
Search results

  1. LGBT Job Discrimination Partially Ends

    Author:  shalimar shalimar's blog Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections Work / Workplace This will last in the U S until 20 January 2017 or longer, depending on who gets elected president in 2016: ...

    - 2014/07/23 - 1:09pm - 4 comments

  2. Unhappy Anniversary---What Have We Done?

    shalimar's blog Author:  shalimar Caution:  CAUTION: Violence Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections Today, 28 July 2014 is the 100th anniversary of the beginning of WW1. Next month is the 75th anniversary if WW2 and the 200th ...

    - 2014/07/29 - 8:17pm - 17 comments

  3. The Time to Vote is Now!

    Author:  shalimar shalimar's blog Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections The time to register to vote is now. Few states allow same day registration. Some of the states have restrictions to voting. Make sure you know what they ...

    - 2014/08/19 - 12:52am - 1 comment

  4. Oregon Health

    Author:  shalimar shalimar's blog Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections ...

    - 2014/08/19 - 12:53am - 2 comments

  5. M2F Can Go to School as Girl

    Author:  shalimar shalimar's blog Blog About:  Home / Family / Children Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections ...

    - 2014/08/24 - 7:44am - 4 comments

  6. Today Is National Voter Resistration Day

    Author:  shalimar shalimar's blog Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections Protests / Boycotts / Activism Here in the U S we have a democratically elected republican form of government with a constitution enabling us to generally ...

    - 2014/09/29 - 10:37am

  7. Maryland Is # 18

    Author:  shalimar shalimar's blog Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections New Pro Transgender Law: ...

    - 2014/10/10 - 12:24am - 3 comments

  8. The Transgender Violence Tracking Portal

    shalimar's blog Author:  shalimar Caution:  CAUTION: Violence Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections here is partial proof that figures don't lie, but liers figure: ...

    - 2014/10/13 - 6:21am - 2 comments

  9. How About Voting

    Author:  shalimar shalimar's blog Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections ...

    - 2014/10/28 - 11:24am - 2 comments

  10. Where to Vote, What You Need, and the Ballot

    Author:  shalimar shalimar's blog Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections For me the most important vote might be for judge. ...

    - 2014/11/01 - 7:04am - 1 comment

  11. Better Late Than Never

    shalimar's blog Author:  shalimar Caution:  CAUTION: Violence Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections ...

    - 2014/11/03 - 2:15am

  12. Vote or Don't Complain

    Author:  shalimar shalimar's blog Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections CAUTION If you don't vote you can complain. You still have that right. But, is it right to complain if you don't vote? "But my vote don ...

    - 2014/11/05 - 11:56am - 15 comments

  13. NYC Pending Legislation

    Author:  shalimar shalimar's blog Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections It may be advisable to contact your NYC Council Critter: Note: I was born in Kew Gardens H ...

    - 2014/11/14 - 7:28am

  14. A Mirical That Didn't Last

    Author:  shalimar shalimar's blog Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections Work / Workplace 100 years ago there was a Christmas peace between the Germans and British. The good news is that it happened. The bad news is the politic ...

    - 2015/01/03 - 9:34am - 2 comments

  15. Paragraph 175 We We Persicuted Also (Shoah)

    shalimar's blog Author:  shalimar Caution:  CAUTION: Physical or Emotional Abuse CAUTION: Violence Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections ...

    - 2015/01/30 - 7:18am - 5 comments

  16. Utah Has New Anti-discrimination Law

    Author:  shalimar shalimar's blog Blog About:  Home / Family / Children Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections Religion Work / Workplace Was backed by the Mormon Church ...

    - 2015/03/15 - 11:15pm - 1 comment

  17. Indiana Discrimination Law Follow Up

    Author:  shalimar shalimar's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Food / Recipes / Restaurants Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections Protests / Boycotts / Activism Religion Work / Workplace CAUTION As an Indiana resident in Indianapolis, and ...

    - 2015/04/03 - 10:42pm - 18 comments

  18. Don't Say It Can'tHappen Here, IT HAS

    shalimar's blog Author:  shalimar Caution:  CAUTION: Violence Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections Religion Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Anniversary Today marks the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the massacre of Armenian ...

    - 2015/04/28 - 12:28am - 3 comments

  19. Two Seperate Steps In the Right Direction

    shalimar's blog Author:  shalimar Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections Taxonomy upgrade extras:  health issues In New York: & Hawaii: http://www.huffingtonpo ...

    - 2015/05/20 - 10:55pm

  20. Attention: Indiana Residents

    Author:  shalimar shalimar's blog Blog About:  Politics / Politicians / Legislation / Elections Protests / Boycotts / Activism Attention Indiana residents: there is a GLBT organization here in Indiana: Indy Pride the internet contact is: indypride.or ...

    - 2015/06/07 - 10:55pm - 2 comments
