
Search results

  1. "I Hope You Don't Mind Me Saying This..."

    Author:  Pippa K. Pippa K.'s blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Crossdressing true life Revised, with minor corrections and additions. "I hope you don't mind me saying this," said June, the vivacious, large-bosomed, t ...

    - 2009/05/20 - 4:12pm - 4 comments

  2. "Locks of Love"-- EXPOSED!

    Unbelievable. THE most famous "charity" providing wigs to children turns out to be [pick one: a) a serious underperformer, or b) a scam]! ...

    - 2009/06/08 - 10:52pm - 5 comments

  3. A Stern Ribbing

    Author:  Pippa K. Pippa K.'s blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) fractures ribs I injured myself last Friday. Nothing of the usual home injuries. Didn't take a fall, step on a pin, hit my thumb with a hammer, pick up the busines ...

    - 2009/03/04 - 8:13am - 8 comments

  4. Advice Column Highlight

    The last letter in this week's "Savage Love" sex advice column touches on a TG theme. N.B.: This week's column is relatively tame as regards language, imagery, and squick factor ...

    - 2009/11/19 - 11:55pm - 6 comments

  5. Argentinian Bank Ad Featuring Transsexual

    Author:  Pippa K. Pippa K.'s blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I've seen this before, somewhere. I think someone here may have posted it already, but I haven't seen it in a while, and today Andrew Sullivan posted it on hi ...

    - 2009/05/06 - 7:38pm - 4 comments

  6. Chaz Bono (FtM) on GMA-- OUTSTANDING Interview!!

    What a wonderful interview by a wonderful person and activist for transgender acceptance! Good Morning America ("GMA") is a workday morning news-magazine show in the U.S. with a large viewership. It's great to see such a sympathetic intervi ...

    - 2009/11/20 - 12:53pm - 2 comments

  7. Dresses For Men!

    Author:  Pippa K. Pippa K.'s blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) World's Ugliest Fashion Television Adverts Products For Lazy People Here it is, folks! The first television advertisement for a unisex dress for men and women! htt ...

    - 2009/06/10 - 9:55pm - 8 comments

  8. Fetishy Fashion Pic Of The Day

    Not sure if I should label this as NSFW ("Not Safe For Work"). Maybe someone else can offer their opinion on that. I'd call it tame, except for the fetishy aspect of it, at least by lingerie standards. It's a picture of a group of 9 sc ...

    - 2011/06/09 - 6:48pm - 7 comments

  9. Fictionmania, An Obituary

    Author:  Pippa K. Pippa K.'s blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Just found this Wikipedia article on Fictionmania: For anyone who doesn't know the history of the site, it's quite i ...

    - 2009/02/15 - 4:59pm - 7 comments

  10. Freedom and Unity

    Author:  Pippa K. Pippa K.'s blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Marriage Equality The state legislature of Vermont has voted to override the veto of their governor to a bill allowing same-sex couples to marry. The bill now becomes l ...

    - 2009/04/07 - 5:17pm - 2 comments

  11. Health Care Debate, Continued

    Author:  Pippa K. Pippa K.'s blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) We recently had a discussion here about health care reform and whether it would cover SRS. Someone sent me an interesting thing the other day that dovetails with that, ...

    - 2009/08/17 - 8:52am

  12. How To Write

    Like this: ...

    - 2009/06/26 - 5:35am - 1 comment

  13. Isolation, Censure, Casting Out, and Community

    I note with interest the new "Ignore User" button on all posts, blogs and comments. Frankly, it makes me queasy. It's not an intellectual reaction, exactly, but more of an emotional one on my part. It seems like some horrid level of overkil ...

    - 2009/11/29 - 8:17pm - 25 comments

  14. Loving Christians

    For all too many, and even one would be too many, this time of year reminds people of the power the Church holds in their community, a power too often used for evil and hate when it comes to people of alternate gender identity and sexuality. The number of ...

    - 2011/06/09 - 6:48pm - 3 comments

  15. Medical Professional Sensitivity Towards LGBT

    Author:  Pippa K. Pippa K.'s blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I found this article about raising medical professionals' awareness and sensitivity towards gay and trans patients. On the one hand, it's encouraging that the ...

    - 2009/05/29 - 2:06pm - 2 comments

  16. Olbermann Excoriates Congressional Critic of Matthew Shepard Hate-Crimes Bill

    Author:  Pippa K. Pippa K.'s blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Matthew Shepard Hate Crimes On "Countdown," his political news/analysis/commentary show on MSNBC last night, Keith Olbermann used his "Worst Persons In T ...

    - 2009/05/02 - 10:31am - 4 comments

  17. On Expository Screeds

    We've had some truly excellent writing posted here lately. Great, adventurous stories packed with powerful emotions and levels of deeper meaning. Humorous stories with reader misdirection and Aesop-like morals. Simple stories, yet with a powerful gri ...

    - 2011/06/09 - 6:48pm - 12 comments

  18. Prize Words

    Author:  Pippa K. Pippa K.'s blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Bulwer-Lytton She walked into my office on legs as long as one of those long-legged birds that you see in Florida- the pink ones, not the white ones- except that she wa ...

    - 2009/07/03 - 8:09am - 4 comments

  19. Resource: Technical / Medical Text (Extensive Data on Intersex and Sexual Development)

    File this somewhere under Deep, Deep Background! Some of it might be useful to authors of TG fiction, but mostly I think it will be of interest to those who have intersex conditions. ...

    - 2009/08/05 - 6:00am - 2 comments

  20. Taking Down A Blog Post

    Author:  Pippa K. Pippa K.'s blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Apologies Adult Oriented (r21/a) I've come to the conclusion that my prior blog post, "How To Look Like A Slut," was maybe a little too off-topic. We've all seen the how- ...

    - 2009/06/18 - 10:45am - 2 comments
