
Search results

  1. Pre pubescent breast development

    One of the stories to have circulated through the site in the last year or so, included the use of Tea Tree oil but it did nto seem effective. Well, the real science is even stranger. Enjoy G ...

    - 2009/12/06 - 1:57pm - 3 comments

  2. Visiting Family, I don't want to go.

    Two of my siblings have been supportive to me to the extent that they tolerate me and don't call me a faggot. Still, neither of them ever get the pronouns right, though my younger brother is trying. I think that both of them just see me as stark ravi ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 14 comments

  3. BCTS for Dumdums

    Does anyone know how to get in touch with the girl who offered help for Dumdums? The person that usually does my posting is neck deep in real life, so I suppose it is time for me to grow up and be a big girl. Gwen ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 3 comments

  4. Girl to boy, the heart break.

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) This is heart breaking. I feel so sorry for them. Khadijah ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 3 comments

  5. Andy Warhol

    I was digging around in the archives this afternoon and stumbled upon a discussion of Andy Warhol by SLM. That caused me to think about another artist I have been searching for. I don't know if anyone will admit to it but I was reading "Playboy& ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 4 comments

  6. Survivor's guilt?

    I assume that there is a huge diversity of population here. It seems logical to me that there are or have been every kind of male here from corporate presidents, to Doctors, to Electricians (GAH, that just ruins the neighborhood!:)), to men in prison and ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 6 comments

  7. Healing A Princess

    I have been trying to encourage the Author of "Healing A Princess" to seek out a publicist and make an effort to get the work in stores, making her some money. In my opinion, the story measures up favorably with any other work I have bought off ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 3 comments

  8. Space, the imposible fronteer?

    I have been working on new TG fiction, using an entirely different style, making use of the one liners that those who know me in person find amusing. I have also been searching to find a way to write about some very lurid and steamy things within the conf ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 19 comments

  9. Masculine/Feminine Spirit

    I am up to my neck in one of the G11 stories, and had an epiphany because of it. In reading the story, a huge question mark in my life is closer to resolution. ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 3 comments

  10. H1N1- My Personal Experience

    I am not a Doctor. ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 6 comments

  11. My chilling experience.

    Ok, for a while now, I have been feeling very unsettled. I've had thoughts of doing everything from moving to New Zealand to reverting back to Male. It has all felt really weird. So, over Christmas, in spite of the fact that I'm Muslim, I put Ha ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 9 comments

  12. Sanity check here?

    I've been out on disaster relief twice before; to Honduras after Hurricane Mitch. Of course that was 12 years ago, and I've had a broken back since. Still, I get around OK, and I'm only 63. I't thinkin I'd leave the Hijab and skir ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 14 comments

  13. Sometimes I should just.....

    Author:  Gwen Brown Gwen Brown's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I should just take a breath, shut up, buy a gag, stick my head in a bucket, get a whippen, be locked up, dominated, and get over myself! Sorry for my sorry assed, b ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 5 comments

  14. Autobiography

    A couple times people have suggested that I write my own Biography, and I have always demured, but those who know me say that I have such a funny way of telling stories that they would like to read it. ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 7 comments

  15. From Chaos to Happiness

    I got barked at in another blog, so I quickly resended what I said, and decided to make my own. ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 2 comments

  16. Polygamy

    I was recently offered a chance to be part of a Polygamous relationship. The offer was withdrawn when the other wife had second thoughts, but it did last long enough for me to think about the issues involved. As far as I am concerned the idea of screaming ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 8 comments

  17. Abuse or not?

    I recently had an interesting epiphany; deciding that my being dressed and living as a girl until age 5 was fun and I liked it! At the time, it was a profound disappointment that I was being called a boy since I just knew that I was like my sister and mom ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 5 comments

  18. Pre-pubescent Transgender children

    Here is an interesting link about children who identify as the oposite sex before puberty. Hopefully, this will be the next big step in care for us. Many Docs agree that if a child is identified that early, they can develop a much more feminine frame and ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 3 comments

  19. A little computer help please?

    So, I have been wanting two monitors run off the same computer for a while, and yesterday went to Best Buy to see if they had a vid card that would do that. Well, according to them, I already have one in my computer. They sold me a HDMI cable, and the old ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 13 comments

  20. Is someone wanting to kill me?

    So, this morning I was reading on this site and I had an interuption. I had to leave and I forgot to get off the internet. When I got back a few hours later and sat down at the computer, I spun the track ball and the computer woke up to a funeral home on ...

    - 2012/03/08 - 2:53pm - 3 comments
