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  1. I, monster. chapter 6.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility I floated out of the darkness once again to the warmth and pleasant smell of nurse Gracie. I snuggled closer, being careful not to ...

    - 2015/01/09 - 7:58pm - 12 comments

  2. Here there be dragons, chapter 5.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility It happened as they were walking to lunch. A moment Chaka would never forget. She and Fey were walking side by side. This in itsel ...

    - 2015/01/25 - 12:40am - 17 comments

  3. The shifting approach to adaptation, chapter 5.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility The general stormed ahead, lesser officials and scientists bobbing in his metaphorical wake. His face was a black cloud, and his v ...

    - 2015/02/14 - 11:23am - 10 comments

  4. A personal history of Mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 11.

    Nagrij General Audience (pg) Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility By the time gym class was over, I had a somewhat credible tree. Well, at least, you could tell it was a tree. I still didn't h ...

    - 2015/03/07 - 7:48am - 13 comments

  5. I, monster. chapter 7.

    Nagrij General Audience (pg) Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility I watched the car carefully, but it stayed on it's ribbon, even as it got close enough to make a break for us. I was hiding be ...

    - 2015/04/14 - 11:06pm - 6 comments

  6. A personal history of Mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 12.

    Nagrij General Audience (pg) Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility Someone was messing with my feet. Gentle, kneading pressure. It felt rather wonderful, and I wanted to just stay put and enjoy it. ...

    - 2015/06/07 - 10:53pm - 18 comments

  7. Here there be dragons, chapter 6.

    Nagrij General Audience (pg) Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility It was one of those rare uneventful days when nothing much was going on. Even more rare for Whateley Academy than most of the world ...

    - 2015/08/10 - 10:14pm - 11 comments

  8. A personal history of mutation side story; the two R's.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility Note: this text is a copy of a transcript from an unknown source, possibly a psychiatric visit, by one Richard Tanner. For further ...

    - 2015/09/04 - 5:20am - 8 comments

  9. A personal history of Mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 13.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility The next morning I felt fine; energetic, even. I woke up on time with no problems to the smell of coffee and muffins. Blue ...

    - 2015/09/20 - 3:52pm - 10 comments