
Search results

  1. 15 minutes of fame

    Yesterday, around 7 am, I was driving home from work and I made a huge mistake and I hit a school bus in the rear end. I hit my head pretty good and I was having neck pain so they took me to the hospital. I had x-rays and a catscan, they thought I might h ...

    - 2008/06/05 - 5:47am - 5 comments

  2. Bored out of my mind

    I'm stuck at home this week recovering from my accident. I'm doing a lot better and I'm off the pain pills for the most part. I only need 1 a day now generally. I enjoy the time off from work but I'm so bored. I can't go anywhere ...

    - 2008/06/07 - 10:44am - 1 comment

  3. I'm screwed

    My older sister and her son are visiting from alabama this week and I let her use my computer to check her email. When I loged on here this morning several names came up as options in the username slot when I began typing. my sister had been here. I told ...

    - 2008/06/28 - 12:17pm - 19 comments

  4. I'm safe so far.

    My sister left this morning and she was acting normal. well as normal as my family ever gets. So I guess she is not going to say anything. I don't know, maybe she did not want to bring it up with others near by. I'll just have to play it by ear. ...

    - 2008/06/29 - 6:12am - 5 comments

  5. Small steps

    For those of you who have read my recent blog entries, you know that I had a close call with my sister. I found out that when she used my computer that she had been to this site and tired to access my info. She has not said anything about it and has retur ...

    - 2008/07/02 - 3:46pm - 3 comments

  6. Stress on the phone

    I talked to my sister today. I called her. I called her because I wanted her to say something about what was on my computer. I really did. She never said anything about it, but she did ask me if there was anything I wanted to talk about. She asked me that ...

    - 2008/07/05 - 12:19pm - 4 comments

  7. Coming out

    I've been dealing with a lot of stress lately when it comes to my sister. I know people are probably tired of me bloging about it. I'm sorry. Today was extremely stressful for me. After talking about it with a good friend, I desided that it was ...

    - 2008/07/05 - 7:48pm - 3 comments

  8. My sister.

    In my last blog I told everyone that I came out to my sister. A few minites ago I got this email from her. Steven, ...

    - 2008/07/05 - 8:20pm - 20 comments

  9. I need a editor.

    I'm almost done with a story. It's a story about my life. I need help to clean it up and make sure I'm not violating to many of the rules of writing. After all, I'd hate to have the union on my Thanks Jessica(smorr24) ...

    - 2008/07/06 - 8:05pm - 11 comments

  10. Looking for a story

    I'm looking for a story about a bisnessman who stay in a hotel. He asks for some meds to help his head. When he wakes up he is a woman. He comes back again and again and even gets his boss in on the act. They both eventually take the special treatmen ...

    - 2008/07/07 - 7:34pm - 1 comment

  11. Therapy here I come

    Well tommorrow morning I have my first therapy session. I sent an email to this Dr. almost 2 weeks ago. I layed out my issues and she sent me a return email and she invited me to call her and talk. It took me another week and a half to work up the nerve t ...

    - 2008/07/16 - 4:16pm - 5 comments

  12. A Life in Limbo

    A Life In Limbo Written by Jessica Marie Edited by Holly Logan ...

    - 2008/07/21 - 8:35pm - 3 comments


    This morning I took the COGIATI test. It was interesting but to tell you the truth I did not care for it. It is a multiple choice test and the answers were limited in range. Many of the questions asked about relateing to others. I have always isolated mys ...

    - 2008/07/23 - 3:43am - 3 comments

  14. Sisters

    Things have been going okay lately. I finally got a chance to talk with my sister without anyone around. we had a very nice chat. Before we talked, she emailed me. In the emial she called me Jessica. When I saw that, I was so happy that I started crying. ...

    - 2008/07/29 - 11:41am - 2 comments

  15. My Dad

    I talked with my dad this weekend. Probably for the last time. I just don't think that I can deal with him anymore. Everytime I call him, he hassles me wanting grandchildren. He does not care who I marry, or even if I get married, he just wants grand ...

    - 2008/08/04 - 9:49am - 6 comments

  16. Honesty is not always the best policy.

    These past few months have been interesting to say the least. After everything that has happened to me this summer I have finally started to be more honest with myself. But to tell you the truth, being honest with myself only adds to my pain. I acknowledg ...

    - 2008/09/11 - 12:20pm - 6 comments

  17. Prison of the Heart

    Prison of the Heart I close my eyes and listen Shame emanates from my heart Fear rules my mind It affects everything I say and do I lash out at everyone. ...

    - 2008/10/27 - 10:39am - 1 comment

  18. Worried Friends

    Author:  smorr24 Jessicamarie24's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Ever since I posted my new poem “Prison of the Heart”, I have been contacted by a few people that I respect and they have said that they are worried about me. The ...

    - 2008/10/29 - 3:00pm - 1 comment

  19. Nightmares

    Author:  smorr24 Jessicamarie24's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I had a rough time sleeping last night. I’m not one for nightmares but I did have one last night. In this dream I was outted at work. I was harassed and degraded b ...

    - 2008/10/30 - 4:09am - 1 comment

  20. Girl's night in

    Author:  smorr24 Jessicamarie24's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Friday was a great day. I went and did some shopping. I was looking for shoes but I did not find any in my size that I liked. I ended up at Kmart and I was walking ...

    - 2008/11/03 - 1:40pm - 2 comments
