
Search results

  1. Kinder Flight

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing So here we are, its Gaby's birthday today- happy birthday chuck! And to celebrate- well a chapter without the Wunderkind in it, instead Kinder Flight see's ...

    - 2018/02/28 - 8:01am - 5 comments

  2. pondering

    Author:  Blogger DJdownunder's blog I am pondering something in my head that I would like to try to work out, could anybody please tell me if they are aware of another author sharing the universe built by Megan Campbell and Connie Alexander, I am not ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am - 1 comment

  3. a sad service at my church

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I went to church today only to find out my pastor just lost her brother in law, and another woman I know in the congregation lost her mother. I could use some hugs, folks... ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am - 5 comments

  4. How very very wierd, or weird if you prefer (Anmar-related)

    Author:  Julia Phillips Julia Phillips's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Let me first get the debate about that word in my heading out of the way: Back in 2009, the following was posted: "Oxford Corrects Spelling of Weird P ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am - 7 comments

  5. The Family Girl #091: Danny Update- Feb 26 2018. There's a Delay!

    Author:  Roberta J Cabot bobbie-c's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing The Family Girl Blogs (aka "The New Working Girl Blogs") Blog #91: Danny Update- Feb 26 2018. There's a Delay! To see all of Bobbie's Family ...

    - 2018/11/20 - 10:32am - 15 comments

  6. Catwalk Confidence by Connie Alexander

    Sammi's blog Author:  Blogger Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Looking for a story I'm about 3/4s of the way through re-reading Catwalk Confidence I was reminded of another story, the protagonist is simi ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am - 4 comments

  7. We need 49 more!

    Author:  Red MacDonald Red_MacDonald's blog I just sent a check to Janglewood for $100. I know that it's a piddling sum in the greater scheme of things, but to me, It's a lot. I'm retired on a fixed income and all that. Then, I realize ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am - 2 comments

  8. Life sucks, no matter how much you try.

    D. Eden's blog Author:  Blogger Caution:  CAUTION: Physical or Emotional Abuse Blog About:  Autobiographical This past Saturday afternoon, my Inbound freight manager, a beautiful woman by the name of Dana, and I boarded a plane in Charlotte, NC, head ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am - 2 comments

  9. Something weird.

    Author:  Catherine Linda Michel Catherine Linda Michel's blog Blog About:  Internet / Software / Computers / Websites When I go to read comments/blogs, the background changes to a dark purple with black printing except for the items one can click on ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am - 8 comments

  10. I' a moron

    Author:  Nuuan Nuuan's blog Blog About:  Work / Workplace Okay, I think the title says it all. ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am - 12 comments

  11. Light's Promise part 5 up! whee!

    Author:  Erisian Erisian's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Part 5 of Light's Promise is posted! Hopefully this will help everyone forgive the big cliffhanger in part 4... and not mind too much the one at the end of this par ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am

  12. Crossed Out

    Author:  Blogger Maddy Bell's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing is the new Gaby chapter from the wild and snowy North! So if you want to catch up with things Bond, click right here! As you might have guessed, the 'Beast from ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am

  13. CSS?

    Author:  Kris Kris.rev2.2's blog Someone's been playing around with the site CSS again, eh? Not to complain, but back in the day I did my playing around on a test site, not the live site my users were on. ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am - 9 comments

  14. Princess and the Plague publishing

    Author:  Anistasia Allread Anistasia Allread's blog Would like some feedback. Been thinking of editing, and repairing Camp Kumoni and Princess and the Plague and publishing them on amazon like so many others here have with their works. Would there be ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am - 8 comments

  15. Was asked to do something at church... Not sure how I feel about this...

    Author:  Rebecca Jane Rebecca Jane's blog Blog About:  Religion First off I do need to say this, I attend an amazingly accepting church here in the Tampa Bay region, and have been for five years. When I first started my transition I had been struggli ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am - 8 comments

  16. Goin Round The Bend.

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Pretty sure that Dementia is setting in on me. Things have been seeming increasingly bizarre lately. I don't know how fast this stuff moves, but if I make less and less sense as ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am - 1 comment

  17. I got scary angry today

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I got scary angry today and managed to break a shovel in half. Sighs... all the work I've done on trying to get a handle on myself, and I still do stuff like this... ...

    - 2018/03/03 - 3:39am - 7 comments

  18. just wondering

    Author:  Blogger digger's blog Has anybody heard from Sara UK i hope life is going good for her ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am

  19. Just had Surgery

    Author:  Wendy Jean Wendy Jean's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical To remove bladder stones and as a bonus add a supra pubic tube catheter it is quite painful so I suspect some of my posts will appear stoned.I have hopes it will improve my quality o ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am - 7 comments

  20. Bullied Boy with Breasts: Feminization, Cross-dressing, Gynecomastia, Bully on Amazon

    Author:  Daring Diane daringdiane's blog Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Word Count: Almost 30,000 Almost every high school has the popular kids, the athletes, the nerds and the outcasts. Some kids have issues with hygiene or physica ...

    - 2018/03/10 - 9:16am - 7 comments
