
Search results

  1. Country Girl

    Living in a rural area has it's good points as well as it's bad ones. The good points are the peace and quiet and the slower pace. The bad points are that in a small community everyone knows your business. I found myself sitting there in Ms. Win ...

    - 2009/09/21 - 2:41pm - 8 comments

  2. Oops!!!!

    I have heard that medical mistakes are made all the time, but my parents never thought I would become another one of the statistics. I suffered from a torn ligament in my right knee. I had been out jogging yesterday morning when I stepped in a hole and he ...

    - 2010/05/02 - 11:02am - 5 comments

  3. That Summer I Found Her! Part 1 of 3

    The Summer I found her, promised to be just another boring and lonely stretch for just another geek among geeks. I was glad to finally be out of there for the Summer. I had spent most of my school hours just making sure I stayed under the radar to keep my ...

    - 2010/07/12 - 4:05am - 4 comments

  4. That Summer I Found Her! Part 2 of 3

    The next morning I woke up to the sun shining through the curtains and I noticed that everything was exactly as it was from the night before. I went to the bottom drawer and took out the notebook. I turned it to the page and all I found was some strange w ...

    - 2010/07/12 - 4:05am - 9 comments