
Search results

  1. Interruption of service

    For anyone who is following my story at the moment, my apologies. I have my plot nicely sorted, and am some way ahead of the episodes posted here so far, but I go onto night shift next week and am then away at the folk festival where Steph was born. This ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:06pm - 4 comments

  2. Somethng to Declare, Technical and local stuff

    We have had rugby and there are some bits involving climbing coming up, as well as rather a lot of local Welsh stuff. I have added weblinks to photos and reference sites that will give some explanation, but I do not want to tangle the narrative of a story ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:06pm - 6 comments

  3. And that was fun

    And I am back. Just in the door, kettle on and tent laid out to dry. I spent four and a half hours playing in a session last night, preceded by two hours at lunchtime, and similar times for Saturday and Sunday. Not only was the fiddler I largely based a c ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:06pm - 2 comments

  4. Bad day

    Author:  Cyclist Steph C's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) A violent one (not work), and some demons reappeared, and I am tired and emotional and just fed up. Just needed to say something. Nothing to see,just pass on by. ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:06pm - 3 comments

  5. Laws of the universe.

    So....up, and go to fix the tyre on the road bike. t turns out to be the tyre itself, the sidewall has gone. So, back to the tourer, load all five bags on and do the supermarket run while I still have money in the bank for food. And the landlord has put u ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:06pm - 4 comments

  6. All items declared

    Finally, the dance is coming to an end. The caller has asked for a Circassian circle, and promised some polkas to round off the evening. I have one more chapter to write and Steph will have come to her destination. Episode 53 should be the final part of m ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:06pm - 4 comments

  7. More technical stuff

    I had a request for this just as I was about to start writng it! Spooky..... is a quick reference to the main events in the real world and the setting of my story. Here are a few key words LCU a type of landing c ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:06pm - 1 comment

  8. Uniforms on order

    I am away from tomorrow for a few days, to a rocky place in the sun. I have just about finished the story, and will post the other episodes on my return. May I suggest for anyone reading my tale that they read my other one as well. Thank you for your pati ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:06pm - 6 comments

  9. Happy bounce

    I came back from my trip to forn paartz and tonight was the evening of my folk club. I played....and you have to understand the difference between the music and "the dots", which is the written notation. A member of the club I really respect as ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:05pm - 1 comment

  10. Adrift

    An odd evening. The weather has been atrocious, and I have been sheltering indoors and writing. I gave uP tonight, and went out for music, catching up to three other club members cycling in. I am afraid that being out on the bike at last meantn that I jus ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:05pm - 2 comments

  11. Spambots

    Author:  Cyclist Steph C's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) They know we are here. Don't let them see the whites of your wrists. I'll take the first watch.... ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:05pm - 12 comments

  12. Furious

    Author:  Cyclist Steph C's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Swearing Mature Subjects (pg15) I am furious. I have just come off the phone with a friend. i read Bev's story 'Rescue' earlier, and synchronicity....a 14 year old boy, their so ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:05pm - 5 comments

  13. Comments on Viewpoints

    Author:  Cyclist Steph C's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) It appears I have done something, or something has happened, to prevent comments. I am sorry about this; if anyone knows how this has happened, and how to sort it,please ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:05pm - 1 comment

  14. Busy

    I have had unexpected time off, and therefore I have been able to write more than I expected to do.I am sat here now, a glass of wine to hand, mandolin in hand, playing a CD and joining in when the music snatches me. Apart from the prospect of a nice chap ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:05pm - 3 comments

  15. Viewpoints.

    The next episode (18) is the last, as the events have run ther course. I do not know whether it is right to continue the stories of my characters. They have a long way to go, but it would be a very different type of tale. ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:05pm - 1 comment

  16. Synchronicity

    I rode out yesterday to do my weekly shop at the supermarket, and being a sad tart I did my usual trawl through the cheapo DVDs. I came across one called "Freebird", which is a British biker flick. People go to the Black Mountains ('Cold Fe ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:05pm - 12 comments

  17. Abuse Both Bailey and myself, among others, have posted stories concerning the abuse of children. Bev has told her own story. This is the sort of thing that sends me incandescent with rage and grief. Not just the ra ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:05pm - 7 comments

  18. Overheard conversation

    A totally crap day at work today, involving a paedophile, just to set the scene. It could have been a totally shitty day, but while at the other side of a partiton I overheard a discussion between some colleagues. SRS/SCS/ whatever set of initials you use ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:05pm - 8 comments

  19. On characters

    I was musing as I worked today, while also preparing for a language exam and nursing sore LH fingertips from a session last night. I started submittng stuff here two and a half months ago, or so, and I have ended up doing a bit of self analysis.How do I w ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:05pm - 18 comments

  20. Death in London I tried posting this up when it happened, but something went wrong in the process. I am surprised I have not seen it here already. I was rather angry with the initial press coverage, which seemed to put ...

    - 2011/04/26 - 11:05pm - 9 comments
