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  1. Room in Hell chapter 27.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) It was true that I didn't think the 'angel' (hereafter referred to as “doofus”) was picking off our own, at least not yet. But That was probably because he hadn't ha ...

    - 2016/12/29 - 6:08pm - 8 comments

  2. Who's hunting who? Chapter 13.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) Fall had come in with a vengeance. Most of that vengeance had been in the form of screams of pain and burning, so the reports said. I was on a train, headed to the Greek border. Riddle, ...

    - 2016/12/18 - 6:58pm - 9 comments

  3. Room in Hell chapter 26.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) Grex was in front of me in an instant; his arm hanging limp and blood pouring as from a river, but his voice was clear and steady. “We need to go, Mistress. Right now.” The angel's ...

    - 2016/11/24 - 5:40am - 15 comments

  4. A personal history of Mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 16.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility Maggie arrived first, in a Victorian era dress that looked like it might be an actual Victorian era dress; it was faded and even had a few stains. She also had a k ...

    - 2016/11/07 - 3:35pm - 10 comments

  5. A personal history of Mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 15.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility “And test firing in 3, 2, 1... firing.” The light bloomed, showing me I wore my goggles for nothing. The Engine strained a ...

    - 2016/10/26 - 6:34pm - 9 comments

  6. Room in Hell chapter 25.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) “Demons hate Mondays too,” my mug proudly declared, complete with a rather basic picture of a horned demon filing paperwork in a file cabinet. Grex had gotten it for me – he told me he ...

    - 2016/10/23 - 8:00pm - 17 comments

  7. Who's hunting who? Chapter 12.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) I laughed and stomped down, the little ants fleeing before me. Small witches, so small I could barely make out faces and their voices did that funny high-pitch thing scattered before me ...

    - 2016/10/07 - 11:43am - 9 comments

  8. Vagrants chapter 18.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) The security drone was re-purposed, and working beautifully. I walked it around, the magnetic clamps on. Already I'd spotted a few potential problems that the cameras and other sen ...

    - 2016/09/24 - 9:52am - 12 comments

  9. Archetypes: the rebootening.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) Chapter 1. Magic has always existed in human society. Throughout all of our history, it has been used to explain the unexplained. From Gods driving chariots across the sky, to witches 3 ...

    - 2016/09/15 - 8:55pm - 14 comments

  10. Here there be dragons, chapter 7.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility Major Mark Winchester stepped off the stair and onto the cracked tarmac; the heat haze wafting up to greet him made him dr ...

    - 2016/09/13 - 10:40am - 12 comments

  11. Dim prisons and Drakes, chapter 12.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) I yawned and sipped my tea, wishing I had more; my travel cup (carved lovingly from wood by an artisan who used to be an artist – a sculptor) was not insulated, and the tea within had l ...

    - 2017/03/28 - 9:23pm - 8 comments

  12. Room in Hell chapter 24.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) I woke to my alarm, my eyes bleary. As always, batting the thing across the room did nothing to it. No Grex this morning, which was probably a good thing. It was a Monday, and my day of ...

    - 2016/08/22 - 1:44pm - 18 comments

  13. Who's hunting who? Chapter 11.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) Let me tell you a little bit about train rides, mind of mine. They are long, bumpy, and mind-numbingly boring when you can't drink. And when you can't drink and you're in ...

    - 2016/08/08 - 6:21am - 10 comments

  14. Vagrants chapter 17.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Posted by author(s) There was a rogue planet out there, and it was going to come close enough to pull us. Captain Traitor had ordered a full stop to be safe, which would set us back months. He was probably ...

    - 2016/07/23 - 9:53pm - 11 comments

  15. Down the Rabbit Hole, part 3.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Posted by author(s) A burger did not, after all, sound nice. It wasn't nice at all. I fell as another cramp hit, my stomach twisting itself into a pretzel desp ...

    - 2016/07/14 - 11:25pm - 2 comments

  16. Crass Commerce for June, and a poll.

    Author:  Nagrij Nagrij's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing I've been listening. ...

    - 2016/06/11 - 10:25am - 6 comments

  17. A personal history of Mutation, or how I spent my teen years. Chapter 14

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Fan-Fiction, poster's responsibility Today was the day. Today was the day I was to meet Shecky Green. And if I was lucky, I'd be able to start the actual ...

    - 2016/06/07 - 5:31pm - 21 comments

  18. To whom it may concern, web serial edition!

    Author:  Nagrij Nagrij's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing To those who like the various things I do, and can't get enough... or just want things to read: I have started a new web serial, just today. If you care, you can find ...

    - 2016/05/26 - 12:05pm - 1 comment

  19. Down the Rabbit Hole, part 2.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Posted by author(s) A 2nd Generation Whateley Academy Story Down the Rabbit Hole by Nagrij Part 2 It didn't take long for the suspicions of the outside world t ...

    - 2016/07/07 - 4:42pm - 2 comments

  20. Down the Rabbit Hole, part 1.

    Nagrij Mature Subjects (pg15) Fiction Transgender Whateley Academy by Maggie Finson, et al Posted by author(s) A 2nd Generation Whateley Academy Story Down the Rabbit Hole by Nagrij The saying is, when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. In the past yea ...

    - 2016/04/26 - 1:18pm - 10 comments
