
Search results

  1. I'm a bad writer

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I'm a bad writer. See, instead of writing stories, I've been making D&D characters. sorry. ...

    - 2020/10/26 - 10:47am - 9 comments

  2. I feel like I'm failing my mom

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I feel like I'm failing my mom as she has started to struggle with what I think is dementia. I mean, I'm a mess, barely holding it together for myself, how can I h ...

    - 2020/10/27 - 11:32pm - 2 comments

  3. I am so messed up

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I got more triggered by a sweet romantic story than by a story about the sexual abuse of a child. sighs, I am so messed up... ...

    - 2020/10/29 - 9:54pm - 3 comments

  4. Because I'm a tad strange

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Because I'm a tad strange, I decided to count the number of stories I have here. Final count? 425 individual stories, poems, and essays. not bad, huh? ...

    - 2020/10/31 - 9:26pm - 2 comments

  5. rough day with the ex

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical my mom accidently called me "Dorothy" in front of my ex, and she threw a fit saying she didn't know anybody named Dorothy, that my birth name was the name giv ...

    - 2020/11/01 - 6:07am - 5 comments

  6. I'm all mixed up and I want to cry

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I had a dream last night that has me questioning me being trans. In the dream I was at university and sharing a dorm room with a dude. So when I woke up, I realized that eve ...

    - 2020/11/06 - 9:43am - 7 comments

  7. Allergies are no fun

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical so I've been fighting some kind of allergy for days, and I'm getting pretty tired of it. Can I return my sinuses to the manufacturer? ...

    - 2020/11/06 - 2:20pm - 3 comments

  8. more stress

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical so because we needed more stress, apparently, I got word that two of my uncles are dealing with serious medical issues, and thanks to family stupidity I don't even know ...

    - 2020/11/09 - 1:28am - 1 comment

  9. stupid family drama

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical There has been a split in my extended family for most of my life, with many of my uncles and aunts refusing to having anything to do with my mom or my brother or I. Now, two ...

    - 2020/11/10 - 5:35am - 6 comments

  10. sorry to post again so soon

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I'm sorry to post again so soon, but well, I've gotten some potentially bad news. The doctor who did the scope on me apparently found some growths in my esophagus. ...

    - 2020/11/11 - 6:40am - 5 comments

  11. is this an improvement?

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I had a PTSD dream last night, but one thing was different: I was externally a girl. Is that an improvement? ...

    - 2020/11/14 - 1:17pm - 4 comments

  12. an improvement in my dreams

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical Okay so last night I had another dream where I was at school (this time it was university, but still) and lost. Except this time I ran across a really bubbly young woman, wh ...

    - 2020/11/13 - 10:16am - 1 comment

  13. a sad discovery

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical In the aftermath of my blog here yesterday, I was talking with Drea, and came to a startling and sad realization. That there has been a part of me that hoped the trans stuff ...

    - 2020/11/18 - 12:29am - 6 comments

  14. feeling useless

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical so at 4 AM my mom had another episode, and I was not able to do anything to help her. Then Mike and Carol managed to get her to make an appointment with her doctor while I w ...

    - 2020/11/19 - 12:18am - 2 comments

  15. Mr. Nasty is sitting on my head

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I'm having a visit from Mr. Nasty. hugs appreciated. ...

    - 2020/11/26 - 9:02am - 3 comments

  16. not many writing spoons right now

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I haven't had a lot of spoons for writing for a while, mostly due to not being able to get a full night's sleep with my mom having paranoid delusions every night. ...

    - 2020/12/01 - 11:00am

  17. dysphoria and guilt

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I'm struggling with dysphoria, and to make it worse, I feel guilty. I'm so much luckier than most trans people, it feels like I'm being ungrateful to struggle ...

    - 2020/12/08 - 11:58am - 3 comments

  18. bad morning

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical okay this morning after mom's nightly waking me up thinking Carol has set a fire in her own bedroom to drive my mom out of the house, I laid on the couch and put on a e ...

    - 2020/12/10 - 2:31pm - 2 comments

  19. need help

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I'm struggling with feeling worthless, almost to the point of feeling suicidal. I honestly don't know if this is PTSD, depression or both, but hugs appreciated ...

    - 2020/12/10 - 5:56pm - 10 comments

  20. update

    Author:  Dorothy Colleen dorothycolleen's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical I wanted to give everybody an update, because its been a busy time since I last blogged. First, we have a therapist in our house. My brother and sister in law's cat Bla ...

    - 2020/12/10 - 5:56pm - 3 comments
