
Search results

  1. Better things

    Author:  Cyclist Steph C's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I am coming to the end of another book, and it is triggering all sorts of thoughts about my life. I went through transition some years ago, from a hairy rugby-playing 'bloke' wit ...

    - 2017/07/06 - 10:46am - 3 comments

  2. Gosh- hasn't time flown?

    Author:  Julia Phillips Julia Phillips's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I have had some kind messages, enquiring about things. Thank you for worrying, but everything (well most things anyway) are fine. The sick one in my family is the car. As you ...

    - 2017/07/09 - 1:37am - 9 comments

  3. Healing progress

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I have spent time today considering my healing. That I have healed much, especially in the last couple of years, has become obvious to me. I still have far to go, but I am f ...

    - 2017/07/30 - 11:02pm

  4. Home Again

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Autobiographical Well I got home, tired and complete with parent late last night. ...

    - 2017/08/06 - 6:59am - 5 comments

  5. How do you keep going?

    Author:  New Author MadTech01's blog Caution:  CAUTION: Referenced / Discussed Suicide Blog About:  Autobiographical I have to ask those who read, comment, and contribute content, How do you Keep going ever day? I my self have a wreaked life, it star ...

    - 2017/08/06 - 6:59am - 20 comments

  6. I was brought to tears today

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I was brought to tears in church today. See, we had a special service for pets today, and my pastor asked if I would be temporarily in charge of her dog while she conducted ...

    - 2017/07/30 - 11:01pm - 5 comments

  7. Job Hunting for Millenials

    Author:  Rasufelle Rasufelle's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I may be on the early side of that particular designation, but I'm pretty sure I qualify, right? Born in the late '80s, some college but no degree, blah de blah. Yep. So here ...

    - 2017/07/30 - 11:03pm - 23 comments

  8. Job Hunting for Millennials Part Deux: The Internet Lies

    Author:  Rasufelle Rasufelle's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical First things first: thank you to everyone who responded, both via comment and PM, to my last blog. I was rather upset at the time (to put it mildly,) but as with so many things in life ...

    - 2017/07/30 - 11:02pm - 7 comments

  9. Passed my first module

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I am 60 credits richer than I was this time last year, just need the other 300 to finish the job.Sadly this means I have to pay my fees for next year which compared to most uni fees is m ...

    - 2017/07/24 - 1:45am - 12 comments

  10. Sparkle

    Author:  Cyclist Steph C's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical This coming weekend sees the Manchester Sparkle event, written of by Bev Taff a few times. I will be there from Saturday afternoon as I will be working on one of their 'market stalls& ...

    - 2017/07/09 - 1:37am

  11. Thirty One Years.

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I can't believe that it was thirty one years ago today that I turned up in work in a two piece skirt outfit feeling incredibly nervous but also very committed to dealing with anythi ...

    - 2017/07/19 - 5:17pm - 11 comments

  12. Twelve months and one day

    Author:  Leila Leila's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Twelve months and one day... That's how long I've been on BC. It has been an amazing year. Writing has been a wonderful experience, publishing a story on the web is an experiment in ...

    - 2017/07/24 - 1:45am - 2 comments

  13. unique opportunity this weekend

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I have been given an opportunity to participate in a writer's "bootcamp" this weekend. Even if I doubt very much I could make a living as an author, I want to ...

    - 2017/07/09 - 1:37am - 4 comments

  14. Unseen handicaps can be so hard

    Author:  Cheryl L Cheryl L's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I think I have only mentioned this to a couple of people at Big Closet. But I'm deaf which is a challenge I use Amerivan Sign Language (ASL).I live in a foreign Country as well. My ...

    - 2017/07/19 - 5:17pm - 8 comments

  15. Well at least I found it amusing.

    Author:  Julia Phillips Julia Phillips's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Many moons hither, a friend- to my delight- gave me a present of a bra, one which was designed to assist with what would otherwise be an atypical flatness for a female. I lov ...

    - 2017/07/30 - 11:02pm - 8 comments