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I don’t know exactly when I started loving Paula. Probably it was a slow process. We had been friends since we were toddlers. As the years went on Paula bloomed into a very beautiful girl. We both got scholarships to a very good high school. She was very popular in school. She was a great athlete. She was very competitive. I wasn’t. Not popular, not competitive. not an athlete. Not that I was an outcast or anything like that but I wasn’t exactly one of the IN crowd. Surprisingly Paula kept being my friend. We studied together in the evenings and so on. The problem was that I wanted us to be boyfriend and girlfriend. That was a constant pain that I was too afraid to do something about. As it turned out I was right in thinking that we’d never become boyfriend and girlfriend.
At first it looked promising. At the beginning of Senior year in high school, one evening when studying together I finally gathered enough courage to ask Paula to the homecoming dance. To my surprise and delight she accepted. She even kissed me! Of course, my phone rang at that moment. Unfortunately it was my manager so I couldn’t ignore him. To make matters worse my stage career is something I have carefully hidden from all my friends and anyone in school. Especially anyone in school! I was rather successful but still a rising star so I couldn’t afford to miss any opportunities, so I apologized to Paula and went into another room.
- Hello Jim. What’s the matter?
- Billy, I have great news! I have booked you into a great venue. A great breakthrough!
- All right, what is it?
- You know that snobbish private high school with all the rich kids? Very conservative. Not a place I’d ever thought would want you to perform. And they pay well! And the exposure! You will get famous!
- Don’t tell me you mean Ivy Academy!
- Yes, that’s the one! Great. isn’t it?! They want you to perform at their homecoming dance!
- That’s MY school. La Cucaracha can’t perform there. CANCEL CANCEL!
- Sorry Billy, I’ve already signed the contract, so you just have to take it as a man, or in your case as a drag queen.
As I ended the call I heard a gasp from behind. I turned around and there was Paula looking appalled.
- You are the Cucaracha and you are going to perform at OUR homecoming dance?
- I’m sorry Paula. I didn’t want you to find out like this.
- Billy, we have a big problem! Actually several!
- Sorry Paula. I understand. You are not going to be my date.
At that point I was close to tears.
- What are you talking about? I mean, first of all you are going to spend half the evening on stage instead of with me. Second, La Cucaracha is absolutely gorgeous. I’ve seen you on stage several time and no way I’m going to look as fabulous as you. No girl wants her boyfriend to be more gorgeous than herself. However, I’ll do it if you help me get a dress that’s even more fantastic and outrageous than yours. I mean, I do love you but I still have to prove that anything you do I can do better.
At that moment I realized that we’d never be boyfriend and girlfriend but girlyfriend and girlierfriend worked for me.
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Females Grow up Being Female
Drag Queens and Trans grow up studying what it takes to be feminine. Can we call them professors of learning everything female? Some of the most beautiful women I have ever seen are trans. They studied, they learned, they immersed themselves in feminine beauty. Some trans go over the line and think being a tart and dressing like a street walked is being feminine.
Billy studied what it takes to be a glamorous showgirl. Paula grew up with brains, beauty, and skills. She never had to work at it or study what it took to be a female.
Beautiful story Bru. Probably not the twist you were seeking but sometimes, you let the softer side show when you aren't wheeling and dealing in espionage.
Hugs Bru
Now lets get down to the serious things. The LBD you wore for for the New Year Party at Jilmars? For you that was a new first. The dress covered you but it didn't if you get my meaning. You're flirting with Saudi Sheiks now? Careful girl, they have a nasty habit of making people disappear who cross them.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Not really looking for twist this time
It just popped into my head the situation of how a girlfriend would react to boyfriend's career as drag queen.
Of course Billy is in another pickle now. The stage persona could probably pull off a performance without revealing the person behind the mask. Perform AND attend the dance is somewhat more difficult. An interesting year ahead for Billy.
I see the New Year hasn't
I see the New Year hasn't changed you one bit, Bru., (Thank God)
Always leave them laughing
Cosmo Brown?
Not a bad role model.
Nothing but trouble. . . .
. . . comes from tryin’ to do too much.
Billy! Don’t be a hero! Don’t be a fool with your fate!
Billy, don’t be a hero! Come back and make me your date!
And she said as he started to go,
Billy, keep your hem line low!
Billy, don’t be a hero,
Come back to me!
Nice one, Bru. Happy New Year!
— Emma
Actually it didn't turn out too bad
Cockroaches are great survivers. It was awkward at first but then the school decided that Billy was perfect to show how progressive and inclusive the school was. Every major event at school featured La Cocaracha which gave Billy's career a big push. One boy's parents had connections in a national cable network. That boy was not the only one that got a serious crush on La Cucaracha.
Of course the school musical that year was "La Cage aux Folles". Naturally Billy got the role as Albin. He struggled with the role. He wasn't camp enough. Paula as Georges was much better.
More Queens...
Love your new lyrics, Emma, Ha, very nice, a perfect coda to this story...
Not So Different
Boyfriend and Girlfriend? Girlyfriend and Girlierfriend? Tomboyfriend and Girlygirlfriend? Seems to me like six of one, half a dozen of the other.
-- Daphne Xu (a page of contents)
You know that, I know that, but do they?
What's in a name? Quite a lot actually, when it comes to perceptions.
Cute one
Still waiting for a longer story. You can do it.
Happy New Year, Bru!
Beware of what you ask for
I already have it outlined in my head.
I'm not sure that what you ask for is what you want ;)
R U Serious?
It wasn't hard to figure out at least part of the ending from the beginning but part of the end I just can't buy. The idea that a school, any school, would hire a drag queen for their homecoming dance completely shatters my suspension of disbelief. Com'on, really!? A sweet story, other than that.
OTOH, sounds as if Paula has been impatiently waiting for him to ask her out, while he has been fumbling around with his head up his rearend. Why didn't she just ask him out instead? It's the 21st century ya know, you can do that honey!
I'll admit, withe the name 'La Cucaracha' my mind went to a much darker place. Thankfully you didn't.
They know they can survive
I'm afraid Paula has got an evil streak
She had so much fun with Billy's discomfort.
Don't get Out Much?
Over $200K being spent on drag queen shows at NYC schools, records show
Florida is taking a good look at the situation in their public schools also. So far a war of words.
Hugs Withheld
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
The signing off there sounds a bit stand-offish
Not that you mean it of course.
Hugs withheld from FL
I assume. The story, and Bru, are worth plenty hugs.
FL, not so much. Bunch of nitwits down there, and that's as charitable as I can be...
Not The Best Choice
"La cucuracha" does not exactly make one think of a sexy drag queen. I could think of a dozen other insectoid names that would make you think of a beautiful transvestite actress. Take "papillon" as an example.
Still, this is a Bru story, so whatever works.
So, why do you think I chose that particular name ;)
I couldn¨t name the persona after a escaped prisoner, could I?
Trick Question?
Everyone remember this is Bru we are thinking of. Sweety, I have no doubt you would name the persona after any devious thought that came to your mind.
Hugs Bru
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Must admit I was thinking Paula would have gone as the boyfriend but I guess that was way too obvious.
Great little yarn, thanks
If you have a look at an earlier comment of mine
Paula played the boyfriend in the school musical.