
1. Rules Are Rules


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When Mark arrives at school two days late, he is mistaken for Marcie Gray-something... Marcie Gray-whatever... Anyway, everybody thinks he's a girl.

A BigCloset Classic
from 2007-12-17

Rules Are Rules
copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

What Maisie Knew: 17. Just Like Us

Maisie was full of surprises. I knew she was rich, that she'd always been rich, and that she didn't clean her own house, let alone her own room. She didn't even make her own bed! Yet, here she was digging through trash with me, and she seemed to find it less disgusting than I did.

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

What Maisie Knew: 16. Someone To Tease

Maisie asked, "Why do you go to therapy? I know why I go — I've been screwed over by my parents. But why do you go? There's nothing wrong with you. Is there?"

"Uh, it's kind of personal," I replied.

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

What Maisie Knew: 15. Pray For Her Soul, Girls

"Look at this, though!" I said, pointing to a comment in italics. It read The "evil twin".

"Whoa! What does that mean?" Maisie asked. "Mrs. Wix, evil? I don't believe it. It's impossible."

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

What Maisie Knew: 13. A Shiver of Excitement

Mom paused and looked at me for a moment. "I don't understand why that girl can't talk to her own mother."

"I can't speak for Maisie," I protested.

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

What Maisie Knew: 12. Detention Again

Sister said in a quiet voice, "Come with me." I had no idea what was going to happen next, and to tell the truth, I was a little afraid. She walked to the far corner of the room, and opened a tall, dark door.

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

What Maisie Knew: 11. Girl, Interrupting

"I guess I didn't think about it because there weren't any boys around."

"Oh, my," Maisie commented. "Aren't you a woman of the world!"

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

What Maisie Knew: 10. The Cloths Of Heaven

"Now," I said, "my parents want to keep a very close eye on me, and they think that Sister Honororia is just wonderful."

"Don't say her name too loud," Maisie cautioned. "She's behind you in the corner, and she's looking right at you."

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

What Maisie Knew: 8. In, Like, A Triangle

I looked up at the second floor, and saw a girl's face in one of the windows. She looked directly into my eyes, but she didn't move or wave. I was so startled, at first I couldn't tell the others, but when I did, the girl was gone.

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

What Maisie Knew: 4. Not A Smoker

"You're going to lie low in a Catholic girls school?" Maisie grinned.

"I hope so."

"Oh, God, I hope not!" she cried. "Listen, next time you do something crazy, bring me along!"

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

What Maisie Knew: 3. Fortune Favors The Bold

"When I saw the way you wiggled in the parking lot, I just had to meet you. You had some serious moves going on out there."

"Oh," I replied, reddening just a little, "Aren't you the bold one?"

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

What Maisie Knew: 2. Take Your Daughter To Work Day

"Marcie, I've seen pictures of you since you... changed, but seeing you in person is..." Dad looked at me for a few moments, then hugged me and pulled Mom into the hug. "... so much better!" he finished.

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

What Maisie Knew: 1. Rich For Half A Minute

"Marcie, before you get carried away, you have to consider a few things."

"Uh-oh," I said. Already I felt the money slipping away.

What Maisie Knew: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 54. Ah-Ah-Ah!

Before lunch was over, the PA cracked on. "Students, I want to wish you all a safe and happy vacation. We look forward to seeing you back on Monday. Unfortunately, one of our students will *not* be returning, and I think you all know who I mean."

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 53. Kiss Me, You Fool!

"Oh, Marcie, Marcie, Marcie! What I am going to do without you? I'm going to have to go back to my boring old life! So many times I thought you were going to give me a heart attack, but I wouldn't have missed any of it."

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Short Chapters: 12. Not Exactly

The mothers of Kristie and Diana arrived together, and I found myself giving the most craven, self-abasing apologies I could muster. I was sure that both women would have been quite happy to claw me to bits and roast me over a barbecue, but the principal wisely kept me out of striking distance.

The girls returned to class, their mothers returned home, and I wondered whether their fathers owned any firearms. They certainly knew where I lived.

Short Chapters by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 52. Less Than Happy

"If I was your father, and I knew that a group of boys got you to go to a place like this with them, well —" he sighed. "Let's just say I would be less than happy."

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 51. The Lost Boys

As I looked around at their sullen faces, I suddenly felt like Wendy from Peter Pan in the midst of the Lost Boys. "I could tell you a story," I wanted to say, but of course I didn't.

Rules Are Rules: A Marcie Donner Story, by Kaleigh Way

Rules Are Rules: 48. Lying To A Psychic

It looked like I'd have to be Marcie-who-used-to-be-Mark, which did not look like a good option, especially as a way to get to know people. "Hi, I'm Marcie. I used to be Mark, but you know... I liked dresses better."

Rules Are Rules

48. Lying To A Psychic

Rules Are Rules: 47. A Little Father-Daughter Talk

"I never realized that when I show up as Marcie, you'll have to explain..."

"Well..." Dad said, in a noncommittal way.

"What are you going to say?"

Rules Are Rules

47. A Little Father-Daughter Talk

Rules Are Rules: 46. My First Period

"You sound a little sad," Cassie said brightly. "What's wrong?"

"If I tell you, you'll just tease me," I replied, "Besides, I want to tell Jerry first."

"Oh my god," she said breathlessly. "You're not pregnant, are you?"

Rules Are Rules

46. My First Period

Rules Are Rules: 45. Blessed Yvette

"That's your new high school: Blessed Yvette High School for Girls. I've told you the name before."

"I don't think so," I said. "I'd remember a whacked-out name like that."

She gave me a funny look.

Rules Are Rules

45. Blessed Yvette

Rules Are Rules: 44. Mom Gets Her Wish

"This is your life we're talking about. Try to show a little interest! I'm not asking you what you want for lunch. I'm asking you how you want to appear on legal records. I hope that you at least understand that you can't switch back and forth between girl and boy every semester."

Rules Are Rules

44. Mom Gets Her Wish

Rules Are Rules: 43. Aftermath

Mr. Marks had told me, All around you parents, relatives, and friends clutch their hearts in terror. The terror was right there on the faces of Nina and Eden. Nina buried her face in my shirt and I could feel her trembling. Eden couldn't even talk.

Rules Are Rules

43. Aftermath

Rules Are Rules: 41. Grandchildren

"It isn't that I want you to be upset at what happened, but it doesn't seem that you understand the gravity of what's going on with you. You just skip happily from one bizarre cataclysm to the next, while all around you, parents, relatives, and friends clutch their hearts in terror."

Rules Are Rules

41. Grandchildren

Rules Are Rules: 40. The Most Quiet Place

"Hey, I wanted to ask you guys," I said. "Do either of you read any girls' magazines? You know, like Cosmo Girl or Elle Girl or—"

"Or Barf Girl," Carla interrupted. "Pull-eeze! Are you serious?"

Rules Are Rules

40. The Most Quiet Place

Rules Are Rules: 39. A Little Soap Opera - With Breasts!

"Come here, you little Dodger girl! You know I love you, don't you? I'm not getting rid of you! I just don't have to be your mother any more! Let's face it, you're like a little soap opera — with breasts!" She laughed and laughed at her own joke.

Rules Are Rules

39. A Little Soap Opera - With Breasts!

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way; All Rights Reserved

Rules Are Rules: 38. The Sports Deal

I borrowed a top from Alice that was as daring as I dared to be. "Um," she said, "I don't know if you're old enough for that top, but one thing I do know for sure: if you're going to wear it, you have to take a jacket, so you can close it up. You need the option."

Rules Are Rules

38. The Sports Deal

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way; All Rights Reserved

Rules Are Rules: 37. Something You Seem To Forget

"I don't know how parents survive!" she exclaimed. "You've been with me for what — five or six weeks now, and I feel like I'm either going to have gray hair or a heart attack or both! And the thing is, you're just skipping along, tra la la, and — oh! I'm a girl! oh! I have a boyfriend! oh! I climbed the school building! oh! I have breasts!"

Rules Are Rules: 36. So Busted!

For my part, I kept looking down at my breasts. They weren't very big, but they were mine. Home grown. I grew them myself, I said to myself proudly, from all-natural ingredients. They were the same size as the little bags I used to use for padding, but these babies were real, and they wouldn't shift or fall out.

Rules Are Rules: 35. Half-Apples

Denise and I both stayed out of school on Friday. I had my tea with me, and made sure I didn't miss my daily cup. By now I had breasts like little half-apples, and no longer needed padding to fill my bra. They weren't big breasts, but they were mine, and I hoped the tea would keep them growing.

Rules Are Rules: 33. More Tea

"Yeah, whatever," he said. "Hey, I can only give you a quick kiss with my parents watching."

I smiled. "I understand." I got up on tiptoe, and he gave me a peck on the lips. Resting my head on his chest, I hugged him tight. Then I noticed that my left foot had "popped," like the girl in The Princess Diaries, so I put it back on the ground and let go. "Thanks. I had a lot of fun."

Rules Are Rules: 32. The Bathroom Conference

"Maybe your little breasts are growing."

I didn't realize she was joking, so I said, "Maybe. Maybe wearing a bra is making it happen."

"Oh, right!" she laughed. "Are you serious? If that was all it took... Oh, wait! Your breasts are growing? You're not taking hormones, are you?"

Rules Are Rules: 30. Special Delivery

An upperclass girl came in to use one of the toilet stalls. I didn't look at her, but I heard her sit down. At the same time, there were noises from the boy's bathroom, which is on the opposite side of the wall. In a vague way I remembered Carla once telling me to never use this bathroom, but she didn't have a chance to explain why. I suddenly found out.

Rules Are Rules

30. Special Delivery

copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved

Rules Are Rules: 29. Eden Makes A Splash

"Wow," Eden said. "You made me look beautiful."
It was true. Eden was standing under the window in the third frame. Cory had obviously spent most of his time drawing her. The clothes, the hair, her face, were all exactly as they were that night.
"Earth to Eden," I said. "That's how you look. You *are* beautiful."

Rules Are Rules

29. Eden Makes A Splash


copyright © 2006, 2007 Kaleigh Way — All Rights Reserved


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