Corrupt Police Officer

Sparrow and Falcon

Ranger Creek Road, Boerne, TX.
Sparrow looks at all the sympathy cards she received because of the passing of her mother. She looks at the picture of her mother on her desk. The desk was the same one her mother used when she was alive.

She couldn’t believe how many people had shown up for her mother’s funeral or how many of them used to work with her mother. There were several at the funeral that scared the daylights out of her. There were a few that didn’t have to say anything, but just look at you.

The Heaviness Of The Badge Chp. 7

Julia spots her son fighting off three police officers. She recognized his fighting styles, which were based on her father’s style. One of the policemen manages to grab Chayton and wrestle him down to the ground.

He had Chayton’s arm in an armbar hold and had his knee on Chayton’s neck. Julia slams on the brake and opens the driver-side passenger door on the SUV “COSAINT!”

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