
Love & Supernova 28 - Face The Impossible


How powerful is a supernova compared to an atomic bomb? At Hiroshima, less then 1 kg of uranium went fission. Imagine that we fill the Sun with plutonium and detonate it. Compared to a supernova, the blast will be like a campfire compared with an erupting volcano (an answer I got from an astrophysicist working for NASA).

Heir to a Title - Chapter 29

Another Chapter in Callie's progress through university. An interesting research offer is put before her but causes internal conflicts.

Heir to a title 29.

During the Michelmas term Callie started as she mean't to go on by dutifully completing all her assignments well before their 'hand-in' dates. Consequently her punctuality and grades started to attract the attentions of her tutors and the departmental head. Few students handed in their work as often as a week or even a month before the deadline.

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