
Search results

  1. Herd "Mentality"

    Author:  Angela Rasch Angela Rasch's blog Blog About:  Science and Medicine Scientists have suggested that herd immunity might not be a feasible goal for the United States. They state the main factor stopping herd immunity is vaccine reluctance. I ha ...

    - 2021/05/13 - 12:00am - 39 comments

  2. What An Honor

    Author:  Angela Rasch Angela Rasch's blog I'm in the process of updating/editing Peaches. It's been on Amazon for many years and will probably find a new audience with an updated version. In the process I noted that hard copies are being of ...

    - 2021/05/22 - 9:16am - 9 comments

  3. 60 Minutes

    Author:  Angela Rasch Angela Rasch's blog Blog About:  News Item Last Sunday, 60 Minutes had a segment about trans. It started out as a discussion of anti-trans laws and quickly took a s ...

    - 2021/06/04 - 5:41am - 7 comments