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  1. Autistic man wins $2.5M after meds gave him 46DD breasts

    Author:  Blogger gpoetx's blog Autistic man wins $2.5M after meds gave him 46DD breasts Family says they weren't adequately warned of drug's side effects PHILADELPHIA, Ala. —An ...

    - 2015/03/07 - 7:49am - 7 comments

  2. My Dream

    Author:  Blogger Leona MacMurchie's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Hello. I am new here although I have been reading blogs and fiction on BCTS for several years now. I have finally convinced myself it was time to create a persona. I almost never ...

    - 2015/03/31 - 7:36pm - 5 comments

  3. Maybe more than most want to know about transgender

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog Over the years I have learned, hoping with knowledge and time transgender would finally start being understood by the general public is an effort in futility. With the hate and fear mongers spreading their own biased ...

    - 2015/04/14 - 11:09pm - 6 comments

  4. Oregon's attempt at aiding trans children slammed by media (Fox News)

    Author:  Blogger Dahlia's blog Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections Today on Fox News an article has come out bashing the state of Oregon for its attempt to help gender dysphoric children with severe issues. http://www.foxnew ...

    - 2015/07/13 - 11:38am - 17 comments

  5. The side effects of vaccines

    Author:  Blogger Julia Phillips's blog The following, culled from FB, must be a medical and psychological breakthrough, huh? Apparently, the author of this truly believes that statement! ...

    - 2015/01/05 - 6:25pm - 7 comments

  6. The ftp issues continue!

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Clearly there is some external issue as it worked first try Sunday but midweek its not interested! Hopefully by the weekend my site will be updated with new reading a ...

    - 2015/02/21 - 3:44pm - 9 comments

  7. Julie O Wherefore art thou Julie O

    Author:  Blogger Icetrix's blog So rereading the saga of Jirra Reed and was wondering if anything new had been posted from Julie. Checked here and fictionmania and March 2014 was last she posted. Hoping one of my top 5 authors is ok ...

    - 2015/05/04 - 8:22am - 7 comments

  8. Making Money Writing?

    Author:  Blogger rlarueh007's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Hey you Authors check-out this web address: Now I have no idea if this lodgment but it look like somet ...

    - 2015/06/29 - 10:10pm - 3 comments

  9. 42 nd Anniversary

    Author:  Blogger richie2's blog Believe It or not my beautiful and understanding has put up with me for 42 years. We met 0n February 10,1973 and married on July 9, 1973. In sickness and health. Nice to get old with your love. ...

    - 2015/07/13 - 11:38am - 4 comments

  10. Tampa FL and floods

    Author:  Blogger richie2's blog We have been having rain now for 2 weeks, A low has parked over us and rain fall is NUTS, 6 inches plus per day in so of our locals Rivers are at flood stage and this is sandy Florida where rain just going in to the gr ...

    - 2015/08/02 - 5:34pm - 8 comments

  11. Stuck..?

    Author:  Blogger Aurora's blog I feel like writing a story that is long..but i feel that i have to start writing short stories first. ...

    - 2015/09/25 - 2:13pm - 6 comments

  12. Horse Talk computer glitch

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog Computer was on a tear last night. I was doing spelling correction not realizing the computer was reposting parts of the story every time I did a spelling correction. ...

    - 2015/10/09 - 2:03pm - 2 comments

  13. Glamour Mag Woman of the Year

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog Women Cry Foul as Glamour Magazine Names Bruce Jenner ‘Woman of the Year’ ...

    - 2015/10/27 - 5:53am - 6 comments

  14. Marwencol

    CyberneticChangeling's blog Author:  Blogger Caution:  CAUTION: Violence Blog About:  Cartoons / Comics / Manga / Anime / Art / Artists It's a famous diorama of resistance in a Nazi-occupied town. ...

    - 2015/11/02 - 2:02am - 3 comments

  15. Feeling for trans after playing one

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog 'There was this sense of feeling judged': Eddie Redmayne admits he can empathize with transgender women after feeling 'very exposed' in his new film The Danish Girl ...

    - 2015/12/12 - 11:00am - 5 comments

  16. Bruce Jenner and CNN

    Author:  Blogger richie2's blog CNN did a story about the former Bruce Jenner outside wearing a Dress and should she be doing it in public. The photo was fuzzy and with a high powered lens, so very sad for CNN. One of the people asked said KUDOS for ...

    - 2015/04/25 - 5:50am - 9 comments

  17. I think I have a confession to make.

    Author:  Blogger jana's blog I think I have a confession to make. About 3.5, almost 4 months ago I started taking antiandrogens. Without doctor supervision, if you ask. I... was too afraid to start estrogen on my own. At least it feels... how should ...

    - 2015/09/22 - 6:55am - 11 comments

  18. Rough for aging transgender

    Author:  Blogger BarbieLee's blog “If I could not find a place that would allow me to be a woman I would [commit] suicide without hesitation because I will never go back to that pretense, to that vigilance, to that exhaustion of trying to keep everyb ...

    - 2015/11/02 - 2:03am - 5 comments

  19. why do people say IT has an easy life?

    Author:  Blogger MadTech01's blog I swear If I hear someone tell me how easy I got it one one more time because I am IT I am going to put me fist through a wall. I got to work yesterday around 9am, and Am still at work. ...

    - 2015/03/13 - 12:11am - 16 comments

  20. FM?

    Author:  Blogger Omega girl's blog Blog About:  Internet / Software / Computers / Websites Perhaps I missed the notice, so what's going on with FM? I haven't been able to access the site in several days. All I get is a Content Encoding Erro ...

    - 2015/05/29 - 8:58am - 11 comments
