
Search results

  1. Came across this

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical old photo while I was looking for a book. I'd forgotten it was there, and taken probably about 1988, so I'd have been 35 ish and without grey hair or wrinkles and rather too ma ...

    - 2022/04/19 - 3:11pm - 14 comments

  2. Why bother with "girl 101", etc.?

    Author:  Asche Asche's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Does one transition to turn oneself into some idea of what a woman is? Or does one transition to be more fully themself? ...

    - 2022/02/19 - 11:37pm - 7 comments

  3. Unless you are obsessed with UK politics you may have missed

    Author:  Bru Bru's blog Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections In the ongoing process of selecting the new leader for the Conservative and Unionist Party and thus for the next UK Prime Minister there appears to be two main issu ...

    - 2022/07/17 - 9:26am - 10 comments

  4. Swamp Pop Soda……..

    Author:  Blogger D. Eden's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Just a quick note which is only of significance to trivia buffs and possibly readers of various stories on BCTS, I have seen Swamp Pop Soda mentioned in several stories. ...

    - 2022/02/06 - 7:43pm - 5 comments

  5. SSD Claim

    Author:  Blogger Diana-Mikayla's blog I've heard an ad from a computer hobby store that claims that if you upgrade your computer with ab SSD that it will increase The speed of your computer 10-fold. Is there any validity to this claim?!?!? ...

    - 2022/02/24 - 5:00pm - 12 comments

  6. two bits of good news to share

    good news, I used my new CPAP machine for the first time last night, and I only had 6.6 apnea incidents ... per hour. in my original sleep study I was getting 130 incidents/hour, and on my old machine I was ...

    - 2022/03/01 - 10:07pm - 4 comments

  7. Word Drop

    machine, but when I went to ask a worker at the store, the word "distilled" simply vanished from ...

    - 2022/04/18 - 12:10pm - 15 comments

  8. writing prompt

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Here is a little writing prompt for anybody who wants it: I walked up to the door, and knocked. A young man answered, and he asked, "Can I help you.& ...

    - 2022/06/16 - 4:08pm - 7 comments

  9. a mistake has caught up to me

    using a CPAP machine for a while, and it had done wonders for my sleep apnea. Unfortunately, it was only ... for my mistakes, so I can't kick too hard. Still, its gonna suck not having the machine ...

    - 2022/12/15 - 5:33pm - 5 comments

  10. update, I got good news

    off the phone with the CPAP place, and they found a machine for me. I am going to be literally ...

    - 2022/12/22 - 9:17pm

  11. Computer troubles

    Author:  Erin Halfelven erin's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing My nine-year-old iMac is dying by inches. I will need to get a new computer soon. I'm thinking of moving away from Mac, even though I love them. My brother is l ...

    - 2022/10/02 - 2:42pm - 23 comments

  12. Another Update

    Author:  Erisian Erisian's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Been a little while since the last update, so here it is: Covid sucks and impedes writing. ...

    - 2022/07/26 - 7:58pm - 9 comments

  13. I have a Question

    Author:  Blogger Feyre's blog When are we going to be able to access again???? ...

    - 2022/11/07 - 11:46pm - 2 comments

  14. The perfect story?

    Author:  Greybeard Greybeard's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing I wish I could write a story I felt was half as good as Lord Dunsany's SWORD OF WELLERAN. Does anyone else have a candidate for the perfect short story? I could ...

    - 2022/08/11 - 9:35pm - 10 comments

  15. A New Laptop

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog My Desk Top is an HP Wide Screen all in one that is at least 6 years old. As insurance I am thinking about a new Laptop but I need lots of USB ports and slots. I have several SSD drives plugged in. I think the bu ...

    - 2022/02/19 - 11:37pm - 13 comments

  16. Will Apple Laptops Run Drupal?

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing All my stories are on this site, and on my windows desktop. If I buy an Apple desk top or laptop will there be an issue? Gwen ...

    - 2022/07/08 - 1:13am - 12 comments

  17. Writing Multi-chapter Stories

    Author:  Heather Rose Brown Heather Rose Brown's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing When it comes to writing stories, I think of myself as a sprinter. I'll get burst of creative energy, but tend to feel winded by the time I� ...

    - 2022/11/07 - 11:45pm - 16 comments

  18. My rant- why don’t readers want to leave comments?

    Author:  Julia Miller Julia Miller's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing I am wondering why there are so few comments left on this site. My friend Lajien has been posting a story here weekly (Abrupt Change) and no one wants to leave ...

    - 2022/11/07 - 11:46pm - 32 comments

  19. Tricky but fun IQ questions

    much does the ball cost? If it takes five machines five minutes to make a total of five widgets, how ... long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets? In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every ...

    - 2022/04/19 - 3:10pm - 16 comments

  20. When you "Came Out" who was more accepting?

    Author:  Leeanna19 leeanna19's blog Blog About:  Love / Sex / Dating / Relationships After posting my last story about a trans boy coming out to his parents, I wondered which sex is most accepting. Did you find mother's, sisters, grandmothers or ...

    - 2022/05/02 - 1:33pm - 10 comments
