
Search results

  1. Justice Denied

    Justice Denied By TG Bear The aircar was unusual. Not that it was larger than most, it was, but that it was in the air at all. In the Year Of Our Lord 2078 there were almost no private aircars because there was finally an almost perfect public transportat ...

    - 2011/04/01 - 9:46pm - 8 comments

  2. Pharmacopoeia

    A family struggling to survive after the end welcomes a stranger to their home... Pharmacopoeia by Geode There was a car coming up the road. There hadn’t been a car coming down 47 in eight months. There hadn’t been a car coming up 47 in three years. My so ...

    - 2018/02/01 - 1:00am - 17 comments

  3. Aurora- Chapter 1- The Plan

    Author:  JulieChristine Audience Rating:  Younger Audience (g/y) Character Age:  Teenage or High School Preteen or Intermediate Publication:  Serial Chapter Genre:  Transitioning Crossdressing Transformations TG Themes:  Sweet / Sentimental Voluntary Real ...

    - 2011/03/06 - 9:54pm - 7 comments
