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  1. Interesting opinion piece

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item Here's a link to a thoughtful and sensible piece from Zoe Williams in the Guardian (where else?). ...

    - 2021/10/22 - 2:13pm - 7 comments

  2. I cooled off and also resolved some of my other issues

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing So while life is going to be tough for a month or so, I shall endeavour to post if I can. There is a new Bike tonight and I received a lot of support from different re ...

    - 2023/04/22 - 11:46pm - 2 comments

  3. Gaby's Manx Tale

    Appears to have become the most viewed story on this site, according to Popular Content, with well over 32,000 hits. I know Karen J joked about having hit on it 28,000 times on a slow night, but as long as she read it each time- it's one of my better ...

    - 2011/05/18 - 2:37pm - 6 comments

  4. 35 Years and counting

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical On July 14th 1986 I crossed my personal Rubicon, burned my boats etc, and officially transitioned turning up to work in a skirt. I can still remember it, it was a pretty emotional moment ...

    - 2021/07/19 - 12:01am - 10 comments

  5. Gulf States consider transgender ban

    Angharad's blog Author:  Angharad Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) It would appear that the Gulf States Cooperative Council are considering a Kuwaiti proposal to carry out s ...

    - 2013/10/12 - 4:28pm - 13 comments

  6. British Cycling and trans women

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item I am seriously considering resigning as a member of British Cycling after they decided to stop transwomen from competing in elite women's bike races. This has all blown up after Emily Brid ...

    - 2022/04/10 - 6:10pm - 12 comments

  7. Plagiarism claim against JK Rowling

    Well we had one against Dan Brown a few years ago, now JK Rowling and her Harry Potter empire are under attack. I suspect an example of money hungry lawyers exploiting the legal sytem- in this case the Statute of Limitation. ...

    - 2011/05/18 - 2:37pm - 20 comments

  8. From the Guardian

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  News Item Bettina Rheims best photograph of a transgender sex worker from the 1980s in Paris. Quite an interesting piece especially as it suggests that most of them are now probably dead, presumably from ...

    - 2015/12/12 - 11:00am - 18 comments

  9. corny joke

    As Erin has asked for more humour in the blogs I've resurrected an old golfing joke which I hope you haven't seen before and that you'll enjoy. Perhaps, I should state at the beginning that I don't play golf so forgive any technical er ...

    - 2007/05/28 - 1:07pm - 3 comments

  10. Bloody Hills!

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) cycling transgenderism Gabyverse fanfics Gabycon plus anything I haven't thought of. My cycling group did a thirty miler, which seemed to be forever climbing hills ...

    - 2009/05/09 - 11:04am - 2 comments

  11. Letter in today's Guardian.

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I've finally managed to get a letter about women's cycling in the Guardian; sadly it's not in a place accessible from the internet (being in letters and ...

    - 2011/05/18 - 2:37pm - 4 comments

  12. A Sad Tale from The Sun

    Angharad's blog Author:  Angharad Blog About:  CAUTION Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Caution Suicide? Bullied transsexual student takes own life, possibly by accident. It was rather nice to see the Sharing, Caring Sun, actually trea ...

    - 2012/09/17 - 3:38pm - 4 comments

  13. Ever heard of a burrnesha?

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Protests / Boycotts / Activism An interesting article about a woman who took a vow of celibacy and lives as a man in Albania. ...

    - 2014/08/08 - 8:26am - 6 comments

  14. A bit tired

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing It's getting too late for me to write tonight's Bike, I've been out listening to a lecture about warfare in the Neolithic. Apparently 30 years ago there ...

    - 2014/10/10 - 12:24am - 4 comments

  15. Body Dysmorphic Disorder

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog A poorly understood condition in which sufferers dislike or feel something is wrong or ugly with their body and which can have serious consequences for individuals. It has at least one celebrity sufferer. http://www. ...

    - 2015/05/10 - 7:20pm - 5 comments

  16. What a week or two!

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical My computer played up, then an update from Microsoft coincided with my router doing strange things, only it took a day or two to work out what the problem was. Couple that with severe sh ...

    - 2018/04/21 - 4:36am - 4 comments

  17. Sorry too tired to write tonight.

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical It's been a trying week, far too many hours worked though I did learn that I'd passed my university exam so can proceed to the next level- it's like a very expensive compu ...

    - 2018/07/28 - 1:43pm - 5 comments

  18. Bonzi has a girlfriend

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) She's called Izzy and is a tortoiseshell and white shorthair. I'll do a photo when I get a chance- Bonzi of course doesn't know yet that there's a a ...

    - 2009/08/30 - 1:27pm - 8 comments

  19. Chaz Bono gets legal recognition as a man.

    For those of you who didn't know, it's on the Daily Mail Website. I hope he'll find some peace now, though I also think he could do with losing some weight from the photos they show. ...

    - 2011/05/18 - 2:36pm - 9 comments

  20. F%*king Snow.

    It took me nearly two hours to get home tonight (8 miles) due to the snow. It looks like the ridgeway hill between Weymouth and Dorchester is blocked, so I had to do a detour on ungritted roads- not nice, nearly ran into a ditch at one point. I also seem ...

    - 2011/05/18 - 2:34pm - 24 comments
