
Search results

  1. 2016-06 (4) results

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Well it seems I'm going on to the second year at the start of September. Results are 76% (Maintenance and Repair), 83%,(Networktechnology) 90% (Basic Network theory) and 91% ( ...

    - 2016/07/02 - 6:58am

  2. 2016-06 Exams and stuff

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical The good news first. I passed at least one exam (19/25 so Yeuh;)) and I'm losing weight (double Yeuh:D) Now the bad part. Everything, except school, I touch does a 'crash ...

    - 2016/06/21 - 5:31pm - 5 comments

  3. 2016-09-03

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Well I have been a little quiet lately. Got some bad and good news. The bad. Last June I knew I would be losing the house with all things connected to it. The good. Well although e ...

    - 2016/09/05 - 5:22pm - 13 comments

  4. 2016-7 (1) ponders

    Author:  Blogger MissHellsdottir's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I'm pondering if my luck is changing??? In any case I'll keep my fingers crossed and keep on hoping it really has till proven different. Only thing that hasn't chang ...

    - 2016/07/07 - 5:03pm

  5. 9 years 11 months

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical In the last day or so, the clicker thingie clunked over to 11 months so before Christmas I'll be at 10 years here. I remember it quite well. I was still very nutty from the divo ...

    - 2016/11/30 - 2:02pm - 5 comments

  6. A card I saw in a shop

    Author:  Angharad Angharad's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical which sums up my life for the past 30 odd years. Perhaps it will inspire one two to do the same. ...

    - 2016/09/18 - 7:37am - 6 comments

  7. A change in attitude about a part of my body

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Okay I have a bit of a weird one for you, so forgive me if this makes no sense. A while back I made a little poem called "I hate my toes", which was mostly just a ...

    - 2016/09/05 - 8:49am - 6 comments

  8. A Co-Worker AM Radio Story

    Author:  imanobodyhere sarah hillcrest's blog Blog About:  News Item Autobiographical Science and Medicine I've recently been kind of engrossed with the whole idea of gender fluidity and a non binary definition of gender. I guess I've been ...

    - 2016/03/11 - 2:32pm - 6 comments

  9. A Date

    Author:  Dawnfyre dawnfyre's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I just got a date. September 21 2016 in Montreal. yup. final surgery in September.:) ...

    - 2016/07/02 - 6:58am - 9 comments

  10. A funny thing happened this week.

    Dayna's blog Author:  Blogger Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Post Orchi Blues K. As some of you are aware. I had my "Orchi" procedure back at the end of march this year. ...

    - 2016/09/22 - 12:13pm - 1 comment

  11. A GOOD DAY!!

    Dayna's blog Author:  Blogger Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  a really good day Haha. I not only got called Ma'am on the phone today... the prick talked baby talk to me when telling me how to do something techie! I had a ...

    - 2016/11/12 - 5:19pm - 3 comments

  12. A Little About Me

    Author:  kayleigh01 kayleigh01's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical ...

    - 2016/12/24 - 6:40am - 1 comment

  13. A Modest Dilemma

    Author:  Daphne Xu Daphne Xu's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Teaching There comes some point in teaching, where I have to introduce Coulomb's law in electricity. Here's where I always hit a dilemma: I give a s ...

    - 2016/08/01 - 7:07am - 18 comments

  14. a mostly good Christmas

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Well, I had a mostly nice Christmas. My mom was working and brother and my sister-in-law were gone for the weekend, so it was pretty quiet. I did my laundry, took out the ga ...

    - 2016/12/27 - 8:40pm - 1 comment

  15. a nice compliment from one of my managers

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I got a nice compliment from one of the managers at work today. He said, "What i like about you, Dorothy, is you're always smiling" Now wasn't that nice? ...

    - 2016/10/29 - 11:27pm - 1 comment

  16. A Palace of One's Own

    Author:  Rasufelle Rasufelle's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I quite like Sherlock. Not only is Benedict Cumberbatch a great choice for the role, but the individual cases are usually interesting, if not quite as complicated as I'd like at t ...

    - 2016/07/10 - 8:19am

  17. A perfect weekend

    Author:  Blogger mandyinoz's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I had a family reunion this weekend that i had intended to ignore, due to 3+ hours travel each way and while i'm 10 years post op my family has generally been very chilly towards me ...

    - 2016/10/04 - 10:14pm - 2 comments

  18. A place beyond pain

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I think I managed to find a place beyond pain today. My knee was really hurting, then suddenly, it stopped, and instead felt numb, like it had fallen asleep. Then the muscle ...

    - 2016/09/25 - 4:00am - 2 comments

  19. A productive day

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Well, I have had a productive day. I got my laundry done, I have replacements coming for my health care card and my social insurance card coming, I got money out to pay for ...

    - 2016/01/05 - 11:16am

  20. A rough day at work

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Well, I had a very rough night at work last night. It started off with me finding out that I am scheduled for the last week of the month when I had asked for and been signed ...

    - 2016/01/17 - 5:34pm - 1 comment
