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  1. Accurately Depicting Other Cultures

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing For those of you who do not know me, in my stories I try to authentically depict other cultures. I've had at least some exposure to cultures outside of Americ ...

    - 2019/06/07 - 4:07pm - 16 comments

  2. Adjustment Disorder

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog It is late at night here and I am dealing with my son who is in Northern Thailand, and works as an "Aircraft Mechanic". ...

    - 2022/11/07 - 11:45pm - 4 comments

  3. Administrative Assistant feminized by Boss

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing A few years ago, I read all or part of a story in which an Administrative assistant is feminized by his boss. I have no idea what the title or author of the story ...

    - 2023/06/02 - 10:16am - 8 comments

  4. Advice on Dealing with Family

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Let me make this clear. I know some Aspergers folk and the one's I know are good people, and friends of mine. ...

    - 2014/03/21 - 7:36pm - 8 comments

  5. Afghanistan, War, TG, Police, Drug War, Sci Fi, Conversion.

    I have been working on a story for me that is in a very different voice, and feels very different than anything I have ever written. It is action, funk and gore, Sci Fi and lots of other devices that I have never used. I am just a little concerned that wh ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 7 comments

  6. Agender and off to College

    being two. It was about two months from the time I came out until my legal documentation was changed ...

    - 2018/08/30 - 9:11am

  7. Alien Invasion, Salt Lake City

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Some time after around 2000 I read a long story with perhaps several chapters, and I have been searching to revisit it without success. The search function is usua ...

    - 2023/06/17 - 3:17pm - 3 comments

  8. Alien Investigators

    pleasurable. Mummy Anne married Michael, and much has changed. Mummy and Daddy (Calling him Daddy was still ... insisted on changing her own bed, and chortled to herself as she carried the sheets into the laundry room ... submitted to it. I felt something when it happened, but had no idea how much it would change my life. Though ...

    - 2015/08/01 - 9:44am - 32 comments

  9. Am I simply gay?

    Well, in a talk with a member of a very conservative religion, I was trying to help him to understand GID folk better. He started off asking if I had been born male and I said that I had actually beem born somewhat both, (Intersexed). He'd never hear ...

    - 2011/08/02 - 8:44pm - 14 comments

  10. Amazon strikes again?

    I hate for this to turn into a range war, but Amazon seems to be getting pretty blatant about forming "Unholy Alliances". I am feeling pretty cranky right now. Here is the email that I sent them. ...

    - 2009/04/18 - 2:20pm - 13 comments

  11. Americans living in the UK?

    If there is a yank living in the UK, would you please contact me? I am going to live in Cleveland until May, and am entertaining the idea of just living temporarily in a few different places as long as my health holds out. Yesterday, the Doc said that I c ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 5 comments

  12. Amygdala- A posible clue into GID?

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) As always, the "why" quest occupies a lot of my time. It is funner than suicide.:) ...

    - 2013/05/19 - 10:43pm - 9 comments

  13. An open question on Posting to BCTS

    Please Erin, do not be offended. I know that you are very busy, so I just thought I would post this question in the open so that anyone having time could answer it so that I did not take your time. On Chapter 1 of Lt Katia, I cut and pasted it to MS Works ...

    - 2011/04/27 - 10:38pm - 16 comments

  14. Andre Norton and/or Teddy S???

    that is common to both stories. The similarity ends there. One story uses gender change and Andre ...

    - 2024/03/14 - 1:48pm - 4 comments

  15. Angel O'hare, does she live?

    reading "A Life Ever Changing", by Angel O'hare and was going to send her a comment. Do ...

    - 2008/11/28 - 3:06pm - 8 comments

  16. Another Microsoft Lie.

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing I have this file called "ideas" and I free write there to see if anything comes of the present idea. So, today I was working there and then I realized th ...

    - 2020/01/12 - 11:12am - 17 comments

  17. Answers to un-uttered prayers.

    Gwen Brown's blog Author:  Gwen Brown Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) You can blame Angharad's bike tonight for this. Cathy was spending some time feeling great appreciation for he ...

    - 2013/01/19 - 4:16pm - 6 comments

  18. Any other suggestions?

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I've been heavily involved in some activism for T folk in the Mormon church for some time and it feels like I am dealing with an unchangeable monolith. Perhaps abandoning what I ...

    - 2015/09/29 - 12:03pm - 2 comments

  19. Anyone who has changed back?

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Someone told me that 80% of us who transition regret it, and many return to their old gender. I think this is a lie and am only asking this because of their professed religiosity. I ...

    - 2015/06/29 - 10:05pm - 10 comments

  20. Arabic and Drupal

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Will Drupal take character sets other than western? I can see a "charset=iso-8859-6- Arabic Alphabet (ISO)", but have no idea how to try it. The project ...

    - 2016/01/15 - 2:48am - 15 comments
