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  1. OMG? I'm A Lesbian?

    Over the week end, my roomate and I drove 1100 miles, attended the funeral of her grandma, met relatives. The weather was great, the roads uncrowded, the car ran perfectly and this morning after sleeping in my own bed all night, I was given the gossip tha ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:38pm - 7 comments

  2. GID in GAZA This is a really interesting article. The problem in GAZA is huge. And, now that I think of it, though we do not hear about it much, I am thinking that the problem is a big problem in Saudi Ara ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:38pm - 4 comments

  3. Orbital Mechanics buffs Help!

    I need some help on a little exercise and I just know that one of you geeks can have the answer in less time than it takes to write this blog. A habitable planet has been located that is 800 light years from earth. The Colonisaton ship can accelerate at 3 ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:38pm - 26 comments

  4. More Successful As A Woman?

    Something has been jabbering away at the back of my mind for some time and I'd like to share it with the Lurker Psych people here. Am I being paranoid, I don't think so, because what better way to study people of our ilk than in one of our sanct ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:38pm - 12 comments

  5. Is Norton going out of business?

    As part of the continuing saga of computer woes, I have been completely unable to find a phone number for Norton. There is the Norton Community Forum, but so far the posts there are mostly complaining about Norton's unresponsiveness to their problems ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:38pm - 34 comments

  6. Very early hormone replacement.

    I was wondering if any of the professionals here know anything about cases where female hormones were used on male children at a very early age; say, starting about one year old? I am looking for development of the wider pevlic bones, shoulder structure, ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:38pm - 17 comments

  7. How much is too much?

    This is about Violence in stories and may be triggering to many. So, some of the stories I'm reading just take me to a very dark place and make me very bad company. A few times, various people have asked me to write my own story, so I started on it. ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:38pm - 10 comments

  8. Transexual Body Types

    This highlights the struggle of larger T folk very well. I know that they can not change what is in ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:38pm - 4 comments

  9. Lt Katia In Afghanistan Ch 3

    exhaustion brought on by the fighting and her change from male to female. There are some humorous sections in ... for the British Army, but since the change, I now work for someone who you may never meet. He wants to ... can or my drive will kill billions of your people.” In just seconds, their mission had changed from ...

    - 2015/08/01 - 9:42am - 14 comments

  10. Ms Frankenstein 1 & 2

    I have been thinking about cleaning up some of my unfinished stories. After Ch 4 of Lt Katia, I was going to write the final chapter of MS Frankenstein but when I looked at the comments and reads, discovered that it just did not sell that well. I had thou ...

    - 2011/05/12 - 7:40am - 6 comments

  11. Oh, Katia what shall I do with you?

    Gwendolyn's Muse, "Khadijah" is really confused with me right now, wondering just what I am up too. Those who have been following "Lt Katia in Afganistan" may have perhaps felt that she would end up a Nigab'd once warrior liv ...

    - 2011/05/30 - 1:30am - 16 comments

  12. Clarifying my opinion of Prescription Drug use

    I've had a PM that makes me think I should clarify my opinion on the use of Prescription Drugs. After 9/11 their use way more than doubled, and I was one of the people who was put on them. ...

    - 2011/06/01 - 7:14pm - 11 comments

  13. We aren't supposed to outlive our children.

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I just got word that my estranged son has kidney cancer. It is what killed my older brother. I'm sorta sad now. I would appreciate your prayers. Gwen ...

    - 2011/06/22 - 9:42am - 13 comments

  14. Plausible space velocities for stories.

    One of the stories here got me curious about the "Star Wars" series, for purely technical reasons.:) So, I began to watch the entire series again from I-VI. In Epi IV, Han Solo mentioned that his ship would do 1.5 light speed. Hmmmm that is just ...

    - 2011/07/06 - 10:30am - 21 comments

  15. GID and Aspergers

    So, well I was sitting in a meeting the other night, and one of the "experts" said that many GID folks are some form of Aspergers. This was a meeting put on my some political, and marketing people who thought themselves to be pretty highly, um s ...

    - 2011/07/06 - 10:30am - 15 comments

  16. I ask for your prayers, and offer you all thanks.

    I started my journey first reading at Fiction Mania, and then both reading and writing at Storysite. I think I was lurking at this site sometime around 1999. I am not sure when Erin started this site so I could have been here as soon as the site existed, ...

    - 2011/07/07 - 4:34pm - 11 comments

  17. I've gone back to just cross dressing.

    pullin some wire, and changing some 10,000 horse motors. Yep, it will be back to $36 dollars an hour and ...

    - 2011/07/16 - 2:53pm - 11 comments

  18. Am I simply gay?

    Well, in a talk with a member of a very conservative religion, I was trying to help him to understand GID folk better. He started off asking if I had been born male and I said that I had actually beem born somewhat both, (Intersexed). He'd never hear ...

    - 2011/08/02 - 8:44pm - 14 comments

  19. A bemusing whirlwind, my life is.

    has been OH, so much change in my life; mostly good ones, or at least something different. Oregon is ...

    - 2011/09/07 - 6:00pm - 1 comment

  20. You Did What To Me?

    them. My life changed from pampering love to a hellish neglect. I knew that if I got into trouble at ...

    - 2015/08/01 - 9:42am - 6 comments
