
Chasing Tales Chapter 3

Chasing Tales

Chapter 3

Here we go again.

Ember stepped forward farther into the room, suddenly a force with in her burst to the surface. With a shimmering energy wave Ember changed into the Elemental being.

Across the caves in the Great Hall of Sanctuary another change came about changing Queen Angel into her Ancient Dragon form. The change causing alarm all over the palace sending maids panicking.

Perchance to dream....

This entry's going to be quite a ride, folks, so strap in and hang on.

A recent post by another BCTS blogger on the subject of dreams and creativity reminded me that dreams can be a wonderful muse--and a maddeningly frustrating one. Submitted for your approval, as Rod Serling would have said:

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Blog 10: Girly Dreams and Motivation

Had a dream last night that I was a girl. It was very vivid and felt scarily real. It was fun. The dream was simple. I was a red haired girl, wearing a skirt, sweater and shirt. It was simple. It was just me, walking around feeling rather pleased with myself. That was it. It felt very, very real.

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