
Search results

  1. I guess not......

    Author:  Allystra Allystra's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) Okay, the whole, "I'm going to let you in on every little secret" idea isn't working. It all came down to almost fifty scene cuts and made it nearly ...

    - 2009/03/22 - 10:58am - 4 comments

  2. My Muse, Please come back to me!

    Crud..... Can I just skip this part and flesh out the stuff I already have figured out? It's the End for goddess' sakes! ...

    - 2009/04/04 - 12:25am - 1 comment

  3. 21 is finally out, but you already knew that......

    ...and 22 is easily half done, with what isn't fleshed out is clearly defined. Not long now, since the bits to follow are long ago written and need only touch ups. ...

    - 2009/04/18 - 6:36am - 1 comment

  4. Real life is interferring with me again....

    Ok, so my Fiancee's Father is in the hospital following a long and drawn out episode which started last thursday and might be ending today. ...

    - 2009/04/22 - 3:50pm - 1 comment

  5. I have no title for this.

    The last time I wrote a blog entry, I was so sure I had 22 done. I know you can read it now, but it originally ended with the line: "Of course I do, She's my daughter." ...

    - 2009/06/11 - 12:48am - 5 comments

  6. Again and again and again...

    It's never good enough, never ever ever. ...

    - 2009/07/18 - 11:58am - 3 comments

  7. Do you know...

    Do you know how hard it is to write a story that is tied to, and mirrors at the time, your emotional state, only to have your own life quickly and unbelievably changed around? I literally don't have the same feelings now, that I did when I started Ac ...

    - 2009/10/28 - 9:15am - 4 comments

  8. And you thought you'd be waiting...

    ... Nine months for Chapter Twenty-Four. Hah! I got it out in less than one. A personal best I think. You know, all of you who assumed different things and expressed their opinions as to what was happening, I really appreciate that. the "Wow, they wer ...

    - 2009/11/22 - 11:20pm - 1 comment

  9. Wishful thinking

    I need opinions here. I have a few short story ideas I'd like to throw about. They are transformational gender-bent stories that have, admittedly, taken a little time away from Accidental Magic. though some are just random ideas made into small vigne ...

    - 2011/05/18 - 1:40pm - 4 comments

  10. Violet Commander- The rough draft

    Allystra Restricted Audience (r) 7,500 < Novelette < 17,500 words Transgender Fantasy Worlds Transformations Science Fiction College / Twenties Accidental Stuck Identity Crisis Posted by author(s) Synopsis: What you are about to read is a dark story ...

    - 2009/12/25 - 3:13am - 3 comments

  11. Teaser for the Next Chapter of Accidental Magic.

    Author:  Allystra Allystra's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Mature Subjects (pg15) "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" screamed Augustine as she grabbed Lexi to hold her at eye level. "Run," was Lexi's blunt response. ...

    - 2011/05/18 - 1:40pm - 3 comments

  12. I suppose I had this coming...

    Author:  Allystra Allystra's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Mature Subjects (pg15) I know that my update schedule (or lack thereof) sometimes causes people to forget things that happened or to get some details mixed around. I can relate. ...

    - 2011/05/18 - 1:40pm - 5 comments

  13. Someday i will make it all better....

    Someday I will make it all better. I am just not satisfied at all as to the action, dialogue or anything for this next chapter. It's as though the events in my head, the one you are waiting to read, are toying with me all by themselves. ...

    - 2011/05/18 - 1:40pm - 3 comments

  14. 26 is up, Please forgive how much time I've taken....

    Yesterday, my muse struck me hard. I nearly got in trouble for going too long on my break. But the last few paragraphs came to me and I had the good sense to jot them down. Thank you all for waiting.. Oh, I haven't thought of a preview for the next c ...

    - 2011/05/18 - 1:40pm - 1 comment

  15. Hate me now...

    Author:  Allystra Allystra's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  Restricted Audience (r)... Or later, when you have the good sense to realize where I am about to take you. Preview of Twenty-Seven Feedback Loops ...

    - 2011/05/18 - 1:40pm - 2 comments

  16. How many ways...

    How many ways can I name Terri's future version, without actually calling her Terri? Doppelganger Lexi's mother the other... The problem with having a conversation between two versions of the same person is that how do you help the reader tell t ...

    - 2012/01/22 - 3:47pm - 9 comments

  17. oh dear god....

    Author:  Allystra Allystra's blog Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg) I can't believe that I can't get my butt in gear to write anymore... I hate to do this, but I think I will post what I have, then post scenes as I get them in ...

    - 2012/11/15 - 9:01pm - 3 comments

  18. Allystra Krane

    Author:  Allystra Organizational:  Author Page Audience Rating:  General Audience (pg) BigCloset TopShelf Featured Author Allystra Krane ...

    - 2016/11/27 - 7:12pm

  19. two years, one month, six days....

    Allystra's blog Author:  Allystra Blog About:  Authors / Stories / Books / Writing Taxonomy upgrade extras:  General Audience (pg)...since the last time I blogged/posted here. It almost feels like another life, but that is what happens I guess. ...

    - 2014/03/04 - 10:54pm - 5 comments

  20. discovering gender conditions that I never knew exist and yet I might actually have.

    Author:  Allystra Allystra's blog Blog About:  Autobiographical So, I was listening to a podcast from the new NPR series, "Invisibilia" and on one episode they describe a condition which causes a the sufferer to mentally switch genders at w ...

    - 2015/05/24 - 9:30am - 4 comments
