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  1. 15 minutes of fame

    Yesterday, around 7 am, I was driving home from work and I made a huge mistake and I hit a school bus in the rear end. I hit my head pretty good and I was having neck pain so they took me to the hospital. I had x-rays and a catscan, they thought I might h ...

    - 2008/06/05 - 5:47am - 5 comments

  2. Bored out of my mind

    I'm stuck at home this week recovering from my accident. I'm doing a lot better and I'm off the pain pills for the most part. I only need 1 a day now generally. I enjoy the time off from work but I'm so bored. I can't go anywhere ...

    - 2008/06/07 - 10:44am - 1 comment

  3. I'm screwed

    My older sister and her son are visiting from alabama this week and I let her use my computer to check her email. When I loged on here this morning several names came up as options in the username slot when I began typing. my sister had been here. I told ...

    - 2008/06/28 - 12:17pm - 19 comments

  4. I'm safe so far.

    My sister left this morning and she was acting normal. well as normal as my family ever gets. So I guess she is not going to say anything. I don't know, maybe she did not want to bring it up with others near by. I'll just have to play it by ear. ...

    - 2008/06/29 - 6:12am - 5 comments

  5. Coward?

    Coward? He sits there, trapped by his fear, his cowardice. He's afraid to do anything that might draw attention to himself. He's afraid to meet with his co-workers off hours. He's afraid that he won't be able to bluff his way through a ...

    - 2008/06/02 - 8:47pm - 11 comments