
Blog 7: I think i've found my niche!


I think I’ve found my TG writing niche after all this time. Realistic cross-dressing stories! I’m having so much fun creating episodes for my Crossdressing Charlie series and I am literally bursting with ideas for future episodes! I like writing CD tales because I can constantly reinvent it and develop the character realistically. Not only with the main but the supporting characters too!

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Blog 4: The Girly Idol - Hopeful New Author?


The picture here is one of the two outfits Charlie tries on in my upcoming instalment of the Adventures of Crossdressing Charlie. I hope you all like it :)

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I am so sorry everyone...

I have several stories that everybody has liked and they have been in limbo for quite a while because of my constant hospital stays. I will get to each of them because they need to be finished. Thank you all for reading, commenting and your wonderful support.

Love & ugs,

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LG Tales - TG and Classic Fiction for LGs

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TG Fiction dot NET is new AGAIN!

Hi Everyone! I posted this a few mins ago @ Crystal's CyberBoard and @ Fictionmania HyperBoard, so please forgive the redundant posting if you read all boards.

A couple years back, I created a new site design for TG Fiction dot NET and posted here asking for feedback, and got some great responses. Well, I'm trying out a new skin/layout over @ TG Fiction dot NET..

It's really a modification of an existing skin, but pulls the site together much nicer, with a friendlier, less jarring interface.

Please take a look and let me know what you think!



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Well something happened....

Well something certainly seems to have broke free at some point.

I took a story idea, made a few changes, and have written about 800 words tonight.

It's not a lot, and I don't know how far till it's gonna be ready, but this probably won't be a short story, although it might have short chapters.

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