The Voyage of the Visund -73-

On arrival in Zebrin the reunited company heads for their allocated hostel, where Eriana hears the story of Tosh's past. It is also necessary to deal with the port official Osar, who was forced to depart Pakmal with the company.

grakh on parchment

The Voyage of the Visund

A tale of Anmar by Penny Lane

73 - A Kittrin's Tale

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2023 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

The Green Ptuvil came to rest with a gentle bump against the pontoon, just astern of the Visund. Two port workers in Zebrin black-and-yellow uniforms caught the lines that Baros's men threw to them and made the craft fast. They then lowered a short boarding gangway against the hull, since the side of the barge was higher than the surface of the pontoon. Once satisfied that the gangway was secured, they saluted and walked off just as Brodgar approached from the Visund.

Baros was the first to step off the barge. "Where are the port officials?"

Brodgar grinned. "Princess do everything already, Captain. Gone to arrange hostel."

Ursula inspected their surroundings. It was as if they had been wading through a swamp and then suddenly emerged into formal gardens. The difference was total. The scheme was exactly the same as in Pakmal, but here the Zebrins had carefully graded their channel banks and lined them with bricks to resist erosion. Well-constructed walkways and wide gangways led from the top of the bank down to the pontoon level. The multi-flagged pontoon sections were also the same, but laid out better and this channel was never going to run dry.

It had been the same even before they arrived. The Visund had got across the river from one side to the other easily but the Green Ptuvil had been delayed by passing traffic. When it reached the two poles marking the entrance to Zebrin's canal system, they had been met by a cutter crewed by uniformed customs men. Eriana had obviously explained that the barge was following so they had been given the colors of the private pontoons reserved for distinguished visitors and passed without further comment.

Baros asked, "What about unloading? Chests and suchlike."

"I'll get men to help." Brodgar turned and called in Norse, «Hey! The women have arrived, they will need an escort and help with their chests!»

«You do it! We strain our backs on the oars and all you lot do is pull a rope every so often!»

«I know just which ropes to pull and when which is why I'm a sailor and you get the heavy work. Come on, lads, the ladies need their chests taken to the hostel.» He added to Baros, "They will just be a moment, Captain. Also escorts for women."

By now everyone had gathered on the deck of the barge. Most of the women gazed around them with interest and a little concern. The two village women had begun to overcome their fear of men but this was another unknown land, they would remain cautious and close to Eriana whenever it was possible.

Ursula looked at Tosh. "Did you go to Pakmal from here? I'm assuming you came east along the trade road."

"I did," he replied. He seemed tense. "At least they did not throw stones at me here."

"Did you have any trouble here? We need to know in case the authorities or some former employer is after you."

"No-one like that. I have little coin and so was forced to sleep in... unsuitable places. There are criminals here just as there are in Pakmal, one of my choices was poor. Someone tried to steal my blade." He looked at the expression in Ursula's face. "No, nothing like that! I try not to make blood flow if I can avoid it, it causes too much trouble. But I have other means to defend myself and my few possessions."

"Gangsters?" She nodded. "I suspect you'll find them everywhere. Sometimes it is those at the bottom of society, sometimes it is the nobles, sometimes it is both. We have met all sorts along the Sirrel." She gave him a reassuring smile. "At least this time you'll be with a big company who can look after themselves and don't put up with nonsense."

"But they do not know me."

"Trust me, one look at that sword of yours and you'll have thirty best friends. You can relax for a while."

"What is so special about my sword?"

"I know the traditions of your people... those who still live in Nippon. If any of those traditions remain in Kittrin then they will all want to see that sword."

«I still want to know how it is that you can speak my language.»

«That is part of that long explanation you will get once we're settled in.» She hesitated then decided to elaborate a little while they waited. «I can speak your tongue and I can understand you, but I know nothing at all about your society so there are no references for me that any of your people would instinctively assume. That means that, though I may know the words, you'll have to take care how you speak to me or when I say something. Does that make sense to you?»

He nodded. «Like reading from a book written by someone from another land. You may know the words but much remains unsaid.»

«Yes. And I cannot read or write your script either, though there is probably little demand for it this far away from your home land. Are you comfortable with the script they use here?»

«It is different than ours but not so hard to learn. I manage.»

Baros asked, "Is that the Kittrin tongue, Mistress? I am impressed that you can speak it."

"It is, Captain, though until he used it earlier today I did not know that I could speak it. Just one of the curious side-effects of my journey here. I think we'd better not say any more about that in public, though."

"As you say, Mistress. Oh, here come some of the boys. And I can see Commander Lars walking along the top of the bank there."

The men, seeing Lars come down the gangway, waited until he reached them. He issued instructions which caused most to come to the barge.

"Commander says to take chests to hostel."

Brodgar grumbled, «They listen to him, they don't listen to me.»

Baros nodded to Torvin. "The chests are waiting for you, lads. All the women are on deck so it is fine for you to go down and fetch them out."

The men came aboard and dispersed to the different companionways. Lars joined them, along with several other men. He addressed Ursula.

"Mistress, we are to take you to hostel." His eyes flicked to Tosh, then down to his sword and back to Ursula. "Princess told me a little about him. Is he safe to join us?"

"He has injuries which need to be checked for at least a few days. He may join us for a while."

The eyes flicked down to the sword again. "Can he use that sword?"

Tosh bristled. "I do not like his tone!"

She intervened. "Tosh, this is Lars who is official leader of all Her Highness's fighting men. He intended no insult. All of them will be interested in your weapon. Remember that they know nothing about you or your people and you know nothing about his. What Lars asks is, are you any good with that sword or are you just carrying it because it is a family treasure."

He calmed down. "Yes, I can use sword, training passed down from father to son for centuries."

Lars gave a single nod. "Good. Need more warriors for Navy. You will bring him, Mistress?"

"Of course."

"And what about him?" Lars nodded towards Osar. "I have seen him before but I don't know where."

"He was the port official where the Visund berthed, do you remember? He took us to see Count Korboro, who he thought was going to arrange an introduction to the Arch-Count."

"Yah, I know face now. Why is he with us?"

"We could not leave him there because they would link him to Korboro's murder. Here is safe enough for now. I do not think he wants to come any further with us because he still has family in Pakmal. Will there be room at the hostel for him for a day or two?"

"I think so. Is a big place and not very busy, mostly us there." He favored Osar with a calculating look.

"Her Highness will sort him out." Ursula turned. "Is everybody ready?"

There were murmurs of assent from everyone on board. Baros turned to Lars.

"What about the Visund and the Green Ptuvil? Should we be leaving a watch on board?"

"These are special berths for visitors like Princess," Lars explained. "Look, sentries at top, gates. Should be safe. Tor stays for now, has four men who will watch both." He shrugged. "If you wish to leave someone here, they will miss good food and ale in hostel."

"That is good enough for me. Boys! Are you ready to go to the hostel?"

More murmurs and soon enough, everyone on board was making their way up the nearest gangway to the top of the bank. At the entrance a sentry counted the numbers and, roughly, who came from which craft. After he had written the figures down he looked for someone to address.

"If I may ask who is in charge of these vessels? Intending no disrespect, letting you back onto your vessels may present problems."

Lars looked at Ursula so she stepped forward. "Her Highness is the overall leader of our company," she explained. "If anyone could be considered second in command that is probably me. The captain of the larger vessel, Captain Tor, remains below, there," she pointed at him aboard the Visund. "Captain Baros here commands the barge behind. This man," she indicated Lars, "commands Her Highness's fighting men, which is most of them. What problems could there be?"

"Ah, Mistress, I can see that the men from the big ship wear what I can only assume is a uniform. The people from the barge wear a variety of attire and it could be awkward to tell who is permitted and who is not. If you could advise me."

It is true. Almost all the Norse are in tee shirts and shorts and, while the bargemen are now also wearing tee shirts and shorts, they are in a variety of shades. Then we have Kalmenar, Zakaros, Karan, Toshi and Osar, who are not wearing anything like the rest of the men.

Women? Almost as bad. Eriana, Bennet and Semma are still in their Palarand uniforms. Tyra and I are in ship dresses. The others are in a mixture of clothing.

"I see what you mean. How about this? Do you recognize what I and my assistant are wearing as uniform?"

The man's eyes went from her ship dress to the nearest Norse and back to Ursula.

"Aye, Mistress, I had not noticed but I would agree that your attire could be a uniform... if somewhat unusual."

"Then, if you can recognize our crew by our uniforms, anyone who is with someone wearing a uniform should be acceptable. We'll probably need port workers to come down with fresh supplies in the coming days anyway."

He thought about this and nodded. "Agreed, Mistress. Then you may all go about your business."

Above they discovered a road of red brick running alongside the channel with spacious sidewalks and a railing to prevent anyone sliding down the bank. On the other side of the road there were the usual shops, workshops, stores, bars and amusements but everything was significantly cleaner and tidier than in Pakmal.

The locals and other water folk paid little attention to their party as they made their way along the sidewalk. The hostel was not far and was laid out in the customary Valley design with a courtyard, tap room at the front and dining hall to one one side with kitchens and bathing facilities in a separate brick building at the rear. The fourth side, normally used for stables, held further accommodation in addition to the customary upper floor dormitories and smaller sleeping chambers.

"Lars, Tosh is unsure about all of us and I am not that surprised. I think it would be a good idea for now if he has a room on his own. Can you arrange that?"

"Yah, Mistress. There are some smaller rooms at top of stairs."


He bowed. "Thank you, Mistress, for your consideration. I have little to leave there so I will find out where it is and come down again to... where?"

Ursula pointed. "I think the dining room would be the best place. I bet that is where Her Highness will be and she will want to see you as soon as we have all settled ourselves."

"Hai. I go with the big man."

Ursula turned. "Tyra, do you know where our chests are?"

"They have not yet arrived, Mistress, but, if you please, I have an errand to the bathing block."

"Now that is a very good suggestion! Ladies? We're off to the toilets, is anyone else interested?"

There was a general movement towards the rear of the hostel.

* * *

"What are we doing in this chamber, Tyra? I thought we were having one of our own."

"We do have this one to ourselves, Mistress. Matta and Vellana have the one on the other side of Her Highness's chamber."

"You know what I meant. These are servants' quarters in Her Highness's suite! I do not complain about the facilities, they are good enough for us, but I thought we would have a door to the corridor."

"I do not know, Mistress, but I can guess her thoughts. By acting as the Princess she is, she will have told them that she has four attendants who should be within call when she has need. Thus, we are quartered together, which means that you may leave this chamber each night to sleep with Her Highness without notice by the hostel staff."

I do not know if I should be surprised by Eriana's audacity or not, but at least it will avoid any immediate trouble. And I guess that I just about qualify as an "attendant".

Of course, the Zebrins would expect someone like Eriana to have an entourage so this arrangement will help the illusion.

She sighed. "As you say, Tyra. Eriana has been playing this game much longer than either of us and this arrangement does have its uses. Very well. Have you thought about what we should be wearing this evening?"

"I have not, Mistress. The fact you ask that question implies that you have doubts."

"I do. After the trouble in Pakmal I am wary of settling anywhere too soon. We had better leave the long gowns until we know that we are welcome in Zebrin. A day dress should be good enough for tonight."

"I agree, Mistress. If you would give me a hand? It is not easy to open this chest with it around this way. The men are always willing to help but sometimes they have little sense."

"Of course, Tyra."

Refreshed and changed, Ursula and Tyra came downstairs to the dining room. Most of the company was already there, it being easier for the men to unpack their dunnage bags than for the women to sort out their chests - which had been hastily packed by others in the rush to leave Pakmal.

Eriana had chosen a seat at the far end of the chamber, at the kitchen end, and was describing what had happened to a group of the men, Kalmenar and Baros among them. Ursula and Tyra approached and automatically dipped.

"Ursula, join us! I have just finished explaining what had happened to us. Shall you explain your own journey?"

"As you wish, Highness."

She briefly described what had happened, explaining how Adin had bought some supplies to ensure that the wagoneer didn't become suspicious, and how Tosh had been smuggled down to the barge.

Eriana nodded approval. "That was good thinking on your part, I deem. Anything which must needs delay or confuse the investigation by those of Pakmal can only be to our benefit. However, it means that seemingly we now have acquired two extra mouths to feed. Let me deal with the easier of the two first. Master Tosh, if you would stand forward."

Tosh pushed his way forward and bowed to Eriana. "Your Highness, I must thank you and those with you for rescuing me from what might have been an unpleasant ending. It leaves me in debt to you, I acknowledge that. I would say that, as a proud man, there may be certain things I would not do for you in return."

"A proud man, indeed, and plain spoken as well! Know you, Master Tosh, that you will find that all those of my people who came with me to Palarand are plain spoken, it is our way. We have gathered others along the way, it is true, who may be more reserved but they have all earned our trust for one reason or another.

"As for your debt, I do not consider it a serious matter. Our first thought was to protect a man being pursued by a mob, we consider it our duty. My main concern is what you intend to do next. I must assume that you arrived in Pakmal from Zebrin and thus you are heading dowriver. Is this so?"

"Highness, it is. I have heard of a land in the east which sounds of interest to one such as myself. Your healer spoke of it and named it Palarand."

Eriana smiled. "Palarand! Know that Palarand is the home of me, my ship and most of my crew. Presently we voyage upstream but the intention is to make our way home again before the rains begin. You wear an interesting blade, Master Tosh. Do I assume that you are a warrior?"

He bowed his head briefly in acknowledgement. "Highness, I am, though I have tried to keep out of fights as much as I can. My blade is too valuable to risk in a street brawl."

"Is that so? Know that most of us are hardened warriors with a number of recent battles to our name, Master Tosh. What is so valuable about that blade of yours?"

"It is very old, Highness, centuries old. It is a family treasure, handed down from father to son. Treasure, since it is made of metal and metals are rare on the Kittrin Isles. It is precious, I would not use it lightly but I will if my life depended on it. I will not risk it breaking after so long a time."

"It is a family treasure, you say, yet here it is being carried by a wandering warrior with almost nothing else to his name. Is it truly yours? If you would explain yourself."

"Highness, if there is any other who could claim this blade I do not know, not after all this time. As far as I was aware when I left the Kittrin Isles I was the last of my line, though mayhap some of the women might have survived into slavery." He paused, considering. "Highness, the lands I come from are truly remote, I do not think that many people this far away know our story. To understand me I must needs explain some of our history."

She pointed out, "You are not the only one who comes from distant lands, Master Tosh. Me, my ship and most of my men are from a distant land named Einnland, which lies on the shores of the eastern ocean, as you would name it, but far to the south of the mouth of the Sirrel. My father desired a degrading marriage for me, to keep me from the succession, and I determined that I would not obey him. With my sworn followers we fled north in the Visund along the coast and, after some fierce storms and other adventures, found ourselves a new home in the Kingdom of Palarand.

"His Majesty King Robanar has graciously permitted me to keep my title and we are now all vassels to him, sent along the Sirrel to speak with rulers of the nearby lands. Since the ending of the war with those of Yod the various rulers of those lands have formed a Federation and I am an officer of that Federation, tasked with forming water-borne forces to protect ourselves and to learn more about the world we live in. Your people may yet be distant but they could in time be of interest to us. Speak."

His eyebrows rose. "A Federation? I have not heard that such a thing existed in the east."

"I am not surprised. We are a long way from where the treaty was signed, yet even now Faralmark and Upper Fanir are members of the Federation. Our voyage takes us next, after Zebrin, to Bibek where we will be guests of one of those rulers who signed that treaty. Men! Fetch chairs, that none should need to stand to talk."

There was a bustle as some of the dining chairs were brought to form a half-circle around Eriana. Those closest took seats but some of her men remained standing behind the chairs to listen.

"I think that the Kittrin Isles may once have formed such a Federation as you describe," Tosh began. "It has long since turned into an Empire, I deem, but one riven by factions at court. To understand us, know that Kittrin is composed of many islands small and large, set out into the western ocean. The number of islands is uncountable but at least one thousand, of which seven hundred or more have sizeable communities on them. Others are too small for much more than a single farm or a small fishing village.

"Each larger island is ruled by its own noble family. The island owned by my family is named Dithereen-jeema. My father reigned there, but it was not large enough to sustain a standing army big enough to fend off attacks by nearby nobles from other, larger islands. When I was fifteen years old we were attacked by a small group of nobles intent of carving out an independent holding for themselves, apart from the Empire. I and two others managed to escape, in a small boat, carrying what we could with us.

"Unfortunately in our haste we brought sufficient food but not enough water. The currents carried us far to the south and one of us, my elder sister, died from thirst before we could reach any land. The other person with me was Kosu, a manservant of my father, sent with us to help find safety. We were rescued by fishermen from K'Kdaril who carried us back to their city on the coast. After recovering we sought advice from the one named the Guide of the city," Eriana nodded understanding of the title, "who offered us help to return but said that they would not interfere in the internal matters of the Empire. Kosu desired to return but, before we could set off word reached K'Kdaril that Dithereen had been completely subjugated and all my family murdered.

"Since we had nowhere to go we were permitted to remain in that city but the Guide recommended to me that I try my chances in the remote east, where he said that many of the young men of his city went to improve their education. Since Kosu did not wish to leave K'Kdaril, to my knowledge he remains there to this day. I have been traveling the wilds of Alaesia for nine years, learning the strange customs and new languages of the peoples who live in this vast land."

Eriana digested this. "So you say that you are the last remaining son of the ruler of your island. What does that make you? A Prince?"

"I am not certain, Highness. The status of nobles here in the Sirrel I find to be confusing. But my father was not the supreme ruler of Kittrin, in theory he owed allegiance to the Emperor. I believe that might make me... in your words a Count, perhaps? A Duke? I know not." He shrugged. "If such a rank should apply to me it is of little consequence."

"That is not entirely true, Master Tosh. If you have rank then you may be offered respect as a courtesy in certain courts along the Sirrel. But for now you are a man without a country. I seek men who would help me to fulfil what the Federation needs, waterborne forces to keep the peace, help those in distress and many other things. If you are a warrior, then I would be willing to grant you a place in our company at least until we return to Palarand. On the way you may decide to join us on a more permanent basis. What say you?"

"I account myself a warrior, it is true," he replied slowly. "But I must needs tell you that for most of my time in Alaesia my travels have been solitary or in small groups. I have been a caravan guard twice and a bodyguard twice. I do not know how to fight in a large group like the regular soldiers that I have observed along the way."

Eriana's eyes flicked up. "Lars? What think you?"

"We do small groups as well as large," Lars explained. "Can always be trained." He pointed with a finger. "I want to see him use that sword."

Eriana turned back to Tosh with a smile. "If Lars says that you could fit in then that is good enough for me. But I think you know that we all want to see that sword."

Tosh stood. "As you wish, Highness."

In one smooth movement he pulled the blade from the scabbard with a barely heard shing. Keeping his knees bent, he held the sword out in front of him at a low angle so as not to appear threatening. Behind them, all the men gathered round to watch.

Eriana's smile became broader. "I know someone else who fights just like that!"

Lars agreed. "Princess Garia. Taught the same way."

The smile faded slightly. "But she is too small for such a blade." To Tosh she explained, "She uses two thin blades like the women of the Six Cities."

"Another Princess who fights? Where is she?"

Eriana scowled. "She should be in Palarand but she is presently elsewhere, on a mission for His Majesty. But it was Garia who taught me almost everything I know about modern forms of fighting. Join us and you will learn the same."

"An offer of employment is just what I need at the moment," Tosh mused aloud. "Highness, what must I do?"

The smile returned. "Nothing. You are here, you are with us, no more need be said."

"You do not seek to bind me with words? This is most strange."

"I will not force you to do anything you do not wish to, Master Tosh. I would ask you to swear an oath not to injure or abandon any of the company of the two vessels and to follow such instructions as are necessary for our safe journey. If you desire more, once you know us better, then you may decide that you would prefer a more formal relationship."

Lars added, "Want to see him use that sword first!"

"Agreed. Master Tosh, I do not want you to do anything that might damage so precious an heirloom but a demonstration of some kind would be useful."

The Kittrin thought for a moment and then sheathed the sword, puzzling the onlookers.

"If I might ask someone to provide a large fruit from the kitchen. Something about the size of a man's head."

"Adin? Go and see if they can provide such an item. I want to see this."


It took only a few moments before Adin returned with an oval fruit, green with purple stripes, which he handed to Tosh. Tosh took the fruit and walked to the nearest table, scattering the onlookers who hastily pulled chairs out of the way. He carefully balanced the fruit on one end, on the left-hand corner of the table, before pulling the scabbard out from his sash and holding it in his left hand. The men gathered around again, but at a safe distance.

The room grew silent as they waited for action. Tosh's right hand grasped the hilt of his blade and then, with a sudden shout, he did something that was almost too fast for the eye to follow. The blade tip ended up near the floor to his left side and the fruit appeared untouched.

"Hah! He missed," Lars said.

Tosh's smile was thin. He gestured. "You pick up fruit, big man."

As Lars's finger touched the fruit, the upper half slid down the diagonal cut away from his hand to land with a plop on the floor. There were gasps from the onlookers, who realized just what a fast cut that had been.

Lars picked up the two pieces of fruit and looked at the smooth cut across the flesh with respect. "He is good. We keep him, Princess."

Eriana came to the table. "I think you have proved your point, Master Tosh. Shall you join the company, at least until we reach Palarand?"

Tosh pulled out a cloth and carefully wiped the blade before sheathing it. "Highness, I will. But I would like to see your men fight, to know what I will be facing."

"And so you shall, Master Tosh. But not today, nor I suspect tomorrow, since I am certain that some of us will be called to meet Graf Nuel of Zebrin. And after seeing that demonstration I should tell you that we use practise swords, that our injuries might be survivable."

Tosh gave a wry smile. "That would be a prudent move, Highness. I am prepared to make you an oath now, since my status here is uncertain. I swear to defend and maintain the company and to obey such orders as I may be given, until we reach Palarand."

"Heard and witnessed!"

Eriana asked, "I assume that you do use other blades?"

"Of course, Highness. If I did not I would have to use this sword and, as I have said, I would prefer not to. I am proficient with many kinds of sword, I have encountered various designs as I have traveled across Alaesia. I can also use knife, short bow and crossbow, though I do not like the last as they can be very heavy."

"Unarmed combat?"

His look became cautious as he leaned his scabbarded sword against a chair and carefully cleaned the fruit juice from the corner of the table. "Highness, I know several kinds, most of which are unknown here in the east. Most of what I have witnessed recently has been very crude, depending on strength only. Do your men practise unarmed combat?"

There were smiles from the watchers. She replied, "Aye, we do, and we would welcome any opportunity to learn something new. My men and I were taught by an expert and have learned that crude strength can be used against the attacker. It must needs be so, since our teacher was a young girl smaller than Tyra there, and she could not be defeated by any of us."

Tosh's eyebrows rose. "A young girl? Not one of my people, surely?"

"Princess Garia, who I mentioned earlier. No, she is not a Kittrin but from somewhere else entirely. But that is enough talk now, I deem, since I can see the serving staff waiting to set the tables for us. Men! If you would return the chairs and put the tables tidy."

It did not take long for the men to rearrange the furniture and stand clear to allow the servants to do their job. There were two rows of four tables, each big enough for at least eight people, so there was plenty of room for everyone to choose where to sit. Eriana saw this and considered, then issued invitations.

"I will sit at one of the center tables, I deem. Ursula, Tyra, Kalmenar, Lars, join me. Master Tosh, Master Osar, I think I shall ask you to join us as well."

Both Tosh and Osar frowned as they watched Eriana choose a seat in the middle of a long side and sit down. Uncertain as to their welcome, they chose end seats on the opposite side. Ursula and Tyra sat between them, causing another frown. Kalmenar and Lars sat either side of Eriana.

"Adin!" Eriana called. "Have we any spare forks left?"

"Yah, Highness, there are three. They are upstairs with my gear. How many do you want?"

"Bring two."

Adin walked out of the room as the others were making themselves comfortable. He returned as the servants were serving drinks and brought them over to Eriana. "Margrave in Bibek have more?"

"Why, yes, he probably will have, will he not? I am certain that Garia will have given him the rights. I have wondered if we would run out, and then what any new arrival might think, seeing everyone else using them."

"I have thought the same, Highness. Here you are. If Margrave does not, should not be hard for any smith to make."

"As you say. Thank you, Adin."

She handed a fork each to Tosh and Osar, who stared at the unfamiliar metal objects.

"What is this? Surely it can be no weapon."

"Master Tosh, it is named a fork. We use them to help eat our food. They are useful when cutting food up and it keeps our hands out of the mess." Eriana considered and then added, "It has been used as a weapon, once, when a banquet was interrupted by a band of assassins, but that is another story."

"Hm? It sounds as if your tales will be as interesting as mine may be to you, Highness. I will watch how you use this new thing to eat."

Ursula asked, "In Kittrin, do you use chopsticks?" At least she thought she did; the word came out as hashi.

Tosh stared at her with an annoyed expression on his face. "Again! Highness, I demand an answer how your healer can possibly know my language."

Eriana frowned before replying. "Master Tosh, Ursula knows many, many unusual things because of her strange origins. Among her talents she is a good learner of tongues. Your question has a sensible answer, I will swear, but it should not be spoken of at table." She glanced around at the nearby serving staff.

"As you say, Highness." He simmered. To Ursula he replied, "Mistress, because of the shortage of metal in the Isles we do not often come across eating tools made from it. This thing you name a fork is unknown to us. We use knives and spoons but they are made of special clays baked in a furnace. For normal meals we do use hashi. Since leaving that part of the world I have become accustomed to using other tools, usually of metal, when they are provided. Does that answer you?"

"It does. Thank you, Master Tosh."

Osar had watched all this in near silence. He examined his fork and then put it down beside his plate before carefully watching what the rest of the table might do. The meal consisted of a roast haunch of zinakh, already carved and sliced, together with roast vegetables and a gravy. There were bowls of fruit and platters of bread hunks for anyone who desired them. Eriana, as head of the table, had first pick and loaded slices of meat and ladles of vegetables onto her plate. The others followed.

"A curious arrangement," Osar commented as he took his share. "Is this some new style of eating from the east, then? What benefit does it provide me?"

Kalmenar answered. "Master Osar, eating this way keeps our hands away from the food in most cases. It means we do not get gravy or juices on our fingers which may, through inattention, be wiped on our attire. It also means that if for any reason we must needs eat without having clean hands, any soiling does not become mixed with our food."

"...and possibly make us ill," Ursula added. "It is a simple rule of basic hygiene, Master Osar. Many illnesses are caused by forgetting to wash hands before eating and allowing whatever is on your hands to come into contact with your food. Sometimes it is permissible, of course. I doubt that anyone would want to eat bread with a knife and fork."

Eriana said, "It makes sense, Master Osar, though I did not appreciate it when I first discovered the custom. It keeps us and our attire cleaner, something that is important when one is eating before the King, and as Ursula says it helps prevent diseases. It will soon become as a custom to you, you will see."

"As you say, Highness. It is not easy to use this tool, I deem."

"As with anything new, you will soon adapt to the use. If I might suggest, do not hold your fork so tightly, but more as you might hold a reed."

"Thank you, Highness. That does seem to make it easier."

There was no beer so everyone was forced to drink wine, fruit juice or water, but without knowing how clean the water was meant that many soon reduced the stocks of fruit juice to a trickle. Eriana put up with the wine, even though it was of superior quality, but plainly did not enjoy the experience.

Once the meal was over and the tables had been cleared, Eriana remained seated.

"Now we are fed, Master Osar, it is time to determine what you might do. If I may ask, what family have you?"

"Highness, I have a wife, a son and two daughters."

"Do you live in the city?"

"On the edge, Highness, not very far from where your ship berthed."

"You will forgive me for being blunt, Master Osar, but I do not think there is anything that you can do for our company, even if you should desire to join us. I will provide accommodation here in this hostel for you while we yet reside here, but when we go you must needs have some scheme ready for your future and that of your family."

"You are gracious, Highness, for even that much. I led you to the wrong person and I must admit to my own mistake. I doubt that I can ever return to Pakmal which means that my family must needs join me here, or wherever else fortune may take me. I do have some contacts within the port authorities here, after all there is always traffic between Zebrin and Pakmal, I think that tomorrow I should go abroad and ask one of those for advice."

"It is possible that associates of Korboro reside here in Zebrin, Master Osar. If so, it would not be wise for you to wander around by yourself. I will provide two to accompany you but," she held up a hand, "they will be there merely to protect your person. They will not interfere with you nor anyone you speak to, nor will they report back to me what may be said between you and anyone."

"I understand, Highness. I thank you again for what you have already done for me."

"Very well. Let me turn to other matters. Ursula, you have a question?"

"I do, Highness. What happened to the manservant? Did he do what he said he would?"

"Aye, Ursula, he did. I was not sure that he would let us leave without notice but that was what he did, the carriage waiting at the top of the bank until we had cast off. He did tell me, on the way there, that he would concoct a tale that his master had offered to provide sanctuary for the Kittrin and that he remained at the mansion when we departed through the rear. So, when he returned, he would have found the body of his master - and no Kittrin. Thus, no blame should attach to any of our company."

"That sounds clever for a manservant, Highness. Do you trust him?"

Eriana shrugged. "It matters not. We are no longer in Pakmal and I have no desire to return there." She turned at an interruption. "What is it?"

A Zebrin-liveried messenger had been shown into the dining room. He approached Eriana and bowed, then handed her a folded and sealed letter. She broke the seal, opened the parchment and read the note.

"Ah, already. My good man, tell your liege that I will be bringing perhaps twelve to sixteen people. My thanks to you for bringing this so promptly."

The messenger bowed again and departed. Once she was certain that he was out of earshot she stood and raised her voice. "People! I have been invited to attend the ruler here, Graf Nuel, tomorrow morning to exchange greetings. The message indicates that he will expect some numbers of us to attend. This land seems to prefer order in those who serve directly so that means uniforms of hats, tee shirts and shorts for men, please, even for those who remain here.

"Tomorrow I attend as envoy from Palarand, so that means a good day gown for me and another day in dress uniform for you two, Bennet and Semma. Ursula, Tyra, I desire that you attend me also which means ship dresses for you. Oh, and bring your swords, ladies. Kalmenar, you may of course dress as you desire but if you choose tee shirt and shorts that might be helpful. Lars, find me eight of your men as an honor guard."

There were acknowledgments from those named, so she stood and walked over to the table where the barge women were still seated. Bending forward so her hands were on the table she spoke softly.

"It occurs to me that I must needs ask, how many of you possess ship dresses."

Nethra, acting as spokeswoman, answered for them. "Highness, none of us do. I am not certain that there remains sufficient cloth to make more. Is it your desire that we should each have such a garment?"

"I would prefer each of us to have two! The weather is more than warm, you will be more comfortable, I deem. Mayhap we can find suitable material in the market while we are yet at Zebrin, I expect us to be here four to seven days." A twist of the mouth. "Unless adventure finds us once more, that is. If we can find cloth do you think you can make such garments?"

"Not before we depart, Highness, but possibly before we reach Bibek, if that is where we go next."

"Good enough, Nethra. Are you confident enough to go to the market? I expect Ursula will make her usual visit, as will Adin."

"For myself I think it is time that I attempted such a visit, Highness. For the others..."

Nethra looked at her small group. Matta and Vellana immediately shook their heads.

"I know Zebrin and I know Bibek, Highness," Banest replied. "If I may, I would wait until we reach Bibek. There I have friends who may help me come to terms with what has happened."

"As you wish, Banest. Larys?"

"I... do not know, Highness," the youngest of the barge women replied. "I know that one day I must needs face my fears, that all men are not as those of Yod. I think... for the first time I go, I would prefer to go in a party with Mistress Ursula, with Tyra, Bennet and Semma. Does that make sense?"

"It does, Larys. Every time I think of what you had faced at that farm my heart cries inside me. Every woman will feel the same, I deem. If tomorrow's audience is satisfactory then I will arrange matters as you request, Larys. You have my oath on that."

"Thank you, Highness."

Nethra asked, "Highness, I heard you speaking with the black-skinned man before the meal. I understand that he is to travel with us. Is it your wish that he be attired as your men are? If so, he will require tee shirt and shorts to be made."

Eriana gently chuckled. "Nethra, we did not make most of the garments we wear. Most were made by the ladies of Joth, who apparently have renown in the production and sewing of such cloth as we use. However, you know that our garments are simple to make and the men, indeed, have made some attire of their own. If you desire to offer needlework to the company, I have a suggestion to make while you await sufficient cloth for your needs."

She bent down and spoke quietly, getting nods from the five women. Satisfied, she straightened and sought out Hashim, who was standing talking with Baros and Osar.

"Gentlemen, do I interrupt?"

"Not at all, Highness," Hashim replied for the three. "Baros knows this port, as do I, so we were discussing what information we could find, both to help ourselves and to assist Osar here."

"You will obtain the necessary charts?"

"Aye, Highness, and obtain what other news may be available for our next leg."

"Good. I have no idea how long the audience will take tomorrow, so you must needs use your own judgment how and when you venture forth. As I have just told the women, if all goes well I expect us to be in Zebrin for four to seven days."

Hashim and Baros nodded. "We will do what is necessary, Highness. And we will keep our eyes and ears open."

"Thank you, gentlemen. And now I must leave you," she rolled her eyes, "to go and write down all today's unfortunate events. Until tomorrow, then."

The three bowed as she turned and left.

* * *

"This still does not feel natural, Eriana. I do need it, though."

"I am of like mind, Ursula. Yet I know this is where we should be. I will not provoke fate by saying this may become easier in time but I intend to be patient enough to make it work."

"You? Patient? That is unlike you."

"Mayhap that is why I have always been impatient, Ursula. I was always looking for something I did not know I needed."

"How is your chest? I am not causing you any pain lying like this, am I?"

"Indeed not, dearest one. My healer has a clever ointment that takes almost all the pain away. I regret it does nothing for the amazing shades of green, blue and black which remain. Fortunately the bandage hides that from everyone and also protects the sheets from the ointment. I am content."

They lay together in their usual spoon formation with Ursula always on the inside. Ursula felt comforted by her position so was prepared to go along with it as long as was necessary. Although they had done more the very first time neither had felt comfortable repeating that experience with others nearby.

For now there was no need to explore further. The touch of each other's skin was enough.

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