkfat was also part of my fuel for making eggs - but the calcium was more important and that was present at full strength in skim.

She went down and returned a couple minutes later with the milk. I drank it right down, intentionally leaving a tiny bit in the glass when I was done.

After we were done with the sex, I suggested Tracy use the leftover milk instead of spitting into and trying to collect vaginal secretions in the condoms. She thought that was a great idea and did so.

March 10, 2007

I didn’t plan any activities for today because I knew I was due for an egg. It was a really good thing I hadn’t planned a date because the egg came a little later today, at 5:30 when I’d be trying to finish getting ready for my date if I had one.

It was also just in time for me to cook that egg for dinner. Mom had already started on a dinner for the family and as soon as she was done with that, she helped me get started cooking my own omelet for the first time. Rather than waste the portion of dinner she had made for me, I threw it all into the omelet. Corn, steak which I diced into small pieces, and potatoes went into the eggs instead of mushrooms and peppers. And I was right about this making an extra meal. One meal’s food was just right to add to the egg, so it meant that if I ate pure egg it would have probably been only three meals. For a normal person, twice as many, but after I made my egg, I was extra-hungry until I replenished myself.

March 17, 2007

I had another flight test today. It went significantly better than the last time. I reached a maximum altitude of 25 feet and a longest flight time of 32 seconds. I started to feel like I was actually flying, though I couldn’t keep it up for long.

I went to the GLBTTQ St. Patrick’s Day dance with Jen. I had invited Tracy, but she declined. She isn’t a fan of dancing. Guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

It took me a little bit to learn the moves, but I got into it and had fun there with Jen. There was a mixture of fast songs and slow, romantic ones, and Jen was into the romantic ones, sometimes resting her head on my shoulder as we slowly swayed with the music, while at other times engaging me in a kiss while we danced. And as little as I cared for that type of dress, I admitted it did work well for dancing.

We didn’t do anything afterwards, though.

March 24, 2007

I had another date with Tracy. However, this time, we didn’t bother going out. I went to her house and ate dinner with her family, and afterwards we went to her room. She turned on a stream of Lesbian porn on her computer, and we alternated between watching it and having sex, sometimes trying to do some of the things we saw them do.

March 25, 2007

Tracy called.

“She found out!”


“Mom was spying on us. She found out you weren’t really a guy, and so she’s forbidden me from dating you.”

“Well that sucks. I was always worried about that happening, though.”

“I know. It was great while it lasted, though.”

“Maybe you could sneak over to my house sometime?”

“Sometime, maybe. But I’m grounded for a month. I’m not even supposed to call you so we’ll talk at school.”

March 31, 2007

Today I had another flight test. I’m really improving. I made it up to 40 feet this time, and Mom got some pictures of me while I was flying above her.

Afterwards, I had to agree that the black leotard looked dumb on me when I was in the air. I’ll try the white one next time.

April 7, 2007

Predictably, I laid another egg today. This one came in mid-afternoon.

While I was cooking it for dinner, I had a thought and I asked Mom about it.

“Mom, what am I going to do if I am away from the house when I lay my egg? If I sit on the toilet in a public restroom, there’s no lid and I’m afraid the egg will fall in the water!”

“Well, that is where I’d recommend you lay it. That’s going to be where you can most easily find a little privacy. Let me see I can come up with any ideas to help you with the water problem.”

April 14, 2007

I had another flight test and continued to do better. This time I wore the white leotard and Mom got pictures of me in it. She was right. While it did look like I was naked, I was a naked bird, covered all over with feathers. My flying posture really did make me look like a bird. My legs held tightly together behind me looked like the tail of a mockingbird. The rest of my body looked like a huge white hawk, except for the lack of a beak.

In the afternoon Dad came to me with an idea. He had been looking at inflatable things online, thinking that he could find something I could insert into the toilet opening to catch the egg. And he found it. An inflatable floating mini beer-cooler. It was round, with a 7 inch inner diameter and 9 inch outer diameter when inflated, with a flat inflatable ring around the top with drink holders in it, which were just mesh pockets I could ignore. That was perfect. The hole in a toilet seat was about 8.5 to 9 inches wide, so I could stuff this in and sit on the ring. And it was 6 inches deep, which was not quite deep enough to hold the egg, but I had to stand after my egg came out the way I was doing it, so this would be no different, really.

Dad ordered it, and it would be here long before my next egg for me to test it out.

April 21, 2007

I had another date with Jen.

We had not gone beyond kissing yet, and knowing what was possible with Tracy, I was hoping to have us go further. But during our movie, when I tried touching Jen’s breasts, she pushed me away. I could imagine doing exactly the same thing to a guy who was more touchy-feely than I was ready for, so I just pulled back and didn’t pressure her on it. Everybody’s different.

May 5, 2007

Yes, it was time for me to lay another egg.

This time I tried out the inflatable thing at home, and it totally worked. It was solid enough to hold the egg up after it was laid and I was not sitting on it. And it wasn’t actually too much trouble to inflate, either. Maybe 5 minutes by mouth. If I could, I was going to carry a small battery operated air pump with it, though, because if I was in a hurry that 5 minutes might be a problem, trying to huff and puff while my egg wants to come out below. Dad ordered one of those for me and I was going to try it next time.

Also, I’d gotten tired of eating so much egg at once. I decided to spread it out longer, freezing some of it so I can just eat it along with bacon or sausage for breakfast until it ran out.

Flying School

May 12, 2007

I had another practice flying session today. I think I finally have the hang of it. It was tiring, but with practice I was getting stronger and I stayed up 3 minutes this time.

They recommended to me a flying school that was going to be having 5-day-a-week classes this summer, starting in June a week after regular school was out. It was 3 hours a day, 8-11 in the morning. That didn’t seem too bad; I’d still have the afternoons and evenings to do fun stuff. It cost $2000, which was a lot, on top of new clothes and other stuff my parents had spent on me, but it was a one-time thing.

It sounded like the kind of practice I needed to build up my endurance. Three hours a day, five days a week would have been more flying in the first week than I had done already, combined. I told my parents I wanted to do it if they would pay for it, and I was glad to hear them say yes.

Then, on the way home, Mom stopped to buy me more leotards. I had liked the style of the black one more, but she had proven to me the white color was better, so I got five of those in white, enough to wear all week during flight school with the first two as spares. I could probably actually fly naked and nobody would notice, but they would notice when I was on the ground with the others.

There was another GLBTTQ dance tonight, and I went with Jen. She still made it clear that we weren’t going to be getting any more friendly than kissing, and I still preferred not to be dressed up this way. Jen noticed my continued discomfort with this and decided not to ask me to a dance again.

June 2, 2007

This was the last egg I would lay before school was out, and it came right after lunch. I got to test the little pump. It worked well and pumped up the little inflatable egg-catcher in 30 seconds.

June 15, 2007

Today was the last day of school. Everybody was happy for getting to be out of school for the summer, but I was especially happy because I was going to start flying school in a week.

There were fifty or sixty students at my school I considered friends, including the entire membership of GLBTTQ, but only 8 I considered close friends, and it was exactly that group who I told about my flying school.

June 25, 2007

The first day of flight school. And it was amazing how many people here in Normal could fly, or at least thought they would be able to.

To my disappointment, we didn’t go out flying at all today. Instead, we had three hours of lessons in flying safety. It all boiled down to a handful of things to be careful of while flying:

  • Power lines. Contact with power lines wasn’t as bad for flyers as you might think! If you weren’t touching the ground, or another line, it was actually safe to be touching one power line. That was how birds sat on them all the time. It was only when you established an electrical connection with the ground or another line that things got bad. That said, those birds were pretty light, not more than a couple pounds in the case birds like seagulls. My classmates were anywhere from 80 to 180 pounds, or more in some cases when their flying machines were included. So the key things were never to rest on a line, and never touch one while touching any other line or any grounded object.
  • Other flyers. The low airspace we would normally use was lightly regulated and we were expected to watch for other things in the air. If we were flying at night we had to wear the same kind of beacon lights planes used, and likewise look out for such lights.
  • Birds. Usually birds would fly away from anything the size of one of us, but sometimes they might not notice us fast enough to get out of the way, and if we happened to be flying near a nest, some species were territorial and aggressive and would attack us.
  • Airports and no-fly zones. If you could take off and land without a runway, flying near airports was generally advised against; if you needed to, you had to contact the control tower and ask for and wait to be granted clearance. There was a set of rules about this we’d learn later. And there were certain fixed no-fly zones, like near the White House, which were always off limits, though there weren’t any of those near Normal.
  • Airplanes. If we were flying high enough that we might encounter airplanes not near an airport, we also had to follow rules planes used. The local air traffic control cell was staffed by Normal people (several people snickered when our instructor phrased it that way) and later they’d tell us how we would manage elsewhere.
  • Asteroids. Some people laughed when this was suggested, but a couple of Normal’s flyers were actually capable of escaping the atmosphere, and they had to look out for asteroids, satellites, and other space junk. This needed another kind of license beyond what this class offered, so we would not be tested on this.

June 26, 2007

This morning we actually went out flying. Each one of us flew just once, separately, to show what we were capable of, so that the instructors knew where we stood. I was actually ahead of about a third of the class with regard to flying ability. A fourth of the class couldn’t even get off the ground yet, and a few others could only do short flights like the first time I did any sort of flight at all. I was able to get to the top of the tower they had built on the flight grounds, with some effort, and a handful of others were like me. About half the class was already capable of flying quite well and had no difficulty getting that high, though some of them did not have the ability to fly slow or hover in place and could only zoom past above the tower.

I learned that some people in Normal had powers that didn’t actually let them fly directly, but which allowed them to levitate objects, reduce their own mass (but not to zero), or modify gravity around them (but not entirely eliminate it). The levitators needed to learn how to use their power when they were on the thing being levitated, and the others needed assistance from some kind of flying machine, like model airplanes, to handle the lift component that their power did not give them. The class was going to help them with that. They had some flying machines of different types they let this group try out, but whatever worked, they were ultimately going to buy or build their own.

The rest of the class we spent inside, learning more about flight rules.

For now, most of us were borrowing helmets that the school had, but that was also something we were expected to get our own. So I’d be shopping for that soon.

June 29, 2007

It was now the end of the first week of flying class. I was getting better every day, both in my control and in the ease with which I could get up into and remain in the air. I felt confident that by the end of the summer I would be able fly without difficulty for significant distances. Speaking of which, they explained to us today about various kinds of magical devices we might use to hide us from outsiders if we flew outside of Normal. It might actually be possible for me to fly across the country some day and just look like an airplane to others while I was flying.

After the first two days, the class split into two groups. One group went out to fly at the start of class and came in for lectures afterward, while the other group reversed those roles. We weren’t split by flying ability. Instead, each group with similar flying skill was split in two, so each instructor could work with his or her group separately.

Male and female locker rooms were provided for us, because flight was physically demanding for some of us, and some needed special clothing or to stow materials they were carrying. In my case, I stripped off my cover-up clothes and went out in just the leotard, which I worried at first was going to be awfully revealing, but due to the feathers I didn’t seem to draw any undue attention. When I came back in I showered and put on some regular underwear and the other clothes I came in.

It was due to a locker room mixup that I encountered Freddie. He was a random daily gender shifter. Each morning he/she would wake up possibly, but not necessarily, having changed gender overnight. I had not even realized the two I had seen were the same person until the male Freddie started to head into the ladies’ locker room with me and the handful of other women in the class. He looked about my age (like about half the class; there were also some who looked to be high school seniors or college age, and a few older ones on up to 40s or 50s), and something about Freddie caught my eye. After we were all changed in the correct locker rooms and heading out to the flight field, I caught up to Freddie and let him know I’d like to talk to him more, and after the class was over, we exchanged numbers.

We talked in the evening, and I had my first date with a boy (maybe) tomorrow. His male and female bodies were so different that he had completely different sets of clothing for them, and so he was going to come dressed as a boy if in his male body, or as a girl if in his female body, and he’d call me tomorrow morning to let me know which way he was so that I could do the opposite.

June 30, 2007

I had forgotten when making my date that I was due to lay my egg. Fortunately, it came right after lunch and I still had plenty of time to get ready. I had time to go out and find that helmet too. A white one, with the face shield which was optional but recommended. I might be flying along as fast as a car goes down a highway someday, and not having that strong wind in my face would be a nice thing.

It turned out that Freddie was a girl today, so I didn’t yet have my first date with a boy and instead I was dressed in the boyish clothes I preferred.

We ended up sharing our gender changing stories in much detail with each other during dinner.

Freddie started her story, “I was born a girl. What you see today is what I would have looked like if the whole body change thing had never happened to me.”

“So what happened?”

“I developed powers that had me and things around me floating in the air, or sometimes landing on the wall or ceiling as if gravity was pulling the wrong way. I learned how to control the power, so I only altered gravity for things I wanted to move, when I wanted to move them, and I learned to use my power on myself to let me fly.”

“That’s cool. I’m still learning but I kind of have the hang of it now. You’ve seen me out there flapping my wings; my power doesn’t make me weightless. But go on.”

“It was about six months after my powers showed up that the accident happened.”

“What kind of accident?”

“I was flying and another flyer, a boy, crashed into me. I didn’t even see him until the crash; he must have come up from the ground straight into me.”

“Oh no! Did you manage to keep from crashing?”

“It happened too fast. We went straight into some power lines nearby. I knew they were there but I was trying to be careful and avoid them, but the boy hit me and drove both of us directly into the lines. Somebody saw it and called an ambulance and I woke up in Normal Hospital.”

“How bad was it?”

“I had some mild burns and bruising from when I fell afterward, but it wasn’t actually all that bad. They were going to send me home after my second night in the hospital.”

“But they didn’t? What happened?”

“The boy who crashed into me was never found. I’d been talking with the police already from my hospital bed and actually filed a report against this unknown boy. His parents had also reported him missing and everybody thought he fled after the accident. But the second morning in the hospital I woke up in his body. That’s the body you saw me in Friday.”

“Wow! That’s crazy. How did you feel?”

“I was a mess. I was mad at him, but I also felt sorry for him when the NANA people tested me and found that when I had his body, I also had his powers, and they were pretty sure that meant he was gone.”

“And was that right?”

“He never showed up. His name was James, but apparently he was called Jimbo.”

I laughed, and Freddie laughed with me, confirming she thought the name was funny too.

“It was easy for me to skip taking that name. I was Frederika and I became legally Freddie all the time afterward. But I did take up learning how to use his magical abilities and specifically how to cast the flying spell he used. And at first I thought I was going to be good with his family, as they loaned and later gave me his clothes so I’d have something for that body to wear. Six months in, I’d mastered how to fly his way when I had his body, and that’s when his family sued me. They wanted seven-figure damages for wrongful death, claiming I killed him and stole his body.”

“Oh, sheesh! Obviously in Normal court,” I commented.

“Of course. And my family countersued for my emotional distress at having to live half the time in his body. It took a month, which was mostly legal shenanigans on their part trying to make a case, because besides me there was only one real witness, the one who called the ambulance, who testified that Jimbo was under me as we collided and then went upward into the lines. Ultimately a jury found I was mostly liable for my own suffering for flying near the lines to begin with, and Jimbo was mostly liable for his own death for flying near the lines and flying into another overhead flyer. And they decided the result of me ending up with his body was an unforeseeable consequence. Instead of damages for either of us, they forbid me to fly until I got formally trained. I’m not allowed to fly outside of our flying school until we finish. His family is still trying to appeal the result and get actual money I don’t have, but my family and my lawyer don’t think that’s going anywhere. The class seemed like a good idea anyway, so I enrolled.”

“Did you get his memories or anything?”

“Memories, no. But aspects of his personality rubbed off on me. Before this happened, I only liked boys, and I wouldn’t have even considered going on a date with another girl. You know, a date date. I might have gone on a shopping date.”

I laughed with Freddie.

“It turns out that Jimbo had a seriously macho attitude. He wasn’t a gay-hater, but he was 100% certain he could never date a boy. You see how I’m dressed? This was exactly his picture of an ideal date. Not that I would have ever dated that jerk.”

Freddie had on the kind of outfit Jen would have wanted to see on her date. I told her, “Yeah, I’ve had to shoot down my share of jerks too.”

“Even if he had turned into a girl, he’d just have become a Lesbian. The first part of his personality I noticed was that when I was in his body I got erections for girls. It was later that the other bits crept up on me. Before I realized it, I had acted downright rude several times, in ways I never would have before, including to my former boyfriend. When I realized what I had said to him was when I realized I had a problem.”


“Once I realized it, I was able to stamp out the negative aspects of the personality I inherited from him, but I never eliminated the way I now like girls. I even like girls now when I’m in this body. I apologized to my poor boyfriend, but we saw that our relationship could no longer be, so now we’re just friends.”

“Well it’s good that you didn’t lose him as a friend.”

“But dating is hard. I arranged one other date with a girl before you, while I was in my male body, and I ended up in this body the day of the date. I’d explained to her I was a girl sometimes, and she didn’t indicate a problem with that, but when I showed up to my date as a girl, she just walked out.”

“Aww... Could you have just dressed this body as a boy?”

“Maybe. But I don’t have male clothes for this body. You know we’re completely different sizes. And I’ve never dressed this body like you are today. I wear athletic gear when it’s practical, like for flying, and dresses otherwise. And I still like it that way. You never could have gotten Jimbo into a dress, but I think he thought this was the proper way for a girl to dress, and that’s what came over, reinforcing my own belief.”

I nodded.

“When I’m a girl, I can still consider dating boys, but if I turned out a boy on the day of the date, my mind simply wouldn’t allow me to go, even if the boy would have me. So as much as I’d like to, I don’t think I can date boys anymore. You’re the closest I can handle. And because of the potential reactions of my female dates, well, I pretty much have to have a bisexual girlfriend.”

I responded, “Or at least one with bisexual tendencies. As I told you, I was a boy before I turned into a girl bird. I was slow to accept my female nature. When I first started, I wore girl jeans and panties because the boy ones didn’t fit right, and pretty much everything else boy clothes. Now I can deal with ordinary girl clothes. And I wasn’t sure whether I liked boys, and I am still not sure, but I tried dating some girls. Things didn’t work out, I think more because of issues with those specific girls more than myself, but also in part because I am still not comfortable dressing like you are now. I could do it once in a while.”

“Well maybe we can have some dressed-down dates when I’m a boy. Not like ripped clothes and all, but I could just wear a nice shirt and pants and you could also wear pants if you wanted. I can beat down the part of Jimbo in me that would have insisted you wear a dress.”

We went on so long like this that we missed any chance of seeing the movies we were interested in, and instead went home to my house where we continued our conversation. Among other things, Freddie explained that she prefers that people use female pronouns to describe her in her female body and male ones in his male body, which is confusing sometimes, and I knew I wasn’t always going to get it right, but she accepted that.

July 7, 2007

When I had my next date with Freddie, he was a boy. I did wear a blouse and skirt, but not a fancy dress.

We kept track of time better this time, and made it to a movie. Afterward, we went to Freddie’s house, and I met his parents. They were normal, but Freddie had already told them about me, so they weren’t surprised by my feathers.

After a short meeting with them, we went to Freddie’s room, where he told me more about his parents.

“Before my accident, while not outright gay-haters, they had never really been comfortable with gays and Lesbians, and my father was known to use the word ‘gay’ as a slur. A few months after I changed, when I still hadn’t had any dates yet but I was starting to think about dating girls, one time that he used that word in front of me, I confronted him:”

“Dad, I wish you would stop using that word like that.”

“What? Oh... Does that bother you?”

“Yes it bothers me! I don’t even know any more whether I want to be with a boy or a girl and it’s going to be gay half the time no matter who I’m with!”

“Oh. I am so very sorry, dear, and I will avoid using that word in the future.”

Freddie finished by saying, “And he did. He slipped up a couple times but noticed it and apologized immediately afterward.”

“Well that’s good. I’m glad you stood up for yourself!”

“After that incident and some other talks in which I explained the difficulties I was going through, my parents became fully supportive of my attempts to date girls. The mere fact that I’m now on my second date with a girl (not counting the one that never even got started) I think is making them very happy.”

We had agreed no sex today, but I did partly undress and explain my anatomy to Freddie.

“If you’re going to continue dating me, we’re going to want to have sex eventually, and it should be possible, but it’s not the same as for other girls. You see, this slit between my legs is all I have. There’s no other opening.”

Freddie responded, “Huh? You don’t have an asshole?”

“I do, but it’s inside.”

At my suggestion, he got a flashlight and I held open my cloacal slit so he could see. “Inside a bird, the vagina is the hole in front. The asshole is the one in back. And there’s no pee hole; that gets mixed with the poop.”


“I do have a clitoris, though, and it’s right where you’d expect. That’s not a bird feature though, it’s just me.”

“Well I learned something. Thanks for sharing.”

July 11, 2007

By now, I had a pretty good understanding of my flight abilities and limits.

I could fly at up to about 40 MPH when I got up above the trees, power lines, and buildings; 150 feet up was enough to be above most of those. I could get up to at least 1000 feet, where I would start needing to be on air traffic control, but I wasn’t able to fly faster up there or really have any other advantages, and it was work getting that high, so I probably wouldn’t often do that.

The air traffic control cell in Normal was here at the school. Those who flew that high could practice with them, and they also helped warn any other passing craft, which were rare, and mostly other locals taking off or landing at the tiny air strip here, and the locals would at least be aware there might be flying people around.

Once I got up above the buildings and trees and stuff like that on the ground, I could soar, holding my wings out so they caught the air just right to keep me aloft, only occasionally flapping to maintain altitude. This was work, and unprepared, I’d tire after about an hour, but my school practice didn’t really allow for significantly longer flight times anyway, nor was there anywhere I needed to fly for such a long stretch until I was going outside Normal.

July 21, 2007

Tonight for the first time male Freddie and I tried to have sex. It was, to say the least, awkward. We spent most of the time just finding a position where he could fit into me. Any position where we were lying alongside one another, the typical way you think of people having sex, was not going to work. What did work was if I lay on the bed with my butt at the edge and my legs raised and spread apart and held my cloacal slit open. Freddie could stand next to the bed, put his dick and balls entirely into the slit, and get about half his dick into my vagina.

It wasn’t very good for either of us, but we proved it was possible. But we thought it was better to just use our hands or mouths on each other, which we could also do when Freddie was female.

July 28, 2007

Freddie and I had been dating every Saturday evening for a while. Today, though, my egg was due, and it did not come until the evening, while I was having dinner with the then-female Freddie.

“Oh, it’s time for my egg!” I exclaimed as we sat down.

“You did mention laying eggs. How often does it happen?”

“So far it has been reliably every fourth Saturday, though the time of day varies. This is the latest in the day that it has happened.”

“You’re going to do it right now?”

“No, not quite yet, but I can feel it coming. Probably when we are ready to leave here.”

So we enjoyed our food, paid for it all, and by then, I knew I was ready.

“You wanna come see me lay my egg?”


“In the ladies’ room.” While I was dressed in boyish clothes today, there was nothing about me that said I wasn’t a lady, including my genitals and ID if anyone questioned me, and I almost always used the ladies’ room when I was out these days, even when dressed in boyish clothes.


We grabbed our purses and went to look for the restroom. When we found it, we saw they had a single-stall “family” restroom in addition to the regular multi-person ones for each sex, and it was available, so we went in there instead.

I pulled the catcher out of my purse and quickly inflated it with the small pump.

“What’s that?”

“I usually sit on the toilet while laying my egg. It’s a comfortable and generally available place. I use this to catch the egg when I do.”


By that point the catcher was inflated, and I put it in place, removed my pants and panties, and sat on it.

“Now how long does this take?” Freddie asked.

“At the stage I am at now, I can push it out over the course of a few minutes.”

I spread my legs wide and leaned back a bit and beckoned Freddie to watch. She knelt in front of me to do so.

About a minute later, Freddie excitedly commented, “I see it!”

This was the first time I had done this outside my house, and the first time I was sharing the experience with anyone. But I was experienced with the pushing.

“Oh, God, how big is it?” Freddie exclaimed.

Finally, the widest part of the egg was out of me and I stood while expelling the egg completely.

“Wow! I couldn’t believe that huge thing came out of you if I didn’t just see it with my own eyes.”

I grabbed some paper, cleaned the egg, then picked up the catcher, egg and all, wiped the underside of the catcher with some more paper in case it got wet from the toilet, and maneuvered the whole thing back down inside my purse.

“What are you going to do with the egg?”

“Eat it,” I told her, deadpan, while cleaning myself up with still more paper.

“Really? You eat your own egg?”

“Yes. Not tonight, of course; I’ll start tomorrow. It was recommended to me by my doctor because of the amount of nutrients that go into creating an egg this large. If I don’t, I’ll have to eat a bunch of other extra food or supplements.”

“Isn’t that, like, being a cannibal?”

“Well, no. The egg’s not fertilized. When we had sex it was protected, so it won’t be, though I have a device I can check it with. So it’s more like drinking your own milk, which you probably also think is pretty icky, but there is nothing inherently wrong with it.”

I finished getting dressed and we exited the restroom, and the restaurant, our bill being already paid. But Freddie was too grossed out by seeing this and we ended our date early with neither a movie nor sex. Guess I won’t invite her to watch that any more.

August 4, 2007

I had another date with Freddie, who was a girl once again. I could not promise not to have to lay an egg during our future dates, but I wouldn’t mention it to Freddie, and that I did promise, much to Freddie’s relief.

Otherwise there was nothing notable about this date. We ate, saw some pretty forgettable movie during which we spent more time kissing and groping each other than actually watching, and went to my house for some Lesbian sex.

August 8, 2007

All week, we were doing our final tests to get our flight licenses. We all took the written test Monday and everybody passed that part. Since yesterday, we have been doing our flight tests, one at a time, with everybody else watching. Two people had failed, one for violating rules and one due to being unable to get up in the air. They would get another chance after everyone else was through.

It was now Wednesday and I was third up today. I no longer had trouble getting up into the air, and I felt pretty confident in my ability to manage the rules. The air traffic control tower here had a landing strip that could hardly be called an airport, but it allowed the locals who needed it to take off and land, though it was closed for such purposes during our test period unless someone had an emergency. The airfield around it was being treated a no-fly zone today, except for those who needed it to take off and land, and even for them it was no-fly in the middle of the test. We had to fly a loop around that zone without entering it as part of the test.

Those of us not flying were sitting on a set of bleachers inside the tower-controlled zone, so the first part of the test for those not using the runway was to walk to the edge of the zone before taking off, which I did (as most did) while the previous student was still in the air. I had no trouble getting myself up in the air, and took off to start the maneuvers for the test. Around the no fly zone, through another area used to show control, and made the appropriate communications with the tower before coming back in for my landing.

I passed. When the day was through, they issued my license. I went home a legal pilot, though I was only allowed to fly my own body. Outside of Normal, I’d fly wearing a charm that could either make me appear to be a single-person private plane to anyone who didn’t know our secret, or make me invisible to such people, depending on which mode made more sense for what I was doing. Within Normal, I didn’t need that; people not in on the secret simply wouldn’t see me in the air. Mom was already there to pick me up, so I rode with her, but the last two days of classes, for which I would merely be an observer, I would fly to and from the school (as some of the students already did today). I wasn’t completely confident in my ability to navigate everywhere yet, but I knew the roads in Normal well enough to find my way between here and home.

August 9, 2007

Due to his weird dual nature, Freddie had to do his flight test twice, once in each form. Freddie was female Tuesday, and was tested in that form then. Today was the first time Freddie was male during this testing period, so he did tested in that form. He aced it, naturally.

We flew home together to his house after class for a little celebration with his family and lunch before I went home alone to my house. Freddie’s family was going on a vacation next week including both weekends, so I was going to have two weekends without dates.

August 11, 2007

As a sort of graduation present, my parents got me a small GPS system and mounted it in my helmet for me. It wasn’t a cheap one, either. It was a miniaturized one designed to be mounted this way, with a piece that projected the map onto the upper right portion of my face shield.

This was great! I turned off all the route calculations, which were based on following roads, and set it in a mode where it just showed me the map and a marker at whatever destination I had set. I could set it into a mode where the destination stayed at the top of the map. This let me use it sort of like a compass, aligning the roads below me to match the orientation of the displayed map to get going in the right direction. Or I could put it in a mode where the direction I was going was on top, and orient myself to keep my destination in view. I wasn’t sure which was better. I’d experiment.

It was also voice activated, and the enclosed helmet made that work well in flight. I could change destinations mid-flight or even just pick a destination after I was already airborne.

August 18, 2007

I spent the intermission before school started again and while Freddie was away by doing a lot of flying. It was exhausting, but I’d learned I just needed more carbs, basically fuel to keep me flying. I needed my wings out, and couldn’t eat while flying, but I could make short stops anywhere, sometimes on rooftops. For every hour of flying, I needed to stop and eat 2-3 ounces of pure sugar. Basically, a couple candy bars. If I ate my “fuel” in advance, I could fly for up to 3 hours nonstop, though without a plane charm, there was nowhere I could go that would take that long.

I could fly in a straight line, not impeded by all the obstacles on the ground, and go directly to my destination. Even though I was limited to about 40 MPH with some stops, I figured I could go places faster than cars except on very long trips where the cars could spend almost the entire trip on highways.

August 20, 2007

Back to school! After one week off at the end of flight school, it was time for regular school to begin again. I was in high school now, a new school, with lots of new people I didn’t know before. I was still not at the same school with Freddie; he lived too far from me and went to a different high school. I didn’t have gym this year, so I would not have that daily ritual of showering in front of a bunch of naked girls, nor the ordeal of being picked on by the boys who knew me before, when they thought they could get away with it.

I was going to miss seeing Freddie every day. However, we would be able to go to GLBTTQ dances, and Freddie also promised to invite me to the regular dances at his school. I wasn’t sure if I’d go to the ones at my school, due to my past difficulty there. Freddie did not have the kind of confrontation with her classmates that I had with mine when her dual nature became known. Part of that was due to looking so different that most people did not immediately connect her two identities; because her male body was actually that of another person, and not a power, per se, the spell didn’t hide it, and she’d either go around all day as female to everybody or all day as male. Part of it was that she showered with the girls when she was female, and with the boys when he was male, and so always fit in wherever she was. And part of it was that she was initially a girl, and both the girls and the boys who knew her before the change were more forgiving of a girl changing, for some reason.

She’d told me the stories about that. There were still girls, like some who I had to deal with, who didn’t want to be in the same restroom or locker room with her due to her “sometimes being a boy” but they were officially told by school administrators to deal with it, in some cases also pointing out how any alternative would actually put her in a restroom with people who were currently her opposite sex. And there were boys who harassed Freddie’s male form for being a girl. But his male form was actually a pretty large guy, and when he told them forcefully that he didn’t even start out a guy and that they should be impressed he was even sometimes this much of a guy and to wait and see how much of a guy he became next year, they left him alone afterward. This hadn’t been an issue at the flight school. Everybody there had powers and maybe a third of them looked abnormal in some way. Nobody messed with anybody.

After my first day at school, I decided on another change I wanted to make. Since I had to live as a girl anyway, I decided to start, as of tomorrow, wearing the breast forms every day. They were only B cup, which meant they weren’t huge and didn’t really cause any trouble with my clothing or anything, but they would make me look more like the other girls, who all had breasts now. Well, like them in one way, since my feathers still made me stand out. I had already been doing things like wearing high-necked outfits and white clothes to make my feathers less obvious, and I would continue to do these things.

In the evening, when I was pulling out the breast forms and placing them where they’d be more readily accessible when I was getting dressed every morning, I realized that I was now thinking of myself as a girl. I am not sure when that really first happened, but this was the first time I noticed it. At the beginning of the summer, I was definitely still thinking of myself as a boy forced to live as a girl. It shouldn’t have really taken this long, since I have been laying eggs, an innately female action, for more than half a year now. I’ve let my boyfriend fuck me in my vagina. Of course I’m a girl!

August 21, 2007

I wore the breast forms to school today. I think some people noticed, but nobody commented, so I don’t know if they realized I had fakes on or if it was just boys realizing I had breasts, and thus looking at them and not at me. And that was fine! While many women hated that, if they were ignoring my feathers and the fact that I used to be a boy, rather than harassing me over those things, so much the better!

Mom commented on it after I got home, though.

“Yeah, Mom, I finally feel like a girl. I can’t say when it happened, but probably some time after I started dating Freddie. At the beginning of the summer, I know I definitely still felt like a boy whose power had forced him to be a girl. Now I feel like a girl whose power forced her to never grow breasts.”

“Well I will go out today and buy you more of the pocket bras so you have a full weekly set.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

August 24, 2007

For Friday, rather than dressing down as was some people’s tradition, I wore one of my date dresses to school. I wanted to try to cement the idea in people’s minds that I was a girl, since I didn’t have the hair other girls did nor could you see the softer lines in my face, and the pants didn’t help either.

This sort of worked. I made a couple new friends among the girls. But I also had several of the boys hitting on me, which I did not really want, as I already had Freddie. So I had to think about whether I wanted to keep doing that. It was probably OK. Just part of really living as a girl that I’d have to learn to live with.

August 25, 2007

I had a date with Freddie Saturday to cap off the first week of school. We didn’t feel like going out. He ate with my family at my house and we went upstairs to try sex again afterwards. We were well into it before I realized that I was going to lay my egg. But I knew I had a little time, so I let him go on until he came.

“OK, I need a break.”

I eased apart from him and went to the bathroom, where I relaxed a bit until I could lay my egg. I took it downstairs and put it in the fridge. I went back to Freddie, but he wasn’t ready for more sex. We instead shared some more stories of our experiences.

I told him about my experience with boys hitting on me. Freddie had had plenty of similar experiences during his time as a girl. He told me he had an idea and to wait for next weekend.

September 1, 2007

Today I went on a flying date with Freddie. We started out at lunchtime by separately flying to meet at a restaurant a bit farther than we would normally have gone to, about 5 miles from my house and 6 from his. I ate a hearty meal to ensure I could fly for a while without stopping to eat; Freddie had no such limitations. And Freddie gave me my surprise, a necklace with a large, flat, heart-shaped locket with a photo of the two of us in it.

“It’s perfect, Freddie. I can wear this with my nice dresses at school, look more like a girl, and drive off the boys from hitting on me all at once.”

When we were done, we took off again directly from the restaurant to wherever. And we flew and flew to see the sights, including flying above some places we’d normally pay to enter, just to watch.

We still did have to stop for me to eat, and for both of us to use the restroom. Our mid-afternoon stop was just for me to fuel up, so I just got something to munch on quickly and we took off again. Our next break was dinner and we went to another restaurant. We both had the required lights for night-time flying with us, so during one stop we turned those on and kept going.

After it was dark, with some low clouds moving in, Freddie wanted to attempt midair sex. We flew up above those clouds, maybe 900 feet up.

“Bella, you fly like normal, and I’ll fly along with you, pull the crotch of your flight suit aside, and slip in.”

Yeah, he tried that. He’d actually planned it and brought condoms. But it distracted me too much from flying and I almost fell out of the sky, and ended up hanging into him for dear life.

“Freddie, I can’t fly like you do. I have to soar. I can’t do that with you dragging on me. You have to either push me along so that your weight does not drag me down, or you have to support us both.”

He figured out how to do the latter, so he floated along on his back while I sat on top of him and got us arranged. That actually worked. When I was not myself trying to fly, I could handle the thrusting, and it actually worked pretty well.

Once he came, I separated us, adjusted the crotch of my flight suit, and launched myself into flight using his body as a jumping-off point. We flew back toward our homes for a bit, and when we reached the obvious separation point, he kissed my face guard so as not to interfere with my flight but still give me a goodbye kiss of a sort, and we flew to our separate homes.

October 20, 2007

This was another egg day. Freddie and I had decided to skip dates on my egg days, and on all other Saturdays we were having some kind of date, sometimes like normal people, sometimes flying, and once in a while with sex.

Two weeks ago, during a midair sex session, Freddie had busted through a condom, so I hoped he hadn’t gotten me pregnant. Or, fertilized the egg, I realized, was the correct term.

The egg did not come until evening, and after almost a year in which I had gotten used to laying these eggs, this one was difficult and more painful than usual. Just looking at it, I could see it was different from my usual eggs. It was wider and not as long. Sure enough, the tester told me it was fertilized.

I came crying down the stairs with the egg to Mom, and through sobs told her the story.

“It’s all right, dear. We can deal with this.”

“But Mom, I’m not ready to be a mother!”

“Well, you have two options, Bella. Many girls who get pregnant while in high school have abortions, and for you it’s far easier than most.”

“Noooo! Mom, I couldn’t! It’s my child in there!”

“Well, it’s got to be one way or the other, Bella. Either you become a mother, or we smash this egg.”

Ultimately I decided to hatch the egg. Mom could help me care for my baby when it hatched. She wrapped the egg in blankets with two hot water bottles on either side until we could get an incubator for it. I replaced the water every two hours, and when I went to bed I took apart that contraption and cuddled the egg.

In addition to this, I was going to have to eat a special diet the next week. I would carry my lunch each day rather than eat the school lunch to ensure I got the nutrition I needed.

October 26, 2007

Today the incubator arrived. Mom had been changing the water for me every day while I was at school, and I took over in the evenings and warmed it with body heat at night, but today when I got home from school, instead I learned how to use the incubator. It was pretty easy, really; set it and forget it. The egg would be at a constant 98 degrees.

Once a day I would use the tester on it, which had additional modes I had not needed until I had a fertilized egg. It would estimate the progress of the development based on detecting the baby’s heartbeat and blood flow, but it had not reached the point where those things were detectable yet. The doctor had said it would take months to hatch, so it was not too surprising it didn’t have a heartbeat after only one week. I had to be patient.

October 27, 2007

Both of our schools were having a Halloween dance/costume party tonight. I had almost told Freddie I wouldn’t go, due to the whole egg thing, but I relented. We had worked out a deal before my egg hatched that we’d go as Superman and Supergirl, who were actually brother and sister rather than a dating couple, but who really cared?

The trick was the Superman and Supergirl costumes were interchangeable. The core of each costume was a long-sleeved legless leotard, one with much more coverage than the ones I wore as flight suits that let my wings be exposed. It would actually serve as either Superman or Supergirl depending on the shape of the person wearing it, and whether they had the blue tights under it covering the legs like Superman did, or the little red skirt which attached to it for Supergirl. Supergirl had a blonde wig, and Superman a short midnight blue one.

The deal was this: If Freddie came out a girl the day of the dance, she’d wear the Supergirl accessories and I’d go breastless with the Superman tights and wig, and we’d go to her school’s dance. If Freddie was a boy, he’d wear Superman, and I had opaque flesh-colored tights to cover my legs to make myself a more convincing Supergirl, rather than the Superbird I’d otherwise look like. And in that case we’d go to my school’s dance.

Well, Freddie was a boy, so it was my school we showed up at. It was great! All my friends got to see the guy who had so far only been a picture in my locket to them. I made of point of introducing the guys who’d hit on me to Freddie. I know I heard a couple of the bullies who remembered me as a boy snickering, I’m sure because they saw me dating a boy and considered me gay for doing so, but I didn’t care about them. At least they were leaving me alone now. And while I could not actually fly in this costume, Freddie could, and lifted us off the ground for a few brief moments at just the right times while we were dancing.

October 31, 2007

I hadn’t originally planned to actually trick or treat, but Freddie asked me to go with her. She was female, so we met up and swapped costume bits so that I could be Superman and she could be Supergirl, and we walked in her neighborhood. So the other costumed kids I passed were even less recognizable to me than they might have been, since I didn’t actually know most of them.

A funny bit happened at one corner. Another kid dressed as Mr. Mxyzptlk did a double take on seeing me and Freddie and, as I soon realized, another Supergirl approaching from around the corner, and tripped and fell. Freddie and the other Supergirl helped him up. He thanked us and we introduced ourselves. The Mr. Mxyzptlk was a kid named Robin who sounded like a girl even though she was wearing a male costume, but I knew anything was possible in Normal. The other Supergirl was a kid with an identity problem who called herself George, Shelly, and Samantha.

We got a pretty good haul, enough candy to last me a month if I didn’t want to overdo it. But I knew I could easily use it after my next egg, or when flying, so I saved it all for those uses.

November 17, 2007

This morning I checked the egg for the umpteenth time and found it had progressed to a stage the device was now able to call 28% developed. That was four weeks in, so if it was exactly right it would be ten more weeks and some days before it hatched.

Today I laid another egg. This was a weird thing about birds; because we laid eggs rather than bearing live young, our “pregnancy” did not interrupt our cycle one bit. Since I’d had no more disasters with the condoms, this one was of course unfertilized.

December 1, 2007

Tonight, GLBTTQ had their first dance of the school year and of course I went with Freddie. She hadn’t realized such a club existed until I mentioned it to her over the summer, but for someone like her, it was perfect. And there was no issue with two girls going as a couple, so we agreed I’d go as a girl and Freddie would dress appropriately for whatever gender she awoke as, which turned out to be female.

I’d been unwilling to keep doing this for Jen, but I did it for Freddie. Why? I thought about it while I was getting ready. A big part of it was, I realized, that Freddie was willing to take me as I was. I made sure to tell her that during one of the slow dances.

“Freddie, I love you. I love you because you take me as I am. And I take you as you are, too, or at least as you became after beating back Jimbo. Don’t ever change.”

Freddie laughed at the mention of Jimbo, and responded, “Thank you, Bella. I love you too. And you’re so right about that; I do take you as you are, and love you as you are.”

December 22, 2007

Freddie’s family was traveling to see relatives over the holidays, ones who had been briefed on her dual nature. We’d been dating every Saturday I wasn’t laying an egg all school year until today. But my family had some of our own relatives over, a branch of Mom’s family, some of them with powers, who were anxious to see how I had turned out.

The day was marred by tragedy, though, when I checked the egg to find it now reported as sterile. I wasn’t sure if that meant my baby had died, or was just a malfunction in the scanner. We called the vet, but he said there was nothing to be done about that. He said that by this point I should be able to hear a tiny heartbeat if I pressed the egg against my ear. I checked, and there was definitely none of that. Since it was not there, he said, the embryo was dead. Just like live births, which sometimes ended in miscarriage, not every fertilized egg succeeded in producing live young. He did, however, ask me to bring the egg in so he could study it. He might be able to tell how my baby died and if there was anything I should do differently when I had another.

With that done, I turned off and packed away the incubator, to be used again if I ever needed it. I wanted to forget about it and try to have fun with the visiting family, but they wanted to hear about me and my eggs, since none of them were egg-layers, and they naturally led back to that, so I ended up talking about it all evening and going to bed early to escape that.

December 24, 2007

The vet called today and told me my egg was a horror story. Something about our baby was very, very wrong, like major birth defects. The parts were not arranged to form the shape of a human being, nor a bird, nor any kind of being, really. It had managed to live for a while, but as development proceeded, the strain on the malformed body was eventually too much. It needed to have a heartbeat to circulate blood through a circulatory system by this point, and it didn’t.

He wasn’t sure why this happened, but he was going to run some genetic tests, and he wanted my and Freddie’s DNA. I told him Freddie was traveling, but I’d let his family know and after the holidays he might come in to give a sample on a day he was male. He hoped to be able to tell me if there was a mutation that caused this, or if Freddie and I were somehow incompatible.

January 7, 2008

Today the vet was able to give me the news. Not only were Freddie and I incompatible, I was probably incompatible with most people. My powers had altered my DNA in some fundamental ways that made it quite birdlike, and there were too many genes that didn’t have counterparts in humans and too many human ones missing from mine. I’d probably only ever have live children with a mate who also had avian characteristics and similar genetic differences. Which meant essentially nobody. People from NANA were able to tell me there were only 7 male avians in Normal.

If at some point in the future I really wanted to have a child, maybe I’d ask them, presumably pay them to get genetic tests done and be my sperm donor. Or Freddie could take a normal sperm donor and we’d find out if she’d have a pregnancy that progressed only on female days like Jen’s mom did.

At least I’d worry less about it; if Freddie and I had another accident, we’d just break the egg quickly instead of nurturing it and finding it dead after 2 months.

May 3, 2008

Today was both an egg-laying day and a GLBTTQ dance, and as a result it was the first time I was with Freddie on an egg-laying day in a long time. And as luck would have it, the egg decided not to come until evening, so I had to excuse myself and find the ladies room. Naturally when I went in there, there weren’t any stalls open and one girl was just standing there.

“Are you in line?” I asked.

“No, I’m just waiting for a friend. You’re first in line,” the girl replied.

“Oh, good. My egg can wait a few minutes, but not too long.”

“Oh, I noticed you seemed to be a bird, but I didn’t realize you would be that much of one. I have powers too. My name’s Trixie.”

“I’m Bella. What’s your power?”

“I can animate other bodies. Except this is an animated body; my original body is at home.”

“Cool. Well I’m a bird, I can fly (though not in this dress; I actually have to be able to spread my wings). I don’t have much else for powers. I don’t have periods, but once a month I lay a big egg.”

“What’s the inflatable thing for?”

“It’s an egg-catcher. I always carry this with me in case I have to lay an egg when I’m away from home. It cushions the egg and keeps it out of the toilet water.”

“Oh, I guess it makes sense, if you’re out, that the toilet is the sensible place to do it. Just how big is this egg?”

“It’s about the size of a football, but egg-shaped instead of being pointy-ended.”

“Wow! Does it hurt?”

“It did the first time I laid an egg, but now it comes out pretty easily.”

“Does this egg-catcher mean that mean you’re saving the egg to take home to hatch?”

“Oh, goodness no. These eggs aren’t fertilized, but just like chickens, I lay eggs all the time anyway. Thankfully not every day like chickens. I save the egg so I can eat it.”

“You eat your own egg?”

“It’s my doctor’s recommendation.” I had finished inflating the thing by this point and I told her the details while I reached under my dress and removed my panties.

“Um, Bella, how soon will you lay your egg?”

“As soon as I can get into one of these stalls. It’s ready. Once I start, it only takes a minute or two and it’ll be out. You want to take a look?”

“Actually, my request is a little more personal than that, but I’m really curious. In addition to animating bodies, I can temporarily feel what another person is feeling, and since I think this is a rare chance to experience something different, I’m interested. Will you let me do that?”

“Go right ahead.”

“In order to do this, I have to kiss you.”

I puckered up, and she kissed me. It was more of a kiss than I was expecting, and kind of slobbery. She didn’t force her tongue into my mouth, but she left some saliva on my face.

At that moment a girl came out of one of the stalls, so as soon as Trixie pulled away from the kiss I went into the stall, closed and latched the door, set the egg catcher on the toilet, and sat down on it and started pushing. The egg came out quickly, but once I got it out and cleaned up, I realized I also needed to use the toilet for what it was meant for. I got that done, got myself cleaned up, put away my egg and the egg-catcher, and returned to Freddie.

Of course, I did not speak about it the rest of the night.

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