
Search results

  1. Birka's Theorem

    Birka's Theorem: Love of Money is a Virtue Given: Money is an agent which facilitates voluntary trade. Voluntary trade causes each party to gain something which is of higher value to him or her than what was given up in the trade. Money is the facili ...

    - 2008/06/20 - 1:07pm

  2. A Mathematical Explanation of Virtue

    A Mathematical Explanation of Virtue in part by Edeyn Hannah Blackeney Given: Love of money is the root of all evil. Birka's Theorem: Love of money is a virtue. Virtue is the root of all evil. (Virtue) 2 = Evil. Given: Evil is a negative. Virtue is i ...

    - 2008/06/22 - 1:29am

  3. Some dark poetry

    Please let me assure you that I am not suicidal. This is something I wrote when I was absolutely dismayed about the revelation that I was transgendered. I think many of you will identify with the feelings. Once you think your goals are meet Evil men entan ...

    - 2008/01/01 - 10:27pm

  4. Do you need your work proofed?

    I have decided to try to be of some help here at BC, so I am going to offer to proof writer's stories for them. I just want to say up front that I am NOT an English teacher, but most people tell me that I write like a professional (Doncha just love t ...

    - 2008/01/02 - 1:51pm - 2 comments

  5. So much for a productive break

    Blwyddyn Newydd Hapus In my last blog post I was looking forward to a long productive holiday back at home in Wales, with everything I planned to write laid out ahead of me... oh dear. I've spent the time reading... my childhood favourite Enid Blyton ...

    - 2008/01/02 - 2:13pm - 3 comments

  6. Temporary Hiatus UPDATE Again!!!!

    Ok I did something really dense and wound up injuring myself. I should only be a week to maybe 2 before I am back in the sadddle again. So again there will be a delay between postings. Sorry 'bout that. Hugs for everyone Jayme Ann ...

    - 2008/01/23 - 8:21am - 2 comments

  7. Guidelines for Using The Bear Market

    I've been asked by a few folks if they might "borrow" The Bear Market as a possible location for a story. I don't mind as long as a few rules are followed. ...

    - 2008/01/04 - 10:48am - 1 comment

  8. My Mother Has Died

    My mother passed away yesterday evening in the hospice. My father, my wife, and I were in attendance at the time. Her last couple of days were so hard, that it's truly a relief to see her at peace at last. Now, the focus turns to my father. We need t ...

    - 2008/01/18 - 3:52am - 13 comments

  9. Modern Dwarf?

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) A dwarf. I'm talking a bona fide, Tolkien dwarf, just walked out of my office. Short, had the build, a full beard, the scottish accent... but she was we ...

    - 2008/01/05 - 3:15pm - 3 comments

  10. Elizabethan Language Fun!

    Hello Ladies: After a conversation with my estranged son, I have walked around for two days with tears in my eyes and finally I decided that I had to do something to pull myself out of the pity party. Well, I have discovered Elizabethan Language. It is so ...

    - 2008/01/05 - 11:30pm - 4 comments

  11. A quick message

    Part three of my story Hell yeah it hurts has been sent to Holly Logan for editing.I'm still experimenting trying to post my story here but I'm just not able to copy and paste outside of my documents or office 2007.It's frustrating that I c ...

    - 2008/01/06 - 12:55am - 7 comments

  12. NTTS?

    Ok, let's have a little 'Non-Contest' Contest.... How many different names can you all come up with using the abreviation for the National Tractor Trailer School, or NTTS as it's commonly called? I'll be going there starting tomor ...

    - 2008/01/07 - 1:57am - 13 comments

  13. Nnngh

    nnngh, and thrice nnngh! ...

    - 2008/01/07 - 1:43pm - 10 comments

  14. In tears.

    I'm sitting here, just after posting chapter 17 of "Becoming Antonia" and I can't stop myself from crying. They aren't tears of pain, they are tears of joy. I never thought, when I started writing this series, a litte over a year ...

    - 2008/01/07 - 10:38pm - 2 comments

  15. I cannot believe....

    When I got caught in a thunderstorm on my road bike, that six months later, the blog I was going to write and instead became a story, is still going. I hate to think how many words, pages and megabytes it occupies. It also seems to maintain its relative p ...

    - 2008/01/08 - 7:04am - 7 comments

  16. Edit scratchpad

    I think that "Author" dropdown is a bit unwieldy. And what's to stop someone from falsely claming a given piece is by some other author? Is it possible to fix it so it automatically chooses the correct author? Oh, right. I was doing this to ...

    - 2008/01/08 - 7:27am - 3 comments

  17. Six Days

    Author:  Administrator erin's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I don't know if anyone noticed but the front page now holds only six days worth of stories instead of seven. Since multi-chapter stories are allowed only one entr ...

    - 2008/01/09 - 5:21pm - 6 comments

  18. Radioactive Blues

    I haven't done any writing since Mom got really sick, and me too. But I'm sitting here listening to Tom Petty, Dave Matthews, Hank Williams, Roy Orbison, Johnny Cash and Randy Newman (my iPod is confused, too). Something happened, a song. Imagin ...

    - 2008/01/10 - 12:45am - 5 comments

  19. Got a Call from the Hospital

    Author:  Administrator erin's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Going in to probably say goodbye to Mom. I'll be back when I get back. Hugs,- Erin ...

    - 2008/01/10 - 7:14am - 23 comments

  20. Wheel of Time Fanfic/TG fic

    Author:  Edeyn Hannah Blackeney edeyn's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I found the email with the Prologue in it that I sent to a friend back in June of 2003, and I'll post it as soon as I clean it up. But, as a gesture of ...

    - 2008/01/11 - 5:44pm - 3 comments
