Native Americans

From The Past To The Future Part 5

Lupita checks on their guest before she goes back outside to chop some more wood. Black Wolf had left earlier to go see Fighting Hawk and his wife Running Brook. She bundles up as she grabs the ax and head outside. She starts splitting the logs as she wonders where the child came from. She knew from the memories of the elf’s mind she now inhabited. That it wasn’t uncommon for teenagers the child age to go in the world. However, normally, they have someone watching over them.

A Story Song of the Berdache

A Story Song of the Berdache

By Ellie Dauber
Copyright © 2003 Ellie Dauber

I am Lito.

I am a berdache, man-woman shaman of the Sioux. I walk by night along the roadside in answer to a crow-summons from my clan chief. I am wanted at the clan home on the Black Mountains Reservation to the west. This is a tale from my journey.

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