
Allison Zero - Book 1 - Part 7

A dark metallic hallway on a space station, functional and industrial with signs of advanced technology, with a large hexagonal window with a view of a star field.

Allison’s first day as Allison involved a discovery about herself—Allison suddenly becoming a former ‘himself’—along with new medication helping Allison in being that new ‘herself.’ And a new job; one she’d never heard of before. It ended with her falling asleep next to her friend Angie. The same Angie who became Allison’s first personal client in her new employment, after Allison found her a tobacco that improves taste; suiting Angie’s desires perfectly. Now Angie fears it’s time for the favours and friendship to trade host again; Angie having spotted Allison is sleeping through a deep pain.

Allison’s pain could be down to the tobacco but Angie fears it’s down to the effect of the feminising medication. Could this change in Allison—through medical science—be something Allison’s body can’t handle? Is it something her body is rejecting? No-one Angie knows has even heard of such changes being possible. Has medicine gone too far?

Moving pain

So the other day, I had an ultrasound in a place where I have had a pain in my abdomen since I was 17 years old. At that starting point, it makes it well over thirty years that the pain has been on and off.

They did find one. There are a couple of problems I have here, however. I drove truck for many years, and I pulled double flatbeds. This means that I lifted 100 to 150 lb tarps onto the front and back of two trailers each day. Once, five feet to the deck,and once six to eight feet to the top of the load. How did I not aggravate the hernia?

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A nightmare come true

Luna was laying in bed half asleep when her husband of five years came in. Jasper smiled at his beautiful wife and laid next to her. Immediately Luna nuzzled up against Jasper and caressed his face gently. He blushed and looked at her swollen belly smiling bigger, Luna looked up at him. "Someone looks happy." She said softly and smiled as she pecked his cheek, "Maybe just a little." Jasper smiled back and kissed her gently and held her hand interlocking their fingers. They stayed like that for awhile perfectly content in each others company.

Sweet Dreams-47...Tears Of My Childhood

Sweet Dreams-47…Tears Of My Childhood

Chapter 47

I’m doing the shivery weepy thing while looking at the spot that where my daddy is buried and I can’t, I can’t get just dad there in my head and I don’t know if it’s the ghost voice of the little kid version of me bubbling up in my head or that I’m really turning into that much of a girl.

And if that’s the case I’m here like this and he’s…he’s down there and…

It hurts…fuck it hurts like my throats all clenched up and someone’s sort of sitting on my chest and I can’t stop crying.

I’m not on any damned hormones yet, why can’t I stop crying!?

Then Alex holds me and I have a flashback.

Tragedy of the Spirit Part 31 The Trial episode 4



 ©2008 PRAIRIE_GIRL_64

NOTE: This is still touchy and I caution the reader, of its description of violence of woman. This was not easy for me to write, however I have stuck it out and posted it here.

Day 54:

Tragedy of the Spirit part 30 The Trial Episode 3



 ©2008 PRAIRIE_GIRL_64

NOTE: This chapter is very disturbing to me and it may to be the reader as most of my life is being dredged up in somewhat detail and some of it very graphic. Caution is advised.

Tragedy of the Spirit part 3 punishment and hate

I really began to think where my life went wrong. As I looked at my life for those 15 years I spent living in that hell on earth as I now refered to it years later. I realized I had a few choices really, 1. kill myself , I really came close several times over that 15 years I spent with my undeserving parents and brother. 2. leave and never look back. I chose option 2.

Tragedy of the Spirit part 2 fear and consequence

As I woke up on the floor after being dumped back into my room. I was covered in blood, sweat, tears and dust. The outfit was ruined as was my hair and there were bruies starting to appear on my arms and my face. I was not sure how much of my now sore back was torn open from the abuse I had recieved. I was kind of secure in the knowledge I was in my room where I thought I might be safe.

Tragedy of the Spirit part 2 (exerp from my book)

As I woke up on the floor after being dumped back into my room. I was covered in blood, sweat, tears and dust. The outfit was ruined as was my hair and there were bruies starting to appear on my arms and my face. I was not sure how much of my now sore back was torn open from the abuse I had recieved. I was kind of secure in the knowledge I was in my room where I thought I might be safe.

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